The night-darken skies star lit dotted across far and wide,studded stars shows but a shine.
Blazing meteorite, white tail dusting, flaming light, bright comet, burning fireball of discharge fragments, streaking bolide. Our crowded skies. Blacken comet of obscure shape, rocky body of unknown size. Elusive origins from the depths of space. Destroyer of world. Beautiful array of gathered electron potential. No boundary save for it's elongated orbital fate. Death that cometh nigh. Lively spectacle dazzle before the skies. Of the common diligere of life. The shadow beneath the butterfly. The veil beyond the horizon. Shinning embroidery of it's kind. Oblique to Earth upon it's arrival. Violent impact to seed it's airborne viral material. Prickle hairs, ionized electric tendrils. High pressure mineral alchemy. Skyrim and curvature velocity. Dignified fiery atmospheric abrasion will paracentral our attention. Enter the luminous roaring thunder approach perihelion the collective psyche. The ancestry tales past revisit twine together as discorea elephatipes. Afar and burning bright seize our awareness but for a brief sight. Man without strings no longer pulls the kite. Fashion spring cast of late, at a height gone forever. Quite night, winter nights by fire pit. Summer leaves, chilly breeze, fallen leaves adrift so, thickening clouds, lightning strike tiny particles more or less a gaseous nebulae, doting lights; stormy evenings, solar minimum and the celestial. New beginnings foresee the feast. October gatherings shower orionid, clear skies a shining star not as bright as a falling meteorite.
-Roland J Prather
When we talk about compassion, we talk in terms of being kind. But compassion is not so much being kind; it is being creative [enough] to wake a person up.
Suspicious? Who, me? ;)
As always the question of who evaluated the ''need'' and authorized the expense is still left unanswered. Unless I missed it.
I am left with the impression the trans still has his penis. So WTF was that idiotic moron thought the gynecologist could do? I thing this is a...
At what point does a con theory become a fact is the question I think.
I watched Pepe on Judge Nap earlier today. A great perspective. Might have been fun to be at Valdai when that bombshell dropped!
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