Part 1 of our conversation covers a wide range of fascinating topics, from the historical evidence of alien encounters and the mysterious origins of the Anunnaki, to the potential influences of supernatural forces on both historical events and modern day societal issues.
This series is a must watch extensive discourse on how ancient myths, supernatural phenomena, and cutting-edge science converge to shape our understanding of the universe and our place within it.
"If you think the government is hiding things about aliens, you're only scratching the surface of the mystery."
"We're not dealing with little green men or flying saucers. We're dealing with phenomena that challenge our very notions of reality." - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
What You'll Learn From This Episode
- Historical Context For Alien Encounters
- Learn how historical accounts of demonic encounters across different cultures and eras are linked to modern reports of alien sightings that might provide evidence of ultraterrestrial influence.
- Governmental Secrecy and Media Manipulation - Discover how global authorities control, restrict, and distort information to shape the public perception of paranormal phenomena.
- The Anunnaki Connection: Zeta Reticuli and Earth's History
- Dive into the intriguing theories connecting the Anunnaki from the Zeta Reticuli star system to Earth's ancient civilizations.
- Nephilim and Giant Humanoids
- Uncover the enigmatic presence of the Nephilim and other giant humanoids in ancient lore and their potential links to hyperdimensional beings.
- Cataclysms and Alien Interventions in Human History
- Discuss historical cataclysms and the theory that they might have been influenced or orchestrated by higher density beings.
- Weather Phenomena: Natural or Supernatural Forces?
- Examine historical and contemporary events where the line between natural and supernatural influence becomes blurred.
- The Dark Side of Human Trafficking and Consumption
- Address the grim topic of human trafficking and consumption, exploring its historical roots and its connections to dark, hidden agendas of powerful hyperdimensional entities.
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:03:15 - Laura's Origin Story
00:10:30 - Exploring Past Lives Using Hypnotherapy 00:18:45 - Geoengineering and Climate Effects
00:25:30 - Paranormal Encounters and Interdimensional Interactions
00:34:00 - New Age Interpretations Of Alien Phenomena 00:42:15 - Historical Precedence For Alien Encounters
00:48:30 - The Anunnaki Connection: Zeta Reticuli and Earth's History 00:53:01 - The Mystery of the Nephilim and Giant Humanoids 00:58:41 - Cataclysms and Alien Interventions in Human History
01:04:21 - Weather Phenomena: Natural or Supernatural Forces? 01:34:04 - The Dark Side of Human Trafficking and Consumption 01:43:31 - The Complex World of Sexuality and Energy Exchange
01:50:20 - Closing Thoughts & Laura's Resources
Guest Biography
Laura Knight-Jadczyk is a renowned researcher and author specializing in the fields of paranormal phenomena, historical cosmic catastrophes, and psychological studies.
With a career spanning several decades, Laura has dedicated herself to exploring the boundaries between physical and non-physical realities.
Her extensive work and unique insights are captured in her numerous publications, most notably her groundbreaking series "The Wave," which delves into the intricacies of hyperdimensional realities and their impact on human history and consciousness.
She founded the scientific and metaphysical research community, The Cassiopaean Experiment, where she collaborates with other experts to investigate and discuss these complex topics.
Learn more about Laura and her work at
Laura's Resources
Jay's Resources
Reader Comments
Believe Those Who Are Seeking the Truth; Doubt Those Who Find It
Václav Havel? André Gide? François Truffaut? Marcel Proust? John Dingell Sr.? Luis Buñuel? Amanda Palmer? Voltaire? Anonymous? Dear Quote Investigator: There is a provocative saying about leadership, discipleship, and the search for truth that is commonly attributed to the Czech statesman Václav Havel who passed away in 2011. Here are two versions:
Follow the man/woman who seeks the truth; run from the man who has found it. Seek the company of those who search for truth; run from those who have found it.
Adapted to current popular discourse.
[Link] Source.
Although I have connected these statements to Havel for years I recently began to doubt the ascription. I have been unable locate solid information about its provenance. Would you be willing to attempt to trace this saying?
Ah! The modern language...Of socially accepted language and discourse, in decades of socially correct definitions of language, that does not include the psycho social aspect of humanity. What it really means to be human.
I am reminded of the works of Rupert Sheldrake. For a primer, his book, the sense of being stared to
Thanks to Laura for all her decades of work, discovering the truth behind the reality, most of the human population are oblivious to.
Another reminder, a movie clip from the Wizard of OZ Movie
[Link] Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
My own views of the influence of extraterrestrials as manipulators is changing, partly from reviewing Dr. Karla Turner's work. As I noted previously, the Remote Viewers at have seen that we live on a prison planet. Pretty mind blowing if you're not open to examining it. We've been manipulated for thousands of years but now the technology,, genetic engineering, and transhumanism is adding to it.
SInce I have been investigating manipulation of humanity and child sex trafficking, it is apparent that "alien or military" abductions have many similar mind control and abusive sex elements.
It is a fascinating watch and surprisingly tied together all of my humble assumptions about what this life is. From my deep dives into Natural law, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Secret Societies, Psychology as a Weapon, Technology as a Weapon, Bureaucratic Tyranny, and the Paranormal...This just brought it all together(speaking for myself of coarse)
Many ancient civilizations tell tales of "The Gods" coming from the sky and teaching them all sorts of things.
I always thought these "elites" were mimicking "alien" behavior as far as the hierarchical service to self mentality.
It seemed like when "The Gods" came and went, whichever human that was the last to sit on their lap and suck off the teat, felt the need to take the baton and continue their tyrannical ways because "God chose them to do so". [Or maybe because the lack of spiritual consciousness made them susceptible to such a manipulation?]
Anyhow, the revelations in the remote viewings are just astounding.
Apologies if this made no sense at all. I'm typing fast and surprised I can type because after 4 hours of taking in the material, I'm at a loss for words right now!
Thank You for sharing!!!
Remote Viewing is a real methodology that connects the viewer to a consciousness field.
My only concern is whether a bias could unintentionally affect the outcome. When Courtney Brown, the director of Farsight, said we live on a prison planet, it was a shock to me. At the same time, it made many things fit together, like how the UFO phenomena fits into the "great reset".
I look forward to part two.
The same stories of MYTH’s told as FACTs have plagued zoomanity long enough. Same Crytocracy PTSB.are still at the helm running & ruinning the Roan Shit Show Circus Theatre. 🤡💩🎪
The same stories of MYTH’s told as FACTs have plagued zoomanity long enough. Same Crytocracy PTSB.are still at the helm running & ruinning the Roan Shit Show Circus Theatre. 🤡💩🎪
Humanity can evolve to a higher consciousness if it is still stuck on stoopid.
BeLIEf is the death of intelligence. Phronesis - Sophia Wisdom should be the goal / benmark / enlightenment beacon at the end of the rainbow of truth.
Ch-IRON - Ke-IRON sharpens IRON. 🦅🔥🏹
Clif High
YOUR hippo is being attacked~!!
A conspiracy so big you can't imagine it.
Watch to the end, then try to prove me wrong!
Perhaps it was said in jest, and the benefit of the doubt ought be given - but to me it is suggestive.
I don't know if I should hit the "Add Comment" on this cause what is the point of the comment?
I'm gonna post it - but then I'll read the other article in full and listen to this entire two hour interview after the first few moments already listened to - uh - I doubt at the end of the interview there will be a hyperdimensional reality awaiting me to contemplate - but I got an open mind - so I'll do what I said I would.
For the one hypnotizing others susceptible, god knows - sure hope you have good intent behind that. Otherwise, tis a tool of nefarious entities that are just waiting to take advantage of those easily hypnotized or fall under the spell of false ideology.
It seems my sentiment was misinterpreted and whether I'm autistic or not (everybody tis on the spectrum) seems irrelevant in context to my comment. I know that hypnosis can happen and I stand by what I expressed above. I consider myself fairly adept at reading social cues.
( Oh wait - the reply was to the top message of mine I reckon....I just figured it out) - So - it was a "joke" when you said you were "not necessarily a willing participant", but again - not to be flippant - I also typed " perhaps it was said in jest ", so I'm not sure why are you asking me these questions...Oh well.
Regards to you,
Review video 06'44"-07'12"
I mean how you know what I said wasn't a joke?
Are you autistic - (rhetorical).
The more I think about this response when you showed up - and I know you are part of the founding of this place and I respect that - but I just don't understand why you chose to ask me the question you did - can you read social cues?
Did you choose to pick on me cause you thought you could be a bully - and if so, why would you think that being you must know my sentiment. So I just don't get it - but it has made me less inclined to listen to the next episodes and that is a shame I reckon.
As for autism - tis on the rise - and that speaks to medical treatment in the wrong I reckon - and jabs of harm.
Peace hombre!
Likewise, Ms. Laura fears hyperdimensionality, finding it “dangerous” even though she has lived in it since birth!
First things first.
They eat people.
It actually sounds bad, but don't people eat everything they can? You eat hamburgers, beef, steaks. Is there any difference here?
We are someone's "property", as Mrs. Laura says
Yes, but do we treat other beings living with us differently?We have large chicken farms just to steal the eggs they lay. Countless herds of sheep and other creatures just to obtain their skins. Is there any difference here? We consider these animals as OUR PROPERTY.
They are experimenting on us!
Of course they do it... just like us... how many rats and laboratory pigs do people kill every day?
They modify us genetically,
Sure they do. Just like we do with other entities. For example, dogs. How many new breeds have already been created through crossbreeding. Or strawberries. Did you know that there were no strawberries 200 years ago? This is an artificially bred variety, originally created from a combination of raspberries, with something I don't remember.
Looking at them, without losing sight of what we ourselves are doing, it is easy to notice that we are looking into... A MIRROR!! Our own reflection!
Of course, they have greater awareness than us, probably different technological means... but mentally... no difference.
So what is there to be afraid of? Probably ourselves? ;-)
Let's move on...
This terrible hyperdimensionality...
What is so terrible about it?
After all, this is nothing more than Darwin's extended theory. The only difference is that it turns out that the food chain does not end with us and that we are not the highest form of creation,
edit: I'd like to add as well that there is a major difference between hybridization done by cultivating say crossbreeds of fruits (or peas) and genetic tampering such as let's say CRSPR. thinking of mRNA jabs v tangelos, not even remotely similar processes involved.
Check before you write, otherwise you become unreliable.
Quoting from Wikipedia:
"The garden strawberry was first bred in Brittany, France, in the 1750s via a cross of Fragaria virginiana from eastern North America and Fragaria chiloensis, which was brought from Chile by Amédée-François Frézier in 1714.[2] Cultivars of Fragaria × ananassa have replaced, in commercial production, the woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca), which was the first strawberry species cultivated in the early 17th century.[3]
From a botanical point of view, the strawberry is not a berry but an aggregate accessory fruit, meaning that the fleshy part is derived not from the plant's ovaries but from the receptacle that holds the ovaries.[4] Each apparent "seed" (achene) on the outside of the fruit is actually one of the ovaries of the flower, with a seed inside it.[4]In 2019, world production of strawberries was nine million tons, led by China with 40% of the total."
PS>Either there is no similarity or you don't want to see it, looking at the differences in details :-)
now, back to the raspberry, also from the rose family, but from a different genus than strawberry. So... what else you got?
So let's follow the example of strawberries...
Quoting further from Wikipedia: Classification There are over 20 different species of Fragaria found around the world. A number of other species have been proposed, some of which are now recognized as subspecies. [8] The key to classifying strawberry species is the difference in chromosome number. They all have seven basic types of chromosomes, but exhibit varying polyploidy. Some species are diploid, having two sets of seven chromosomes (a total of 14 chromosomes), but others are tetraploid (four sets, a total of 28 chromosomes), hexaploid (six sets, a total of 42 chromosomes), octoploid (eight sets, a total of 56 chromosomes), or decaploid (ten sets, 70 chromosomes in total).
Wikipedia? Really? Best you got?"....for such a simple conversation as with you, Wikipedia is enough
One wonders who came up with differentiating raspberries and strawberries. Flowers and wind? Darwinian selection of traits? Atlantean selection of traits? Aliens wouldn't bother because they don't usually care to eat or possess fruits. Unless these aliens are higher versions of the fruits that decide to create new species? Or am I being stupid?
- once you have the knowledge, designs are numberless, labels for relay alone, growth, or how it develops...would be monitored, adjusted at each level, the question is, for what purpose ?
The best way for plants to grow is when they are free to mix and match as desired....but I prefer strawberries over raspberries and raspberries over blackberries - cause blackberries - which I have growing on our property - they are just too seedy.....
Now - if you want to talk grapes or peaches when it comes to fruits, well grapes make for good wine sometimes - the wine in NC tends to be "sweet" - being in accordance with indigenous grapes such as muscadine, but the peaches out of SC are pretty fine if you can pick one just at the proper time - and the ones out of Georgia same holds true - the one from California leave something to be desired.
Some other fruits that merit mention could be apples and crabapples as well - and do you know about the pawpaw plant? Pawpaw's ( crow's are fond of them ) grow in either trees or bushes depending on context and you can't get them easy at the grocery store - cause they are not easily preserved after they get picked - that is my kind of fruit and I've got a few of them growing in both my places.
I'm gonna try to watch the rest of this video - so far I can't deny I appreciate what Ms. Laura expresses - I wonder why it was chosen to come out with this now.....but I'll watch the rest and I apologize in advance for posting this fruity post prior to listening to it all, but I just felt compelled to share my views regarding seedy fruits versus other fruits more desirable.
Buffalo_Ken There's something something special about blackberries to me. They are second only to dragonfruit. And maybe melons.
I assume that my own experiences aren't....Preprogrammed.
I prefer raspberries, but I can attest there is nothing like tasting a fine strawberry just been picked off the plant.
And in confidence I share this - just today walking my dog around the block - the same paw-paw plant provided the seeds I saved almost two years ago and have growing at my getaway place now - in the shade literally - that same plant had a fresh fruit on it - and it is only the month of May - I consider that good tidings.
"Simulation Theory" is by definition subjective - but know this - lies are a dime a dozen.
So - use your own free will and refute those trying to put you in a simulation imaginary....cause if you have free will you are immune to their simulation - simple as that - you tread your own path and make it what you will.
ps - I don't mind blackberries - in fact their taste is incredible - and they are literally very abundant where I reside at our "Getaway Place" especially - and my wife - she is most fond of just the little seeds get stuck in my teeth...
I've sort of lost a bit of interest in this thread of ideas, but I guess I ought ascribe to the idea presented in the 2nd video when sometimes something "rubs you the wrong way" - best to keep it within and internalize it. I think there is a "German" aspect to that - and so that is what I do nowadays.
Peace to you as well.
This raised the question for me, how did this gradual propaganda methodology get established when humans only live 70 to 90 years? For example, humans can study mice and rats in experiments because the lifespan of a mouse or a rat is much shorter than the experimenters.
The extraterrestrial/hyperdimensional involvement provides an answer to that question. If their lifespan is 10 fold higher than humanity, then humans would be rats in their experiments in controlling humanity. They could work both the gradual ideological narrative change and at the same time develop the technological(AI) /biological /chemical /frequency tools to control/murder humanity.
still listening as I'm typing this - and the fella who has "two daughters" 2 years apart....that struck a cord with me being we have two daughters 3 years apart (but older now).....and I would like to suggest to said fella - that tis of merit to take a stance with daughters on certain matters - but especially when they turn into young women, I advise caution in asserting authority ....for our daughters, my wife and I, we chose to let them know we would help and make efforts for them to graduate from college and have no debt when they got their degree.
Now - if they desired to go to Yale or whatnot - that is different - but they chose to go to a place affordable and they graduated debt free. And my wife and I felt we had done well by our daughters and we had faith in their ability to have discernment when they were in institutions of so-called higher learning. So, there has to be flexibility and laying down the law on daughters is a fool's game......especially as they mature into young women with minds of their own.
So, 1:54 or so into this and I agree "sex is important" - having an orgasm is something special. But special things take care from a spiritual standpoint don't they? In other words - take care of special things and special things take care. So - some things ought just be understood - below and above spiritual things - the concept of "taking care" forms from principle in behavior as informed by the mind - does it not?
Now near the end, and from my perspective - during an act of intimacy - I want my partner to get the energy for sure....and vice-versa one hopes and then that is called sharing energy in intimacy in a life-affirming manner!
Wow - thanks for this video . I admit I turned up the playback speed setting, but the video is now finished and so will click the "Add Comment" button...
I'll tell a story in the meantime - it is about a bird we had named " Peak-a-Boo " - said bird was a parakeet and had a mate named " Frosty ", and one time I swear my daughter found Peak-a-Boo in the freezer and nobody knew how that bird got there, but the bird was OK being it got released before it froze to death ( after we discovered it in the freezer - that crazy bird! ), but later on the fate of Peak-a-Boo took a dire turn when under unknown circumstances it suffered a fate undeserved - it might of been our dog Chester did the deed or perhaps twas Abbie-Maia or possibly and most likely in my mind neither of those dogs, but needless to say Peek-a-Boo's days were over after that unfortunate event still to this day uncertain in my mind. I remember being there in the kitchen looking at the carcass of the bird and thinking - how the hell did this occur?
Nevertheless, Frosty remained along with our cockatiel bird named Lacy , and heaven's to betsy - it seems Frosty and Lacy had a thing going on and Frosty even laid an egg later.....the egg never hatched and those two birds turned into torrents of destruction in our house - they ate up much of the wallpaper in the bathroom and even ate up what was behind that....until at some moment, my wife made a wise choice that she knew I would support to find a foster home for these crazy birds that had turned themselves into a nuisance in our home and as much as we loved those birds - I remember one time walking outside with Lacy when she decided to fly away but that is another story entirely - the birds were transferred to another home being we had some young ladies, our daughters, growing there and these birds were no longer conducive to family relations and the well-being of the home as much as we loved the birds - it was time for them to go elsewhere.
I miss those birds in a way, but I was glad when they were transferred elsewhere, and Chester was a hell of a good dog, but he is gone now as well - that is a whole nether many stories to tell and only so much time on the clock I reckon.
So - this is a long-winded rambling way of saying I appreciate this interview and video and I look forward to installments 2 through 6 and I hope they get published as they occur in good time.
You know you are not alone in your sentiment and thinking I hope - there are others who have experiences consistent with some of the ideas expressed - and truly - how are we going to get better together if we don't communicate openly and share ideas. My thought is and has been: Peace and looking forward to future installments.