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Excess deaths since 2022 were primarily in the vaccinated, official data suggest, fueling fears that the Covid vaccines may be playing a significant role in the high excess deaths in recent years.
Data from the
Office for National Statistics show that the
proportion of total deaths in England among unvaccinated people dropped sharply in early 2022, even as excess deaths soared. The proportion then remained low throughout the following two years, indicating that the
additional deaths during this period were concentrated in the vaccinated.Is this why the authorities continue to resist releasing the full data on deaths by vaccination status? A cross-party
group of 21 MPs and peers are the latest to write to request the data be released. Are the authorities refusing because they know the data show excess deaths predominantly in the vaccinated?
The striking effect was seen in every age group. The charts showing these results can be seen below (find the data
here, table 5). The blue lines show the total deaths by month in the age group (left-hand axis) while the red lines show the proportion of deaths in the unvaccinated in the age group (right-hand axis; unvaccinated here means receiving no doses).
The most striking feature on each chart is the steep drop in the red line in early 2022, which denotes a sharp and sustained drop in the proportion of deaths in the unvaccinated and a corresponding rise in the proportion in the vaccinated.
Note this is not because more people got vaccinated at that time, as the number getting their first dose in these age groups was almost zero by this point (see chart below, taken from
here, data
here). People getting their first dose may affect the trends seen in 2021, particularly in the first part of the year, though the over-60s were largely done with first doses by June 2021.
Here are the charts by age group. It's worth pointing out that by using only death data they avoid the problems with the ONS population estimates highlighted by
Professor Norman Fenton and others that have tended to exaggerate the death rate in the unvaccinated.
Note that the red lines during 2022 and 2023 are mostly flat, particularly for those in their 60s, 70s and 80s, even during many of the peaks in total deaths. This is particularly noticeable during winter 2022-23, where despite a large peak in deaths the red lines stay largely flat.
This suggests that vaccine efficacy against death, at least from the Omicron variants, is very low, since if the virus was disproportionately killing the unvaccinated (i.e., the vaccines were protecting the vaccinated) the proportion of deaths in the unvaccinated should spike during waves. That it usually does not suggests low vaccine efficacy.
These charts include no comparison with death rates before the vaccination period so don't allow us to say very much about the pre-Omicron period as there is little to compare it to. However, there are notable spikes in the red lines for those over 70 during the Delta wave of late 2021. On first sight this would seem to indicate vaccine efficacy against the Delta variant during that winter. Things may not be so straightforward, however.
Notice that the other largish spike for those over 80 is in summer 2022. Importantly, this was not associated with a Covid wave; instead it was associated with a heatwave - that was when the heat dome was sitting over Europe causing record temperatures. This is significant because the vaccine obviously does not protect against heatwaves.
This means the reason for the summer 2022 spike is not vaccine efficacy. What is it then?It seems likely it is related to the
'healthy vaccine effect' i.e., the fact that people who take vaccines tend to be people with better background health outcomes than those who don't take vaccines.
A number of studies indicate that vaccinated people have a background death rate around half that of unvaccinated people (this is a background death rate not related to vaccine efficacy or safety).The poorer background health of the unvaccinated group means that
any general cause of death that disproportionately affects the frail or those with comorbidities, such as a virus epidemic or a heatwave, will naturally, other things being equal,
disproportionately affect the unvaccinated group, for reasons unrelated to the vaccine. This would explain the summer 2022 spike in the red lines and it may also explain some or much of the spike during the Delta wave as well. Assuming this is right, it makes the lack of spikes during other waves, such as winter 2022-23, even more striking, as one would normally expect the unvaccinated group to be disproportionately affected by a virus wave or a winter, yet instead the lines remain flat.
These flat red lines during waves of deaths are therefore also potentially indicative of a concentration of excess deaths in the vaccinated.The headline finding from these charts is the striking concentration of excess deaths in the vaccinated after early 2022, just as Omicron appeared. This worrying observation may be why the authorities are keeping the full data, which would confirm or rule out such a finding, firmly under wraps.
Reader Comments
“David Hughes masterfully details history in the making by implicitly asking the reader to ponder and answer two questions: How did we get here? How did we let this happen? His perspectives and methods are unique in that they allow, or rather insist, that the reader be a participant in the narrative rather than be cognitively passive, as just a hobbyist or voyeur of humanity. Reading this book forces deep reflection on the trajectory of our personal lives and the extent to which we allow others to influence and control what we do, think, and permit. When the World survives this attack, and there is time to reflect on its events, this book will be a prerequisite for any and all discussions seeking truth. Dr. Hughes does not seek consensus and he does not provide answers; he provides a forensic set of tools for the reader to do that job independently. In this sense, he is helping to describe the problem twice.”—Matt Taylor, Forensic Electrical Engineer (Ecuador)
“Bold and moved by an unwavering love of the truth, David Hughes demolishes a mass of clever mis-directions, cunning lies and half-truths serving to prop up the false promises of an emerging technocratic age. This new book probes the history of the movement towards technocracy, the seedy streams of funding, forms of political and societal capture, usurpation of science, and the weaponization of medicine all in service to the perverse inhuman logic characteristic of the present late stage of the fiat system. This scholarly and meticulous deconstruction of the major narratives reshaping much of the world in the image of the transnational order will clear the vision of many eyes still partly mesmerized by Covid-19 theatre.”—Dr. Daniel Broudy, Professor of Applied Linguistics, Okinawa Christian University (Japan)
“The most pressing issue today is for people to become cognizant of the delib-erate drive for a global technocratic dictatorship. Dr. David Hughes lays bare, with great scholarly skill, how the architects of the “COVID-19” menticidal dictatorship are slowly ensnaring humanity in a dystopian totalitarian future. Hughes presses the point that our current predicament is not due to an ill-judged reaction to a respiratory disease, where people have fallen into wrong-think or collective delusion; what we are experiencing is due to real perpetrators waging war against humanity. In “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Dr. Hughes stands out as a rare, brave, academic, who is willing to go where few are willing to tread. Therefore, Dr. Hughes’ book is a must read for our times.”—Dr. Bruce Scott, Psychoanalyst and author of Gulag Caledonia (Scotland)
“Whether you want to understand world events in terms of geopolitics, history, or your own psychological experience, “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy is for you. Scholarly and accessible, Dr. David Hughes’ meticulously researched book digs tirelessly beneath the surface of received wisdom on subjects ranging from world wars to global finance to leading psychi-atric institutes and their methods. Laypeople and experts alike will be taken on an extensively documented voyage beyond what they thought they knew of the status quo, even within their own areas of expertise.The multiple converging strands of evidence laid out by Hughes lead readers time and again to the same place: a precipice of global technocratic totalitarianism and biodigital enslavement, being pushed by the wealthiest 0.001 percent upon the rest of humanity. Hughes’ book lights the paths laid here by decades of mind control, both psychological and technobiological. It is impossible to overstate the contribution that this volume makes to the literatures on psychology and gover-nance, and humanity’s trajectory into World War III. While sober and sobering, if Hughes’ lucid and unflinching approach to academic scholarship catches on, humanity might just stand a chance, armed with insight and understanding.”—Valerie Kyrie, Ph.D. (Psychology), author and Associate Researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 Global ‘War on Terror’
If you are interested in reading some more of his work on substack: [Link]
Personally, I am more curious to the underlying drive of psych-emotional conflicts that results in the psyop of sacrificial redistribution of energies via scapegoating 'the Othered'. (ie Resets).
All those mentioned treatments served the purpose to not only study the brain, but test methods to basically erase every memory or experience they wanted, and fill in their own indoctrination instead. By the way, a "famous" person involved in this work was Ron Hubbard. Yes, the "scientology" guy. A project he pursued on behalf of his MI6 / CIA masters.
No success up to now. And there never will be.
I just watched that documentary last night and sent it to several Professor friends who also watched it and thought it was well done and exposes Psychiatry as psuedo science and corrupted by Big Pharma to the extreme. In Canada as many parts of the world regular MDs can dispense these poison pills....
It blows my mind at times how many of us are on the same page !
The US outsourced this research & experiments to Canada, for legal reasons.
Of course, since virology is a joke, we know that none of these spikes were caused by a virus, much less a variant. Vaccines are pure poison (and some are placebo) and it got some people killed, hence spikes of death in people who got poisoned.
I cant ask for one on their behalf, the last time we tried to speak about the scam, it didnt go well for any of us.
The baton, has been handed to Team Injected. Own it, or not.
And then, there's this...[Link] How poignant ! Be well, stay well brother...
"...Prof. Fukushima then talked about a very sad case he came across. A young man, 28 years old, who was healthy and had never needed a doctor, died suddenly. This happened five days after he got his second Pfizer vaccine . His wife found him dead one morning. The police took his body to a hospital for an autopsy, where a doctor found something shocking. The man's heart had become so soft and that it disintegrated."
"...Prof. Fukushima asserts that the vaccine's development was marred by misconceptions, misconduct, and what he strongly condemns as "evil practices of science." He argues that such unethical scientific practices led to the creation of a fundamentally flawed and deceptive product . In his view, this represents not just a failure but a disgrace to humanity, driven by a cavalier attitude towards science by key institutions like the WHO. Prof. Fukushima's call to action is a plea for science to return to its ethical foundations and to abandon practices he deems as fundamentally evil."