As a research project of the non-profit Quantum Future Group, is entirely supported by our readers. We don't have ads, we don't have sponsors, and that means we don't have any hidden agendas. However, that means that without your financial support, we won't survive.

The good news is that continues to grow. The bad news is that without your help, we will never be able to reach enough people to counteract the effect that psychopathy is having on our world.

NOTE: According to IRS rules, if you choose to receive books in return for your donation, you may only deduct from your income tax the amount of your donation less the retail value of the books plus shipping costs. If you choose to forego the book(s), you may deduct the full amount of your donation for US income tax purposes.

Help to ensure that we can keep growing so that together, we can make a real difference!!

PayPal Donation
Note: By clicking on the Paypal button below, I certify that the sum donated to Quantum Future Group, Inc. comes from my personal revenues and is duly declared in my country of fiscal residency.

Stripe Donation
Note: By clicking on the Stripe buttons below, I certify that the sum donated to Association QFG - Bureau de Liaison comes from my personal revenues and is duly declared in my country of fiscal residency.

Cryptocurrency Donation

We accept donations in the following cryptocurrencies:

BTC: bc1qjuejaenvl0qqvlmrdel40a5kg7adysjxh3g3u4
ETH: 0x2178844a2D92eD0F37EC1F11062D679fA7BbDce3
XRP: rwTQDL4jPJNDksd8dSwHPNeyiWxMqmyCea
BCH: qpm83h4qty3n03swdqw0nxq4nnx3lrtu6clll9ws54
DOGE: DP1sJJ5jn95ifwSo3GGCcugHE3nf12GxqR
DASH: XezgfPHoEPKwSedsLc9dPsGBSCzELcmpq9

NOTE: For any other crypto not listed, please contact us.

For accounting purposes, please send us a message when you make a crypto donation with your Name, Crypto type, and Amount.

Check or Money Order:

You can mail a check drawn on a US bank, a money order in US dollars, or an anonymous 5 dollars or euros in a greeting card to the following address:

QFG, Inc.
295 Scratch Branch Road
Otto, NC 28763

NOTE: Unfortunately, checks drawn on a non-US bank - even if they are in US dollars - will be rejected by our bank.


Euro to Dollar exchange rate can be found by typing 'euro' into google, or visiting
The current rate is about $1.04 to 1€