In a previous article, I wrote about some alarming statistics showing increases in cardiovascular events among athletes, including heart attacks, strokes, and sudden deaths in 2021. The likely conclusions derived from this data point to vaccine-induced injury as the primary cause, which has ultimately been a consequence of the mass-vaccination campaigns employed on a global scale last year.
In a transparent ploy to manipulate public attention away from the obvious 'elephant in the room', mainstream journalists have recently been busy churning out headlines and a slew of articles to explain away these disturbing trends.
In a piece by The Mail Online, "leading sports cardiologist" Professor Sanjay Sharma affirms that the sudden onset of cardiovascular injury in two high-profile footballers last year "had nothing to do with Covid or the vaccine." How Sharma can be sure of this conclusion escapes me, because he wasn't pressed to justify it with any evidence whatsoever. In fact, it is purely unfounded speculation on his part.
In a different recent article, "congested schedules" were blamed by another specialist, who apparently wants us to believe that the physical demands of elite athletes in 2021 were somehow different from every other year prior, which is highly unlikely. Cardiovascular specialist Dr Christian Schmied went further to claim the events only appear to be increasing because of "greater public awareness" and improved screening methods. According to this doctor, the only players collapsing on the field are those with underlying heart conditions, which had previously gone unidentified but somehow miraculously appeared in 2021. This shabby explanation is especially unbelievable, considering the stringent health-checks required of all professional athletes on an annual basis, specifically designed to pinpoint these kinds of problems before they materialize.
In a similar vein, another cardiologist didn't even bother giving a reason and merely proclaimed that this was all just a big "coincidence". In other words, this whole debacle has been a figment of our imagination.
And just in case you weren't convinced, the thought-police "fact-checkers" over at Politifact attempted to debunk the claims, albeit unsuccessfully, conceding that many of the athletes who didn't die did, in fact, still suffer serious cardiovascular disability.
It's not only athletes who have been dropping like flies. Sudden cardiac deaths, rare heart conditions, and a variety of other diseases have also increased among the general population since the COVID shots were rolled out. In a stunning display of collective gaslighting, mainstream media outlets have been doing their level best to divert people away from coming to the blatantly obvious conclusion that vaccines are responsible for this recent spike in health problems.
Back in September, an article appeared in The Times which reported on a 25% increase in heart attacks in western Scotland, disingenuously labeling this to be a "mystery". More recently, we also saw an "urgent warning" posted in The Sun alerting Brits of a "stealth heart condition" potentially affecting hundreds of thousands, and which could "cause fatality within 5 years."
Despite the fact that heart attacks in females was once considered statistically quite rare, especially in young adults, fit and healthy women as young as 22 should now be cautious since "experts have warned" that they are also at risk of a strange, 'previously underdiagnosed' heart condition.
But rest assured, and trust the experts, this has nothing to do with the vaccine. Rather, journalists are urging women to focus on reducing their stress levels instead because high stress might be causing "broken heart syndrome" (takotsubo cardiomyopathy). In fact, even mild stress from common sources like work and relationships should give women cause for concern, since this apparently DOUBLES their risk of heart disease!
And hey, who doesn't experience stress? I wonder if workplace stress can account for the dramatic rise in stillbirths, birth defects, menstrual disturbances, and ovarian cancer this past year as well?
Similarly, another demographic in whom heart attacks were previously considered to be rare is in children and adolescents. Although nowadays, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend screening all adolescents on the basis that "any teenager can have a heart attack."
Anyone with two firing neurons should really be sitting up and paying attention at this point, because it would seem that diseases once known to be statistically rare are now being 'normalized'.
All of a sudden more "urgent warnings" have gone out for two common over-the-counter drugs (paracetamol and aspirin) over concerns regarding increased cardiovascular mortality risk. Granted, these are likely valid concerns, and long-term use has indeed been implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases (just like a long list of other common drugs). But these relationships have been known for decades, so why the "urgent warning"?
Another handy scapegoat, often relied on as the sole cause for any health problem, is smoking. A recent article paints heart attack and stroke as potentially one of the first signs of an underlying cardiovascular problem in smokers. On the flip-side, even supposedly healthy activities are now responsible for causing heart attacks and sudden death. According to USA Today, heavy workouts might be to blame for the recent spike. Or is it cycling that is actually killing people?
Perhaps skipping breakfast or staying up a little too late are the real reason for that almost-fatal bout of myocarditis you coincidentally developed a couple of days after getting stuck with the COVID shot.
One journalist at The Conversation even had the audacity to encroach on couples' intimate relations, warning of sudden cardiac death in young men engaging in sexual activity. Perhaps this development is unsurprising, given the government campaigns last year urging people to wear masks and take other bizarre precautions whilst having sex. Heck, several doctors were calling for people to refrain altogether, in some cases indefinitely! Have they no shame?
But just when you thought things couldn't get any more stupid, cold weather apparently causes blood clots, heart conditions, and numerous other afflictions. With that, it goes without saying that if you are over 45 years old you should definitely avoid shovelling snow due to the obvious danger of having a heart attack.
Specialists in the medical field have become more creative, coining an as yet recognized condition they term "Post Pandemic Stress Disorder", forecasting once again that hundreds of thousands more Brits could be at increased risk of heart disease and other cardiac events in the coming years.
And in perhaps the biggest cop-out of all, some doctors are now condemning climate change for the recent spike in health problems. That's right, "climate change disorder" is a label now being used by medical professionals who would prefer to create sham-diagnoses out of thin air, instead of actually doing their job to investigate the real cause of patients' problems.
When all else fails, blame COVID!
Here's yet another recent warning regarding cardiovascular disease - and this time Covid is responsible. New research showed that people who recovered from the infection had a 63% greater chance of suffering a heart attack and 52% increased risk of stroke within a few months. However, considering that the majority of people in the Western world have already received at least two Covid shots and many have also had boosters, one wonders how many of these "fatal complications" are really just vaccine injuries.
And in a pathetic attempt to explain the steep rise in heart conditions in children, the National Geographic did its best to convince that the real risk of myocarditis is from COVID-19 and not the vaccine.
The authors of this article failed to mention the fact that children have robust protection against the infection and their risk of dying is practically non-existent. They also conveniently ignored the data which completely disproves their claim, showing that the small percentage of adolescents (above 16 y/o) who do become symptomatic with Covid are FOURTEEN TIMES more likely to develop myocarditis from the vaccine compared with the infection itself.
To make matters worse, a more recent study showed that males aged 12-15 have a 133-fold increased risk of myocarditis after vaccination compared with background levels. This means that COVID vaccination poses perhaps the greatest known risk for myocarditis in children of that age.
This past year has featured a staggering display of mass manipulation and impression management on the topic of COVID vaccine injury, in what has ultimately amounted to damage-control-on-steroids. Witnessing the great lengths that conventional media organizations will go to in suppressing dissenting voices and diverting public attention away from the glaringly obvious 'elephant in the room' has only served to further expose them as spineless sock-puppet mouthpieces for government and, by extension, Big Pharma.
If there was any justice, these crooks and their corporate masters would be held responsible for the sheer number of needless deaths by vaccine they have at least partially contributed to through spreading a web of lies and deceit. How anyone with a brain can still have any faith in mainstream journalism is completely beyond me at this point, since the only thing they do well is to consistently peddle fake news and muddy the waters for anyone who is actually seeking the truth.
Welcome to
The World for People who Think
Reader Comments
the elephant ambles over and kicks the unsuspecting turtle clear across the river.
"why did you do that?" asks a passing giraffe.
"because I recognized it was the same turtle that took a bite out of my trunk 22 years ago."
"wow, what a great memory!" says the giraffe.
"yes," replies the elephant, "turtle recall".
what do you call an elephant that doesn't matter?
why do elephants have such big ears?
it doesn't matter, it's earelephant
did you know that elephants can grow up to 11 feet?
but most just have 4.
With comments like this, either you or dog (see below) could take my place.
When I'm tired.
And I'm tired a lot.
Q: Why do ducks have flat feet?
A: To stamp out forest fires.
Q: Why do elephants have flat feet?
A: To stamp out burning ducks.
Q: How do elephants hide in cherry trees?
A: They paint their toenails red.
(And I've never seen one, so it must work.)
So, Tarzan decides to take a bath in the lake. He jumps in and the water is quite cool. Refreshingly bathed, Tarzan emerges from the lake to find an elephant staring at him. Tarzan nods at the elephant. The elephant nods at Tarzan. The elephant looks at Tarzan and says, " that's cute but can it pick up peanuts "? Here was my response to the joke:
" It depends Tarzan replied. Do u want to find out Mr. elephant ?"
And then the joke went on from there......
Artex - I've never seen an elephant in a cherry tree either, so it must be true.
they quacked un-approvingly, our geese however, who were within earshot, honked in delight !
It don't matter. It was metaphorical.
We need more metaphysics.
Plus, who would even want to live after being up an elephant's ass.
Both parties gonna die
As for ducks, I prefer chicken-eggs, but others like the thickness and density plus the larger size of a nice duck egg for eating.
Rowan Cocoan - May he rest in peace. Click on his name for the most beautiful indigo bunting.
Remember RC as a indigo bunting or as a snow leopard or whatever image you want to associate, remember RC mainly for the wisdom he typed. I considered him a friend here and he was kind to a newcomer.
Rest in Peace RC if that is what it is....Rest in Peace.
Very SAD. The community SPIRIT here Chez Sott was weaved by him, thru him, over years. He's the greatest KID there is.
We clicked instantly about 15 years ago maybe. It's been a while, but I always repeated that. RC's SPIRIT is BIG big BIG.
Get yer bodies cleaned up folks.
Good Night.
Good Night RC โญ๐โญ๐๐งธ
Thank you for sharing
I miss him..very sad news for us all lovely.
An old SOTT friend
Salutes Rowoan..
Hope the swells pumping where you're at now brah..Hang Loose old friend.
No more RCclesiastes, or however he spelled it. No more correcting my weak grammar skills. No more weapons knowledge.
Iโm so sad to hear this. He was a great man, Iโm thankful to have counted him as a mate. He was the first one to chat with me in any meaningful way, he was like that, the first to welcome new faces here was a lovely trait of his. He used to sometimes call me grasshopper, and I will miss those little things like that. He was just a fantastic person and Iโll miss hearing about his past experiences, often very interesting and amusing. He said several times that he was going to write a memoir and itโs a shame he never got round to it.
We used to have private chats on secret threads, which Iโm sure several here do as well. Iโm glad Iโm able to go back and reread them, something I wonโt take for granted!
Iโm gutted he wonโt be here commenting anymore, as he was a true SOTT, but heโs here in spirit.
Thanks buddy, I hope you up there enjoying those waves!
These are for you hombre, I know you loved โem. [Link] [Link]
Hang tough Ro! Love ya brother.
And yes it seems RC died on the beach in Florida even though so many tried to resuscitate him. Sadness in many ways.
Regardless, a metaphorical moment up an elephant's ass ain't no big deal, but the loss of RC is.
Either way, I think both parties are dust in the wind.
Big changes on the way.
Godspeed RC to
wherever you
are heading.
But all in good time I suppose. I think time, the concept of it, is the first absolute presupposition if you want to call it that. You either believe time moves on independently of all else or you don't, and if you don't, I intend on proving you wrong, but I'm pretty sure the proof is already in the pudding - the proof is in front of all of us.
Once you accept time is absolute, there is no changing the past, no way to "re-write" history, and then you realize that it is best to make the most of the moment of time you have being that time is fleeting. We all are going to die in body.
So anyhow, I'm in the mood for a fight and what happens happens and there is no changing the past and the future is uncertain. That is all based on the absolute presupposition I have in regards to time. Time really seems absolute to me, but if you want to characterize it as a presupposition then have at it, but I'm thinking this is a supposition that can be proven but it takes more than one mind to agree. Funny that - something only will be if more than one agrees.
Yer ever lovin' spelling Nazi
Ah! My new Native Name. ๐ฅณ๐ฅณ
'GrizzlyGiggles' hahaha What an image!!
May is Bear month, and I'm LMay; an earnest Grizzly!! (Did not even notice the typo out of such of grizzlies).
Thanks GOOD... strollin' thru the entire thread again ... tears n a couple o giggles. Ouffff eh Man!!!!
So cute! Just watch Sottites' grammer improve with this type of hounding. HaHa LOVELY!!!
It's also malleable in the sense of perception. As a child, time moved slow and as we get older it appears to move quicker. Lately, has this happened to you, cause it is happening for me. This last year I have noticed or at least my perception has noticed that time is flying by some days. I'll get doing a simple task and next thing I know 2 -3 hours have blown by and on those days in particular, they seem shorter than the day before. This past month I've been tending to my elderly parents and let me tell you, the month flew by. One day it was Jan 26th, the next I knew it was Feb 24th. The other day I lost 90 mins.
I too am in a mood to fight, the good fight.
If you have a period of time that is "busy" and "time is flying" the recollection afterwards seems to tend towards being regarded as longer than it actually was. E.g. if you have a particularly busy week then "last weekend" may seem like a month ago.
Conversely after a period of time moving slowly then "last weekend" may seem like "yesterday."
It may have something to do with the overall number of "memorable events" experienced during the "busy" or "grinding on" periods.
As we age I suspect the threshold for "memorable events" becomes higher; resulting in an overall "speeding up" effect when recollecting.
To add to what you said. I've been in some (thankfully) minor fender benders, car sliding off the road type. It seems to happen in slow motion, like your brain is recording the episode like a high speed camera. My memory of those events, minor that they were is still fairly good, 20-30 years later.
I pray for peace. Thanks.
As for accidents I agree completely. Just had one on a mountain bike not too long ago. It would take several minutes/paragraphs to describe everything that happened in the 1~1.5 seconds of the wipeout.
I think the "number of memorable events" phenomenon still holds true. A surge of adrenaline would "lower the bar" considerably and thus generate a slew of "memorable events" which would create the perception of "time slowing down."
Buffalo_Ken as for "what is time?" I do respect your opinion but cannot agree. I don't think anyone, on this planet anyway, "really knows" what time "is." All that we're able to do, as humans, is discuss our subjective experience with/of time.
RC being one of open mind always ready to learn realized best not to be fixed in any given view, but it cannot be denied that all of us who think must base our thoughts on certain absolute presuppositions in order to build a foundation of our meaning.
Do you think time travel is possible?
I think not. Only a bit into the future maybe for ideas that resonate, but as for going back in the past and changing what happened, I think that is not possible, but I suppose that thinking is based upon my absolute presupposition that time move on and there is no stopping it.
Best to you and I deleted the last post I was thinking about posting here at this thread of memory, but now I'll post this one and then it is time to move on to better times.
been commenting for a while... searched comment section hoping any one mentiones him. And now learned the sad news. How is it possible to feel loss and sadness when never met a person? I will miss him dearly.
We have plenty of RC throughout this ๐๐ thread and the SURFER ๐โโ๏ธ๐โโ๏ธthread linked.
Surfer handcuffed on beach for going into sea while infected with coronavirus
A woman was arrested on a Spanish beach after going surfing despite testing positive for Covid-19. The woman - who has not been named - worked as a lifeguard at La Concha beach in the northern...๐
Was so touching to read it. And I felt the words though beautiful don't quite describe him. Sometimes words can't. I only wish that reading his wisdom for years, I took a chance to write to him myself. Was always in a mode "I need to learn more, not qualified to comment ".
I'll be keeping score ๐๐ฅ ๐โโ๏ธ
Make yourself feel right at home Night&Day๐ฏ
RC in the House
Gauuuu I love you for that JTF ๐โโ๏ธ
Perfection SMARTIE ๐ฅณ๐๐๐๐๐งธ
Gauuu WE're missing your ๐๐๐
RC!!!! ๐ช
(I had not seen your post elsewhere). Thank You!!
RC Ma Jolie and I know we have the ๐ง Totem in common. More patient ones here Chez Sott too, I suspect... (I have a crazy collection of ๐ง๐ง๐ง, my Oma Husum (maternal) kicked off when I was just 5).
I believe you about RC pulling you IN, as well as others. Our individual roles are unsuspecting, but it is safe to say, verbiage is not the sole intention of Life, even Chez Sott.
WHAT I especially admired, embraced, (and encouraged) in RC was his sweet LOVE for community living , always present to this sweet thread of connectivity for I dont know, atleast 15 years (?)... and forever earnestly building on it, of keeping the SPIRIT of UNITY beating in synch, naturally n effortlessly, without any pretense or...... Here.
This gift of him always impresses me, and wows me.
RC often shared, Always mastering the Art of being a kiddo .
You R pre-sent ๐ present C!! SottFather๐
My favourite group Il Divo, celebrating the life of their friend Carlos who passed away in hospital in UK in December and joined by a new guy. Singing "Time to say goodnight" in Florida on 27/2/2022
Lovely to see everyone being so welcoming and encouraging - go team Sott - love you all.
Very busy atm Australia is in the shit - our pollies have stolen our Constitution while we were sleeping. Big Rally tomorrow.
RC still the OG SOTTite!
Miss ya Buddy ๐
Thanks my Canadian Sister!! โค๏ธ
Agreed, I truly miss RC. Thank God we are here to remember him.๐
Yeah thatโs true my friend, his spirit lives on!
Still, we have a great community. Love to all!
I got RC in my story - ask parzival!
ha, ha.
Buffalo_Ken I always welcome your comments Ken ๐ and I certainly know you pay a lot of attention haha
I miss his anecdotes, itโs a shame he never got to write the memoir he wanted to.
Love to all, God Bless โค๏ธ
ReRan Christian83 Buffalo_Ken And to you too!
and I didn't want to post the 1000th comment, but I guess it is my fate?
Happy Holidays everybody - I think RC is either already rested in peace - or he is riding the waves somewhere else - I know he is somewhere better - cause he was a good guy - no way for that spirit to be denied.
I guess its 2 minutes ago now - and I remember RC - and I have honored him at the place where I'm sharing stories - but I sure do enjoy chatting here as well -
Happy Holidays and a Safe New Year for All
2024 - it can only get better if we get there....
Many happy returns to you and your family!
Had a family dinner last night and decorated the Xmas tree. First time in a long time that we decorated the tree with our daughter and her family. It was a really good moment and hope that you and others here have some lovely moments during this festive season.
Merry Christmas one and All!
There already is a xmas article by Sott on which we can comment such general (and insignificant/"non-insultant" post). Today is RC's 65th which imho belongs in his thread however not general season greetings to one another that will carry on until death parts all of us...
Seriously, this thread is way too long and everybody gets belled and ushered in for such, well, mainly disturbances.
Also I will add, the lengthy repetion of "thank you posts" back n forth for this n for that is really unnecessary on a news site and keeps commenting threads going on n on unnecessarily for way too long. Just saying.
Let's think about and show some consideration to allll the other posters involved in SOTT threads. We can reach out to another thru different means or find a 'private thread' which does not involve other posters, who really don't need nor are interested in such jazz.
Chicken Farmer - Likewise!
JTF Truth - just the effing (with 2 f's) truth please!
Thankyou for the kind words and I reciprocate!
With that said - I reckon the "grinch" has chimed in?
Well - lets not let that spoil the goodwill
is what I think.
Best to you all,
I feel for that avatar. My belly speaks the same language.
if MSM = wealthy backers together with government and intelligence services who control the content to manipulate the mindset of the multitude and promote the "elite" agenda, then its only value should be for those who like a bit of absurd amusement, the real concern, is that so many take them seriously.
alternative media is no better (WORSE) than msm,
on ALL accounts.
if you disagree, feel free to explain ๐
(Where did RC go?)
Itโs strange because youโve been around here awhile and you only became a contrarian troll after people questioned your decision to get vaccinated. Even the most forgiving analyses of the last two years should leave any person with a modicum of critical thinking left wondering that something strange is going on. At best, AT BEST, the entire narrative and the โsolutionsโ to the โproblemโ have been political in nature and geared toward consolidating control of humanity. Perhaps the vaccines are not as harmful as some non alternative circles think they are. Irrelevant. It simply cannot be denied that this was not an organic event followed by leaders and unelected bureaucrats just โdoing their bestโ.
I've yoddal-ed out to RC... no answer, pzv mentioned he wanted to ski Colorado about 1 month ago, and he had family to visit in CA... (supposing though...)
B.C. is around I am sure, just not commenting (as he has mentioned in the past).
eh pzv
RC, est-il ๐ ?
LOVE how you ask life !!
I just got a call. Do not know how to break it to us ALL...RC is no more.
RIP Mitchell Rowan Cocoan
GOD bless your gorgeous kiddo Soul
I will be back with more soon soon.
Soooo sorry Joyly and you ALL.
Shit on CA Beach
Somewhat in shock now & don't know what to say. RC was such a huge (positive) influence on so many of us.
I suspect he wouldn't want us to be sad, however unavoidable that may be. Remember him fondly and with love; and celebrate the time we DID get to share together.
Dear Rowan Cowan, bless you and may your journey be ever higher. We will miss your wit and caring for freedom and truth.
Here's some links to RC's posts if anyone wants to stroll down memory lane:
Google: [Link]
DuckDuckGo: [Link]
Nice to make your acquaintance RC, safe journey home.
i think everyone has an agenda and that one should see to learning what that agenda is before trusting.
(unless allready being friend/fam ofc) ๐คซ
i will miss rc/his views which most of the time contradicted my own; what i loved/hated about him
sott will not be the same without him ๐ค
Hang tough, RC. I'll come surf with ya in the Kingdom when my promotion arrives.
i feel sad hearing this news,
yet i feel happy for him.
until next time,
god speed RC.
Chemists use DNA to build the world's tiniest antenna -- Science & Technology --
Chemists use DNA to build the world's tiniest antenna
Developed at Universitรฉ de Montrรฉal, the easy-to-use device promises to help scientists better understand natural and human-designed nanotechnologies - and identify new drugs. Researchers at...Just found out. Heavy heart day today.
He is still the most prolific commentator of all time here on SOTT: 52,839 reader comments!!!
I think we need a SOTT Hall of Fame.
I think I'll add one...
This place is a great mystery and that is why so many of us are here, so hats off to
Anybody know where I can get my hands on a Sweet Maple Tree?
Rest in Peace RC - your love is known.
I wouldn't be surprised either if the second most prolific commentator isn't anywhere close.
A SOTT Hall of Fame sounds like a grand idea.
I am not interested in who is the second most prolitic commentator here. That was more a rhetorical question.
Please keep your hair on. Thank you!
52,839 LMAO
YOU's the SOTTFATHER alright!! HaHa.... RC!! I cant even count THAT HIGH!!
Loving this Scott๐ฅณ๐ฅณ๐ฅณ๐ฅณ GIGGLES
SOTT Hall of Fame you got'r RC!!
Miss You auuuugghhhh
Sweet Maple Tree, my back YARD
HVACTech Speedz
S.a.y. H.e.l.l.o.
Here's an obituary with some details about his life.
my personal oppinion is that; (eg in europe) there are multitudes of political parties to choose from, so most ppl can most of the time find one party/"plattform" which represents their own views "good enough".
hence; i think of the us preference for alt media over msm might be seen as a sympthom of not feeling "fully comfortable" within any of the two options which are awailable. aka; alt media = new "political parties".
(the sole reason for running a political party/"alt media" is to attract voters/followers for political influence/sex and money).
all medias represents some kind of political view/are biassed - both alt media and msm.
if you have found your place here at sott among likeminded ppl, i am happy for you.
for my part, i am following sott as part of browsing a multitude of medias for better understanding how different ppl think/reason - for learning.
I AM keeping THAT
Sidenote on Ukraine, in this video with Coach Red Pill/Gonzales Lira, he gets into the oligarchs who control Zelensky (basically says Ukraine is being run by Ukrainian/Israeli/Cypriot oligarch, Kolomoisky, along with co-religionists in state dept, Victoria Nuland, Wendy Sherman, and Blinkin ) at 57 min he gets into it [Link] And from over at veteranstoday (not always trustworthy), this article says there's over a billion $$$ in overseas accounts for Zelensky [Link] And I'm bringing all of this up to say that I think this is how the world really works--we are ruled by a bunch of narcissistic psychopathic puppets who are controlled by oligarch gangsters and who have $$$ in overseas accounts. On George Webb's twitter he has some quick videos on Zelensky having a $34 million mansion in FL paid for by the Ukrainian oligarch, and apparently senile Joe Biden also has a mansion down there, paid for by Ukrainian oligarch in 2015 as reward for helping with the 2014 coup in Ukraine. I think behind the scenes it's just a giant mafia--ganster nations in almost every nation, except a few.
Here in Oz some folk are waking up to the two party system that takes it in turn and donโt care how much the peeps get screwed over. With elections coming up there is more emphasis than ever to vote the major parties out and at least achieve a hung parliament with independents and small parties.
Those who are awake are asking tough questions: will you lift the 90 year ban on the 28 pedophiles that weโre named in the Warren report? Will you restore the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act which protects our rights? Will you repeal the reprinting act and all other acts that were amended under this without due process? Will you reverse foreign ownership of our infrastructure resources? Will you take govt control back from privatised bodies that cannot serve the people? Will you ensure the govt takes back the control of the printing of money without incurring interest? The govt is the only body authorised to print the money needed. Will you look at changes to our Constitution by recognising native title by our First Nation people.
Most pollies do not know what I am talking about.
Our so-called two party system is so corrupted and convoluted and Aussies do not realise they have lost their rights. I could count on one hand the number who are worth their salt; the rest need to be court martialled.
Oh and the AEC (who runs the elections) has of course been corrupted - bought and paid for. They will not accept a new party for registration because the leader has voiced that he would investigate the AEC, claiming we have not had fair elections for fifty years. Since when is it the AEC business to choose which parties can register. and which canโt? And if our elections have been fair they would have nothing to worry about
Sorry. A bit of a rant.
(i might be a nasty piece of work by nature, but i have had the fortune of never releasing myself upon the world. i consider it as luck).
On the loss of rights, yes, I'm sad to say that's pretty much the same here in the US- so many are just brainwashed sheep who just mindlessly follow one psyop to the next, and have no clue that we have basically lost all our rights and are slaves to big-pharma.
I think things are going to continue to get much worse and perhaps that will wake people up--I think when people start feeling it in the wallet, they start waking up and will no longer care to follow the psyops and propaganda. Here's a good write-up on what's headed our way [Link] I usually go to this site for psyops (he's got a great eye for media fakery), but he also has a financial background and he says what they are doing now with the sanctions on Russia is going to cause a global depression (I say--all by design, there are no accidents,this is all about bringing in the Great Reset, the banking cartel/WEF/Davos crowd has gamed this all out in advance).
Anyway, I always enjoy seeing your comments--you have such a positive and hopeful presence here. I hope the great awakening continues--we need people to wake up and take back our nations from the corrupt puppet governments.
And I think they really do see us as cattle--even Darren Beattie pretty much tweets about it, and how people go from one psyop to the next like unthinking cattle.
And on this, " the world has been turned into a giant shit fest of greed lead by the most evil parasites the planet has ever encountered" , yeah, see Russ Winter's most recent posts on the financial side of things (he thinks all the sanctions are setting us up for a global depression, and apparently, the Russian stock market had a massive collapse, which is usually when the predators go in a buy up all the pieces). All about bringing in the Great Reset.
I'm also seeing more and more people no longer buy into their propaganda, which right now is so over the top that its sickening. I can't even bear to watch these war whores on the corporate news pushing to get WW3 going--and all the hypocrisy, suddenly all of these presstitutes care about civilian losses--where have they been for the past 20 years as the US has been on a slaughter rampage??
Talk about living in interesting times!!!
Then I saw this - a description on YTube of the Reiner Fuellmich Grand Jury, Court of Public Opinion Day 6. "[It is] necessary for people themselves to retake their sovereignty, and stop the plandemic by refusing to comply, and to start new systems of health care, education, economics and judiciary, so that democracy and the rule of law on the basis of our constitution, will be reestablished". Our plans cover all these aspects except the one that maybe the most important - 'stop the plandemic by refusing to comply'. What a timely message. We will still go forward with all our plans, but the aim will be simply: get people to stop complying. It does not matter what their reason is, or what they know or don't know. All our conversations now boil down to this: 'What will it take for you to stop complying?'
Thanks JTF Truth
for the last 3 months we have been like the Armish: focused on education and food and healthy living. Now that we are planning action, we are very aware of surveillance; trying to get everyone to move to protonmail, Signal, Ubuntu Op system and dumb phones - and all phones are banned from meetings, and our minutes are not detailed they are cryptic reminders.
(in most sivilized countries ppl are both jabbed 2-3 times and have had covid by now).
life is back to normal, no restrictions at all.
short-time leave due to covid is still quite high, but falling rappidly.
anyhow; i wish you luck on your endavour ๐
I havenโt forgotten anything about you. I doubt anyone has forgotten about what you said.
You are a misnomer at best and an absolute cunt at worst.
Go fuck off your not welcome here at all.
Please peopleโฆ donโt entertain this cretinous asshole. Donโt even talk to this asswipe.
Canโt you go and fight in Ukraine or something??
Please, this lowlife needs to be ignored.
Joking aside, my best wishes for your efforts, and good luck. I would still reckon the possibility that electronic communication might fail anytime soon, and consider a fallback option. Just to be safe.
i try my best to be on the right side of those terms and considder myself successful enough so far, but along the way i have also vitnessed too many ppl "being stuck" to things which were in the past.
jabs and covid are history. time to move on and make a difference somewhere where it counts now?
Not sure...
but luckely for you, on this particular forum, they will ban me before assholes like you. ๐ค
all the ppl that was worth reading have been banned. only assholes and morons remain.
Quill and ink ? Clay tablets ?
Joking aside, I think personal relations are equally important.
But a solar killshot like this [Link] today would wipe out ALL electronics. And we are in a solar maximum, such an event is quite likely in the next 2 to 3 years.
And itโs a solar minimum mate.
Look here (scroll down to "Solar Cycle") : [Link]
And compare prediction vs. reality ...
The problem is the significantly reduced geomagnetic field. Solar storms have a much greater impact on the geosphere and biosphere.
[Link] But here is something i have been reading tonight. It is a big read but essential for all of us who want to live as free sovereign beings. It starts off about GLOSSA (DOG-LATIN). But persevere to the end; it is the second half which talks about the way Australia has lost all sovereignty and now a totally foreign owned corporate entity and how we have signed up for that. We have become criminals by accepting the situation which has been created by the Vatican together with the City of London and DC. Fortunately there is also the solution, but first we need to see the scam which we have agreed to through our lack of understanding of the real God, Rome, Latin, and the non-state of our Constitution. There is very good reason why all these things were stopped from being taught in school and why we have been conditioned to accept the "be happy" life of drugs and entertainment.
Good Optics can you possibly preserve this document. It is all that is left of this man's life's work, and his life is under threat, as it will be for all of us who pursue this path to uncover and share the truth.
Rather, I suggest, invert that. The purpose of life is to learn not to be bothered.
Dwoods I never thought I would be this far down the rabbit hole - did not know it ever existed.
Psstoffgoy thanks for the links - more learning!
Didn't the Covid Plandemic teach us that truth is established by the ruling group and usually that group controls the information allowed to be acknowledged and broadcast? Did we see and continue to see licensed medical doctors violate their Hippocratic Oath and refuse simpler, less expensive care for people "diagnosed with Covid"? Look at the U.S. propaganda machine lining up Americans to go fight for Ukraine. Look at the high-high-level propaganda persuading so much of the world that Russia is The Bad Guy. In fact, Klaus, himself, along with WEF have denounced Russia today!
Look at the astronomical breaches in Covid information. Edward Dowd presents another bombshell today. [Link] Using available information, his collaborative friend has determined that Millennials experienced an 84% excess mortality rate last fall. They are the hardest hit generational group. Please read!!! The transcript appears below the video, which is a short ~7-8 minutes.
I've looked into this straw man, Admirality Law, birth certificates and how we have basically been tricked into slavery.
There's a podcast with Crowe777 that gets into all of this stuff--the guest shows how the bankers took over America, how the US govt never paid off the debt from the revolutionary war and kept putting more and more up as collateral. [Link] I"m assuming this is the model for how they have taken over all nations. (birth certificates, I guess, is putting us up as collateral).
Years ago, I also used to listen to a show on Republic Broadcasting that went over all of this kind of info with the authors of the book, The Own It All (Including You) By Means of Toxic Currency. It's just a huge web of deception that's gone on forever. I don't know how we get out of it, since most are still deeply brainwashed.
They measure and publish data, but interpret them according to agenda-driven theories. And come to agenda-driven conclusions for hapless politicians.
It started during the reign of Justinian after forced slavery was outlawed and devised this system of willing slavery. The administration is controlled by the Vatican. When people pass without claiming their estate, the Administrator (the Vatican) collects. The banks are corrupt, the govt is corrupt, and the Vatican is the head serpent.
Pursuing Common Law, we are reclaiming our Sovereingty first through a live birth certificate, then disconnecting from all their enforced illegal systems.
besides, (where i live), healthcare is free - it makes no sence govt would expand expences - since they also have to fund it
the answer to your first question was in the post you replied to.
ps; you did not follow your own/last reccommendation. then why should others?
btw; i am impressed by your command of the amurican languugaegeee
At this time, with the situation in the Ukraine raging, COVID still creeping around and trouble with the U.S. dollar, I continue to observe that 'western' legacy media do not even try to inject reality or common sense into their news feeds.
In Canada we have our own government propaganda outlet; the CBC. I read a story in it this morning about events in the Ukraine which are entirely false and blame the wrong people. I know this because I have been following the situation and politics in the Ukraine since late 2013 using news from multiple sources around the world.
If you have not researched a topic on your own, using multiple sources, then there is NO safe place and you will fall for anything said about that topic. A trap most people fall into because they cannot be bothered to learn.
After reading the CBC article I had to shut down the computer and take a shower. I felt dirty.
i do however understand that every person/media (at least) has a standpoint, and that one should allways expect that they are biased one way or another.
this is a link to our local state-funded media, (googletranslated); [Link]
i do not know if the link will work, but if it does, i would like your view on any relevant articles.
(eg. like what obvious lies/deceives you might spot there).
You have very similar stories and very similar biases as Canadian news.
Your news is very careful to avoid making definite statements which can be proven false. Your news treats stories at arms length rather than having the writer claim to know what is going on.
Our news prints a lie many times in bold printing as though God himself had handed it down to mankind, and mankind is too stupid to investigate the story. Our Canadian Broadcasting Corporation does not employ writers, it employs secret agents to construct psychological operations against Canadians [Link] .
You have internet censorship too? I can no longer access RT News from Russia but I could get it only three weeks ago.
I am glad that you can read stories here on SOTT. This site and the links provided in articles are considered alternative media.
there are btw no internet censorship where i live that i am aware of.,,,,,, etc are all in my news feed and are still online. you might try to vpn to norway if your access is blocked.
They had an article that said Russia has invaded Norway, blah, blah, blah ... before mentioning that it was just an NATO exercise. I'm sure that was done deliberately. Anyway the BBC kindly informed me that such exercise now has particular significance given the situation in Ukraine and with Russia sharing a border with Norway
I get it that they want to propagdise people, but trying to pretend that there is any possibility of Russia planning to attack Norway is just bat shit crazy
Post-Edit : I just read Rakarb's comment above, didn't realise he was in Norway
You mentioned you have kids, and a partner, so as a family you are $500 worse off a month so that you are protected from the evil Russkies - Ever feel like you're being conned?
What makes me sad is that we will be pulled into conflict by dumbshits that lack the ability to discern reality from fantasy.
โWestern media will not report on humanitarian aid provided by Russiaโ (TeleSur / Eva Bartlett) - [Link]
I really like Eva. Followed her for years. Thanks for the link!
I am sorry to hear about life in New York! You mean the city proper or the state?
Spending time in the state is wonderful, what with its trees and rivers and lakes. A part of my family settled in Oswego five generations ago and I have visited the family 'plantation' and have attended services at the family 'mausoleum' in the past.
Sadly the kindly U.S. government has forbid me from returning to the country. My status as an 'Un' in Canada forbids me to board a scheduled air flight or train, so it will be in the next life that I visit the 'old plantation' again.
Yes, beautiful nature in upstate NY. Been there a few times camping. So sorry to hear you can't visit your family here.
Are you ... no you won't kid us. Oh MY!!
What a crazyyyy drama we roam in B!! Makes me wanna chuck my marbles yonder sometimes (but allah wont let me lolll ๐คฆโโ๏ธ๐ข๐ข๐ข). Your 2 last posts in the past hour are so crazily timed, I had to do some research because the posts were so particularly specific that there had to have been some connectivity happening. Auuggg it would take too long to write and this thread is soooo long already.
But let me say my โค breaks at your family n travel ban news๐ also, as this thread is so muchly about our RC I want to share here how I soooo very much your brotherly exchanges with him, they too were sooo numerous over the many years and I found such solace and brotherly joy in witnessing n reading them always. Just want to acknowledge your heavy heart also. Bleeding hearts๐๐๐
Night Buffalo_Ken You are introduced to one another Ken see Night's latest post just above here.
Peace is so damn Easy!! XxX
It is a fact that large cities always fared worst in times of upheavals and crises, because they depend on a permanent inflow of supplies and goods. And something like that seems bound to happen now, almost everywhere in the West.
She was born in the Ukraine, with most of her relatives still living there. Her views are mostly emotional, so I avoid discussions or confrontations ...
But we agree (or compromise) on most other things, otherwise we would not have make it to 21 years of marriage - and counting. A hint what might happen are is the current situation in Ukrainian towns. The layer of civilisation is quite thin, and in absence of permanent chore and without fear of retribution (police & officials) things get really crazy. While they still have food, water, and their smartphones. Imagine that is all gone, and people begin to fight for bare survival ...
My wife does not really understand the big picture, and is currently too stressed to care about it. Fortunately her family is basically out of harms's way, with almost no fighting. I think they will be lucky to get through it with little harm, unlike many Eastern Ukrainian.
I overlook her emotional outbursts, and rather prepare for the things coming. Because the economical and political repercussions will strongly affect us here in Western Europe for the coming months.
I worked for a fair sized engineering/manufacturing concern in the U.S. before 9/11. While down there I rented a house, had an American bank account, bought and sold personal vehicles, all on a 'temporary' stay sponsored by my employer. All quite illegal according to the U.S. government.
To avoid being sent to a detention center for processing before deportation back to Canada, I had to sign a letter stating that I would never try to set foot in the U.S. upon penalty of imprisonment. I have not attempted the crossing since, even though I have elderly relatives in several states that I will not see again.
Trust the science
trust the government
trust your mechanic
They love you one and all. but not as much as Joe Biden
Dog doing his best NEDLUD impersonation
wonderful wonderful cheesecake- so delightful and dear
we love it so truly, like our wonderful masters who understand us and love us dearly, too
It's a great time to be alive, a wonderful magical world full of wonderment and awe
(Signed by Dog)
Consider the following everyone:
Here are excerpts from the Sackler trial โ the family who owns Oxycontin. If youโre not already aware โ the things that family did in order to get those extraordinarily dangerous and addictive drugs into the bloodstreams of every single person they could - young and old - will chill your blood cold:
On one page you will find a heat map showing the increase in crime which is directly correlated with the increase in the number of Oxycontin prescriptions being written in that area โ which the Sacklerโs were fully aware of. On another, their teams were burning the midnight oil to get the drug approved for children. ...And the list of atrocities goes on and on.
The people running these drug companies are โ at best โ sociopaths (read linked excerpts if you doubt this), and these sociopaths want to get paid billions to forcibly push their poison into the arms of everyone on the planet on a rolling basis.
Consider that the next time some pharma bought and paid for shill politician wants to mandate a forced injection on every man woman and child under their jurisdiction.
In other words, Borris, Trudeau, Bidet, and their merry band of sociopathic thugs, thieves, and tyrants can go straight back to the hell they crawled out of.
Donโt give in truckers and protesters: weโre behind you all the way.
This message was not brought to you by Pfizer.
Still have doubt that the pharma companies and their puppet .gov agencies - the CDC, FDA, and NIH - are actually criminal organizations? This will cure you of that delusion:
2021 - $18.5 billion revenue, $12.2 nett income and now has $24.7 billion in assets
I'm not saying they engineered the virus in order to distribute their "vaccine" concept ... but it sure looks that way
And somehow these highly educated Doctors manage to justify to themselves that Anti-vaxxors and practitioners of homeopathic medicine are evil because itโs just so easy to be convinced of that and then believe that nonsense when your lifestyle depends on it.
The love of money really is the root of all evil. The following is worth reading until the end:
Good one!
I saw gdpettI post a brief comment not too long ago. After what I perceived to be a very long hiatus. I was surprised. People go away and very often stay away, that is one of my experiences of life. Is (he) from Chicago?
lysna is one I have not seen in a long while. lysna was like from Poland or something, I think.
Nothing from RC lately eh? He was or is, one of the BIGGEST TALKERS here.. And good for him because that is h-i-m. Florida?
Isjarvi is another former regular that I have not seen for some time. Washington, Oregon?
There was a lady from Wisconsin who used her real name,I believe. Haven't seen her for awhile. I felt a kinship for her, I thought of her as a dear old lady who's lived a tough reality(and being that I'm in Mn). I'm not aware of any other commenter at Sott from either Mn or Wi. No doubt there are some.
I try to post pretty regular,since I have not been 'kicked out' and not 'edited' lately either...maybe some things do improve. Sott seems to have, by virtue of a kind of touch (kinship) and not via hyperbole and organizational b.s.
Maybe I post again (and again and again) and maybe I don't. I'm not a real sociable guy. That doesn't mean I'm not friendly, or not interested or don't like anybody. I just like trees and such, much more than crowds and political ambitions.
But if I do happen to click Sott and view something here, I usually have the spirit to write some sort of comment. And I have viewed Sott rather routinely now, for quite some time. Best collection of people I know on this computer thingy, computers not really being my thing. (Luddite)
Who knows?
Who really knows?
Carry on.
Love a little or a lot, or somewhere in between, but do l-o-v-e.
like me!
The whole Covid thing is just so sad.
So very sad.
But very telling.
For those who want to know.
Hope hes all good
Your signature strangely made me think of him
both jabs & covid are massively overrated imo.
why do ppl whine so much about it here on sott?
not tried none of them yet?
(get over it, go on going). [Link]
I won't be posting much simply because I want to reduce my involvement with the constant, chronic fear porn which shapes our news and narrative these days. My thoughts and heart lie with different explorations.
Thanks again, ned. Please take care.
particularly good on C o V i D & climate.
John Doran.
Hosea 4:1
Sounds like Sanjay has no reason to avoid being vaccinated, using his OWN WORDS.
Christian83 [Potatoes Tomatoes]]
I have RC 's birth chart Javed. You would have to be the one interpreting it ๐โโ๏ธ, I am not qualified.
I know he'd be delighted if we celebrate his Birth Chart here amongst his favourite people on the planet. (It needn't be much). Sott is his place, we all know just how at HOME he feels here, daily, and for yearsssss.
๐ฌ ๐
Dr. Shiva, an Indian born low caste individual, is a genius in my view. When I recommend anyone, I am not saying they are perfect, only that they make you think about things. Dr. Shiva is a systems engineer scientist. He ran for a Senate seat in Massachusetts and used his systems engineering to show how the election was fraudulent for him. He is not connected to Trump, but he proved election fraud for his Senate election.
At the link, he begins the process of analyzing the jab ingredients using a non-profit company he founded, CytoSolve, an open science platform, to do the work. Part 1 of his presentation examines the lipid nanoparticle, mRNA and spike protein. Based on my background, his presentation matches my understanding of the molecular biology and science. [Link] He will be presenting more information on the other ingredients in the jab in further videos.
But assuming they mean "not eating 500 calories of carbohydrates first thing in the morning," then I'm fucked. I try not to eat before noon, and lately I've moved to one meal a day in the evening.
Yes I will write more tomorrow Sottees. ๐๐งธ๐May we all remain blessed and celebrate ORGANized HEALTH in our Bodies.
Bezel Bub
Heosphorus Gator Demore Good Optics prehistoric Winternights3 JTF Truth Gnostic codis weeman666 Chicken Farmer balboa schwartz
The not-so-good news pile up. This night, Russia launched a full-scale attack on the Ukraine. As I predicted, not only the troups near the defecting regions, but military and communication site all over the country. Including the smaller city my wife came from - there are some barracks.
As soon as the Nato intervenes, I expect the lights to go out here.
I did did not expect tears when I got up this morning.
Linda May hats off and a bow of the head.
Your Brother for Life,
Rowan Cocoan had a heart big enough for everyone, was very honest and direct, and had a protective big brother charisma on this site towards those who got a hard time from some of the commenters. Sott won't be the same without him. I am sure those who knew him in person will feel an even greater loss!
I know we never met in the flesh, but we met here...until the next life...[Link]
I wasn't aware that he was having health problems but feared the worst once his postings stopped appearing
The grammar on this site is going to go to pot ... Damn I'll miss him
Will be back with explanation this afternoon.
cracker Carolina [[anartist [[sbc]] bent penny Redrock win 52 Davke C-Dog seeker Martina Lemuel Gulliver Alan Reid frankchapeau Rick Pisces HashAttack2 LMAO Joan ruth ge0m0 Incendiary OldFart scrutinizer SHEESH, I just had a brilliant thought. I am listing people I recall posting but I will miss many. I have tried my ALL.
I ask SOTT to add a "mention of RC" to THIS Elephant article, an announcement of sorts, and to keep it up there CURRENT as our fav for a while.
RC made a huge impact to Sott Admin and Sott writers, to individual posters, and to just about every single article ๐ for I suppose 15 years. ๐๐ช๐
RR and DWoods I started a "listing" to call on folks who were not already on the THREAD.
(ยกยกEverybody knew R.C.!!)
Please correct those I misspelled. ๐
Safe travels in the great beyond my cyber-friend. RIP Rowan Cocoan.
To my brother, RC
How can we love someone so deeply; someone we can not even see
Just like the wind that can't be seen; but you know well where it's been
You see the effect it has on others; it fills my heart with love for my brother
The tears keep falling just like rain; eventually to ease my pain
I will remember you forever; and be reminded whenever
I see a surfer catch a wave, or hear a guitar in the groove
Or see Larry catch a fish, or Trevor the sheep
Or correct my own grammar, or hear someone stammer
Love is always patient; love is kind
Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude
It does not insist on its own way;
It is not irritable or resentful
It does not rejoice in wrongdoing; but rejoices in the truth
It bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends ...
Even in this sad parting you hold me to a higher standard.
L, J
Never has someone Iโve never met had such a an effect on my feelings after learning this sad news.
Thatโs a testament to the sort of chap he was, a wonderful man.
RIP Mitchell Rowan Cocoan. A true SOTT legend.
Also heartwarming to see all the people charging RC with "incitement to comment." ;>
I, too, succumbed to his loquacious charms. Until RC showed up I was perfectly content lurking & reading what others wrote.
Then, after a month or two of RC posting a comment on practically every article every single day, it finally motivated me to join in.
RC, wherever you are, you're loved & missed greatly.
So much ๐
And throughout this thread folks.
RC ๐
An interview with Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos
By Christine Johnson
Autumn 1997Continuum
Dr. Eleni Papadopulos is a biophysicist and leader of a group of HIV/AIDS scientists from Perth in Western Australia. Over the
past decade and more she and her colleagues have published many scientific papers questioning the HIV/AIDS hypothesis.
This interview by Christine Johnson looks at this work and especially her groupโs views on the AIDS virus itself.
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityormukshiya Mamritat
It's known as the death conquering mantra , and an ode to Shiva. I have a really cool audio of some friends performing it that I'd like to share, but I don't know how to link it here as it's a local file. I have found, when chanting, to feel where each syllable resonates in the subtle body is helpful. I'll be chanting today for RC, and it would be helpful for FRV to get some community vibe with it.
It's interesting that the last session with the Cs noted the Ramayana as being documentary. Also, Laura's recent book "Paleochristianity" sheds some light on my long-held suspicions that the ancient Vedic culture was a primitive rebirth of an even more ancient 'lost' culture with Shiva representing the Supreme. I asked Himalayan Master Sri Svami Purna about it after reading the first part of Laura's book and he, in Cs fashion, encouraged making that connection, while at the same time suggesting that my personal roots to Shaivism (worship of Shiva as the Supreme) go all the way back to Kashmir. No wonder I like Led Zeppelin so much!
God speed, RC.
PS Ssorry about posting this dogmatic Vedic stuff....I likely wouldn't otehrwise, though would still chant for RC, had the Cs not mentioned the Ramayana as being documentary in the last session. Interesting to note, also, that Svami Purna in his last telecast, and quite out of the blue, said Hanuman (the supposed monkey-king who helped Lord Ram defeat the demon-king Ravana in the Ramayana) was actually a Yeti! I'd love to get the Cs to comment on that.
Happens to me when I read certain spiritual texts, for example, getting lost in a meditative trance just by contemplating a particular phrase. Reading Nagarjuna's Root Stanzas of the Middle Way at the moment, and I can barely get through a few stanzas without zoning out.
I remember the first time I experienced something like that. I was driving to a meeting and was chanting Om Namah Shivaya intently in the car. When I got to the meeting I almost passed out walking into the conference room. I remember nothing from the meeting, except that I was buzzed the whole time.
A few nights ago, I saw a vid [Link] about holy chambers which healed people with the 111 Hz vibration llike the Hypogeum of ฤฆal-Saflieni in Malta. [Link] The documentary started with Tesla's vibrational machine to restore health.
They said of the Hypogeum: I discovered this track later in the evening. [Link] Maybe listening will help you, too.
For me, the best practice for a heavy heart, or any feeling of heavy energy stuck anywhere in the subtle body, is to lay down on my back, palms up fully relaxed, and let the 'stuck' feeling breathe itself out. It's a passive process. Just surrender to the process and trust that all is well and the body knows what to do. IMO it stimulates the vagus nerve and unwinds loads of tension.
Joyly I noticed she also has a recording for radiation detox!
I've used a variety of techniques over the years. IMO they all do the same thing: promote deep relaxation and unclogging of energetic sinks. One of the best I found is called the Sedona Method. It's been many, many years since I formally used such techniques, but informally and spontaneously I continue to use them all. After all, it's really the same process branded and packaged differently for different tastes, aka karmic propensities.
I have a dear friend, and teacher, who is a master of so many techniques. He is as much a spiritual adept as I have ever encountered. His ability to weed out specific energies and to assist the process for others is a gift if such a thing can be said. Nevertheless, I bristle at all the complexity of it.
Supposedly, there are some 800,000+ yoga asanas. The great guru Sri Svami Purna jokes that, "nobody does that," with a jolly giggle. So Patanjali whittled it down to 84 poses. Svamiji seems to encourage even more simplicity. I very much resonate with that guidance.
It has always seemed obvious to me that there is a lynchpin-process, so to speak. Find the critical point and you pull the rug out from under all of it. The frightening thing is there is no longer anywhere to stand. The liberating thing is that you never needed a place to stand anyway. After all, when you stake out a position, it follows that it has to be defended or it's no position at all. Why take a position? Why not just pass through and enjoy the journey?
My view is that all viable processes stem from a single root, and my passion has been to investigate it. I have found that the concepts of jnana and bhakti are complementary, or maybe more like conjoined twins - like Purusha and Prakriti. On the path of the jnani, mind is the tool used to surrender positionality. It's ruthless deconstruction (not the post-modern kind): neti, neti, not that, not that. The jnani is a true philosopher - lover of truth - such that anything that can't be absolutely true is dismissed. Dive deep and treatises like Nagarjuna's "Root Stanzas of the Middle Way" begin to make sense. On the path of the bhakta, a heart filled with devotion has no room for anything else. It's full surrender to the Supreme. It's difficult to describe my conclusion(s) so far, even after 20 years of meditation and contemplation. The best I've come up with is to describe the process as inversion of the infinites. A brief description can be found here: [Link] It's a work in progress. Sri Svamiji has said it's worth sharing and has encouraged me to dive deeper, so maybe in another 20 years it will be something.
I was equally intrigued by this sentence from a Cs' reading: Kind of my philosophy these days. I often observe that two people discussing a subject on this site, for instance, are often talking at cross purposes because what one term or string of words means to one person is vastly different for the other.
Thanks for your thoughts!
That said, once all those patented gene therapies are out there, I don't think Purebloods can be certain of being immune to "shedders" and the potential of being sued, similar to poor farmers whose lands have been infected with GMO seeds
And to LindaMay thank you for your kind support and presence.
Your comments brought back some memories. I, too, lurked for about a decade. Then this Rowan Cocoan guy showed up and started posting comments on nearly every article, every day.
After about a week of seeing him post everywhere I reached the point of "well, if some surfer dude can post on EVERY article then I guess I could share a few thoughts as well." (I can only guess how many others were affected in a similar fashion.)
So, Night, welcome & I look forward to hearing from you.
Also, (somewhat in honor of RC) should be "lose" instead of "loose."
Rowans love and quiet wisdom spread far and wide throughout the site as it still continues to be a positive force. Kinda like the ripple effect on a lake. Reminds me of Rowan when I read this
Glad you found your voice (in a digital sense ) Now donโt go silently into the night, Night
.... that lose/loose is RC's petpeeve, he'd write that himself.
Christian83 BeautifulBeautiful
... Rowan 's love and quiet wisdom...
Joyly yessss Il Divo.
don't dis-track from your garden.
WALK the talk lolll
You are worth the glory๐ฅณ๐ฅณ
Youโre very welcome my friend!
LindaMay ๐คฆ๐ป๐ Dammit!!!
I ask her every day what she was taught in school. Unfortunately, she doesn't have many good teachers and she had to learn not to take to heart what their say or do. But few are the real gems. She learned to recognize when someone is truly passionate about their subject and about sharing that knowledge and those teachers influenced her future career choice. She also reads this news site (I'm grateful a few years ago she asked me to recommend her a news channel). But she is already in many ways an outsider in her school for her thinking. We have too many liberals in our area
So true! But in todayโs world nobody takes responsibility for their own actions and just look to blame everything else. Everyoneโs a victim now. The social engineering has been a huge success.
Good questionโฆ
Agree that majority of people are good. Unfortunately, they are also gullible and naive. The vast majority I know still believes government and doctors care about their well-being.
And I bet this was exactly the same thing with the Nazis in Germany, or the Bolsheviks in tsarist Russia.
We had a local rally last weekend which was great and very enjoyable until the MC refused to let one of our first nation people speak (who was the Chairman of the mob whose land we stand on), after I had prearranged it with him, which he denied. It was a huge upset with many of us very angry and one after another confronted the MC. The chairman walked away very upset and hurt and we were concerned that he would not come back, after we had been working together for 3 months.
The next day the chairman came back and did he give us a lesson in forgiveness. We asked him what he would like to see happen and his first concern was that there be no more division in the larger group, and that he personally as a Christian could forgive the MC and move on - moving forward was the most important thing. Wow! The Aboriginal leader showing everyone what was most important and the MC would not let him speak.
You're another Poet
Lovely read, thank you๐โโ๏ธ
Only if you can, would you please do US ALL such a HUGE FAVOUR?
To paste the latest comment of RC's that you had found (and article link) right here on this thread to help us all in on-line ceremony to culminate our 1st ROUND OF RC HEALING
It would be so perfect ๐๐
And to our ๐ฆ ๐ฆ In-House Grasshopper ๐ฆ ๐ฆ could you Christian83 please paste the link of this๐โโ๏ธ RC TREAD ๐โโ๏ธ to your personal comment on RC's Obit . Thanks my Si! ๐๐
Many RC-connected-FOLK all over the World, Lisa his Secretary, neighbours, friends, family will truly reap delight, savour, and grow via such a profondly long-held CUDDLE.
Our SOTT Moment of fraternal ROWAN COCOAN Love.
We Love you Tons RC . Your warmth your open-hearted sharing of love and your words, day and night, are deeply sorely MISSED.
Rest quietly ๐ my Brother ๐๐ ๐
CGO ๐น๐ฆ
Speech therapist sees 364% surge in baby and toddler referrals thanks to mask wearing
A speech therapist says that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers. Jaclyn Theek told WPBF News that before the pandemic, only 5...From Jan 27th
"This has been obviously evil since day one and yet people STILL go along with it.
Birds shuffle and repeat their tunes to keep the audience listening
The tweets of a little song sparrow and its "bird brain" are a lot more complex and akin to human language than anyone realized. A new study finds that male sparrows deliberately shuffle and mix...Btw keep a look and reach out for Buffalo_Ken , he has a gorgeous place on offer....
Thank you again๐โโ๏ธ
All-for-One THESE ARMS
I am just reading a book called "Nicholas and Alexandra" which is a very intimate look at that unfortunate family and the events which surrounded and overtook them. Such histories are educational - we should try not to repeat the same mistakes that those societies made.
I wish you happiness in this country, and hope the present conflicts between Russia and Ukraine are not too painful for you. As you say, it is not the common people who wish for these things - it is the elites - the rich and powerful - who promote these conflicts and cause so much suffering in the world.
Your daughter must be a great joy to you, and it sounds like you are teaching each other, which is wonderful - both the young and the old have so much to share and to give to each other.
Thank you for sharing your story with us. There is a line in a favorite song of mine: "Don't be rattled by names, by taunts or games, but seek out spirits true... If you give your friends the best part of yourself, they will give the same back to you..." RC lived that powerfully, in all his words here.
May you find good spirits everywhere you go.
- LG.
LindaMay PS: Thank you for being our sister on this site. And thanks for sharing that beautiful song. In these times of divisiveness, you will find this short piece inspiring - it is an African version of the Lord's Prayer, sung by the Stellenbosch University Choir, in that most ethnically divisive of divided countries, South Africa: [Link]
Your message, Lemuel Gulliver , brought me some comfort today. Just received a call from my family. they are fleeting their homes. My mom is panicking (she doesn't do well in rough situations). Something very bad is expected in the next few days in their area.
It's impossible to hold on to internal peace some days. I can only hold my breath and then let it go. I trust God to take care of my loved ones.
So sorry to hear of RC's passing. I've been a long time reader but only commenting this past year. RC was such a good spirit, clearly. He was great at welcoming people (as so many have attested to) and seemed to value all who made a genuine effort to seek and understand truth. I got the sense he really lived life fully. Good for him. This man had real impact on me though I never met him. I'm thankful for having read his thoughts and comments here. He will be greatly missed by many.
Does a non-bot commenter have any confirmation?
That totally sucks if true.... Well, at least it wasn't Pfizer that killed him anyway.
Perhaps more to come.
Ya think heartless spew as such is not better left unsaid? Maybe use that energy for something constructive such as read!!
RC 's secretary called me yesterday and updated the details in a follow-up email.
I am still waiting for the Obit.
RC had a massive โคattack whilst surfing. Rested. On the beach.
RIP, RC! Hope they have good waves in heaven.
What was his real name? No fear of doxxing now....
Rest in peace RC, and after a few minutes of that, get your ass up and lend us some air support from the other side! :halo:
Don't piss off your Nip Dealer - [Link]
Band of Penguins - [Link]
Fish Withdrawals - [Link]
Harry the Hedgehog - [Link]
And I hope this is Trevor the sheep (who is waking up) [Link]
Yes Hash, it was the only way to ride out for him.
My prayers hold your heavyheart as well Hash. I have witnessed you and RC's consistant & genuine (of course intellectual ) interactions over many many years and I know his unexpected passing affects you profoundly as well.
WE are keeping you on board RC!!
Thank you so much for that link from The Hollies, which made these old eyes shed tears. I'm still crying now as I write this. Thank you too, for finding out for us what happened to our dear friend Rowan Cocoan - always a gentleman, always patient and kind, always intelligent and wise, always noble and gracious, always our friend. Others had wondered too on this forum why, suddenly, from commenting on almost every article on SOTT, there was this sudden total silence, and we wondered if he was sick.
There is a hole in my heart today. It's hard to believe how much one can come to care for someone one has never met, only corresponded with, but the qualities of his soul shone forth in his words, and uplifted us all. I know he is in a beautiful and happy place, where all good and great souls go after death, and that the love of all his friends here on SOTT is something he can truly feel in that spiritual realm. It was a privilege to have known him. May we never forget him.
I think, given how and where he died, this requiem below from Robert Louis Stevenson is a fitting epitaph to our beloved friend.
- Lemuel Gulliver
Under the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.
Sooo hard!! On my knees!!
Dig your name & pic
I much appreciate your sharing.
@ smertzasmert Yupo
And thanks to Sott for providing us with this treasured place with heart felt friends.
Welcome aboard buddy
๐คทโโ๏ธ RC!!
Thanks sis, needed that chuckle.
Let's keep high standards up.
Ma Jolie
Haha love it guyโs!
Looks like my crappy grammar will keep haunting me haha.
Itโs the little things like this that will make me think fondly of our buddy.
You answered my prayer with "google" & "goduckygo" ๐ค๐ค and Hash, the KLR Humour๐ค๐ค
Astonishing & Beautiful heartfelt comments everyone, we are precious embodiment of โค
Reading RC's thread (lucky Elliot Overton, Author)
Quelle magnรฉfique Histoire d'Amour
Javed Merci I will provide you with RC's birth details tomorrow.
GOOD!! I've been looking for my hotmail's password ๐คฆโโ๏ธ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
GOSH all these loving comments everybody ๐ช๐๐
Less than a month ago RC told me, "I love planes. I'm kind of surprised that I never learned to fly..."
He always struck me as a person who had one foot off the ground...
RC continued ruminating, "I tried to convince my father to buy a P51 back when I was 8 or something. There was an ad in the classified section or such. (I read the newspaper daily by then and the side of me that sees grammar errors also tends to scan and see the whole page of fine print flipping through the page I thought, 'Wait. Was there P-51D on that page? Yep. I think it was $25K but I'm not sure. It might have been $2500."
We shared little chats like that, as two brothers close in age with certain affinities and predilections. As soon as we discovered we had other similar loves and enjoyments, whether it be music, the ocean, planes, or travel to where we were sometimes just mere miles apart in some cases, we'd always say that one day we would have to meet in person. It was nice to meet him at heart and through the mind.
RC was certainly a force here at SOTT. He was the type of guy that might say something like, "Ask yourself why it is that the sun shines with such power and light. Once you have answered that, go and do the same!" RC certainly did shine. I'm grateful that I 'met him' and that so many of you have such kind things to say about him here. He lives in us all who love him, Frayed Angels though we be, but better for having known him. I love you RC, peace be with you brother! ๐น๐น๐น๐น
โค โค
codis how is your wife holding up? And her family??
LindaMay Well, so-so.
My wife is in permanent stress, most of the time at the telephone. After missiles destroyed a larger military site near her home town yesterday, the gun battles are drawing close. Phones still work, and she tries to convince her dad to get ready evacuating to a bunker. Luckily no casualties in her family or amongst her friends yet.
War is no fun, especially if it affects you directly.
codis I keep her Family in my prayer!!
codis ... entire species.
April will be HOT...
Keep on ๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฃ that extra mile - it is our GIFT.
Magic is Truth -- we have been so longing for these Growing pains are a sign of health; Nature.
Balance Beauty Power Prosperity.
Ohhhhh I just saw a Gorgeous LINK from pzv.
Nelson Mandela quotes.... It is our Beauty that we fear the most ....
SottFolks We have the privilege for ComeUnity Prayer. ^^
I found the first link by searching "Cocoa Beach surfer dies 2022"
My long-time friend's mother passed a week ago Thursday - first time I've been in a church in awhile. It was a joyful celebration of a life well lived. I never met RC but his zeal for life was undeniable. I considered him an "internet friend". I joyfully celebrate his memory as well.
I have two paintings hanging in my office - one I have had since my wife and I purchased it when we got married more than 30 years ago. " Lumber Schooners at Evening on Penobscot Bay ", by Fritz H. Lane [Link] . The other is a painting just lately re-discovered done by my daughter called " Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds " showing a boat on the river in my daughter's style.
I will forever think about RC when I look at these paintings. His image in the obituary is just as how I'd imagined and that gives me joy.
As others have said, RC's kindness and sense of fair play were his gifts. As a newcomer not but a year ago he made the effort to welcome me.
RC - I will miss you. You will be missed here. But your spirit remains and I hope we can "Hang Tough" in your memory.
Sorry for everyoneโs loss
I think itโs safe to say that our friend Mitchell Wyle was the
GodfatherSOTTfather round here.He certainly was/is and will be for me anyway.
What. A. Legend.
Hang tough bro.
Dear Sister,Thank you so much for that link from The Hollies, which made these old eyes shed tears. I'm still crying now as I write this. Thank you too, for finding out for us what happened to our dear friend Rowan Cocoan - always a gentleman, always patient and kind, always intelligent and wise, always noble and gracious, always our friend. Others had wondered too on this forum why, suddenly, from commenting on almost every article on SOTT, there was this sudden total silence, and we wondered if he was sick.
There is a hole in my heart today. It's hard to believe how much one can come to care for someone one has never met, only corresponded with, but the qualities of his soul shone forth in his words, and uplifted us all. I know he is in a beautiful and happy place, where all good and great souls go after death, and that the love of all his friends here on SOTT is something he can truly feel in that spiritual realm. It was a privilege to have known him. May we never forget him.
I think, given how and where he died, this requiem below from Robert Louis Stevenson is a fitting epitaph for our beloved friend.
- Lemuel Gulliver
Under the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.
Mark Twain
And I know RC was quite fond of Twain! ;>
Too bad there is not a "buffalo" emoji I could leave here to end this sentiment, but again, RC understood as other do here about sentiment getting expressed at the same time. It truly is not coincidence, so I give it heed. I heed.
Respect is deserved and RC is a man I respected and I'm sad he and I won't get to meet in person here and now, but later on, I expect he and I will chuckle together over things that seemed coincident.
In memory of Mitchell Leland Wyle and the big cat he held so tight.
Some spirits remain in the minds of others and their spirit is indomitable. RC was and is indomitable. May he be in peace wherever he is.
HashAttack2 Nailed it.
I suspect for good reason Mo Hit That is my supposition. It ain't a presupposition. Just a regular supposition and such.
OK, here is another elephant joke and it is told in poor taste.
What did the elephant say when confronted by peanut butter goodness?
( text deleted )
Some jokes never end and I suppose that can be a good thing, but most of the time a never ending joke needs to be stomped upon.
The last elephant I meant had that opinion, but whatever.
Obviously this place is fixing to change without the presence of RC keeping us all in check. He was an arbiter. His sense of fairness will be something to live up to, but I think he was ready to leave and he knew it was time and he chose to go somewhere better and I don't blame him one bit. I'm happy he was surfing when his last day in Florida happened. I'm sure he would be pleased with that.
One time he told me they are watching all your moves, but I said to him - RC, I don't care because I have nothing to hide.
I think it would be a good idea to contribute to a tree as somebody else mentioned above, so count me in on that.
How can we love someone so deeply; someone we can not even see
Just like the wind that can't be seen; but you know well where it's been
You see the effect it has on others; it fills my heart with love for my brother
The tears keep falling just like rain; eventually to ease my pain
I will remember you forever; and be reminded whenever
I see a surfer catch a wave, or hear a guitar in the groove
Or see Larry catch a fish, or Trevor the sheep
Or correct my own grammar, or hear someone stammer
Love is always patient; love is kind
Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude
It does not insist on its own way;
It is not irritable or resentful
It does not rejoice in wrongdoing; but rejoices in the truth
It bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends ...
This is how you lived. Even in this sad parting you hold me to a higher standard.
R.I.P. Love Joyly
THAT is so beautiful Ken !
Buffalo emoji linked for you (right below here) as well as MAPLE LEAF link (way above) in answer to your requests Ken.
Javed My sincere apologies๐คฆโโ๏ธ I forgot to press 'add reply' to my answer, responding to your interpretation of RC's Natal Chart. I will do so shortly.
RC WE m.i.s.s. YOU๐ฑ
Me RC-TREE ๐ too.
From pzv
Thanks B!
Do you know where the war shot comes from in that clip. His fav movie was 'The Thin Red Line".
From a woman's perspective, I think no finer song exists of war's heartbreak than "Danny Boy." Many years ago, I wanted to learn the song and listened to version after version on the web. The very best, imho, is this one. An older songstress...but she captures the spirit. The song [Link] is difficult because the range is tremendous.
Can you imagine living in a valley and hearing the pipes calling your husband to war? Would he return? Could a possible sun-lite ending become real? Maybe she would die first, and he would return from war only to find her waiting in a grave. The song fills me with such tenderness for the fragility of life. I think also that we all have lived these lives. Both as men and as women. We know the heartbreak and sorrow of parting and the fear of never reuniting in that life.
[Link] And then there was Admiral McRaven. Just start the day making your bed well. Do the little things well. Oh RC I miss you. L J
With regards to the carrying Brother scene, I would put GOOD n pzv on that search lollll them's GOOD detectives, Si ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ฆ too ๐ฅณ
Just love how Christian83 keeps unwittingly fucking up his grammer fabulous!! Maybe RC is already playing his magic tricks on his grasshopper ... ๐โโ๏ธ๐โโ๏ธ
Ohhh my SISTER!!๐ฆ๐น๐น๐น๐๐๐๐ง๐
It reminds me a bit of Mary Balogh writings: in the 19th century with no internet or telephones, and travel was slow; they took more care, never missing an opportunity. Perhaps the speed and ease of modern technology has made us take some things for granted โฆ but RC never did. What he chose to do he did consistently and without partiality - treating everyone the same.
And I want you to know that I am really happy I met you as well, digitally speaking of course and I want you to know that my adopted Canadian Sis I love your quirky little ways and I always remember the peanut advice haha.
After whatโs happened I am slowly getting round to letting people know how much I appreciate and love them. Thereโs so bloody many it will take some time!!
Absolutely fantastic community here at SOTT.
Whatโs the name of the movie? I can have a looksie today in between coats of paint, Iโve come up to Derby to redecorate my mumโs living room so bare with me ๐๐ค๐
As are you my friend. Your heart is pure and I always read your comments here, you have very similar qualities to our dear departed friend. I think here at SOTT thereโs a wonderful community and each and every one of you play your little part.
So what Iโm trying to say is that I consider you a great person and even better a person I call a friend. So thank you for being you J!
Hopefully my grammar made it through this timeโฆ
Thank you for putting this into words.
Right now his loss is still so raw I could not bear to lose another single member of this family. except perhaps one but it is not being a real person.
Yesterday at the shops I found myself having a conversation with a brother about how he would defend me if I were under attack and me saying I would not want him to do that. I recalled having that exact discussion with RC and I just broke down. I guess there will be plenty of that.
It seems that Mitchโs passing is a reminder of all he meant to us and all he demonstrated by his example. God bless him and you Christian. You are a very special member of this family.
Personally, and not playing pretentious, my philo-SOPHIA (I will bring in a link from pzv I believe (?) it was. Check especially as of the 5+min mark, after MUSKie lolll.... anyhow my philosphy of living has been, LIVE as if TODAY were my LAST.
HOW we treat ourselves is the ....
Exactly eh Si? Si is tired of eating peanut butter and his reason for doing so,
As Artex mentioned, RC is very fond of many here, it always genuinely showed. I deeply cherished witnessing his free-flowing and unwavering joy as he loyally expressed his care. A true kid's soul love.
Si! His ๐ฆ๐ฆ's Grammer is ๐ฏ .... but I'm not quirky
God Bless
And please, my friends call me Si โ๐๐
Joyly Haha nah itโs just my name. Only my mum calls me Simon (usually when Iโm in trouble haha) it seems they went all in on the religious names. I always used to hate my name, but since I found God I feel quite privileged now.
Thanks Mum and Dad
Itโs healthy to shed a tear every once in a while so Iโm glad you havenโt lost the ability to cry. Hopefully you will experience tears of joy as well, you deserve some joy, Joyly ๐
I chime in balboa, I chime in.
So so fascinating. Thus morning for everyone Venus squares Uranus , for me, it directly trines my Progression 1+ 7 Houses, Taurus opposing my Progression Scorpio 3rd House squared by Aqua, the Community. The discovery of the nugget is brought about by this Venus/Uranus square. I'll BE!!!!
AS Above, SO BElow hmmm be-ing low to the STARSโญ๐โญ ๐ฑ๐
After years of looking, to share with Joyly , I finally, just now as I was searching to link for balboa, I unearthed this golden nugget that I love. (More impressive + longer performance on the DVD).
While I am here linking, I share with you Bryan Adams; my favourite film's Brother Bear soundtrack.
I track Animal Medicine in people and creatures.
RC ๐
I attended a Common Law conference looking at how we can use what is left of our Constitution to run a parallel Election and elect a lawful Peoples Parliament.
I see so much sheer hatred from groups of citizens to other groups of citizens...whereas, in my youth, we may have had differing political and social outlooks, but we all knew we would live peaceably side by side. Only the unenlightened tolerated crosses burning on Black Americans' yards. Only the unenlightened spoke of harming others for their beliefs.
Today, we have the vaxxed demanding the forcible injection of the unvaxxed. We school boards ordering police to remove parents from meetings simply because they're expressing their cursing, no threats, no nothing. We have African Americans openly calling for the extermination of White Americans. We have a heavy agenda driven by people contemptuous of White Americans demanding with hate-filled rhetoric that they sit down; shut up; and behave according to their standards. We have trans-declared people and standards in play which allow a man to declare himself a woman, have no hormone adjustments, and continue to parade his male gentalia in front of young women in locker rooms, with no respect for their wishes, and dominate by half-pool lengths easily in their sport. This behavior entails and possesses hatred to others. Sheer, abject hatred to others and their lives. If Lia Thomas truly identified as a woman and cared for the other women on his team, he would voluntarily withdraw from the team.
How can a country continue to stand with this hatred driven by a legacy media and government propagandizing overt hostility against certain groups of people living in a country? It simply can't.
The US (and UK / EU) empire is done, it just takes ame timeuntil the effects become visible - like with the clot shots.
But a civil war in the US is still not off the table.
LindaMayLet me share something which will help to dispel the gloom.When I arrived in England in 1964 from Trinidad & Tobago, where I was born and grew up, to go to University in Birmingham, I was chatting with my landlady one day, and she told me that the days of the Second World War, (only 20 years had passed since then,) were the best days of their lives.One never knew if someone whom one said goodbye to, today, would be around tomorrow, and whether "Goodbye" was for a day, or forever. As a result, people were kind, people were helpful, people were patient and slow to take offense, people were sincere, people were simply good to each other. The ever-present threat of death made life, one's own as well as the life of others, infinitely more precious.
So, be of good cheer. The times that are coming will be difficult, we cannot say how difficult, but if we treat life with the respect it deserves, we may find ourselves looking back on these times 20 years from now, and saying, they were the best years of our lives. It will be entirely up to us, whether we take advantage of the opportunity these coming times will present to us, to make a small paradise in the midst of hell, or whether we waste it.
Summing up the rest of what you said plus a bit from LindaMay: life as if everyday is your last, respect life and love the people.
I tried to implement that lately, avoiding confrontations with pro-vaxxers, and meeting with people that realized our common goal - fighting the dictatorship our governments want to establish.
And I think the strike-through of your first paragraph is unintentional. I have had similar issues, it seems the SOTT post editor has some bugs...
Lovely what you write LG.
Ma Jolie.... respect and โค thy โค and you have a 3 in ONE๐๐งธ
Gene Nicolay, in one of his blogs, tells the story of a Buddhist master and his disciples. They were on a long journey, and from the edges of a village, they could see the villagers engaged in hateful, violent, and destructives behaviors with many physical confrontations ensuing. The disciples were afraid. (Of course, they have to be! This is a parable!! ) They needed to enter and travel through the village to continue their journey. The master said that everything hinged upon their inner life condition/force and demonstrated by walking through the village. No one approached him; no one bothered him; in fact, a few people greeted him. He exited with no trouble at all to continue the journey. Each disciple entered the village, and all the villagers began beating, excoriating, and threatening him in every case. They barely exited the village alive to continue their journey. Nicolay concludes with a nice observation which I've forgotten. I've looked for the parable but can't find it. Everyone will have to draw their own conclusion. I think this parable would work in nearly any spiritual philosophy or system.
2. All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him." Psychologists think they created cognitive behavioral therapy.
The master does not DO , the master IS aka Be ing. Does/Needs not engage with .
The master is ONE as Nature Bliss (Peace / absence of manmade monkeymind construct of "violating" the LAWS of LOVE; Nature herself).
Therein lies no need TO any thing. Non-Dual Beingness).
Peace is a frequency and vibrates only with itself; as does violence.
More RC MEMORY comments to be read herein.
Dogs grieve the death of a loved one too
The death of a dog is devastating for any owner, but if you have multiple pups, a new study suggests the loss is just as hard for them. Researchers have revealed that dogs show key signs of grief...Why is the media bombarding us with old photos and fake videos of the Ukraine invasion
We need to ask why we're being lied to Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been the number one topic of discussion in the news over the last week. We have been flooded with images and videos of...Flashback Best of the Web: Pentagon Biological Weapons Program Never Ended: US Bio-labs Around The World
Comment: In light of the 'COVID-19 pandemic', which - despite its mortality rate being blown up out of all proportion to reality - is, nevertheless, indeed an illness stemming from infection by...Beautiful words eloquently spoken by our In-House Poet Buffalo Ken
Thing don't look too bad at the moment. My wife's family and her friends live in and around Zytomir (transcriptions vary...), a town with about 300.000 inhabitants. The had a larger military site about 5 miles to the South (Oserne), that got destroyed in the first missile wave. The mother of a friend, living less than a mile away (Skomorokhy), saw it buring all night. People I know for more than two decades, and mostly personally.
Besides of planes occasionally buzzing over the town and some shooting at the railway station yesterday, things are mostly quiet.
As I heard, the Russians mostly go for the larger towns, where military anf government officials sit.
And there are consistent fights in the region around the Krim. My wife told me Cherson is under permanent fire.
Some distant shootings occasionally, but yesterday, there were still people and cars on the street. Some civilians got assault rifles handed out, but no prisoners (at least there). Those civilians are patrolling at night, but I heard of no incidends
And probably no Azov presence either.
Her dad is in his 80s, and remained calm. He never even went to a bunker like most others, nor went out on hasty shopping tours. We had instructed him to have some reserves at home, just in case - a thing he knows by himself, by the way. But anyway, it paid off.
I heard Kyiv is different - the Russians are at the gates, and gang shootings violence is rampant. Perhaps even something like this:[Link]
Kyiv / Kiev / Kijรณw, Lwiw / Lwรณw Live cameras - [Link]
9 Cameras of Kyiv Ukraine LIVE Camera Kiev (Ukraine border live camera) - [Link]
While the first wave of country-wide missile attacks was easy to predict, the small number of actual troups entering Ukraine puzzled me. Including some reports of Russian greenhorn soldiers who did not seem to know what it's about.
I suspect some commando actions by special forces, using the halfhearted advance as cover. Either against special targets (persons) or locations - like mentioned biolabs. A full invasion with regular troups would probably have allowed them to escape in the ensuing chaos.
The amassing of troups around Charkiv and Kyiv tells me that action either succeed, or they stopped pursuing it.
Anothe guess of mine ...
Who's fluidy-ego are we talking about precisely?
What you *really* wonder is if you can get away with being an emotional vampire by posting some inflammatory verbiage.
(if you want to remember rc as an all-saint, please do) ๐ฅณ
As a certain Mr T said, I pity the fool. [Link]
earthwatcher I think your comment is a lot more accurate than one might think.
Although I'm not suggesting it, I think it in your best interests to just pull up stakes, roll up your tent, put it back in your backpack, hit the road and never, ever come back because I promise, you are not welcome here.
You have grievously insulted the memory of one we all hold dear and you can't unring that bell no matter what you do.
What the fuck were you thinking saying something like that ?
By the by, did you manage to follow up with your morning meeting at the cafe?
Still, the main thing is you tried. Good job ๐
It all starts with that seed of doubt.
When I wanted a birth control device in my early 20s, which had to be implanted in my uterus, the OB guy was surprised. He had to over double dilate me, and I made not a peep. He said most women would be screaming by that point.
When I broke my upper shoulder 3-4 years in my late 60s-early 70s, I tripped and fell on concrete in my backyard. I started to pass out. I forced myself awake; forced myself up (I live alone); walked into my house; called my medical insurance company; was sent to an open clinic 25 minutes away; got in my car and drove there.
Pin prick? No, dear. You're the only prick here.
Don't you remember when you and I were like that, before we started asking questions because shit didn't make sense and it bugged us constantly?
Pepperidge Farms remembers... but seriously, some days I think about how easy it would be to go back to sleep, do what the TV and bought and paid for politicians tell me to do and get on with my life. I remember the joy I felt when I did shit-heel things in the name of righteousness. But now it only brings me shame to imagine the various levels of pain I brought to others because of my ego. There is enough suffering in the world without my adding to it.
One thing is for sure, I'm glad it's not me reaping the karma that rekarb is reaping.
Regarding the vaccines, everything points out to "tin foil hat wearers" that what they "predicted" is true.
If you got the vaccine, no problem from our ("alt-media believers") side; your body, your choice.
If someone can invent Bitcoin, PayPal and what ever, some can invent a system similar to SWIFT. It's a no brainer.
Denying Russia access to SWIFT, creates bottle necks, albeit, bottle necks are meant to be broken.
It's all a Beast System anyways....[Link]
Now I think of, @Highland Fleet Lute also has not posted for a long time...
PS: why don't we have something like a telegram channel?
SOTT Focus:NewsReal: The Truth About The Russia-Ukraine War
Has he gone mad? Is he indeed 'literally Hitler'? Is the Russian military 'losing bigly' in Ukraine? Is he trying to conquer and assimilate all Ukraine? Relying on provably false information, not...It is a shame really because he is clearly intelligent enough to argue his point without resorting to personal attacks.
Occasionally he was amusing but seldom actually warm or genuinely funny.
His relentlessly attacking LindaMay pissed. me. off. and I told him so in no uncertain terms.
No argument from me at all.
Still trying that 'password'.
I noticed on another thread that yourself and RC had been asking for me about a month ago.
I responded and then so did you, but RC didn't, which I thought quite odd at the time and very unlike him.
He will be sorely missed here. I will miss him!!
Sorely. Sorely.
I so knew it would take a piece out of you graeme. You 2 have been very fond intelligence-writing-buds for so many years.
RC missed the Freedom Truckers as Venus stationed DIRECT on the 28th. I knew something wasnt quite right. I figure in hindsight, just maybe HE was the Traffic Cop who helped STATION the CONVOY, directly facing justIN, justOUT .
DO I hear just EXIT ???
I asked pzv after a couple of days of no RC , but he thought RC had gone to ski Colorado as he had invited pzv to meet up (which I had read). I told pzv, ok .. I wait another week before I start digging. On the 16th I texted RC, NoReply, and after a couple of days, I emailed him. Wednesday his Secretary called me.
(For ALL of us... I am soooo heavenly grateful that she did).
I am not ashamed to say that I cried when I learned he has left us.
I am also grateful for knowing him here.
I hope that his spirit will be imbued in us all.
No one here has met RC in the flesh and yet, as Life is Magic, RC's Spirit is surfing us all and splashing our faces with his love , so pure so divine, embracing our โคโคโค as he has always and consistantly known how to, as his own.
I feel how hard it is for you graeme, you've shared care n tons with RC; SUCH A SHOCK it is for us. KinShip is as precious as it is rare we all can relate to that. We realize we have all met LUCK here via our own unique relating with a truly remarkable person; beauty manifesting herself through this shattering unexpected painful loss!! ๐
A tremendous bunch of people here celebrating our Florida๐โโ๏ธSurfer, our thread written by and passed forward n onward touching everyone's โค in the most deep n profound way, reciprocity returned home offered to our gifted and eternally present R.C. .
Everyone has gotten their heart rattled. How could heartfilled creatures NOT!!
He says what is is told to say, or else...
While I can understand him, I still believe he is a coward.
I don't judge him - with taking the shot he obviously did it himself.
but don't know how. I just heard about it today, too. Linda May has been so kind to inform.
So sad .
He was so great on here...going to miss him heaps.
It seems official now ...
The link to the OBIT /Funeral Home was highlighted several times above.
I am a bit slow occasionally ...
ComeUnity prayer for codis his wife and Ukraine Family n Friends. ๐
And you Canadians need to stay focussed on Turdeau - this is another front line, just without shooting. It is intended as precedence for a digital passport and banking system, to be rolled out worldwide after it succeeds in Canada. Just like the Austrian vax mandates are supposed to rolled out across whole Europe. But they will fail ...
Schlau bleiben.
RC 12.12.1958 19:44 Oakland CA
RC's Combo of 20ยฐ ...I'd say NOONTIME ...
Lots of 5th House (rules the โค) and his Saturn at 27ยฐ!!
Transit Mercury Retrograde plus 27ยฐ Conjunct PLUTO ๐ช
Transit Mars 2ยฐ Trine his BMLilith Taurus (body) in 10th House Authority (ease, not painful)
Transit Jupiter 6ยฐ in Pisces Trine his Scorpio in his 4th (WATER!!)) But a peaceful sailing into yonder .) NICE!!
AND, Transit Saturn karma (15ยฐ ยฟis that not too early Javed?) Opposes his Leo Uranus 16!ยฐ in his FIRST "doubleSQUARE" (atleast) his Mars in Taurus in the 10th!! (Now!! THAT Uranus 1st House speaks Volumes about RC's Originality Uniqueness and ELECTRIC Intelligence!!!!)
Nonewithstanding VENUS (going Direct aka Time is up! from her LONG Retrograde in Authoritative Capricorn and loosely conjunct Mars both Trine URANUS in Taurus, another ease aspect thank GOD loosely Square Chiron (the Shamanic Healer) in Aries (SELF) Oppose the SUN in Aqua.... on RC's fated Day).
Just now I noticed the Transit Nodes (Taurus/Scorpio) at 29ยฐ, trine/sextile his (+mine) Ascendant/Descendant offering help. HOLY Crap is what I would call this!!
RC wrapped up his last 18 month Eclipse Season of our Gemini/Sagittarius axis Dec 4 2021, However, he, as us ALL, jump-started our 2-year Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse Season on Nov 19 2021 - Oct 28 2023.
RC's Moon n Venus (represents feminins) in 6th House of HEALTH (Capricorn/Authority)
JAVED, if you wish, we can also make a quick COMPARAISON Chart between RC n mine. (It will prove our sceptics; ๐Magic ๐ช.)
I never looked much, but had noticed his ASCENDANT Identical to MINE. (+his 23ยฐ Cap Moon square my Libra SUN but conjunct my Moon + Saturn directly n Jupiter very close in same 6th House Capricorns my powerhouse, well my Scorpio 4th is power tambien .
Anyhow I just had a real quick ๐ just now (now that I am a tad more ๐literate :P) and the COMPARISON is astounding!!
*My 2nd House is Leo 16ยฐ Oppose my 8th House Aqua.
โกI never doubted our connection and not one bit the depth of my grief, but NOW I understand why n how.โก
((I have not looked at our Progression Charts)).
LM 16Oct61
Geraldton CAN 23h30
N.B. Note the short Sabien Symbols and longer INSIDE DEGREE descriptions of Uranus 16ยฐ Leo + Taurus of the 1st HOUSE of SELF . THIS is supra interesting which all of us Sottites can instantly relate to regarding Our Brother .
Sabian Symbols
15-16 degree Leo
The Storm Ended, All Nature Rejoices In Brilliant Sunshine
16-17 degree Leo
A Volunteer Church Choir Singing Religious Hymns
15-16 degree Taurus
An Old Teacher Fails To Interest His Pupils In Traditional Knowledge
16-17 degree Taurus
A Symbolical Battle Between โSwordsโ And โTorchesโ
LEO 16
A red-faced man, tears running down his cheeks. He is laughing convulsively.
In the warp between the worlds, being a representative of one world in the midst of another and being almost invisible. Tending to disappear off-screen and reappear somewhere else. Transported by a special destiny, slipping by the borderguards. As the uproar happens the deep observer looks on at the role the self is playing, which is so incongruous to who one is truly. But the karmic instructions are to play along, and later all shall be revealed. This is a very peculiar soul condition--taking all the loose ends and finishing them off, to be sprung into a different realm at last.
A young girl and boy explore a perfume counter.
Weaving polarities adroitly with alchemical awareness of what can come from the right combinations. You are fascinated and awestruck by all the various combinations, facets, and ways the life-force distributes itself and plays itself out. The rapt admirer of the wisdom and beauty of nature, transfixed by what happens around here. Coming at things always from yet another side, yet never feeling it is enough. There is more to be done, infinitely more to partake in and enhance. The world is an open book. And it magnetically, almost hypnotically draws your attention and interest to what is needed next, to what is emergent and outstanding as life matches dreams and dreams encompass fantastic variety and vivid spectrum to lose yourself in and discover everything through, from one end of the Earth to the other.
I need a Cognac!!
Prayers to Tiki๐ฑ
Due to measurable processes and developments in the solar system, the sun gives us a lot of coronal hole streams and solar flares lately. This is known to cause effects in people with cardiovascular of nervous system issues. I feel it through disturbed sleep and brain fog.
Maybe that took our friend R.C. ...
Your a fountain of knowledge and I really appreciate that you are part of this community, an important part I might add. So thanks buddy, long may it continue!
I hope things are looking a bit more positive for your family, I canโt imagine what it must be like so I wonโt pretend I do. Thoughts are with you my friend
Same with you HashAttack2 you often give me a laugh mate, a brilliant sense of humour! Iโm either learning or laughing with all you guys here and I wouldnโt change it for the world! Thanks again gang!!
Brainfog is all our new Pisces energy aspecting your planets. Water Emotions not Rational but highly creative and spiritual. Also Venus is leaving her Retrograde zone enteted in Nov, and more.
Wait for the huge PISCES NewMoon in 2 days!!
Also FOLKS!! Great vigilance on March 3 and the 5th. We enter a new reality.
I dug the following up for you codis. Trifon is an Ancient Babylonian Siderial Astrology scholar. I've listened to him lots.
Health for ELLIOT OVERTON and Sottites
5-20lbs of stuck toxic pooh
Good Luck!
Iโm a subscriber to the channel
Should be: "You're a fountain of knowledge." Since RC is not here to correct.
You're too funny ๐
I saw that too but RR beat me to it. Gorgeous!!
Hey Si... a couple of days back you mentioned and wanted to look at it at Mom's??? Quรฉ MOVIE๐ค
For the Sauerkraut links ...
I recently discovered that I can stomach more of if it is fermented (or stored) a bit longer. The 4..5 day product provokes a quick colon reaction ...
Kick Ass ๐๐ข๐๐
Basta! Right 666 ๐ช
Brakar 1 more stupid word and I'm letting my rip all over you. You can forget about .
Behave like a human-BEing ffs
himit.I agree with you and you then turn around and agree with our pzv?
Ok. Btw... I feel it is safe to say karrab got the ๐ข But Bk... here is a Rumble link that we found here Chez Sott for you to get cleaned up n out. We have all noticed your
turn-aroundsince that pique and RC told you he had e'nuf courage to say no to the pique . Therein lies your self-anger trigger .[Link]
Patrick2017 Animanarchy Incendiary .
I am adding, to this safe-to-say thread, I truly feel that, lately, we have lost 2 others regular members. Speedz n HVACTech
(Pray I am misfeeling).
For those who remember the so witty kind scholar, Strategery, he roamed into the After3DLife a couple of years back.
Angel OF The Morning
The boot worked though
GOOD... that's a win52pick-up
Everyone has the right to learn.
รbung macht den Meister.
Der nicht hรถren will muss fรผhlen.
Was man nicht im Kopf hat, hat man in die Fรผรe.
DeadBeats dont count. Dont count on me to get in the way.
I dont make the rules. Mrs Karma n husband do
Senti-Mentality is not compassion. Pass the message along to eventide.
Last Wednesday we received the unimaginable unexpected n unpredictable heart-wrenching jaw-dropping news that Sott's main character, our SottFather Rowan Cocoan , in flesh, is no longer of Our Human Race.๐ช
I asked Admin if we can add RC's name to this THREAD Title, Elliot surely would not mind rather feel honoured. The reason I asked of this is although I tried long n hard to recall and call out many regular Posters personally, adding his name to the TITLE here, (and keeping this thread alive longer than usual) would help inform MANY who are or could still be wondering about our RC's vanishing act.
I have a new request to add. Sott Admin could contact the said Funeral Home and have a Tree or 2 planted in honour of RC .
Do I stand alone in these requests? If not, ..... if so, it is ok.
I think I am gonna plant a tree at my place in Virginia - a Sugar Maple Leaf - in honor of RC.
So there comes a time when we can't will something to happen and then what are your gonna do?
It is crazy in a way how many RC connected with here, but I truly say the best friend is one you can touch with both hands.
So, lets all just relax a bit and try to get along if we can. Ride the wave where it takes ya - RC died surfing and there is beauty in that.
Peace is easy,
Thank you from all of us and thanks to Linda for informing us
see you there guys.
the news made me cry in an instant. it surprised me - and then it didnยดt.
people like Rowan make this planet a better place.
we are all happy and thankful to have known him.
as for Rowan, I believe firmly, he is happier now, where he is.
Like many others I was wondering why RC had stopped posting. I looked forward to his comments as much as to the articles provided by the editors.
I wondered how he (RC) managed to make so many comments which added to the meaning of many articles and posts, and on such a range of subjects. What a polymath!
Hereโs hoping his death was sudden, or at least he was unaware of what was happening.
As you can see, along with many others, I am going to miss this admirable man whom I have never met.
Couldnโt agree with you more, the Wolfpack has taken a hit, but heโll always be here in spirit! God Bless him and everyone here, you included!
HFL got the boot a while back, but Iโm sure he would miss RC too.
Itโs good to see you mate, I always enjoy our chats and youโre one of the more informed amongst us so I always seem to learn something. You help make this community what it is and it wouldnโt be the same without you buddy, so thank you ๐
sometimesmost of the time! And like you my fat thumbs are more of a hindrance than a help haha but we persevere nonetheless ๐๐And I said, I think I take up about 8% of being corrected!
Haha thanks for that giggle, we donโt chat much but I sure as hell appreciate you being part of the community and helping make this place what it is!
Good one PDX And someone needs to tell Si when to use 'you're' and when to use 'your' but don't tell him I said so.
Haha and maybe we should revise that 8% up to 9% ๐ In my defence, I do know the difference itโs just sometimes my phone corrects meโฆ yeah Iโm gunna stick with that excuse
Trust yourSELF!
Nada katesisco Winternights3
As well, my eyes opened wide as they read my typing that StormieSunshine phrase.
I love reading all this outpouring of love for our Brother .
Merci everyone Thank You for filling my โค too.
All, this was a bit RC's sense of humor. [Link] [Link]
codis I know it is a bit painful, but I for one am not ready to move on yet. I will revisit here.
Perhaps we can find another thread ...
Si just dropped in to show me HIS MASTERPIECE.... and needed a noobie to help him upload it to you ALL. (lollll)
I got his back
Si. Your Honours.... โค
ALSO Si.. find a new thread for us (codis^) and we copy your MasterPiece there on TOP COMMENT.
Ok Iโll get a new thread now ๐
Beay Y'ALL ๐คฃ๐โโ๏ธ
She's on a roll ๐๐๐
... too many tears
WITH a little HELP from yer Mates
Eh Si
GOOD! The pic I linked 20 hours ago, just above here.
I surfed PearlHifi ... couldnt find you loll
GoodOptics I wanted to message you there lolll but all I found was.... at
But all GOOD๐ฅณ
Patrick2017 Xerox redrock12
Surfer handcuffed on beach for going into sea while infected with coronavirus
A woman was arrested on a Spanish beach after going surfing despite testing positive for Covid-19. The woman - who has not been named - worked as a lifeguard at La Concha beach in the northern...I thought this would be suitable only to find me and Rowan already messaging on there. Lump in throat
And look at the cut YouTube lol [Link]
I attended a Common Law conference looking at how we can use what is left of our Constitution to run a parallel Election and elect a lawful Peoples Parliament. RC so loved that I was doing that; always wanted to be kept informed. RIP my sweet friend - sadly missed.
Such โคB.r.e.a.k.
We keep the waters lively ๐โโ๏ธ๐โโ๏ธ๐ฃ๐พโโ๏ธ loll that looks like follow the Leader ๐ฅ
I shared this yesterday elsewhere:
Majority of cryptocurrency donations to Freedom Convoy evaded seizure by authorities
Despite concerted efforts by government and banks to freeze all convoy-associated assets, approximately 70% of the known $1 million worth of cryptocurrency donations have evaded seizure and appear...RC You're our designated Trucker-Leader since you skipped the entire down-here ๐๐๐ scene. ๐๐๐
Unanimous VOTE in Sott[/bHOUSE of Governors. ๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฃ
Folks, this Guy has lots of fun but for specifics head to the end if his video.
He was โoutta his faceโ is a lot more palatable than a vax attack.
"How the organized Left got Covid wrong, learned to love lockdowns and lost its mind: an autopsy"
Why can't that leftists be brief, and come to the point ?!?
Still interesting to see some of them defecting ...
I needed to talk with RC so I share as far as I got with you ALL below.
What'ya doing RC ?
๐ช ๐ฅ
Thought so.
Fuck OFF period
RC's fav.
i do however take your point and will disappere, since You tell me to so ๐
rc and i was allmost never on good terms.
what you and others make out of my communications with rc i give a big fart on.
(With VOLUME up.)
RC would have loved your avatar! Itโs a beauty.
Lolll, checking in to see if you are posting these 2 (Elephant + Surfer) RC atricles in his Obituary Guestbook, with a couple of grasshopper ๐ฆ ๐ฆ ๐ฆ leaps bounds n words. ๐
Thank you so very much Si!
If you can add your RC D.r.a.w.i.n.g. Masterpiece
*I actually preferred the MASTER PIECE you chose to link with dem links . I just thought that was genius-in-action!!!!
The artistic masterpiece you had linked in this humungous thread but also in your first posts on the RC Surfer Thread .
Fetch my Sweetest Pup
Right, found it, deposited it!
You're SO brave Si!!๐๐๐โโ๏ธ
Another BUFF Another DarWIN ๐คช [Link]
I was hoping that bull made contact ๐๐ never mind!
We W.A.L.K. Along
Nerves are the gas pedal, not the handbrake!!
๐โโ๏ธ ๐โโ๏ธ ๐โโ๏ธ ๐โโ๏ธ
No matter if I like it or not ...
Yet, why would anyone continue participating in a forum to which they show so much hostility? Also, why does SOTT, which has evidently banned him from posting as "brakar," allow him to continue posting as "rakarb"?
I see nothing remarkable or unremarkable about his opinions. I do see someone who leads an exemplarily UNexamined life. IOW, he would do well towards himself if he examined why SOTT triggered him so greatly; why he continues inserting himself into a forum purely to convey hostility; etc.
Additionally, if SOTT warns someone in private communication that they want them to stop communicating in a certain manner but they continue, I think the individual has been fairly warned. So, why would an individual continue against SOTT's warning knowing that they will be banned only to go to all the trouble to get a new email and fake name to sign up again once they are banned?
Look...RC used to freak me out sometimes. He seemed to be on every thread (so brakar is right). One night, I was posting late--12 midnight my time. He responded immediately. Immediately . It was 3 a.m. his time and a weekday night. So, I understand rakarb's comment, but I don't understand his motivation to continue hurling insults and disrupting the forum.
I don't understand his motivation either.
But I also gave up trying to understand the motivation of friends, acquaintances and work mates to line up for the clot shot. Despite them knowing the facts.
To judge a thing objectively, you first need to detach from it emotionally.
Propaganda is the opposite. It associates ideology and lies with emotions, to steer you in a certain direction and disable higher cognitive functions.
We can choose to distance ourselves from friends, acquaintances, and work mates...which I have also done during Covid.
On a forum, I can ignore him...which I have done for months. If I see he comments, I exit that topic making sure I don't contribute. Unfortunately, this thread appears to be one of those never-ending unfortunate occurrences we sometimes endure after posting long, long ago.
These days, I'm more aware than ever how short life is (as Psstoffgoy says); how much I enjoy my life even as isolated as it is; and how much hope I have for my life in the future. People like brakar are a shadow I glimpse from the side of my eye now and then whereas they used to be the main feast. I'm very lucky.
He might come to leave this angly and nihilist phase behind some day. He is (supposedly) an adult, and as such can be expected to be responsible for himself. We don't need to check on him. Exactly ...
I remember๐คฆโโ๏ธI remember๐คฆโโ๏ธ
Glad we can now talk Mr Mellow
[Link] is postponing.
PsstOffGoy they ain't getting it.
if that is a correct ass-umtion;
show your data ๐๐
If you want to be brave (and sure), make a self-experiment and get the experimental shot.
....stupid is as stupid is as stupid is.dead.
i do basically not have any meaning about covid/vacs/adverse effects.
i just read statistics, eg; [Link] then make up my mind, do my things, go on, be happy.
i take for granted that other people being in different situations from mine should come to other conclusions than i did.
(i have had two shots of moderna and covid-19).
why do you btw still call civid shots experimental? not tested good enough?
P.S. sorry. Meant to respond to you, not myself.
Or check out this channel, a guy understanding a few things about proper (and improper) use of statistics in the medical field [Link] Fine for you. Or not, we will see. Your responsibility alone. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
data do basically not lie, but it is usually easy to present data (display statistics) in a way that suits ones purpose - if one wishes to do so.
thererfore, i prefere raw data, (not interpretations by wise men).
And here is a video - very interesting - on "Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity" which explains it in other language: [Link] Brakar has been jabbed twice - maybe he will have a cardiac arrest and go off to his well-deserved reward.
Math, and statistics by extention, is just a tool, by itself it proves nothing. The data you apply that statistics to must represent reality, and not be tampered with.
A good and easy-to-understand example of "lying with statistics" is Anzel Key's so-called "7-country study". This was actually a 22-country study, but on behalf of his sponsors, he removed the raw data (15 countries) that contradicted the claim they want to make. This represents criminal fraud, and it had cost millions of lives already, by the way.
My point is - read "raw" reports e.g. from Pfizer carefully, if (and where) they might have tempered with the data.
And by the way, reality shows there is no correlation between the time spent in the education system (a.k.a. degree) and the amount of common sense present in a person. I had seen plenty of examples for that myself. Being employed in R&D departments of several companies, I had seen many of my highly educated mates fall for stock market scams, and losing 5 or 6 figure sums in the process. And lately, I had several ardent forceful-jab-supporters amongst my highly educated colleagues.
Which, to be totally frank, makes me quite indifferent to their suffering, they brought it over themselves. And wanted my and my family to join, even by force.
Truth can never be found through a discussion in a forum. Nor is the "victor" of a discussion automatically right.
But if I (we) can sow doubt in the minds of some people, and inspire them to question and investigate on their own, it was worth it. I would say.
I fear rakarb / Brakar is lost ...
where i live, we see next to nothing.
(about the whole population is voluntary vaxed, pluss/minus 50% have had covid. mortality rate have declied during covid. we have been living without any kind of restrictions for a half year. life goes on as normal).
i think it is fair to say that the fear of adverse effects from anti-covid shots have been exaggerated here at sott.
anyhow, i respect your/others choises, even if you and others here can obviolsly not respect mine.
life goes on as usual, like it or not.
have i offended you?
One neigbour of mine, relatively fit and active, died 8 months after the shot at the age of 63. In gruelling pain.
And half a dozen episodes of "inexplicable recurrent sickness" of workmates, family members, and acquaintances. This is in the design. It slowly attacks you organs, starting at the weakest spot.
Look out for mainstream stories, telling you about a "reduction of life expectancy of up to 20 years due to Covid".