Harrison Koehli, Elan Martin, Adam Daniels
Sott.netFri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00 UTC
The ancient idea of spiritual gnosis has evolved and branched to reflect the time and place in which we live. Nowhere is this development more evident than in the writings and scholarship of author
Arthur Versluis. In his groundbreaking new book
American Gnosis: Political Religion and Transcendence, Versluis takes an in-depth look at the varieties of modern 'neo-gnosticism.' These include cosmological gnosticism - the worldly effort to escape from archons of darkness or hostile beings that would seek to subjugate the world through politics and other power structures. Another is metaphysical gnosis, or transcendence that is less a reaction to the perception of evil overlords than movement towards divine knowledge for its own sake.
Join us this week on MindMatters as we delve into the realm of cosmological gnosis with Arthur Versluis, and look at the plethora of ways in which some really old ideas have been reinvigorated (alongside some newer ones). How do these ideas present themselves in literature, TV and movies? Is there is a crossover between 'political awakening' and 'spiritual awakening'? And what, if anything, may this have to do with some developments we've been seeing with the so-called 'dissident right' in the US?
Running Time: 01:26:16
Download: MP3 — 118 MB
See also our previous conversations with Dr. Versluis:
Adam joined the editorial team in 2014 and is a co-host of
MindMatters. His particular interests include philosophy, history, exercise science, and technology. He particularly dislikes Critical Race Theory and people who're so afraid of death that they prevent others from living. He also knows kung fu.
Harrison Koehli co-hosts SOTT Radio Network's
MindMatters, and is an editor for
Red Pill Press. He has been interviewed on several North American radio shows about his writings on the study of ponerology. In addition to music and books, Harrison enjoys tobacco and bacon (often at the same time) and dislikes cell phones, vegetables, and fascists (commies too).
Born and raised in New York City, Elan has been an editor for SOTT.net since 2014 and is a co-host for
MindMatters. He enjoys seeing and sharing what's true about our profoundly and rapidly changing world.
Reader Comments
Lord Jesus, weirdos here man
And those who ignore the metaphysical, ignore topics like the Demiurge, Archons, Castaneda's flyers "the topic of topics".. do so at their own peril if you ask me. Even basic awareness and attention to your experiences should lead you to the proper conclusion (if you're not a face-diapered branch covidian, they may be beyond repair).
But... thanks to duality there are benevolent entities/spirits, whatever you want to call them.. think of them and invite them and you see if you are aware.
The Dark Age 2 is upon us , it began with the scamdemic and forced immigration, the "educated" are so ignorant it's a joke, and most can't read or write.
New Year's Dawn 2024
But within a single century, one Middle Eastern cult, a certain sect of the Jewish-derived cult of Christianity, would come to dominate Rome and all Europe, exterminate all the competing Christian cults, and even gain state, and eventually super-state, power. It closed the Aryan philosophic schools, banned our people’s indigenous religions, and wiped out many centuries’ worth of science, culture, literature, and art. The cult even hijacked December 25th, and “Easter” too — which originally had zero to do with Rabbi Jesus. When our people chose — or, in many cases, were forced into — Christianity, that was a stumbling off the Path . For 1,700 years
As long as you're doing your part.
is nothing but our decades' behaviour's collateral damage.👀
William Blake wrote the book, 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell'.
One thing is relatively apparent.
Such a marriage produces an awful lot of children.
Here is an After Skool presentation of Agrippa's Diary review of Plato's Allegory of the Cave. [Link]
The archons or I'll say the voices are a tricky bunch. And I don't know to say bunch either. They help, don't help. Which makes them less known for interference and subjugation. They seem to want to put people in alignment with one another in psychosis psychic sense at lower frequency. So that their handlers(above the known voices) as to be over many and gain the advantage of hind sight or oversight on many. Taking a personal feud with them is not going to make them go away they will always win that personal feud battle. The way to escape from them is through self-work and getting oneself devoid of attitude of any sort and hypocrisy. The less self importance the less plug-in or yelling or their persuasion does not effect one so much. Yet it is very difficult to get away from this when one has been so sleep most ones life. When waking-up to the truth of the world and having those truths change ones being and outlook their is an inner and outer battle between oneself and them or their frequency. They seek to make person avoid a type of awareness of perceiving the micro and the whole to ones ability. If one can see one learns one avoids ones mistakes with others. This density and Earth provides unique lessons to learn, we may not have the same chances after.
Heal and enjoy life is a choice for all.
Victim Souls could voluntarily make that choice, yes, however inherent in that choice come the vibs of ego frequency. Only in future incarnations can this occur and solely for the divine sake of 'benevolence'.... to assist in the expansion of compassion in one's environment.
LindaMay that made no sense
That's ok.
SOTT Focus:Netanyahu, Israel's Mussolini
Andrew Lobaczewski studied at close range a deviant category of humans who, when they manage to grab pivotal positions of power, hold a devastating potential for raining death and destruction down...LindaMay Ego definition is simply a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance. Sometimes inflated self importance.
"Over the years, many varying definitions of the ego have been put forth. In general, most people think of the ego as the way we view ourselves and our relationships with others. It may also mediate between our instinctual desires and the constraints of the external world. The ego may play a role in certain mental health disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Onl
"The Importance Of Understanding The Definition Of Ego
Understanding the definition of ego can be helpful for several reasons. First, the concept of ego is thought to play a major role in how we perceive ourselves and our relationships with others. The ego can shape our self-identity and self-worth, which may influence our behavior and interactions with others.
Second, understanding the ego can provide valuable insights into our minds' workings, motivations, desires, and fears. Understanding ego may help us better understand our thought processes and behavior patterns.
Last, understanding ego may help us improve our communication and conflict resolution skills. By having a clearer understanding of one’s ego and the egos of others, individuals may better understand each other's perspectives, needs, and motivations, leading to stronger and more meaningful connections."
When you make it downwards some, you'll have entered your heart. You can choose to live from there.
Yes, writings can be an interesting even intelligent read, but pointless even contaminating if not experienced aka integrated..
Life is not a study, but a tangible experience in/of unity.
Find some play so you can sooth your ❤️
Best of the Web: 9/11 redux: Shady stock trades on Israeli companies recorded just before Oct 7 attack
Some stock traders knew about the Hamas attack on Israel in advance and made millions on the inside. Some stock traders knew in advance the exact date of the Hamas attack on Israel, which occurred...How does scientific materialism treat such statements? Emotional fantasy? Primitive beliefs? Religious myth? There are no demons for certain? How does scientific materialism treat remote viewing, telepathy, clairvoyance, ghosts, telekinesis, channeling, etc.? Imagination and hallucination.
How does the CIA/Pentagon treat remote viewing? A learnable technique of consciousness that can provide information that is not available in another way; i.e. something to be studied. Russel Targ, a laser scientist and physicist, ran a group that studied remote viewing for the CIA. The CIA studied Uri Geller’s many abilities, like spoon bending. What is important for us is to ask questions about our view of reality. What does remote viewing mean about consciousness? What does clairvoyance mean about time and consciousness? What does spoon bending mean about consciousness and physical matter? What does telepathy like Jesus in the quote mean about consciousness? What do "demons" possessing a person mean about reality, psychopathy, psychiatry?
Scientific materialism, as Rupert Sheldrake stated, is a belief system. As a belief system, it filters your perception of reality, it forms your “reality”. James van Praagh is a medium who communicates with the spirits of the dead, giving insight into their “unfinished business”. What does it mean in terms of reality? How do you break out of the prison of belief systems, as Gurdjieff might say?
From an online encyclopedia, “ Archon , in gnosticism, any of a number of world-governing powers that were created with the material world by a subordinate deity called the Demiurge (Creator).” The archons were usually associated with the 7 planets of antiquity or with the 12 zodiac signs. These are the planetary types of Gurdjieff’s system, the law of octaves, and are governing powers. Each individual is influenced by these laws.
Dwoods44 From reading your comments you had an interesting and lively youth with learning. You know how to formulate your thoughts into words make coherent to others your questions about reality. Have you taken a look into John Trudell? He has an observation of this reality that we live in.
Is John Trudell the Native American activist and poet? Any links would be appreciated. The wikipedia post indicates his family died in a suspicious fire.
To Dwoods44 Children don't know any better. Children are the most uninformed ill-informed conditioned and indoctrinated species when it comes to growing up in this world about the reality in which we live. That bible bullshit is a manipulative source that makes people into compliant unthinking followers of a disinformation program; automatons. I say to any, Be an Adult, learn the truth as much as one can separating lies from truth and develop a think for yourself attitude and perhaps eventually the wherewithall to think around others whom do not know any better.
"pied the piper of Hamelin" (
"Hereafter (1997), the legend of the Pied Piper is a metaphor for a town's failure to protect its children?:"). Let's pick out!: referencing the naivety of church goers and bible thumpers including the mormons and people in general under the hypnosis of a religious psychosis and that disgusting psychopathic false god yahweh and it's pathological psychotic teachings of Judaism.
That is the jist of IT. Families!!
(And we question, INTEGRITY).
May 2024 find us stretched, in only the proper places.
“The mind does nothing but talk, and ask questions, and search for meanings . The heart, does not talk, does not ask questions, does not search for meanings, it silently moves towards God and surrenders itself to Him. The mind is Satan’s lawyer, while the heart is God’s servant. ” – St.Francis of Assisi
Tame your mind…and trust your heart.
LindaMay an old fool believes his/her mind is all is needed. A young fool thinks his/her heart is all that is needed. The heart is misguided without the mind and the mind cannot know without the heart.
Takes a clean gut lolll
ORGANize means clean organs aka GUT community/communication in unity.
2-3/daily COD Liver Oil
NO running❣️❣️ Walk in Sun n breathe down to the 👣👣👣
SAUERKRAUT, salt-based!!
1 daily cup + 1 daily 🍎 1st month add small garlic toe, chewed or swallowed.
PH Balance is KEY to perfect HEALTH; GUT 'clean-out' clears anything n all UP⬆️
DIY LactoFermentation 101
And daily warm-up
5 or 6 Tibetan RITES
Archons of Darkness. Well since man’s earliest observations from the cave he has seen Light & Dark. Sun & Moon.
Does the human condition ever get plumbed ?
I doubt now more than ever since they’ve divided it more than ever at least in our current contemporaneous culture(Z)
Sun, Moon & Mother Earth make the most sense to me. Otherwise we have to deal with multiple triune Gods & all the other people’s Gods. e.g. Trimuri - Vishnu, Brahma & Shiva or Jah Bul On
i wish them good luck in this grand experiment gone too far.
Just wondering... you never answered who created all of the uncountable genetic sequences for all of nature? The sun? The moon? Orion ?? A big bang??
I ask not to be a smart ass but wonder what your long game is?
Ancient Mystery Cults, Gnosticism and Cybernetics: Mapping the Mental Battlefield [Link]
It covers the structure of power, synthetic cults and occultism as the product of a historical evolution from the ancient mystery cults of Rome, Babylon, Greece, Egypt and Persia, through the gnostic Christian movement, and its various incarnations through the centuries (leading from Mithraic, Gaia/Cybele cults, through Benedictine orders, Templars, Franciscans, Dominicans, Jesuits, and onward to the modern age of Theosophical sects (and sub-sects) interfacing with such imperial organizations like the Milner Round Table and Fabian Societies. Evidence of various misinformation agents infused within the so-called "truth movement" is also explored at some length.
As a side note his path is/was similar to mine although in all fairness, I actually have more experience in the Intelligence & Combat Battlefield field than him but I ‘m also older. He posits some of the same questions & answers them with alacrity & skills like a Boss.
Does complete annihilation fill your plate up?
I have wandered as you have and wondered and I have many innumerable in-answerable questions but that is not my point.
I enjoy your mind, but of course God enjoyed the mind of Lucifer (the sun and moon gods in different cloaks) before his fall I'm sure.
Thanks for the reading material, if only we were reading these things together you would have many questions to field.
Marcus Aurelius would love both of our minds.
Human 1.0 what does she say to you...oh wise suicidal being?? Does she say, you die at 51 ... poof...speck in the cosmos gone forever, you poor sap...or at 23 or at 5 or at 98?? Poof you piece of big bang shit shaken by Venus in conjugation with Mars??
Remember your maker has marked your heart with his signature. Rebel all you want... you will meet your maker someday. Will you be branded: anarchist or created in His image? Your choice
At some point, whilst babbling like a speed freak in a telephone booth for nigh on three hours, he praised "The Abrahamic monotheistic revolution's establishment of a moral reasonable concept of the creator".
So, despite his insatiable appetite for printed matter, Ehret obviously didn't get around to mapping the mental battlefield sufficient enough to skim read the scarier parts of The Old Testament.
I already told you who designed it but you seem insistent on not absorbing & letting it sink in. I also already told you when real scientist’s already told us all who it was. But again I digress you didn’t absorb, or inquire more to answer your own questions you seek an answer to. Slow your roll & relax w/o the angst - anxiety of it.
I have given you the keys that open the gates to heaven. The same key opens the gates to hell. You should re-read our exchanges as I have already quite poignantly & w/ alacrity answered the questions your still seeking my answer to.
I have laid out what & WHO the “GAOTU’ is. The movie Matrix also clearly told us all via Method of Revelation who the GAOTU is. I also already gave you the code in Proverbs: 6 12-15 to use your own discernment of WHOM they are. (Clue) We have them here on this very site participating and blaming it only on the Zionist’s which is only a part of the sum of the whole. I also laid out the whole Demiurge paradigm model of Ouroboros/Phoenix/Abaraxas & how that works. It’s really not that difficult to comprehend or see it. It takes the reading of it & comprehending what it’s saying. It doesn't matter if you agree with it or not it gives you the foundation to understand how & what they think.
You cannot fight an enemy you can;’identify or understand.
Cheers Mate & let me know where you’re having difficulty understanding. I will attempt to explain it better to you if you would like me to.
Le féminin est la créatrice, sans elle, nada👠👠🏎
did you ever consider/investigate the viewpoint - possibility or think about the Epic of Gilgamesh/Nimrod MYTH in this context of Clay as a metaphor from the Earth (organic & from Mother Earth aka Amma ) ?
The Genesis Creation Story does not owe anything to the creation myths of Egypt and Mesopotamia. The latter were written for a completely different purpose. They are not really about the creation of the universe at all. They are related to the "genesis" of a certain king's reign. Priest-scribes wrote them to establish the king's (and his god's) supremacy. Each myth is different with its local adaptations. The Biblical history has unity, never changing, as the myths do with each succeeding king.
Another viewpoint is that the myths and legends of creation are serious attempts by the ancients to philosophize on the origin of the universe and man. The myths are then compared with the Bible and similarities and differences analyzed. Although many scholars, both conservative and liberal, espouse this interpretation of creation legends and make valuable contributions to our understanding of both myths and the Bible, that is not the viewpoint that will be discussed in this article. Comparisons will be made, but with the understanding that the composers of the myths had a far different purpose in mind for them than is commonly supposed.
source: [Link]
Myth and History
The creation stories we have considered are myth. What is a "myth"? And what is real history? Why do men compose myth?
A myth is the attempt of a culture to overcome history, to negate the forces and ravages of time, and to make the universe amenable and subject to man. The myth reveals a hatred of history. History shows movement in terms of forces beyond man and in judgment over man; history rides heavily over man, is inescapably ethical, shows a continuing conflict between good and evil, and clearly shows man to be the actor, not the playwright and director. And this man hates. To fill a role he never wrote, to enter on stage at a time not of his choosing, this man resents. The purpose man then sets for himself in his myths is to end history, to make man the absolute governor by decreeing an end to the movement that is history.
To destroy history, to make out of history a fantasy, a fairy tale, men take a kernel of history and expand it into a great myth. Men thus mold history to their own liking.
What have we, then, in the "creation" myths? We have a king who wants to be like a god. He cannot be a god, really. But in a myth he becomes a god, or like one, and does great exploits. In this view, Rushdoony explains that myths are used "to make man the absolute governor by decreeing an end to the movement that is history."Where his myths acknowledge men's lot in history, man ascribes his sorry role, not to his depravity, but to the jealousy of the gods . . . This is certainly true of the ancient near eastern (and most other) myths. Clever men used myth as religio-politico propaganda in order to deceive the populace into thinking a ruler was divine or "son" of the divine, and that he had his "right to rule" from a god -- but, a god created by ingenious men through "cunningly devised fables," making the fiction sound plausible. On the other hand, precisely the opposite is true with the factual history recorded beginning with Genesis 1.The early chapters of Genesis are true history, not myth. Writers like Laurin, Graves and Patai try to make myth out of history. They put the writings of Israel into the same class as the religio-politico fabrications of ancient near eastern city-state systems. They have assumed (without proof) that Genesis was written by priests (during the time of the kingdom), to use in controlling Israel's religious life. They fail to grasp that these Bible stories are history; whereas myths are used as political propaganda.Modern writers must not impose their own "religious evolution" presuppositions upon Scripture. In so doing, they themselves may unwittingly be trying to control peoples' understanding of Scripture. Let God's Word be what it is -- true history.Communism used the myth of "evolution" to rule God out of the universe (by trying to make Him unnecessary). Clever men used a non-religion to explain the universe and, along with the "party line," developed their own "opiate" to control people.Evolution (biological and religious) is itself a myth and is taking our nation down a dangerous path. Evolutionary philosophers try every way possible to prove man happened by chance. They place great hope in science's ability to create life, and eventually even "man," unaware that man created by man will be a monster. These philosophers and pseudo-scientists are the modern attempt to push God out of the universe, even as rulers of the ancient near east tried to do.In one of the Flood myths, it says that man became noisy and bothered the gods. This made the gods angry and that is why the gods destroyed man with a flood. The Bible, on the other hand, says man was rotten, so vile that he had corrupted the whole earth. The only remedy was to obliterate him. Conversely, in the myths, the gods are no good; man is all right. Men were simply bothering the gods (like flies), so the gods destroyed man. It was the gods' fault, not man's.
Myths, Legends, Superstitions, Folklore….
Just curious ….
Cheers & Happy New Year Mon Cheri 🍒 🥂🦋🌞🐝🌞
I only spead-read, beauty sleep is calling so I will come back tomorrow however I will spontaneously write my first 2 thoughts.
1. I had a dream of clay last night and researched clay for myself for that reason. I tripped onto the link I shared and since I had just read your answer to voncraq whom I think is tough to satisfy meself I shared it, feeling, being a feminine (males always need one as a bodyguard in order to get anywhere, si ) I should invest my 2 cents as it could bring some spice to the word salad being tossed on n on. (and now you threw an iceberg 🥬into the mix hold on VD🌋
2. Mythology has a sneaky way of attaching itself to the human mind for a longlonglong time. Myths are words, and words cast spells... and spells bind (ex. Adam n 🍎 🐉) until Self Mastery becomes a passion or a must. I would not negate clay as being the malleable earth matter (Amma Mater) that welcomes spirit in (in.spirit.ation) to mold shapes of 5D into the 3D. All very symbolic, but all is projection n symbolism as we 'live' in a hologram.
I will take my time to reread in the morn.
Cheers tambien trusting that Pluto teaches us humans about the value of happy in this New Year once and for all. 🙏
Man annoys me for its noise too
Man destroys himself, herself, no need of help for that, honestly. The floods are 'the waters' (our emotional world) that we have chosen to learn to surf aka discern/freewill. I can't figure out what the hold up is, but oh, btw!! THIS COMING FRIDAY we will get our shove... and either, as RC says either swim, sink, spit, or swallow.
If there was a more specific question, let me know
(Apologies for my delay).
It’s all central to who’s going to be the scape-GOAT. This is how the PTSB do it. Some made it through the filter this time around & some didn’t. Some don’t have a clue what we are talking about either.
I’ll get back on this one. It has to do with what Frankenstein version of creation is humanity going to accept.
Pardon my delay but have too many plates spinning in air right now to give this the focus it deserves.
Merci bou cou Mon Cheri 🍒
Many plates I know, crazy wait til April/May 🙈 just don't make it too labourious, if you write for me you know I eat tiny meals my brain is not wired intricate n complex like all you intellectuals.
I visited Burg Franken STEIN in Germany, maybe 14 lives ago it seems
I think at some point that liberalism will take the fall & be scape-goated as a failed ideological pseudo-intellectualism construct while the invasions persist & technological revolution already happened & occurred with a complete paradigm shift in the human morality construct. No guarantees either way but it’s my best guesstimate given the emotional & intellectual maturity, apathy & complacency thus far exhibited.
Other dualistic composite religious gods are very clear which is most likely why Romericans sociocultural moral compass is so messed up since usury fiat currency is a Masonic construct & exploited at both ends of the dialectic being Good & Evil.
Heady stuff for some to comprehend with myopic vision easier for those with eyes that realize real lies & deeper understanding & visionary capabilities.
Cheers & Namaste’ Mon Cheri 🍒🥂
I agree, absolutely, I feel it is perfect so, however, perfect also is baking for self.
I have to say this conversation/ exchange would be much easier using direct speech, for me anyways. VIP subtleties can loose their merit n acknowledgement which is a shame as its profound depth is so very interesting. I always do appreciate your investment and deep focus.
SOVEREIGN beingness.
Plato’s Cave (is the Demiurge) has ALWAYS been the lie from the get go.
LindaMay Mon Cheri 🍒
Do you know why Cave men always grab their women by their hair ?
Because if they grabbed them by their feet, they’re 🐈’s would get full of dirt.
Cheers & Namaste’ 🍒🦅🦋🌞🥂😎🤣🤣🤣
I dare anyone 🤣
In this theory, the continental plates are being pushed apart by the expansion. Here is a discussion of it. [Link]
"It is a common phenomenon for a ponerogenic association or group to
contain a particular ideology which always justifies its activities and
furnishes motivational propaganda. Even a small-time gang of hoodlums has its own melodramatic ideology and pathological romanticism. Human nature demands that vile matters be haloed by an over-compensatory mystique in order to silence one's conscience and to deceive consciousness and critical faculties, whether one's own or those of others."
SOTT Focus:Israel: Chronicle of a Disease
The archetypal Palestinian father and child - courtesy of Israel 3rd of March. Palestine. Occupied territory. Another day of carnage and Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. Another day of....
For those so inclined: THE DARK FACTOR OF PERSONALITY A Theory of the Common Core of Socially and Ethically Aversive Personality Traits Determine your 'D' Score: [Link]
Did you take the test?
Yes = Female.
No = Male.
Come on man!!! Take the bull by the horns!!!!
What is six times nine?
A 60% means you answered the question neutrally. It most likely means, in that case, that you answered honestly.
On this questionnaire in particular, if you get something below 50%, you probably do nothing in general. Which is not an insult, but if you get below 50%, you also will absolutely think I am insulting you, or that I am being sadistic, machiavellian, psychopathic, narcissistic, egotistical, spiteful, or entitled.
There probably need to be a few hundred more questions.
I'm not sure what percentage of Richard Olree's ideas about mineral correspondences in his 'Minerals for the Genetic Code' are correct, but it's all interesting....[Link]
They always used to show that at all-night cult film things at The Scala and The Ritzy back in the 1980's when independent cinemas were a bit of a hang out.
I always liked The Cramps version of the theme tune.
You just put a couple of them under your tongue and away you go.
Tastes a bit like neat gin.
Stings a bit, but what the hell.
Somewhat missing the point to play 'The Rumble' with sissy-fied modernistic light-gauge strings though.
They gotta be as thick as piano strings or what's the point?...[Link]
Interesting that Link Wray, Elvis, James Brown and Jimi Hendrix all had Cherokee blood, I've always thought.
'Say it Loud!!! I'm One Quarter Black, One Quarter Cherokee, Half-Chinese and I'm Proud!!!!'... could have introduced some interesting new rhythms into the Funk analogue.
Clearly, Chas was unfamiliar with the phrase "Be careful what you wish for" in that regard.
"So, what are the implications of this factor of human consciousness? (By the way, this is also the reason why most therapy to stop bad habits does not work – they attempt to operate against a “belief system” that is imprinted in the subconscious that this or that habit is essential to survival.)
One of the first things we might observe is that everyone has a different set of beliefs based upon their social and familial conditioning, and that these beliefs determine how much of the OBJECTIVE reality anyone is able to access." [Link]
Richard Helms, the CIA director ordered the destruction of the MK-Ultra files in 1973, and either by chance or intention left some of the files documenting LSD usage. This was before the Church hearings. What was destroyed? Think of all of the operatives that were created, like Cathy O'Brien, who documents MK-Ultra in her book Trance:Formation of America.
What the History Channel didn't say about the MK Ultra program
Over the past week, I've been watching the History Channel's America's War on Drugs mini docu-series. To my surprise, the History Channel was shockingly honest about the CIA's involvement in the...Yes I do but, which God are we talking about ?
Christian God/Vishnu/Brahma/Shiva/Satan/Lucifer/Hecate/Abaraxas/Ahura Mazda/Arimann/Imotep/Hotep or ?
And of course if your not told/taught what the truth is the. If it’s occulted then you wouldn’t know the difference.
The absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence. Correlation does not necessarily equivocate to causation.
The Devil is always in the details.
It depends what your definition of is, is…
While investigating Karla Turner in the internet archive, I came across this compilation (edited by whom?) talking about abductions and alien intrusions.
It brings in Archons as the 7 deadly sins, which I found interesting in connecting to current society.
It includes links to Laura's work, milabs, agendas, etc.
Who edited it?[Link]
It is worth watching, partly because Terrence said he has memories of being in the womb and of being led to a mansion of crystal flowers when he was 5.
However, what was most fascinating is his focus on Walter Russell and Russell's periodic chart and connection between the one mind and science. Tesla apparently told Russell to put his cosmogony away because humanity was not ready for it. According to Terrence, he has created a number of patents and some of them he talks about.
Why not bring Terrence on?
In the Joe Rogan interview Terrence explains he became an actor to please his mother.