

The hidden hand: monstrous conspiracies and the swamp

The trail of evidence almost always leads to the moneylending oligarchies.
Hidden Hand
© Alex Krainer's Substack
[This post was originally published at I-System TrendCompass]

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) allegedly said, "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws." This statement has been very widely quoted, but what, exactly does it mean? Rothschild's contemporary Napoleon said that, "When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation." One of the directors of the Bank of England, Josiah Stamp (1880-1941) said, "Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. ... if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control credit."

Are events spontaneous, or is there a hidden hand?

But it is difficult to relate these quotes with day-to-day events. We can observe our leaders' statements and actions; we can see the activities of corporations and merchants and we can read the news about global events. But if there is a hidden hand secretly directing those events toward certain outcomes, this is not readily discernible and it may only become apparent in patterns of events. Some people believe there's a hidden hand, but others don't and the former are usually dismissed as conspiracy theorists by the latter.

Conspiracy theorists are regularly ridiculed for their views and disqualified in serious discussions. But what, then, of the statement made in 1956 by the FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover who said that, "The individual is handicapped, by coming face-to-face, with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists. The American mind ... rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy, which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent." Was Hoover also a risible conspiracy theorist?

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Why the Negative is now most important

Big Bomb
© Shrew Views
We are being brainwashed to believe everything is just fine. Everything except a few things that the powers that be want us to think are not fine, but we will be protected from them by the Great Multicolored Hope. These sanctioned bad things include Trump, Putin, Covid germs (along with a host of others, named and not yet named), Racists, Misogynists, LGTBQ++-phobes, Palestinians, Iranians, and a litany of other little things too numerous to mention. The "badness" each of these things hold is determined by TPTB, and can come and go on a whim, only to be replaced by whatever else might strike their fancy.

Common sense, and maybe a little bit of experience, might lead us to believe there are other scary things lurking under the bed that we should be frightened of, like US/NATO provoked nuclear war, genocide (pick a place), starvation, ineffective and dangerous vaccines and other prescription drugs, corruption in medicine, corruption in food production, chemtrails, on and on and on. No, do not worry about these things, folks. They are nonstarters, nothing to see here, move on. We'll let you know what to worry about. Stay tuned for further updates.

The things that our common sense tells us are worrisome are not sanctioned by the agenda to be worries. They are merely distractions and not worthy of our attention. Everyone around us is telling us they are conspiracies, denied science, or planted in the world by kooks and enemies of the state. If you think about them or point them out to others you are looking for darkness and ruining everyone else's fun.

'Round and 'round the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel. Guess who the weasel is?

And to top all of this malarky off, we have a general, new-agey, propensity to ignore the dark side and see only the light. "Positive thinking," they say. And if, God forbid, you are one of those people (like me, apparently) who is "always looking for shit" then you, and everyone around you, are doomed to wallow in it. In fact, not only will it fill your life, but you will be responsible for ruining the world for everyone else as well. That is how metaphysics works, right? We create our own reality, but some of us, the dark ones among us, create everyone else's reality as well. That sucks.


More evidence that Orange Man is Bad

DT Statement
© EricPetersAuto
There are people who hope Trump is good. Or at least, not as bad as the alternative we were presented with as the only alternative to him. Which worked really well in that it prompted many people - me among them - appalled by the prospect of the only alternative to him - to vote for him.

Which - in my case, at least - would perhaps be phrased more accurately as voting against her. I wanted her to lose, because I knew we would lose if Communism came into power. Or - rather - remained in power.

Covid Vaccines
© EricPetersAuto
The Orange Man seemed like the better alternative.

Now I am not so sure.

Have you seen the statement he issued regarding his choice to be the next surgeon general? Regarding that woman who might as well be Dr. Fauci all over again? "During the COVID 19 pandemic", it reads - which tells us the Orange Man still does not understand it was a contrived mass-panic event and not a pandemic - "she worked on the front lines in New York City," as if there were "front lines" during the mass-panic event, when the hospitals were not overflowing with patients and the bodies were not stacking up in refrigerator trucks parked outside - "treating thousands of Americans and helped patients in the aftermath of President Donald Trump's historic Operation Warp Speed that saved hundreds of millions of lives."

This is either one of two alternatives.


A Tale of Two PSYOPS

Elon and Trump
© Off-Guardian
Once upon a time, on a planet called Earth, there was born a global-capitalist empire. It was the first global empire in the history of empires. It dominated the entire planet.

No one knew what to call the empire, because there had never been anything like it in history. It had no external adversaries, so it had nothing left to do but "clear and hold," i.e., neutralize internal resistance and consolidate its domination of the planet.

So that is what it set about doing.

It did this first in the territories of its final ideological adversary, an empire called the Soviet Union, the ideology of which was known as "Communism."

This was known as the "Post-Cold-War Era."

It did this next in the Greater Middle East, where people were still trying to live their lives according to a religion known as "Islam."

This was known as the "Global War on Terror."

The Global War on Terror was originally intended to go on forever, and it would have, and it will, but it had to be temporarily suspended, and rebranded, because something unexpected happened.

One day, in the Summer of 2016 — theretofore officially "The Summer of Fear" — the global-capitalist empire noticed that a new form of resistance to its domination of the entire planet had risen up, not in the former Soviet Union, or the Greater Middle East, but throughout the West, right in the very heart of the empire.

And so the War on Terror was suspended, and the War on Populism began.

The War on Populism raged for four years, and culminated in the rollout of the New Normal, officially known as "the Covid pandemic."

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Mysterious record methane surge since 2020 was not fossil fuels but '90% due to microbes'

Nobody checked the carbon-13 ratios!

Wouldn't you know it — 150 nations signed the Global Methane Pledge without even bothering to check if the methane was man-made.

Methane — the second most hated Greenhouse gas — spiked to record historic levels in the last few years, over 1,900 parts per billion. In 2019, even the WEF scientists admitted they couldn't explain the baffling rise, and then in 2020, the world of methane went into the twilight zone. We shut down the modern world due to the pandemic, and methane levels rose even faster.

It seems many have been blaming fossil fuels for the global surge in emissions, but forgot to check the C13 isotopes. Somehow we spend millions on breathalysing cows, measuring their burps, and feeding them seaweed, but didn't think to do the basic chemistry. How could that be, you might wonder... 158 nations agreed to cut methane emissions by 30% by 2030, but none of them audited the science even though very strange things were happening. (The point was obviously the "pledge", the junkets, the captive industries and subsidies, anything but the science).

Methane from fossil fuels has a higher carbon-13 ratio, but even though fossil fuel use was rising, the carbon-13 levels of atmospheric methane was rolling down a hill. Indeed this new study shows it's been falling for 17 years.

It's not like this snuck up on us.... any inquiring mind should have seen this coming a decade ago. The lab has been recording C13 in methane since 1998 and gets air samples from 22 sites around the world every week or two.
Methane Outgassing
© PNAS(A) Trend of globally averaged CH4 abundance (in gray) and δ13CCH4 (purple) from the NOAA/GML GGGRN. Mean growth rates of CH4 mole fraction and δ13CCH4 are shown for the following time periods: 1983–1998, 1999–2006, 2008–2014, 2014–2020, and 2020–2022. (B) Colocated δ13CCH4 measurements at Alert (Canada), Svalbard (Norway), and Antarctica by INSTAAR, NIWA, TU/NIPR, and MPI. Each dataset is fitted with a trend in the same color.


Norway reports outbreak of bluetongue disease in sheep, amidst rise in infections across Europe

Norway has reported an outbreak of bluetongue disease on a sheep farm in the southern part of the country, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) said on Friday.

Bluetongue can be deadly for domestic ruminants such as sheep, cattle and goats. A new variant of the disease has been circulating in northern Europe since late last year, leading to vaccination campaigns in affected countries like France.

Comment: It remains to be seen just how effective this vaccine is: France detects bird flu outbreak on fully vaccinated duck farm

The outbreak in Norway was the country's first since 2010, though the strain of the virus was not yet identified, WOAH said in a note, citing information from the Norwegian authorities.

Comment: A few days ago Agriland reported:
Bluetongue cases in UK rise with 41 animals infected

Bluetongue continues to spread in the UK with the disease now confirmed in 41 animals at 13 infected premises, according to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

Following reports of clinical suspicion in sheep and cattle on three new premises in Norfolk and Suffolk, bluetongue serotype 3 (BTV-3) has been confirmed at these premises.

Due to continued evidence of local transmission of the virus, the restricted zone and infected area has been extended to cover Essex. It now covers the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex.

The first case of bluetongue in the UK since March 2024 was detected in a single sheep at a premises near Haddiscoe, South Norfolk on August 26. Since then, the disease has been confirmed on 12 further premises.


Movement restrictions apply to all ruminants and camelids moving out of the zone, and to the movement of their germinal products within the zone, the Defra said.

Defra urges farmers to only move animals within the extended zone where this is absolutely necessary. To move animals in a disease control zone in England, Scotland or Wales, farmers need a licence.

Free testing is available for animals moving from high-risk counties outside of the restricted zone to elsewhere in Great Britain, however, priority will be given to testing within the temporary control zone.

This includes animals sold at a market within a high-risk county and moved elsewhere. The high-risk counties are Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Kent and East Sussex, according to the Defra.

Irish livestock

Following the outbreak of the disease in the UK last week, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) advised farmers to stay vigilant due to an "increasing risk" to Irish livestock.

Livestock farmers have been advised to review their farm biosecurity arrangements, avoid introducing cattle or sheep from affected areas and countries, and to report any suspicion of disease to the DAFM.

Bluetongue virus 3 (BTV-3) has been spreading rapidly across north-western Europe since last autumn. There are a growing number of cases in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, with the disease also confirmed in France, Luxembourg and Denmark.

The high-risk period in Ireland runs from spring until late autumn when midges are most abundant. It is crucial to report any suspicion of bluetongue to the local Regional Veterinary Office (RVO) without delay, the DAFM said.
Whether these outbreak are a cause for concern remains to be seen, but, given the other infections threatening livestock, the fragility of the food supply chain, in addition to the establishment's blatant attack on farmers, it seems worth noting:


So...What's the deal with Gaza's polio vaccination campaign?

Polio Vaccine Gaza
© Off-Guardian
Two weeks ago, the first case of polio was detected in Gaza for 25 years, leaving a ten month-old child partially paralyzed and forcing decisive action from the World Health Organization.

Doctors were dispatched to Gaza with over a million doses of polio vaccine, with the aim of vaccinating 640,000 children in record time.

Israel and Hamas even agreed to quote-unquote "humanitarian" pauses in the bombing for a few hours every day to get the vaccinations done.

The good news - according to the WHO - is that all these efforts have been successful so far, and they are actually vaccinating more children than they planned too.

...And the world breathed a sign of relief.

Thankfully the starving, homeless children of Gaza won't get polio as they crouch under the rubble of their homes praying the next batch of cluster bombs misses them.

Sometimes a story hits the news and you're initial reaction is simply, "Wait...what?"


US town approves voluntary lockdown over Equine virus (EEE) fears as infection reported in ONE 80-year-old man

eastern equine encephalitis
Residents in a Massachusetts town are being urged not to leave their homes after dark due to the spread of a deadly mosquito-borne virus.

The Board of Health in Oxford, a city of 13,300 people about 50 miles southwest of Boston, has set an outdoor curfew in hopes it will reduce the chances of people being bitten by mosquitoes which carry Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).

It comes after a resident was the first human to contract the rare and untreatable illness - known as 'Triple E' - domestically in nearly four years.

Triple E causes a fever and brain swelling and can lead to seizures and comas. One-third of people infected with EEE die and those who recover are often left with lifelong physical and mental difficulties.

Comment: See also:

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Injecting Babies: 1986 v Today

Important reminder regarding the explosive growth in the vaccine schedule since 1986.

If you have not seen this before, please take a moment to really let this image we created sink in — and keep in mind that this only reflects the vaccines given during pregnancy and the first year of life (there are far more thereafter on the current schedule):
vaccine schedule since 1986
© Injecting Freedom by Aaron Siri
Also keep in mind that virtually every single one of today's vaccines was developed by a pharma company knowing it would not face liability for injuries caused by these products. This is because, as most of you know, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 gave them immunity from having to pay for harms.

And chronic childhood diseases, many of which are autoimmune or immune-mediated, have exploded from 12.4% in the early 1980s to over 50 percent of children today. CDC and public "health" authorities cannot figure out the cause despite desperately searching (though they haven't studied vaccines, even though smaller independent studies have indicated vaccines are a major contributor).


'Alarming': Africa CDC may declare Monkey pox public health emergency amidst surge of 27,000 cases in DRC

Monkey pox
© Arlette Bashizi/REUTERSFILE: A man who has been receiving treatment against Mpox at the Goma general hospital following a surge in cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Africa's public health agency is set to declare an mpox emergency as early as next week, saying the viral infection's rate of spread is alarming, as a new variant moves across Democratic Republic of Congo's borders.

Mpox is transmitted through close contact and causes flu-like symptoms and pus-filled lesions. Most cases are mild but it can kill.

The new variant, known as Clade Ib and circulating mostly in Congo, appears to spread more easily through routine close contact, as seems to be the case among children.

The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) Director General, Jean Kaseya, said on Thursday that reported cases in Africa had risen by 79% from 2022-2023 and by 160% from 2023-24.

Comment: One valid question to ask is whether this outbreak is entirely natural, or whether those entities known for investing hundreds of millions of dollars in biowarfare research have, as was the case with Covid, had a hand in its development, and perhaps even its spread?

Just last month Yemen sounded the alarm that it had thwarted groups engaging in biowarfare: Yemen dismantles large US, Israeli espionage network operating within its gov't, 'spread diseases' to attack health system

Another aspect to at least bear in mind is the possible similarities that Mpox shares with other, legendary outbreaks: New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection

One point seems clear enough, the establishment groups that used Covid and the lockdowns to further their nefarious agendas are evidently working towards another, much more disruptive outbreak: Big Pharma tested 'secret bioweapon targeting Slavic DNA in Mariupol, Ukraine', video tour shows biowarfare laboratory

More information on the Mpox situation from Al Jazeera:
WHO calls emergency meeting to discuss jump in mpox cases from DRC

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called an emergency meeting to discuss a jump in mpox cases spreading from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

"In light of the spread of mpox outside DRC, and the potential for further international spread within and outside Africa, I have decided to convene an Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations to advise me on whether the outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern," the WHO chief said in a social media post.

The committee will advise the WHO on the question of whether the outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) - the highest level of alarm that the WHO can sound.

The WHO said the meeting would occur "as soon as possible", but has yet to offer specific dates.

Mpox is largely spread through sexual contact and is especially prevalent among men who have sex with other men.

However, in the Reuters article it was noted that this new strain seems to be spreading with greater ease with normal close contact resulting in infection.

The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said last week that mpox has been detected in 10 African nations this year, including the DRC, where more than 96 percent of all cases are located.

The agency added that cases are up 160 percent this year, with deaths increasing by 19 percent. The disease also appears especially prevalent among the young, with 70 percent of cases and 85 percent of deaths in the DRC occurring among children under the age of 15.

The WHO declared mpox, also known as monkeypox, a global emergency in 2022 after it spread to more than 70 countries.

"We do not want the world to sit and watch and wait," said Maria Van Kerkhove, who leads WHO's outbreak department. "The time [to act] is now."
See also: