Society's ChildS


Cops behaving badly: Met Police told to tackle officers' 'disgraceful' behavior

met police
'Shocking' report uncovered 'pervasive evidence' of racism, bullying and sexism within police forces.

The Metropolitan Police must take immediate steps to eradicate racism, to tackle bullying and to train officers on the "appropriate use of social media," the UK police-conduct watchdog has said, in what's been deemed a "shocking" report.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) launched 'Operation Hotton' in 2018 following a complaint alleging an officer had sex with a drunk person at a police station. The operation later expanded, with the watchdog saying Tuesday that "nine linked investigations found evidence of bullying and discrimination within the ranks."

Comment: See also:

Eye 1

Report on Rio Tinto mining company finds 'disturbing' culture of sexual harassment, racism, bullying

rio tinto building
© REUTERS/David Gray/File PhotoA sign adorns the building where mining company Rio Tinto has their office in Perth, Western Australia, November 19, 2015.
A report released by Rio Tinto (RIO.AX), (RIO.L) on Tuesday outlined a culture of bullying, harassment and racism at the global mining giant, including 21 complaints of actual or attempted rape or sexual assault over the past five years.

Nearly half of all employees who responded to an external review of the miner's workplace culture commissioned by Rio said they had been bullied, while racism was found to be common across a number of areas.

Rio Tinto Chief Executive Jakob Stausholm said the results were "disturbing" and the company would implement all 26 recommendations from the report by former Australian sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick.

Comment: See also:


Best of the Web: Freedom Convoy working? Saskatchewan dropping all COVID restrictions, vax passports by end of month

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe
Saskatchewan has become the first province to announce it will be dropping all COVID-19 restrictions, including proof of vaccination requirements.

Premier Scott Moe made the announcement during a press conference Monday evening, stating restrictions would end on Feb. 28 and recognizing Canadians' desire "for a return to normal."

"Our caucus MLAs are hearing this from the people that they are talking to across the province and the people that they ultimately represent, and people are asking their government for a return to normal - a removal of public health restrictions - and we most certainly are looking at how we can do that in the weeks ahead here in Saskatchewan," said Moe.

Comment: Either the Trucker Convoy is having an effect, or this is just in keeping with the wide-scale plan we see developing around the world - dropping the mandates and "learning to live" with the virus.

See also:


As of tomorrow, Denmark admits the failure of all Covid control measures (including vaccines)

denmark danish flag
© Reuters / Andreas MortensenDenmark's national flag flutters in Copenhagen, Denmark, October 22, 2019
In less than 12 hours, Denmark turns into Florida.
No masks (except possibly in hospitals and nursing homes). No vaccine passports.
Any person jabbed with ANY Covid shot can enter the country without a test; unvaccinated people can enter with a negative PCR test.
"We say goodbye to the restrictions and welcome the life we knew before," the prime minister said last week.
Right on schedule, the bluecheck muppets popped up to explain that the Danes had won because they weren't a bunch of unmasked Trump-loving mouth-breathers

Comment: See also:

No Entry

Alberta tow truck companies refusing to assist RCMP in removing border blockade

truck blockade alberta
Several tow truck companies in Alberta are, for various reasons, refusing to help authorities remove the blockade at the Canada-U.S. border.

Canadian police seeking assistance of tow truck companies in the removal of trucks participating in the blockade of the Canada-U.S. border are coming up short due to the company's refusal to assist in dismantling the protest.

As detailed by Rebel News, truckers have blockaded the roads in southern Alberta to protest the federal government's COVID-19 restrictions and mandates.

Comment: Good for them! Ottawa tow companies are following suit:

See also:

No Entry

Online 'sextortion' rising during pandemic: Men twice as likely to receive blackmail threats

on the phone in the dark
© Krzysztof Kamil from Pixabay
More people are being sexually blackmailed online during the pandemic, a new study warns. Researchers add that men are the number one targets of these crimes — threatening to publish explicit images or videos of the victim, a cybercrime called sextortion.

Other groups, including young people, black women, and members of the LGBTQ community are also likely to receive messages from online extortionists. The team says there's been a substantial rise in sexual violence involving digital technology since the beginning of the global pandemic. While cyber offenses like "revenge porn" receive a great deal of attention, however, sextortion is slipping under the radar, according to the team.

More often than not, the culprit is a current or former partner, online dating scammer, or a stranger hacking into a person's photos or webcam.

Comment: It seems unlikely that education, in the way they're referring to it above, will lead to any improvements. Perpetrators of 'sextortion' likely know that what they're doing is wrong and immoral, but they do it anyway. It seems it would be much more beneficial to teach people how to protect themselves, to not be vulnerable to such attacks, rather than trying to reach the perpetrators.

See also:


Ricky Gervais explains why nothing should be off limits in comedy: 'I want to try and get canceled'

Ricky Gervais
© Christopher Polk / NBC / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images
Comedian Ricky Gervais explained in an interview with The Wall Street Journal this week why nothing should be off limits when it comes to comedy, adding in a second interview that he wants to "try and get canceled."

Gervais, 60, told Heat that he wants to push his new stand-up comedy show to the absolute limits, saying, "I'm treating it like it's my last one ever."

"It won't be, but I want to put everything into it. I want to try and get cancelled," he added. "No, I just want to go all-out there."

When asked by The Journal if there was anything he should not joke about, Gervais responded, "No."

"There's no subject you shouldn't joke about," he said. "It depends on the joke. As a journalist, there's nothing you wouldn't write about. It depends on your angle, right? I think a lot of this pious offense comes from people mistaking the target of the joke with the subject. You can joke about anything, but it depends on what the actual target is. If you use irony and people see that at face value and think you're saying one thing but you're actually saying the opposite. Even the critical thinkers, if it's a subject that's personal to them, they can't see the wood for the trees, they can't see objectively. People laugh at 19 of the terrible subjects I joke about, but not the 20th because that affects them."

Red Flag

Best of the Web: A political earthquake at the Freedom Convoy: Sikhs, lefties and false flags

Ezra Levant Rebel News
Ezra Levant takes in the culture at the massive trucker rally at the nation's capital.

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, filmed live at the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa this weekend, Ezra gave his impression of the crowd and showed some clips of what was happening on the ground.

Among the clips was a quick chat with a protester decrying the convoy as "white nationalist", including their response when Ezra asked how the organizer — Tamara Lich — could be considered a white nationalist when she is in fact Métis.

Comment: The "white nationalist" smear the media is running with is cringe-worthy, both in its utter predictability and its blatant misrepresentation of the protesters. Aren't lefties supposed to be for 'worker uniting'?

workers unite meme

Yellow Vest

Best of the Web: Recap of Day 9 of Truckers for Freedom Convoy across Canada

canada trucker convoy
On Day 9 of the Truckers For Freedom Convoy, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau emerged from hiding to demonize peaceful Canadian protestors, truckers in Alberta blockaded the US border and a Conservative caucus revolt threatened to turf Erin O'Toole as leader.

MPs returned to Parliament today after a weekend of monumental protests. The Freedom Convoy that inspired the world and united the country came together with one message - that vaccine mandates and COVID restrictions must come to an end.

The trucks that arrived in Ottawa on Friday and Saturday hadn't moved an inch on Monday morning despite calls from city officials and Liberal MPs.

This was the scene of the convoy earlier today.

Trudeau emerged from hiding this morning to vilify the protesters, claiming that Canadians were "shocked and disgusted" by the scenes of national unity and patriotism on display over the weekend.

Comment: See also:


Quebec scraps plan to tax the unvaccinated

Quebec Premier François Legault
Quebec Premier François Legault is abandoning his government's controversial plan to tax Quebecers who have chosen not to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Legault made the announcement at a press conference on Tuesday. It included a further relaxing of restrictions, including the long-awaited reopening of gyms.

Legault had announced his intention to tax the unvaccinated on Jan. 11, making Quebec only the second jurisdiction in the Western world to impose financial penalties on unvaccinated people 14 years old and older. Legault's announcement was met with fierce blowback from civil liberties groups and opposition parties.

According to sources, the charge would have been between $100 and $800.