

And the Cancer keeps rolling in

Cancer Uptick
© Off-Guardian
Kate Middleton has cancer. The King of England has cancer. Every day we hear of more and more people diagnosed with cancer — many of them quite young. And not a single report we hear, unless coming from alt media, will suggest that the Covid vaccines are a possible cause.

There is no guarantee that any particular case is definitely attributed to the jabs. But considering the radical upswing of cases recently, you would think more people would be scratching their heads and connecting the dots. The rise in cancer cases pretty clearly correlates with the release of the vaccine.

That alone should get most thinking folks questioning. But they aren't, and they won't.

It is much easier to blame the usual suspects — pollution, bad water, unhealthy food, toxins in general, messy lifestyles, no exercise, and now, of course, climate change. Not only is the Covid vaccine not a suspect, but no vaccine is. In fact, no FDA-approved medication is. Big Pharma can once again hold the bloody dagger behind their back with a big grin on their face, "What, me worry?" Nope, you've played the game well Mr. Big Pharma, you've got us all (or most) under your spell. No matter how obvious your implication may be, you are off the hook.

If you believe in data from mainstream sources, they tell you that in 2019, one in ten deaths worldwide was caused by cancer. Over 10 million people in that year succumbed to the dreaded "C" word. I would be curious to know what the number was in 2023, the official figures for 2022 were not much different from 2019, which indicates to me that none of these statistics can really be trusted. Most mainstream reports are not reluctant to say cancer diagnoses are on the rise, but they say that every year, and of course the incentive is to frighten people into early diagnosis and early treatment, thus filling the coffers with even more gold coins.

Oooo, did that hit a nerve? As with most confusing things these days, this is confusing. There is no doubt in my mind that some cancers, at some stages, can be successfully treated through conventional methods. How they treat these cases in the conventional world may not be as safe as how they treat them in the alternative world, but nonetheless, there have been successful treatments using conventional methods.


'Flesh-eating' streptococcal disease cases skyrocket in Japan in just 1 year, surge followed covid vaccine rollout

The potentially deadly streptococcal toxic shock syndrome is spreading at a record pace this year, NHK has reported
Cases of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), a condition caused by a potentially deadly "flesh-eating" disease, are spreading at a record pace in Japan, public broadcaster NHK reported on Wednesday.

Japan's National Institute of Infectious Diseases has recorded about 801 cases of STSS this year, as of May 5. The figure is nearly three times higher than the infections recorded in the same period last year. In the first three months of this year alone Japan reported over 500 cases of STSS, data showed.

The syndrome, which has a fatality rate of up to 30%, happens when the infection spreads throughout the body. The bacterium has been dubbed 'flesh-eating' for causing necrosis of limbs and multiple organ failures, experts say. The symptoms caused by STSS include sore throat, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy. Clinicians warn that infections can occur via open wounds.

Comment: They've risen since the lockdowns were eased, which was around the same time the Covid injections were rolled out...

Notably, Japan is one of the countries that has also reported a surge in cancer diagnoses in recent years. And one of Japan's most senior oncologists has tied this, and a variety of other illnesses, to the roll out of the experimental covid injections.

Could it be that this is yet another harm associated with them? It certainly seems to correspond with the damage the injections have been causing:


First recorded case of cow to human bird flu transmission occurred in US, new study reveals

Dairy Cows
© Costfoto/Future Publishing/Getty Images
It's now official: the highly pathogenic bird flu A(H5N1) that's been spreading across the globe since 2020 has now been passed from a cow to a dairy farmer in the US, the first confirmed cow-to-human transmission of this virus on record.

The good news is the case was caught quickly - and the virus manifested as inflammation in the eye, rather than any type of upper respiratory infection. So the chances of it having been passed on to anyone else, if human-to-human transmission is even yet possible, are lower.

What's more, after nervously watching it spread through poultry and wild animals, we've now got some solid data on how the bird flu presents in humans, which should help experts in assessing the threat to public health - and in identifying more cases if and when they appear.

Comment: It seems that this current 'outbreak' and transmission could have been avoided through basic animal welfare and hygiene practices. Moreover, with the US (and UK) knowingly polluting their water table, ill health and outbreaks seems to be a rather predictable consequence: Tyson Foods dumps 87 BILLION gallons of toxic waste, including cyanide, blood and feces into US rivers and lakes in just 4 years

That said, one must also bear in mind that the US has also been involved in a legion of sinister biowarfare experiments, that includes everything from smallpox to birdflu, for decades now. And, as the WEF and its partners have announced, they're expecting a 'disease-X' scenario any day now:


U.N. contributing scientist: 'Culling' human population could avert climate catastrophe

The suggested way of doing this would be a new, very fatal pandemic, so reports One America News (OAN)

Volcanologist and ultra-hysterical climate scientist Prof. Bill McGuire posted a comment on X: "If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate."
Bill McGuire
© NoTricksZone
Reaction McGuire's comment came swiftly and harshly, so much you that McGuire took down the callous comment, claiming he didn't mean it and that readers misinterpreted the comment.

If anything, it tells us what kind of twisted fantasies are floating around in the heads of the members of the climate doomsday cult.

Bad Guys

Best of the Web: USDA claims bird flu is spreading in cows with detections in 32 herds in 8 states, is criticized for withholding data

cow dairy
© ADAM DAVIS/EPA-EFE/ShutterstockFILE: Experts say the US is not sharing as much data on the outbreak as it should.
Researchers around the world are growing more uneasy with the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) in US dairy cows as the virus continues to make its way into new herds and states. Several experts say the US is not sharing enough information from the federal investigation into the unexpected and growing outbreak, including genetic information from isolated viruses.

To date, the US Department of Agriculture has tallied 32 affected herds in eight states: Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, and Texas. In some cases, the movement of cattle between herds can explain the spread of the virus. But the USDA has not publicly clarified if all the herds are linked in a single outbreak chain or if there is evidence that the virus has spilled over to cows multiple times. Early infections in Texas were linked to dead wild birds (pigeons, blackbirds, and grackles) found on dairy farms. But the USDA reportedly indicated to Stat News that the infections do not appear to be all linked to the Texas cases.

Comment: It doesn't seem as though this 'link' was proven to the be culprit, because there were other more likely routes of transmission - just 2 weeks ago it was reported: Ground-up chicken waste and excreta fed to cattle may be behind bird flu outbreak in US cows

Comment: What with the establishment's sinister track record - exemplified by the contrived coronavirus crisis, lockdowns, and experimental injections - in addition to their stated agenda to destroy farming as we know it, one would be right to be highly suspicious of this bird flu situation.

The scare has already resulted in culls of tens of millions of birds just in the US, with global biohazard restrictions on flocks - which, ironically, is known to weaken immunity - and, worryingly, MIT recently reported that an mRNA jab is in the works. A jab that when administered may remain in some form within the meat itself.

It's also notable that wild birds have been considered to be one of the primary vectors of bird flu, and with their migration patterns taking them all across the planet, 'nowhere is safe'.

Whether this will indeed be 'disease X' that the WEF & co. have been promoting remains to be seen - because smallpox also seems to be another strong contender - but one could argue that they are certainly building the case for it:


Bird flu 'fears surge' as student in Vietnam dies from new strain, also detected in US, UK

A student has died just days after developing a cough that was being caused by a bird flu. It was a highly pathogenic strain of the virus already detected in the UK and the US.

The 21-year-old from Vietnam is confirmed to have been infected with avian flu strain H5N1.

While it's most widespread targets are birds, the illness can be transferred to mammals and humans.

Comment: There have been hysterical claims that everything from people to seals to otters to foxes have been infected with bird flu, and yet, other than birds, deaths resulting directly from it appear to be rare; and most of the birds that died were culled: (2023) First human death from H3N8 bird flu recorded in China, WHO claims

People who had been in close contact with the student are being "monitored daily" in case they fall ill.

Comment: Thailand Medical News provides more details:
As health officials and the public grapple with the implications of this case, numerous questions remain unanswered, highlighting the urgency of understanding and addressing this evolving situation.

The Patient's Journey: From Symptoms to Hospitalization

The unfolding saga began with the onset of symptoms in the young student on March 11. What initially appeared as mild discomfort quickly escalated, prompting the patient to seek medical attention. After a brief return home, during which time the virus may have spread within his household, the severity of his condition necessitated hospitalization. Currently, he remains in serious condition and isolated at the Provincial Hospital of Tropical Diseases in Khanh Hoa.

The patient is currently under mechanical ventilation and does not seem to be responding to any treatments including the usage of the antiviral Oseltamivir.

At the moment, Vietnamese health authorities have placed more than 214 individuals who had come into contact with the infected individual under isolation and are closely monitoring them.

According to sources from the provincial health department in Khanh Hoa, there are about 23 individuals in the group who are exhibiting symptoms of a respiratory infection.

The Pasteur Institute in Na Trang in Vietnam is currently overseeing all genomic testing and the institute so far has confirmed that a new subtype of H5N1 Avian Flu is involved in the initial case involving the university student.

Local experts claim that the new H5N1 subtype is originating from the virus branch (We do not have details to validate this as of yet.)

Media Frenzy and Official Responses

Vietnamese media outlets, including state-sponsored sources, have been abuzz with H5N1 News coverage of this alarming development. Reports detailing the patient's condition, the efforts to trace and test contacts, and the measures being taken by health authorities have dominated headlines.

Despite the lack of official statements from government health agencies, the credibility of these reports underscores the gravity of the situation.

Unraveling the Mystery: How Did the Student Contract the Virus?

One of the most pressing questions surrounding this case is the mode of transmission. The exact subtype of the H5 virus remains unidentified, adding complexity to the investigation. While previous cases involving H5N1 and H5N6 variants have been reported in neighboring countries like Cambodia, China and Laos, the specific origin of the virus in this instance remains a mystery. The absence of dead poultry in the vicinity further complicates efforts to pinpoint the source of exposure.

Response and Containment Efforts

In response to the confirmed case, health officials in Khanh Hoa have initiated comprehensive measures aimed at containment and prevention. Contact tracing, testing, and isolation protocols have been swiftly implemented to curb the potential spread of the virus. Additionally, disinfection procedures have been carried out in relevant locations, including the patient's dormitory at Nha Trang University.

Challenges and Unknowns

Despite these proactive measures, significant challenges persist. The inherent variability of the H5 virus, coupled with the potential for reassortment and emergence of new subtypes, underscores the need for vigilance and ongoing surveillance. The lack of clarity regarding the source of infection and the potential for human-to-human transmission further complicate the situation.

Update: We have received updates from local media that the Vietnamese government is issuing a directive to all local media to stop reporting on this emerging health issue. The health authorities have however conformed the emergence of the H5N1 outbreak and the WHO are also involved already.
The Vietnamese government may be urging for calm because it's really not considered to be an urgent issue - that point, however, remains to be seen.

It's worth noting that, ominously, MIT reports that they're working on an mRNA injection; an outbreak detected in the US in cows, and one rancher, is thought to have occurred because they were feeding the excreta of (likely bird flu vaccinated) chickens to the cows; and there's evidence showing that the vaccine program they've been enforcing across the planet has been ineffective, at best:

Quenelle - Golden

SOTT Focus: Lockdown's Fourth Birthday

Masked Person
© Off-Guardian
Today marks four years to the day since the UK went into "lockdown" for the first time.

What an exciting time that was, right? With the pan-banging and the curve-flattening and the Spirit of the Blitz living on. Good times.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's team decided to honour the occasion by slapping themselves on the back:

Needless to say, this is revisionism of the highest order. To quote my favourite reply, it's the "gaslightiest gaslight I've ever been gaslit by".

The furlough system did not "save the economy". The economy was not saved. Rather, it was laid out on a stone table and slowly flayed with a sharpened flint.

We are all still living with the consequences of lockdown, not just in the UK but globally. The world over, hundreds of millions of people have been plunged into extreme poverty by so-called "anti-Covid measures".

Billions more are worse off, paying more for almost every product and service, and struggling in general.

It's important to remember this was the point.


Leprosy cases surge in US, deaths from rabies double in Vietnam

© Dr_Microbe/iStock/Getty Images Plus
What is leprosy and why is it resurfacing in the US?

Leprosy is caused by two different but similar bacteria - Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis - the latter having just been identified in 2008. Leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, is avoidable.

Transmission among the most vulnerable in society, including migrant and impoverished populations, remains a pressing issue.

This age-old neglected tropical disease, which is still present in more than 120 countries, is now a growing challenge in parts of North America.

Leprosy is beginning to occur regularly within parts of the southeastern United States. Most recently, Florida has seen a heightened incidence of leprosy, accounting for many of the newly diagnosed cases in the US.

Comment: Xinhua reports:
Vietnam records surging number of deaths from rabies

Vietnam recorded 22 rabies-related deaths in the first two months of this year, two times higher than the same period last year, the General Department of Preventive Medicine under the Health Ministry said on Thursday.

The Central Highlands region remains a hot spot with five deaths in Dak Lak and Gia Lai provinces.

According to the department, the recent infection cases had a short incubation period of 10-15 days.

Many patients were children under five years old who were bitten by dogs and cats in the head and face areas, causing serious injuries around the central nervous system.

The health ministry has issued a warning about the increased risk of animal-to-human rabies infection because of the poor vaccination rate among dogs and cats.

The rate of vaccination against rabies has only reached almost 50 percent of the total dog and cat population. Some places reported only 10 percent, according to the ministry.

That may be so, but this has likely been the case for a while, so why the increase in infections? There have been more animal attacks? Children are more vulnerable?

Note that back in 2021: 3 children DEAD & 120 hospitalized in just 1 week due to Pfizer jab, Vietnam province suspends batch but 'may use it later on adults'

The ministry has advised people who raise dogs and cats to be fully vaccinated against rabies and re-vaccinated annually as recommended by the veterinary sector.

Those bitten by dogs and cats must visit medical facilities for examination, consultation and injection of rabies vaccine and anti-rabies serum, the ministry said.
As you can read below, the reasons for the outbreaks are varied, but there certainly seems to be a concerted effort by the establishment to create the conditions for some of them:


Large ingenous events, cosmic impacts and crises in the history of life

© Randall Carlson Newsletter - March 2024
Last month, in the February 2024 issue of the Kosmographia Newsletter I reported on new research correlating a series of large-scale igneous events which produced the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) and the Siberian Traps with mass extinction episodes. On February 8 another paper was published in the journal Global and Planetary Change which further supports correlations between mass extinction episodes with gigantic volcanic eruptions and catastrophic cosmic impacts. The lead author of the paper is Michael Rampino, who has for decades been in the forefront of researching catastrophic events in Earth history. I have been following his work since the early 1980s and hold him in high regard as a scientist who is willing to think outside established paradigms of Earth history. The abstract to the paper begins:

"We find that Large Igneous Province (LIP) volcanism, mostly continental flood basalts (CFBs), along with the largest extraterrestrial impacts show significant correlations with mass-extinction events in the Phanerozoic geologic record. The ages of the 6 major marine mass extinctions (≥ 40% extinction of genera) of the last 541 MY ̶ the end-Ordovician (~444 Ma), late Devonian (~ 372 Ma), end-Guadalupian (~259 Ma), end-Permian (~ 252 Ma), end-Triassic (~201 Ma), and end-Cretaceous (66 Ma) extinctions are significantly correlated with high-quality U — Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar ages of 6 continental flood basalts (CFBs) ̶ the Cape St. Mary's, Viluy, Emeishan, Siberian, CAMP, and the Deccan Basalts.

U — Pb zircon dating (Uranium-lead) is a widely used method for dating metamorphic rocks typically employing a thermal ionization mass spectrometer. Zircon is used because it includes uranium and thorium atoms in its crystalline structure when forming but rejects lead, so any lead found in a zircon crystal is radiogenic, meaning it results from radioactive decay. Argon dating can measure Argon isotopes from a single mineral grain. The ratio of Argon 40 to Argon 39 yields the age of the sample.

The extinctions listed above are considered to be major events in the history of life on Earth. A number of less severe extinctions have taken place, although these events are somewhat more difficult to discern in the geologic/palaeontologic record. Nevertheless, a correlation can be discerned between these extinctions and both volcanic eruptions and cosmic impact.


Alaskapox claims 'elderly' man as first known death, virus first discovered in 2015

© Mark Smith/AlamyFILE: Water vole. The virus recently discovered in Alaska is transmitted from small mammals and symptoms normally include a rash and muscle pain.
An elderly man has died from Alaskapox, the first known fatality from the recently discovered virus, Alaskan state health officials have said.

The man, who lived in the remote Kenai Peninsula, was hospitalised in November last year and died in late January, according to a bulletin issued last week by public health officials.

The man was undergoing cancer treatment and had a suppressed immune system because of the drugs, which may have contributed to the severity of his illness, the bulletin said. It described him as elderly but didn't provide his age.

Comment: Normally such a virus may be of little concern, however in the 'new normal', with over half of Western populations immunocompromised by the experimental covid jabs, concerns over viral interactions and mutations, leaky Western bioweapons labs, and so on, it does give one pause for thought. More so because one can't help but notice how a few of the symptoms are shared with the black death itself, and which is also believed to be connected to smallpox - that said, that's where the similarities appear to end: For reference: New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection

Outbreak News:
On today's show, we'll dive into the ABC's of Alaskapox with Bradley Perkins, MD. Dr. Perkins is the Chief Medical Officer at Karius.

In addition, he is a former top CDC official who led the anthrax bioterrorism investigation. He was also a leading expert in the more recent monkeypox, or mpox outbreak.