I became determined over the last year of my practice to prioritize anything life-threatening or related to Primary Health Care, leaving bureaucracy or follow-ups related to the 'pandemic' (which is really one of people with NO symptoms, at all) as my last priority (and got a hard time from administration for doing that). It made me realize not only the damage done to our society, but also the absurdity of everything today.
Now the vaccination campaign has begun in earnest, and so has the winter flu season. After a summer and autumn of no typical COVID-19 cases, doctors are starting to see some action again. Some are coming to me with symptoms of the COVID-19 pneumonia we saw back in springtime (and earlier). I suspect that the thousands of people who have already received the experimental vaccines - approved against common sense and precautions - have something to do with this uptick. Thus, I feel compelled to write again, out of concern for the millions who are considering getting vaccinated - either because they believe the COVID-19 vaccines will protect them, or because they feel they have no choice other than to take them.
Several vaccines are currently on offer - some are 'classical' ones, others experimental genetic vaccines. The former ones include Russia's Sputnik, Oxford's Astra Zeneca and China's SinoVac. Genetic ones include Pfizer's and Moderna's vaccines, and CureVac. There are many others lined up.
This is the first time genetic vaccines are being used in the human population, and they're on the market only a few months after development. No one can guarantee the safety of these vaccines, regardless of how scientifically sound they're portrayed as being.
An analysis of the various vaccines rolled up during this health crisis is beyond the scope of this article. Others have done a great job on that. My advice is that if you're absolutely forced to get a vaccination in order to win back something resembling a "normal life", opt if you can for the classical ones. I propose a health protocol below for anyone getting either type of vaccine. But first, I would like to point out something that is rarely mentioned in the current climate of hysteria over a virus.
There are already viruses in our Genomes!
The greatest shock in genomic science was to discover that the human genome contains more viral than "human" genes. That is, the human genome comprises thousands of viruses that infected our distant ancestors. They got there by infecting eggs or sperm, inserting their own DNA into ours.
Viruses are peculiar things which, when examined under the microscope, can appear very pretty or downright creepy, depending on the virus. A virus may have DNA or RNA, and the type of genetic material depends on the function and nature of the virus. Some are very infectious, others are essential for life. There is, for instance, a gene that encodes for a protein that allows for babies to fuse to their mothers during pregnancy - and it is a virus gene.
Where most genetic diversity is to be found is in virus genes. Scientists estimate that there are some 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one nonillion = 10^30) viruses in the ocean, and genetically they match almost nothing in genes from any microbe, animal, plant or other organism - even from any other known virus.
All living things have hundreds or thousands of genes imported by viruses. There is a group of viral species known as retroviruses which insert their genetic material into the host cell's DNA. When the host cell divides, it copies the virus's DNA along with its own. Retroviruses have "on switches" that prompt their host cell to make proteins out of nearby genes. Sometimes their switches turn on host genes that ought to be kept shut off, and cancer can result.
What is known as endogenous retrovirus - endogenous meaning generated within - are the viruses that lurk in the genomes of just about every major group of vertebrates, from fish to reptiles to mammals.
Back in February 2020, long before lockdowns were rolled out in the Western world, someone made the connection of how components of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (glycoprotein S) are homologous to some of our human endogenous retroviruses - the viruses that are found in our DNA. Pfizer's mRNA vaccine is designed to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the human body.
Various researchers have brought to our attention the concept of viral recombination: when two viruses meet, they are very effective at exchanging genetic material between each other and a new recombined virus can be generated from this exchange. Due to the properties of our own DNA, we might not just be looking here at the arrival of a new recombined flu-like virus (the coronavirus of the vaccine + a flu virus in our cells), but - in the worst case scenario - to the recombining of a virus that is far more deadly.
Fragments of hemorrhagic viruses that are thought to have caused the Black Death (for more information see New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection), are listed as part of vertebrate genomes. See for instance the following paper:
Unexpected Inheritance: Multiple Integrations of Ancient Bornavirus and Ebolavirus/Marburgvirus Sequences in Vertebrate GenomesSometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie.
Vladimir A. Belyi, Arnold J. Levine, and Anna Marie Skalka. PLoS Pathog. 2010 July; 6(7): e1001030.
Vertebrate genomes contain numerous copies of retroviral sequences, acquired over the course of evolution. Until recently they were thought to be the only type of RNA viruses to be so represented, because integration of a DNA copy of their genome is required for their replication. In this study, an extensive sequence comparison was conducted in which 5,666 viral genes from all known non-retroviral families with single-stranded RNA genomes were matched against the germline genomes of 48 vertebrate species, to determine if such viruses could also contribute to vertebrate genetic heritage. In 19 of the tested vertebrate species, we discovered as many as 80 high-confidence examples of genomic DNA sequences that appear to be derived, as long ago as 40 million years, from ancestral members of 4 currently circulating virus families with single strand RNA genomes. Surprisingly, almost all of the sequences are related to only two families in the Order Mononegavirales: the Bornaviruses and the Filoviruses, which cause lethal neurological disease and hemorrhagic fevers, respectively. Based on signature landmarks some, and perhaps all, of the endogenous virus-like DNA sequences appear to be LINE element-facilitated integrations derived from viral mRNAs. The integrations represent genes that encode viral nucleocapsid, RNA-dependent-RNA-polymerase, matrix and, possibly, glycoproteins.
Health Protocol for Potential Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination
This health protocol proposal is merely information - not advice. If readers need medical advice, they should consult a doctor or other appropriate medical professional.
Elliot Overton, CFMP, DIpCNM came up with a basic nutritional and lifestyle protocol that is easily accessible and could be started a week or two before a potential coronavirus vaccination. He suggests:
Aims:Regarding the vitamin C dose left open above, the answer is A LOT! In fact, the dosage is vitamin C to individual level of bowel tolerance. How much could that be? Here's an important testimonial re-published on Sott.net years ago, for a 37 pound (17 kg) girl receiving two doses of the MMR vaccine:1-2 weeks BEFORE Vaccination
- Improve cell energy turnover through stimulating mitochondrial energy metabolism
- Immune modulation to prevent excessive/hyper-reactive immune response
- Increase likelihood of mTOR inhibition to potentially reduce the likelihood of intracellular mRNA translation (theory)
- Support antioxidant system and detoxification pathways
Immune modulators, anti-inflammatory and antioxidants
Glutathione & Precursors:Mitchondrial Cocktail:
- N-acetylcysteine (NAC) - 600mg x 4 per day (any brand)
- Glycine - 5 grams powder per day
- Liposomal glutathione - 500mg x 2 per day on an empty stomach (brand example here)
- Rosemarinic acid - Source: example here for US. Alternatively, here in tincture form for UK/EU. Dose: 4-6 caps per day or, if using tincture, the dose recommended on the bottle
- Curcumin - Seeking Health brand - Liposomal Curcumin & Resveratrol (available in most countries). 1 & ¼ tsp two times per day, on an empty stomach
- Vitamin C - Dose (?)
- Vitamin D - Dose (?)
Lifestyle interventions:
- Thiamine - 2-300mg per day (as benfotiamine or TTFD [Allithiamine or Thiamax])
- Nicotinamide Riboside (NAD+ precursor) - 2 caps per day (example brand Niagen)
- Coenzyme Q10 - 4-800mg per day (example here)
- R-Lipoic acid - 800mg per day (example brands here)
- Adenosyl B12 - 6,000-9,000mcg (example brand here)
- Methylated B complex - 1 per day (example brands here)
- Multi-Mineral - 1 per day (example brands here)
- Zinc Acetate - approx. 30mg per day (example here)
- Selenomethionine - 200mcg per day (example brands here)
Immediately AFTER Vaccination
- Cold therapy (cold showers, bathing - equal minutes per degree Celsius of water)
- Fasting/calorie restriction - one possible idea is to fast for 12-24 hours before having the vaccine administered. After approximately 12 hours of fasting, mTOR is inhibited and AMPK is activated.
- Type of exercise: Moderate-high intensity endurance exercise. Probably best to avoid weight lifting/resistance training in the days prior to vaccination.
- 500mg liposomal glutathione, vitamin C (dose?)
- Epsom salts bath - 4 cups salts, duration 20-30 minutes
- Immediately enter sauna, endure 40-60 minutes at a reasonable temperature
- After sauna, large glass of water containing: 1/4 tsp activated charcoal, 1/4 tsp bentonite clay (or alternatively 4 caps of a full-spectrum binder such as GI Detox by Bio-botanical Research).
How Much C? A Lot. A Whole LotAnother option is to take liposomal vitamin C - depending on the format - 1 unit or gram every hour. In my experience and research, vitamin C is absolutely a must.
Our five-year-old, 37-pound (about 17 kg) daughter received saturation-level doses of 8,000 to 11,000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C every day the week before her first MMR vaccination. The day of her shot, she happily and comfortably held 24,000 mg. For the next couple of days after the shot, her dose was reduced to 20,000 mg/day. Then, for the next four days, her vitamin C dose went down to 15,000 mg/day. The next four: 14,000 mg, 13,000 mg, 12,000 mg and 11,000 mg per day respectively.
For the next several weeks leading all the way up to her second MMR shot, she was getting between 8,000 and 11,000 mg of vitamin C each day.
On the day of her second MMR shot, just a little over a month from the first one, she once again received and comfortably held 24,000 mg of vitamin C. The day after: 19,000 mg. Once again, using bowel tolerance as an indicator, we gradually decreased this dose over the two weeks following this second immunization to an average of 9,000 mg/day. Eventually, we went back to her regular dose of 5,000 mg/day or 1,000 mg/day per year of age, following the recommendation of Frederick Robert Klenner, MD: http://orthomolecular.org/library/jom/1998/articles/1998-v13n04-p198.shtml or DoctorYourself.com - Klenner Vitamin C Paper.
As for the vitamin D dose, if you don't have a recent blood test showing your vitamin D levels, then take 600 to 2000 IU per day. That's a safe enough dose that will provide sufficiency without incurring toxicity. Those who have insulin resistance could do 100,000 IU per month.
To the above, I would add melatonin, 5mg of which before going to bed will also confer protection. I would also suggest therapies that typically address medical populations with significant chronic inflammation and/or insulin resistance, i.e. people with various chronic medical diseases.
- In the case of insulin resistance, berberine (0.9-1.5 grams in divided doses daily) or metformin 500 mg once per day and, if tolerated, add a second daily metformin 500 mg dose after a week.
- Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg once per day, starting a few days before vaccination. On the day you get the vaccine, take HCQ 200 mg twice that day. Continue with 200 mg twice per day for another week, or longer. It's safe enough to take provided you're not taking already medications which prolong the QT interval in an electrocardiogram and/or have a prolongation of the QT.
- Given that hydroxychloroquine has become highly controlled, an alternative is Ivermectin 12 mg on the day of the vaccine and another dose a week afterwards if reactions and/or symptoms persist. Children weighing between 15 and 24 kg should take only 3 mg, those in the range of 25 to 34 kg should take 6 mg, and anyone between 36 and 50 kg should take 9 mg.
- Azithromycin 250-500 mg three times per week (provided you're not taking already medications which prolong the QT in the electrocardiogram and/or have a prolongation of the QT), or doxycycline 200 mg once per day or 100 mg twice per day. The latter should also give protection if taken every other day.
- Ambroxol 75 mg (mucosan), available in some countries, is also a good medication that helps cells to detoxify.
The vaccines currently being promoted by the media constitute a literal medical experiment - particularly the genetic ones. As such, they would ordinarily be subject to years of trials and study. The only reason this is being allowed to happen is because these vaccines have been quasi-legally framed as "investigational COVID-19 vaccines" and as such are permitted under "emergency use authorization."
Skeptics are correct: these vaccines cannot be made mandatory without violating The Nuremberg Code, which states:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.It's important that everyone comes to terms with the fact that true reality is now overlaid and distorted by a global pseudo-reality, and that in the largely mythical context of a perpetual "health emergency crisis," appeals to basic human rights may no longer protect us from exemption to "public health measures."
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
Last year left no doubt in my mind that psychopaths rule the world. Supporting them are those who look forward to being vaccinated because they rely on authorities as their external moral compass - regardless of said authorities being demonstrably wrong on the science and cruel in their actions.
Even if you manage to hold out and avoid being vaccinated, keep the above health protocol in mind for the worst case scenario - a real pandemic sparked by genetic recombination occurring in the vaccinated.
Reader Comments
6-Month Sentence for Lawyer Who Took on Chevron Denounced as 'International Outrage' - EcoWatch
Here's A link: [Link]
Gabby and Elliot, for these protocols, they could be lifesavers for many, many people. Families and children in the weeks and months ahead of us.
Such a waste!
It also promotes autophagy
[Link] Longer fasting regimens – 24 hours or more
Hope it all goes well with you in Aus!!!
I absolutely will not allow them to put that in my body. I am resolved at this point completely. To thine own self be true regardless of any other being. I used to think of this back when in my young days (studying eshchatology) I contemplated what was called the beast a world order that would kill if one did not comply and at that time I was resolved that I would not. Now decades later this prodigal son sees that which I studied coming to fruition.
I knew what you meant about the gun. It will not be our hand but theirs. I have already spoken this out loud to others. Remember there are millions upon millions of us around the world. The sorting of the wheat from the chaff my friend.
Parzival I stand with you and not just you but all those that seek all that is good in truth and in love. Much love my Brother till the end of this brief moment that some cling to and into the eternal next life. They know their time is short and they are playing their LAST card. After that they are finished.
I await the trumpet!
Just reading through the cocktail of drugs needed to counteract something I'm not planning on ever having injected into me made my eyes glaze over. -Like reading the options is a psychological preparation to say, "Oh, hell, just inject me."
I'd much rather see the inside of a camp before I roll up my sleeve.
The thing I actually puzzle over the most is, "Where am I going to put all my stuff when I am cut out of the rental agreement and have nowhere to live? What do homeless people do? Do they have an auction or something? I'd rather not spend the last few days of my freedom moving boxes I'm never going to see again."
It's really the only big puzzle piece I don't know what to make of. The rest of it seems fairly straight forward; "Live in a tent, die in a camp."
And who knows? The eternal optimist in me also deep down believes that there may yet be a way to dodge the needle AND remain free. Maybe I'll get to die on a glacier instead! That'd be interesting.
When things break down, I have a suspicion that the vax supply lines will be among the first things to go. You have to refrigerate that stuff.
I know I will treat some SOB trying to jab me as if they're trying to shoot me. 100% self defense. First fundamental law of any logical society. Same if they try to take me to Camp C-1984. At least it would probably be over quick. Hopefully, and presumably I'd have some slaves to serve me and my twelve sweetheart muses. (No 72 virgins for me, thank you very much.)
If we can't, alternatively, they'll probably (to use an AA term) hook us up to machines that will masturbate us to death.
The only way to escape will be that you will have to do this, Grasshopper. [Link]
Next: funny cat goes to Turkish butcher Frankie: [Link] From: KLR guys: [Link]
"The FDA today joined The WHO and Dr.Fauci in admitting there is a notable risk of false results from the standard PCR-Test used to define whether an individual is a COVID "Case" or not.
This matters significantly as it fits perfectly with the 'fake rescue' plan we have previously described would occur once the Biden admin took office. But before we get to that 'conspiracy', we need a little background on how the world got here..."
That involves commodities, the world food supply, energy (how we heat our homes) and power appliances, in fact everything we need to plug into to supply the energy of our daily living. And those in power have the key.
we now live in the era of a digital economy (remember on the first lock downs, and again, control of goods and food, the toilet paper fiasco, no paper money)
This is the new reality and the "Great Reset" We will own nothing.
And this is the travesty against humanity, if we don't or will not show or or speak our voice, we will be lost
Can you imagine all these people all of a sudden lost a connection to the money and power supply of wealth and privilege. Now they have lost everything, because it has been disintegrated in a massive EMP cloud from, maybe the Sun, who know,might be just conjecture, assumption or confabulation.
LOL, Talk about a level playing field, as Cathrine Fitts calls them Mr Global. They have no idea of how to live a real authentic life. Life in the history of the world, the only reason they survived is because real live authentic people taught them how to live,
MXE ,the ONLY substance banned by the UN worldwide. Hmmm curious,yet not, as I know exactly why it was banned. First , let me ask how many people here know what MXE is? I'll take a wager that no one knows or perhaps one maybe two people know.
Now we move on to CERN and it's objective. CERN is attempting to open a portal to an unseen dimension one that they know exists.
And it does exist and can be "visited" through the effects of MXE. Sound kooky? Sure it does but who cares because it is true.
Forking banks. Well, we do the forking over. I won't get started on bank fees other than to query aren't they making money investing our money? I want a kickback out of what they've made off mine.
A list of good protocols to protect you from the bad protocols that you are certain to receive?
I think science and industry and technology and government and wealth and education have done their job. Splendidly.
Civilization is at its zenith point. We all belong. A nice little community circle of loving care and deep concern and rational beliefs.
(We're all cooked, the boiling hot water is lovely, so ooh lovely.
There's no one left to hop in.
Or out.)
the frog who became a frog to avoid being a frog
Where is the prince?
Oh, he is over there.
He lives inside the mirror.
None of us can see him.
Though we think we do.
1) Kiss me.
2) I'm a frog but I'll turn into a prince. Trust me.
(* And synapses . )
Still, scared the living heeby-jeebies out of me.
Depressing how stupid the masses are.
Somehow reminds me of a David lynch reality tunnel...
Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown [Link]
It's also not the first time MRNA therapies have been used. Similar technology has been used for late stage cancers like melanoma. It saved a manger of mine who found out she had 4th stage intractable melanoma throughout her body..... 8 years ago!
But it did trigger all kinds of autoimmune problems with her gut so now she suffers with an odd Crohns type disease.
But death was certain....
But for a fucking flu with a negligible death rate?????!!!! No way!!!!!
But no, I can't think of any reason it could harm a nearby intelligent person who has not taken this poison mess.
If it becomes mandated for their field, then they need to loudly state NOW that they will be suing the crap out of their employer and absolutely refusing.
I'm going through this now with family members who work in hospitals directly with covid patients, and have for a year now. They are rightly so refusing any of these untested toxic poisons. Most of their co-workers though are completely blind and even if apprehensive, getting it!
The clear reality is that anyone who has been working directly with or nearby covid patients for a year HAS ALREADY BEEN EXPOSED!!! It's madness to think they haven't as that makes zero sense. They've been exposed and the vast majority were/are immune or a few became mildly sick. None required hospital care. Over 20k employees....
Immunocompromised people are warned to avoid contact with recently vaccinated people, right?
I mean, it's right there in your face . Trust your gut. Read package inserts. Keep them.
With the early polio vaccines you could theoretically shed live/weakened virus. So the warning to stay clear of compromised people made sense. There's no such chance with the latest covid poisons as far as I know...
I'm not saying something sinister is afoot here. I'm just saying stuff happens sometimes. Actually, stuff happens quite often. I work in healthcare. Contaminated batches of stuff pop up from time to time with devastating results for some unlucky people. We have very few compounding pharmacies left because of liability risks with specialty injectables. Big Pharma has no such worries.
Well, I'm a worrier (as relates to my personal health). There is no such thing as a medical intervention that is without serious risks.
R: Testicular cancer
C: Colon cancer;
J: Throat cancer;
R2: Lymphoma;
RC Bladder Cx; 5 X; Squamous cancer 1X;
Basal Cx: Almost everyone - the sun here is brutal.
B, No.
R: No.
M: No. RC
1961 Goldsboro B-52 crash - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › 1961_Goldsboro_B-52_crashThe 1961 Goldsboro B - 52 crash was an accident that occurred near Goldsboro, North Carolina, on 23 January 1961 . A Boeing B - 52 Stratofortress carrying two ...Flight origin: Seymour Johnson Air Force BaseOperator: Strategic Air Command, United States ...Accident · Bomb recovery · Consequences to B-52 ... · Later analysis of weapons ...
1961 Yuba City B-52 crash - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › 1961_Yuba_City_B-52_crashOn 14 March 1961 an aircraft accident occurred near Yuba City, California. A United States Air Force B - 52F -70-BW Stratofortress bomber, AF Serial No. 57-0166 ...
I am guessing you're talking about the nuke crash?
Has there ever been an accidental nuke explosion? Anyone? (The NYT says there never has been one. [Link] for what that's worth, which ain't much.)
A later article is entitled "The US has lost SIX nukes". Where are they? or such. [Link]
Here's the book:
With what we're learning about viral interference with the very common modern flu vaccines, I can't imagine the horrors and contamination in jabs circa 1917!
The poison prick is the most important IQ test in the world. Most will fail.
Even young health care people we know in their 20's are getting it...
Pure madness.....
Hopefully the elderly you know are far wiser.
It really sheds light on who people really are. Most are just dumb cattle. Meatbags to sicken for the benefit of the PIC (Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex).
My guess would be anything that short circuits or attacks a pathogen externally will probably lessen your immune response. That being said without large scale studies it'd be impossible to know. I bet you'd still derive some kind of natural immunity far better (and safer) than jacking an unknown and untested syringe into your arm from felonius pharma companies... IVM or HCQ wouldn't do "all the work", your body would still be on the hook for the lion's share of the resistance and cleanup.
Good question though... I'd love to know too
Is Sott now expecting its readers to rush off for their doses of bioweapon or something?
Just in case one feels forced to take it for whatever reason. Keeping a job for example.
Also: ''Even if you manage to hold out and avoid being vaccinated, keep the above health protocol in mind for the worst case scenario - a real pandemic sparked by genetic recombination occurring in the vaccinated.''
I am pro Vacc Having had my 2 shots of Astrazenica due to having a few health issues that would make me a likely subject for an ICU bed if I caught covid. Apart from feeling a bit crook for a day after the shot I haven't felt any different nor is there any sign of a second head growing out of my neck yet!
I cant understand all the anti vacc discussion. If it wasnt for Vacines where would we be. My uncle was one of the last group in Australia that caught Polio and that along with Smallpox and many other diseases have been almost eradicated due to Vaccines.
Mind you this is only my view and I will never criticize any other person for not wanting to get vaccinated.
And polio "vaccination" began after DDT ceased use?
As kids here, everyone used to ride their bikes behind the mosquito trucks which drove through our neighborhoods spewing that shit. I didn't for sundry reasons - worst of all because it smelled like what I now call toxic organic compounds which is still not the word I'm looking for. Such as DDT, PCB's etc.
Strangely, all those kids died of varioius cancers. (Joking. I don't know any but almost all of my friends and myself have had serious cancers. Let's see, bladder, testicular, melanoma, squamous cell, lymphoma, intestinal, and when I think of it, I can't think of any of our crew who hasn't had cancer - literally. I'm sure that their must be some. Oh, I just remembered one guy.
I got it first - was given 50/50 chance of making it five years when I was 32.Five recurrences and a total of 30 surgeries under anesthesia, and yet, here I am. (If you add orthopedic surgeries and others, it's more like 50 total surgeries.)
Finally in 1963 the US Government replaced Salk’s IPV vaccine with an attenuated oral polio vaccine (OPV) developed by Albert Sabin. As a live virus vaccine, it, too, was and is capable of giving its recipients polio or polio symptoms. Salk testified before a Senate subcommittee in 1977 that the Sabin oral polio vaccine had caused most of the polio cases in the US since the early 1960s..." 'Gates Vaccine Spreads Polio Across Africa' By F. William Engdahl [Link]
An interesting read: 'Polio, DDT, and Disease Risk in the United States after World War II" [Link]
'Spraying DDT to Eradicate Polio' [Link]
You’re sitting in a theater.
The actors on stage are engaging in some kind of dispute, but you can’t make head or tail of it. An invisible THING appears to be the issue, and it won’t go away.
One actor wants to build a church to it. Another actor wants to run and hide.
At moments you almost grasp the THING, but then it slips away.
Perhaps it’s a lost relative.
A wind blows across the stage. A pile of leaves stir. Autumn. The trees in the forest are going to enter mock-death. The two actors, against their better judgment, are weeping. They seem to be looking past the footlights at you for an answer. This is silly and sentimental. Why are you here? You could be walking the dog or cleaning out the cellar.
Somewhere---was it an office---there was a clock on the wall and you were there watching it, waiting for a clerk to come out of the back room and hand you a folder.
You were young and you were running on a playground for no reason. It was early in the morning. July.
Now on the stage, a doctor appears in a surgical gown. The two actors giggle. They roll up their sleeves and he gives them an injection. They strut around, as if they’ve won a prize. Through a window at the rear of the stage, you can see a deserted city street. A policeman walks out of a bar, sits down at the curb, and taps his night stick on his leg.
You can’t remember how you got into the theater. Did a friend give you a ticket? Did you receive a message ordering you to watch the play?
You take out your cell phone. You check to make sure you clicked the lock on the drone in the garage. You scan the battle cruiser in the China Sea. All quiet on that front. There is a message from the President’s aide. Don’t forget the meeting tomorrow morning.
Now you realize you’re having an episode.
You stand up and move along the row, walk up the aisle and come out into the empty lobby. You call the White House doctor.
He says, “You took the second shot this morning. You’re having an adverse reaction. Where’s your driver?”
You walk outside. Your driver is standing next to the car. You wave at him. He takes out his phone. The doctor is telling him to take you to Walter Reed.
You’re on a gurney. They’re wheeling you along a corridor.
You hear a voice. “Mark it down as a COVID aneurysm.”
They’re injecting you with Versed. They’re going to intubate you.
In a moment of extreme clarity, you realize you’re not going to wake up. They’re not going to let you. They’re going to put you on a ventilator, and you’re going to stay under and check out of this life.
Your 63 years seem very brief. You were on a stage arguing with someone, and that was that. What was the issue? Something about a germ, a virus.
You were supposed to be an expert on the subject. But there was nothing to be expert about. There was only a small fading idea.
It’s all right. You’re immortal. But it seems quite mad to have been guiding the nation on its response to a vaporous notion.
How did that happen?
' I-10 incident...
They wanted to kick my ass for having 'long hair' though it wasn't. I had to get out of the car. (Stopped in the middle of a three point turn by a mass of big boys. Ever see the film Southern Comfort? Like that. And there were the surfboards. Florida plate probably would have hurt without me pulling off the accent. If they would have found out about my passenger. . . ouch. Having been in such situations for years from 7-12 also helped big time. Grace under pressure. Hairy. RC
The video is beautiful. How gently the whale nudges the paddler with its fin.
The natta thing together with cayenne was how G. O. Got rid of blood clots in his arm.
Fight to kill over forced jab.
This must be an article that merits study.
For it to arise like a phoenix after so many months suggest as much.
I'm studying. I'm studying hard. I reached one conclusion a
few months ago, and then I knew what I had to do.
I'll study this close.
So I'd ignore everything said there (as well as EVERY pharma suggestion, including shit like ivermectin, btw). I mean, not entirely. Like, I would check out the specific elements, consider if I'm deficient or if I need it, and then look for whole plant sort of sources, basically.
You need to know what you kinda need.
General rules. Avoid and address toxicity, and address deficiency. Make sure you have good antioxidation and mitochondrial support factor levels (PQQ is a big one not mentioned there, so is serine). I've been harping on about this shit for a while. But I mean, it's impossible to just list every thing that is potentially useful as "protocol", considering "protocol" is retardation, unless you're dealing with clones.
But the general rule is, varied plant nutrition (and I mean like random herb shit from the garden). Coz a lot of people eat the same sort of toxic processes homogenized GMO shit, over and over. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....a "virus" (which is a misattributed, manipulated result) made them sick...
Some of the most common deficiencies are Vitamin D, Iodine, Magnesium, Potassium.
The rest of the stuff is too specific, dependent on the person (imo) to comment much on. Yes, you can say mineral levels in general are low (selenium, zinc added to that magnesium and potassium, maybe some boron). You could also say, with heavy toxicity, more antioxidation is needed. Like vitamin E and selenium with respect to sort of industrial toxicity (mining and shit). You could probably say some B vitamins are gonna be somewhat deficient.
Like with random useful shit, I can tell you, if you have pain issues, anxiety, stress issues. Kratom for instance (which the FDA/CDC/Pharma as a whole fucking despises coz it destroys their worthless toxic degenerate shit), has significant antioxidation (more than green tea), essential element levels. It also kinda aids endurance, mental clarity, probably libido, etc. Almost as if it's good for your system.
The amount of B12 there is TOTALLY excessive, btw.
It'd be like, kelp, yeast and blackstrap molasses. That simple. Some fermented stuff too. Like beer, or sauerkraut, natto, that sort of thing.
Anyway, I ain't putting with peddlers. I'd reject whoever this article is as a doctor. Cheers, I'm out.
Here's an example:
Effect of the proteolytic enzyme serrapeptase in patients with chronic airway disease
" Results: After 4 weeks of SER treatment, sputum weight in the morning, percentage solid component, viscosity and elasticity of sputum, sputum neutrophil count, frequency of coughing and frequency of expectoration significantly decreased. The mean mucociliary transportability index increased from 13.3 +/- 1.8 to 24.4 +/- 2.5 (P = 0.0103). "
What that does, is it like, repairs, clears scar, damaged tissue, lowers inflammation, increases effective oxygenation. That's a doubling of mucocilliary function. Oh and that neutrophil count is a measure of damage/toxicity (just like antibodies btw, which are a RESULT of the body responding, within functional capacity to toxicity 1:1, not a future preventative measure).
Anyway, I recommend, when people market, project shit at you (like I'm doing here)...this:
Seriously, *ANY* and I mean *ANY* "protocol" is individually, a failure.
Sunlight for instance, people generally get too little of it, so they have vitamin D, tryptophan, melatonin and serotonin issues, as some of the results.
Btw, there literally isn't *ANY* pharmacuetical product that I'd use. Promise.
What's 'natto'? RC
Also, there's a reason that soy I refer to there, is used as the major oil in america (diabetes, obesity, hormonal, mental, general disease problems).
It's fucking bizarre hey. You use GMO corn, soy and canola, all of it toxic shit...mostly. But sunflower is native there and WAY more useful, doesn't need any of the pesticide/herbicide shit, either. AND sunflowers are as a whole plant, underutilized (I've eaten every part except roots at various maturity)....also it has like the lightest natural structure in existence (building material).
Edit: You're in S.A.?* How bad are the lockdowns, maskholes, Death Jabs For Cooties etc.? "Incendiary" (or such) is also down there.
*Back in 82 I had an almost conflict that turned into a great surf session at my home break in SoCal with Shaun Tomson. Funny story, that.
I can't speak with "white" people. They're absolute morons for the most part. Like my sister is a geneticist right, coz of her "investments" she believes the shit because of denial. Most of my family I could comfortably say are absolute imbeciles.
Like, I can't speak with them, they're too ignorant.
For the rest of us having to fight off the last remnants of the 20th century "war is forever" psychopaths, we are going to have to trample them down and it is our fight to win. If we fail, the rest of you all can teach them the lesson they got coming, but I fight to win.
The lyrics tell you what their stupid is all about (insecurity).
But hey, I got diss.
"[Verse 1]
Whence came your voice your right to speak?
Is there a purpose to your tongue and gnawing teeth?
I ask thee: How deep and hollow is your mouth?
What lie is too decayed for you to stomach?
With humility and obedience
You pride yourself
Evasive and lukewarm
Until the end
[Verse 2]
The interdependent morality of your collective
Made too soft the bed in which you lie
I ask thee: Do you acknowledge your own fragility
When you sleep to serve the "Greater Good"?
United in fear
Lives "hard to bear"
Illusions that "we are all peers"
I preach not for understanding
In you I have no faith
I spit at you my truth
That you are the burden of my heritage"
I learned about if from Steve Fowkes. He has a wealth of valuable, accurate health information on his site and on youtube. [Link]
A few spike proteins (which are results due to the vaccine, continually produced in the body, by the trillions) which are externalized (invariably more broken) ain't gonna do shit when you then encounter them, as they additionally have to deal with FAR greater defense mechanisms too. Aside from being miniscule amounts of PRODUCTS, they simply cannot transfer that capacity.
Those spike proteins aren't plutonium particles hey, while bad (internally, by the trillions...and that hasn't kiled every vaccinated person yet)...don't magically reproduce.
But yeah, at least they'll be on the outside of you...
The main reason, I believe, that the spike protein "shedding" shit is peddled is because it supports the fundamental fraud. With controlled opposition guys (with super corrupt histories) like yeadon, malone, van den tosser peddling that sort of shit. Besides, it's more covid fearporn shit, and it aids division.
Fundamentally, if people can grasp the concepts of "viruses", "contagion" and pasteur methodology in general is fraudulent degenerate garbage...they could never sell vaccines and shit.
Remember also, the spike proteins aren't the only (toxic) ingredients associated with the vaccines. I mean like PEG, graphene oxide and/or whatever magnetic shit. Like graphene oxide would probably cause red blood cells to collapse, cause sort of iron oxide clumps and itself be a clotting risk (aside from a sort of EMF amp). See, iron oxide compounds like magnetite has remarkable absorption in the 100mhz to 10ghz range (that'd be practically all the typical anthropogenic EMF). That EMF is of course associated with effects like oxidative, nitrosative stress, genetic damage, cancers, tinnitus, etc.
To me, as a guy that has to speculate and guess mostly, it appears attacking the BBB is their main goal.
Also, I'll link some stuff about iron oxide and "coronated" proteins.
Microscopic Robots Deliver Drugs to the Brain
Researchers turned white blood cells called neutrophils into drug-smuggling “neutrobots,” which penetrated the blood-brain barrier to treat brain cancer in mice.
Just saying, neutrophil related responses are associated with the vaccines, but hey, neutrophil and fibrinogen related responses are associated with almost any damage. Part of the trojan mechanisms, basically to try "defend" the toxicity/"functionality" of the vaccines with the PEG and shit.
Protein corona composition of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with various physico-chemical properties and coatings
Graphene oxide touches blood: in vivo interactions of bio-coronated 2D materials
Wonder why it's "coronavirus", eh?
I have spent over a thousand hours the last two years reading presentations by eminent scientists, virologists, epidemiologists, and Doctors of medicine from family practice through ICU specialists. They seem to believe there is a problem, and I will go with their diagnosis of the problem.
Listen. The spike proteins as "shed" results are meaningless. You are ignoring EVERYTHING else. Motivations, who peddles that in the media for controlled opposition to support the fundamental fraud. The associations of say, "tiny babies and elderly women" in "medical" circumstance, while ignoring all the environmental toxins, EMF, chemtrails, medications, media projections etc.
You've really annoyed me now. You will feel it.
Gl with that.
There is your clue, dumbass. It wasn't effective in "militaristic" governmental sort of terms.
You see, just imagine if I had to explain to people Mosquitoes actually REGULATE the environment. They suck out your blood, maybe especially toxic blood...they don't "infect" you. Go look at "walter reed" and that very super convincing absolute bullshit, to demonize my original vampire wife, Aedes Aegypti. She's bitten me like 10k+ times. Near a "malaria" hotspot (always associated with industry and military sort of shit btw), never once got sick from it. But hey...go listen to Bobby Banger, he's all about talking shit regarding mosquitoes, mRNA and selling vaccines lately as some kind of piece of shit that I would probably spastically punch from a distance.
If you think I troll...you have no idea how good she is.
Hey btw. Have you noticed that when you ticks suck out shit from people and they "get sick", often it's closely related to their lymph nodes and shit. That's peculiar, isn't it? Almost like herxheimer effect.
How about you learn how I tell you to behave?
I do see it as sad because about half the time, your comments have made valid points.
Check 3:53.
Reckon that sheds?
I mean, holy shit. My precious ticks, I engineered them specifically to cause allergies in meat eaters. I can't stand losing so many ticks at the expense of worthless "people".
I mean, just today, I had like 8g of kratom, smoked a bunch of weed, even drank like 3 liters of beer. And yet, it didn't fuck me up as much as cellphone exposure. Which, by extension caused genetic damage and a couple of "spoke proteins". I hope spoke proteins are contagious.
Just how do you think an infectious disease moves from one individual to another? Contagion. It's a thing. Pfizer test subjects were to report all contact with others. Sorry, I will still go with the opinions of the experts in virology and vaccinology.
The herxheimer reaction is caused by the build up of endotoxins from pathogens that are being killed off faster than the body can process the debris, and is responsible for many of the symptoms of illnesses. It can also be elicited by a detox regimen.
btw.... "There is your clue, dumbass. It wasn't effective in "militaristic" governmental sort of terms." Darpa refused funding because it was felt to be of more benefit to Chinese troops than American ones.
Tell me if you think I got it wrong. Help me make it better.
I'm on your side whether you are on mine or not I reckon. It is my choice.
So, seems to me, the ones who have suffered most in a sort of 21st century irony that laughs at 20th century ideas full of death and dismay, well - the world is their playground more than any of the rest of us. That seems like Karma to me, but I don't really understand Karma - it is beyond comprehension. That is what I think.
Do you want to argue with that?
And I ain't arguing with Karma. I got enough suffering. Kali didn't even want to kill me, so I must've fucked up real bad.
BUT, I showed the video to someone else and they pointed out the most obvious explanation. It was a video shot through a window (some glass does warp).
The Nuremburg Code, UN Declaration of Human Rights and the rest of the bullshit weren't worth the paper they were written on.
Here's a good video that came out recently of a monologue given by ScumMo about our "proud living democracy" contrasted to the present [Link]
I mean, I don't often laugh...but...
Yeah look, if I need some beer and I only have canned beer, I'm still gonna drink it.
Here's the basic reasoning.
1-10 (as 0 is 0), two numbers with the best distribution in that range.
So let's say you use only basic addition, subtraction for an expanding series.
So you start with 4 and 7.
First iteration (excluding negatives, duplicates): 3,4,7,11.
Second iteration: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18.
If you try with other numbers, the resulting series is basically massively redundant and doesn't expand as well, as well as being more biased.
Oh and if you check that Handel Messiah link, movement 47 reads something like "Judgment day, behold, I tell you a secret".
It’s the age old enemy, people of the snake, dragons, Dracos, serpents. They are real, and they are stuck here and exploiting earth. And killing mankind. They can destroy with abandon because they are not human. You must understand that THEY ARE NOT MANKIND.
They don’t care for the natives of our earth, just the resources of our planet. That’s what the Gaia crap is all about. They care nothing for life on earth. They have no problem killing all life nor contaminating everything. They feel nothing for our great Sequoias about to burn down. A terrible crime. Who of us do not cherish our ancient trees?
They delight in our pain and misery. They resent being thrown down here and trapped here with us. Their inferiors. They’re not spirits or angels, but real beings from another star system. Probably Alpha Draconis.
Probably complete assholes in their own realm too and they were not allowed to come back. They don’t want them back. That’s why the dome above. That’s what operation fishbowl and breaking through the glass ceiling was all about. That comment from Hillary making a thousand cracks and her shaking her fist at the sky is not a metaphor. They want to get off our earth and to take as much gold and rare earth minerals as they can with them.
I wonder if they figured out a portal at CERN?
Previous generations knew this about them. They understood what it meant. There’s the allegory of the story of Adam and Eve. Adamic man staying away from the serpent or dragon race. Resisting their knowledge, cleverness and corruption. Just like a Jew offering a loan and then enslaving you in debt through usury. The Dracos run the Jews and are most likely subsumed into them by now. The ouroboros signified the snake surrounding the earth. It meant the serpent race ruled all of earth. Then flood or calamity ensued and they collapsed. There were new empires built, they came and went. The last really great one was Rome, the Eagle.
Look at the Coat of Arms of The City of London. Dracos. The financial center of the world. Look at all the legends of dragon slayers. It means killing these parasites off. It’s a theme throughout history that has true meaning if you can read the signs, symbols and code names of operations.
And there are the eagles. Enemy of the dragon. Double headed Phoenix too. Where you find these symbols you find the dragon slayers.
There’s more to the story but this is what I see for now.
Oh yes, we must all be dragon slayers or we will be no more.
Probably coz I look like some random hobo...(had to edit it for glamour purposes)
Have you wondered if they actually use demonization by association, to deflect?
That's precisely why the "immune response" (measure of toxicity) weakens gradually (or more quickly, depending on your system, and factors used to address, clear that toxicity with chelators, antioxidants, enzymes). Also why they are so adamant about multiple vaccines. It looks to me like they're using people's bodies as hardware, constructing EMF, semiconducting, transceiver, storage related shit, as well as engineering other pharma shit with their bodies...ASIDE from the toxic degeneration.
"This great beast was especially present in greek myth. One of the more popular stories involves Heracles and the twelve labors. Gaia gave Hera a golden apple tree when she married Zeus.Hera put the tree in the garden to be guarded by the Hesperides and a dragon called Ladon."
Notice the parallels?
Hey, anyone know Esus, how about Cernunnos?
If I start paraphrasing Genesis.... I've been thinking EVERYONE should read and rewrite the bible according to their interpretation.
Tell me if this seems accurate:
I wonder what Jesus or God would think of that.
" It’s like the weather man passing off a prediction for the weather a specific time of day, in a specific place, 10 years into the future and suggesting that actually happened, too."
Plus I'm looking at a Smithsonian article about astrophysicist Loeb who has a University text book co-written by another Jewish astrophysicist...[Link] Wondering if it would be the price to check it out....[Link]
Oh yeah, geoengineering good times. With the EMF effects conveniently totally ignored. I mean, even "chemtrails" is a "conspiracy theory", even though you can find some pretty obvious existing programs on state websites. Shit, even here in South Africa, my father told me how in the 1960s, silver iodide cloud seeding was already a common thing there.
No way you could like, cause fires or anything, or snap frosts in brazil right? I mean, that's kinda what say, silver iodide does in the air...
And here's other sort of fun stuff.
* Pew Pew*
With 80 years of practice, these bastards are still at it, and they've perfected their criminal art...[Link]
'them.'us...But trying to block, demonize the sun is the most retarded idea in existence. You cannot possibly think of something more degenerate and anti-life, considering our environment and everything derived.
It's like a bunch of insolent retards, who want more, but everything they have is derived from that source.
Like I said before, demonize the sun, get a satan sol.
Surely that's some sarcasm? $70 for a piece of intentional propaganda. Hilarious.
When I say that, no one questions it. But when I ask about what follows, many people back off and avoid the issue.
I understand how the circuitry could have gotten fried - melted, etc. (It didn't.) The strike came either through the internet connection or the power. But how could lightning cause that kinetic energy to knock it off my desk? I understand how when lightning hits a road, its heat vaporizes the water present in the soil and road in an explosive manner but that shouldn't apply to air inside a mostly empty metal box (my computer - it was is a small tower) in an AC'd home?
Have plenty of lightning stories - the craziest was on the top of A Basin, CO!
Dream about it? Not that I can think of.
SIO: Love the fact that you spell 'judgment' correctly. I believe I've noticed your correct grammar before - I don't mean to, it's always just something I've noticed since I was a kid. I once tried to correct folks' usage of its v. it's, but I gave up on that; like trying to stop the tide with a shovel.
I mean, just look at the self-censorship that results from people who listen to hypocrites who would say shit like "Don't judge" (as in, using your mind to make a choice)...constantly judging them.
I wouldn't bother speaking with that sort of piece of shit. I'd get too violent, he tries to force stabbing people with toxic shit? I'll send him a snake.
Btw, I knew Vassago. I bet that guy doesn't, yet.
Oh Jon Rappaport just flew into my inbox:
Exit From The Matrix: The surpassing power of imagination by Jon Rappoport
" Readers who've been with me for a while know I've written a great deal about imagination. My collection Exit From the Matrix puts together more than 50 exercises and techniques for expanding the scope, range, and power of imagination.
Why? Because imagination is the quality that outdoes reality. Any kind of reality. Imagination is the infinite road.
Consciousness wants to create new consciousness, and it can. Imagination is how it does it. If there were some ultimate state of consciousness, imagination would always be able to play another card and take it further.
In any arena of life, and especially when it comes to mind, perception, power, empathy, and so on, there is always a status quo. It's the place where a person says, “Well, that's enough. I'll settle for what I have. I'll stop here.”
Sooner or later, this leads to boredom, frustration, problems, and conflict. It leads to a decline.
Imagination, which knows no bounds, is the source for the most adventurous explorations. It can have great impact on the material world, of course, but one mustn't therefore conclude it is composed of matter or energy. Imagination is non-material. To think otherwise winds you up in using some version of physics to depict imagination—and then you are imposing limits on it. This is an error. Imagination doesn't obey any laws of physics..."
Looks like Jon is selling some form of mind control. But does it really help you find your Mind? And when you find your Mind then what? Is it split? Does the Mind believe it is a body, or 7.8 billion bodies, or quintillions? What about the tiny mad idea that we are separate from each other & Source? How many more millions of years will it take before we stop playing hide and seek with our Creator? I have an idea that it is that Oneness that we fear the most, but why? Why fear Love? Something to ponder as I hit the rack. Back on the morrow...
Unfortunately I don't necessarily believe in unity as it is suggested. I mean, if you accept everything, you can only stagnate. For progression, things need change. How that manifests, I dunno. But I'm not joining fucktarded aspects of psyche, like fausti, gates or whatever. Like shitty ideas, or thoughts, that you get rid of.
Most of those aspects forgot they're supposed to kinda enable, support, protect life...you know, like shepherds. Instead, they try to control it from, invariably near infinite insecurity. Tsk tsk.
I'd rather be sand.
In the sense that a butcher butchers sheep and requires sheep to be present, and they suggest that as something you must accept. Fuckoff. They are weak desperate pieces of shit that are going to be annihilated.
I don't think those lesser aspects of psyche truly know what they're dealing with.
I look at children, infants, firstly. Like, that's the basis for determining how WORTHLESS society currently is. And I know that those fucktarded aspects are obsoleted.
So, the judgement I made about a month ago elsewhere was that: "The world has gone insane". The world of People.
But, I would like to elaborate on that judgement if I may. Insanity does prevail, and the "world has gone insane" in a manner of speaking, but there are many who remain who have not gone insane. Who are immune to the fear. Plus, many of those who have "gone insane" are under some sort of mass-hypnosis sort of spell, but it will pass. Then, as they come out of the slumber, they will wake more fully, and then I'm guessing - there will be hell to pay for those who have been perpetuating suffering of innocence upon the rest of us. The rest of us who just want peace and harmony. I mean you want that don't you? You want peace and harmony don't you? If you don't want that then what do you want? Oh....I guess you have a different definition. OK, fine. Whatever. How about this: Why not talk across the table?
I mean it's not like I'm going to kill you. But I say things. Coz you know, when stupid cunts like inject you with stupid toxic shit and lie to you your whole life. Fun times. They taught me hate, I'll teach them fear.
Although, speaking of history, there was a time once in a place called Tejas, when there was supposed to be a "Peace Meeting". But then, the Colts got pulled out and it was pandemonium. Dead bodies left behind and all around. That meeting is indelibly stamped into the soul of Texas.
I know you are not going to kill me, but if you tried I would defend myself. In fact, I usually have passive defense in place.
Any talking that happens at a Table at my place will be SAFE! No worries and best to you.
By the way, did you know Tejas has its own legal beginning documents?
They say the state can split into 5, and I think that is a good idea.
Especially when the turn is A, and the river K.
Sorry I had to joke about that. Star kek.
A table can be flipped, it can be pushed, it can be smacked.
What I meant, is if you are at a Table at my place, you will be safe upon the sacred guarantee of my house.
As for the table, one time I sent one tumbling down the stairs, but I have a new table now and I want
to talk across the table.
Not directed at you, but as a seriously real marketing gesture:
I have some funny jokes of real things that actually happened that I will modify for potential entertainment value, or projection to influence your reality like advertising because the less worth something has the more it needs to advertise which is why this sentence is till continuing and there's fantastic new elaboration to aid the convolution that I may have intentionally engineered into this scripting language.
Like that time I went to the nearby 9/11, and the Arab guy smiled and asked me "Are you Jewish?"...and I could only think to myself..."You wish.". But instead I said "No, I'm a nice guy in Catholic circles".
There's another really funny joke I forgot about. It was almost as funny as watching the twin towers exploded on CNN.
But since I'm super disappointing in terms of memory...I try to make up with some NASA sort of satire?
Check the reality of this:
Have you seen the dark side of the moon?
Coz fucking NASA hasn't. Lol.
Also....also, that time they went underwater and said shit like a guy underwater and then if you look at the physics you can see it's underwater was super space-like.
But, somewhat tangentially, I'm reminded of what Donald Rumsfeld (a resident of the worse sort of parts of abyss) suggested.
He mentioned the "Known known, known unknown, unknown unknown". Peculiar that, considering you have 4 permutations. And one of them, much like omission itself is not mentioned. The unknown known. Like that sort of thing you conveniently forget, don't mention because of agenda or your malice, or the sort of thing that you try to ignore from a position of denial, so you resort to sins of omission. I cannot see that being a result of anything but a combination of sort of egotistical greed resulting in their manifested insecurity.
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
-Revelation 13 KJV
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
-1 John 1 KJV
And a theme song:
Definitely, I reckon iodine is often deficient (especially because of the prevalence of chlorine and fluorine, which is basically entirely unessential as additional horseshit and messes with practically every function in your body, which is why both were/are used as common chemical warfare agents).
Potassium and magnesium deficiency (vs sodium and chlorine) is another seriously common issue.
But the point is generalizing doesn't address individuality, which is why I fucking hate "protocol", outside of mentioning the most common issues.
Like the vitamin b12 suggestion in this article, on average, is massively excessive (due to typical diets). Along with excessive taurine (both from external meat sources) weaken the body's metabolism of those elements...numbs the parasympathetic system, empathy is lost.
There's a reason why herbicides, pesticides, plastics, medications, cosmetics, toothpaste, water, etc feature fluoride so heavily.
I can tell you about the VERY specific combination of fluoride reacting with aluminum (both pushed, even practically imposed) messing with adenylyl cyclase, cAMP and as a result fundamental cellular energy function (ATP). While both, even individually, are toxic and unnecessary, aside from that. Fluoride especially is super volatile, like excess energy that explodes.
Selenium in excess block thyroid from proper functioning.
Rowan CocoanLike midazolam (one of those prime eugenics drugs), SSRIs, antipsychotics, antibiotics...go look at how common benzene, meth, fluorine and chlorine (in various combinations...all of that shit unnecessary toxic garbage) is.
I would not use ANY pharmacuetical antibiotic, for instance. Absolutely refuse. The damage that shit causes is beyond most's understanding.
DeliciousTears No, protocol is retarded. You can vaguely reference potentials. If you are reading fixed instructions, you fail.
You can reference generalities, commonalities, but you cannot try enforce them with protocol, if you do, you tend to stagnant, ignorant homogenization and related peddling.
I would not use ANY pharmacuetical antibiotic, for instance. Absolutely refuse. The damage that shit causes is beyond most's understanding.
DeliciousTearsNo, protocol is retarded. You can vaguely reference potentials. If you are reading fixed instructions, you fail.
You can reference generalities, commonalities, but you cannot try enforce them with protocol, if you do, you tend to stagnant, ignorant homogenization and related peddling.
should be "potassium and calcium levels are connected"
If you think I'm kidding about that. Think about a PET scan, used to "identify" cancers, very associated with leukemia.
So what the PET scan is constituted of is injecting you with radioactive fluorine to populate glucose channels (basically your whole body). That radioactive fluorine is obviously excess energy, volatile, unnecessary, toxic, corrosive. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! So that fluorine then, is shot with radioactive positron emissions, which causes that radioactive fluorine to explode in your body, doing damage. That's how they get their "pretty scientific picture".
That damage it does (causative in leukemia, for instance) is then called "observation"...by "scientific" cancer racketeering standards.
It's VERY easy to predict or "identify" something if you cause it.
sir_isOGood you mention potassium. Low potassium levels, and connected heart issues are direct cause of fluoride poisoning. Fluoride is potassium inhibitor, and calcium removes fluoride from the blood, that's why those two low elements point to fluoride. And solution as I mention is cheap and fast. Vinegar. "Hey, did you know HCQ worsens those sort of issues, increasing sodium retention and adding chlorine excess, while potassium and magnesium issues are prevalent? Anyone who peddles HCQ, imo is someone I would punch in the cunt.
Well, there's blackstrap molasses, tartaric acid, creme of tartar, avocado, whatever. But I mean, if you have a potassium and magnesium vs sodium and chlorine imbalance, the best way to address that is with less chlorine and sodium, and/or more potassium and magnesium. Iodine obviously also related to that.
Even lead, no jokes, is a horrible enemy (jokes) of fluoride. Since lead chelates fluorine, fluorine is more toxic than lead...lead is massively demonized, causes less damage...fluorine is promoted, imposed.
Turmeric, for instance, also lessens effects of fluorine damage (coz it's got heavy antioxidant properties, and fluorine causes oxidative stress coz it's exploding volatile corrosive unnecessary shit).
So vitamin C, is a short term redox agent, it has like a ~4x redox cycle capacity. The human body cannot produce it (goats and cats produce enormous amounts of it), so the human body needs constant inputs of such a common, high-quantity factor. And the more toxicity is involved, the more vitamin C is depleted, basically.
On the other hand, PQQ has like ~20000x redox cycle capacity. Think of it, as an analogy, like a capacitor or battery that gets depleted. So vitamin C is quickly expelled, but deals with a lot of short term volatility, in high quantities. PQQ, is associated with "immune system memory" (because of that redox cycle capacitance), it's also associated with practically ANY development, being crucial for mitochindrial genesis, repair.
For instance, breast milk, has (relatively) high amounts of it (and infants are not very large). Fermented foods have somewhat elevated levels. It's never really found in truly high quantity, because it's very ubiquitous, long-term, heavy duty factor...found in practically everything, but very low amounts.
Old people, for instance, especially their major organs (heart, lungs, brain) have very low PQQ (and related CoQ10) levels, typically...due to accumulated damage, toxicity with age, depleting that...and I mean, they don't drink breastmilk.
I've got my plan now. I'm gonna eat cats and drink breastmilk!
Oh one other thing.
Sure, it's misspelled, but what do you expect from an alcoholic drug addicted lunatic that's probably not even human?
Serrapeptase, for instance, is one of those serine related proteolytic enzymes I mentioned. Serine, being a significant factor relating to mitochondrial function. Mitochondrial function, especially in the old, sickly is a MAJOR issue, btw.
I had a cat who was 3'2" long, haunches ~17.5", and weighed 24 lbs. He was a eurochausie. Reasonable images: [Link] I have scars on the top and bottom of one wrist from playing with him - yep. He could open his mouth wide enough to bite into both top and bottom and I just tried and I can't do that!. His eyes were, as I recall, 3/16" wider apart than mine were. Great cat!
Incredible, you might be right. That's why they fought with lead in fuel... With decreasing lead levels, dangers of high doses of vitamine D decreased BTW.
And there almost never were any problems with lead poisoning amongs people on my group, and I "assisted" at least few hundred people detoxing, usually there was problem with fluorine (without acetic acid and calcium, impossible to solve), I could write few thriller books about fluorine detox. Maybe once there were symptoms of lead detoxing. And ALL things detoxing from fluorine are highly demonised! I mean - vinegar (acetic acid is basic substance in the body), iodine (also basic element in the body, removes fluorine from the bones releasing it to the blood making fluorine poisonig symptoms), boron (boraks also somehow helps removing fluorine from the body - maybe because it is key element for parathyroids that manage calcium levels), and lately - even diary is under attack - main source of calcium. Which is mostly useles BTW without vinegar that is source of acetic acid that resolves calcium creating calcium IONS in the blood.
And last that must be said - fluorine alone is (officially) probably main cause of cancer. And cancer is serious business. I even got banned at Cassiopaea forum for advicing how to detox from fluorine, so you understand how deep the hole goes
And I think very important piece of information:
Fluorine sources besides well known:
- Non-stick coating
- Tatoos.
This knowledge is fortune worth. Should be spread, because holding it to oneself may be leathal
Like I said, there's a reason for the specificity, prevalence of these chemical warfare toxins. Like that combination of aluminum (obviously super common, vaccines, toxicity lied about), fluoride...and the adenylyl cyclase, cAMP effects.
Overview of cAMP, in case whoever is not familiar (it's kinda crucial).
Aluminum: a requirement for activation of the regulatory component of adenylate cyclase by fluoride.
Bad shit that.
There's also very intentional lying (by rockerfeller IOM) about RDI/RDAs for vitamin D, iodine and other elements. So yeah, huge amount of issues. Like aluminum, vitamin, iodine issues are KNOWN errors, they refuse to address it. Says a lot.
Another common thing, glyphosate's cytotoxicity, btw (and glyphosate is uselessly "tested" for, shitty methodologies) is around an order of magnitude, merely with additional "background" ionizing radiation.
Here's a link about that turmeric, btw.
Curcumin attenuates neurotoxicity induced by fluoride: An in vivo evidence
If calcium excess is a potential issue, when detoxing fluoride, look at high surface area carbon stuff (I mean, graphene even would probably be good *technically*...but it's also fundamentally toxic and kinda fucking dodgy)
Citric acid is also, with respect to common toxins (aluminum especially, and not only) often overlooked.
And don't underestimate the effects of chlorine contributing to disease (aside from messing with iodine, magnesium, potassium related balance).
Of course you need fats. Saturated fats. Poor people like me have them from animals, but I DO NOT exclude option of synthethysing it. Just need lots of money, and finally, you'll find best way is to use bio-robots, human call animals.
Like ideally, you'd probably have eaten hundreds of different plant foods. But these days, you get like 3 GMO homogenized, processed, herbicide, pesticide laden toxified things.
And I mean, if you want to talk meat. I can take you all the way downtown.
I'm just joking hey.
"*Cue background marketing music: [Link]
Hello, my name is JeSuis G. Kristoffersnoson....Got you. Just kidding, my name is SuperSatan, please contact me if you are interested in highly detailed recipes with regards to novel frontier superfood sources and investment opportunities, such as fine aged zombie preserve incorporating CRISPIER genetic silencing and protein (as well as complementary structural and bone) misfolding as an improved congealing method, loaded with pre and probiotics. With our patented pickling technology, you feel the regenerative properties of undying almost immediately!"
A few short documentaries:
You mean humans engineered to be pig food.
Wow hey. I'd have thought people would learn by now. Lol.
It occurred to me...Gorillas weigh up to 1500lb, I suppose.
Quotes from Paine's Common Sense about the glory of a hard won victory omitted.
But you should really suggest (plant based) quinine, quinone, CoQ10, PQQ sort of stuff instead of HCQ. Ivermectin is associated, related, to some kind of intestinal bacterial, chlorine fuckup. Yes, it messes with the resulting material used in the PCR "test". But that is attacking the result, basically unnecessarily.
So does Nitric Oxide. But, again, perhaps people should look at internal nitric oxide function.
And in terms of diabetes...oh boy...that's a complex issue.
It's so complex, that for the most common problems, all you have to do is look at the most common shared factors. The water, the air, the food, the "medicine". I mean, if you use like soy oil all the time, and you have like 50 vaccines at 18 years old, constantly eat toxic GMO homogenized bullshit, deficiencies and toxicities, related damage accumulates. Diabetes is clearly rather entirely associated with endocrine dysfunction.
That's a thing I tried to explain once. I failed at that. But hey...people are "clever" and peddle bullshit.
I copy/paste something I don't remember typing so well.
"Hey, what do fluoridated, chlorinated water/air (in general excessive fluorine and chlorine), in general polluted air, supposed "food", chemtrails (very broad btw), toothpaste, PFOs, PFOAs, cosmetics, low sun exposure, low iodine, sunblock, detergents/sanitation products, an enormous amount of "medications", shit like ddt, atrazine, glyphosate other herbicides, pesticides, homogenized GMO soy and such, EMF, pthalates, BPA, vaccines, shit in toys, packaging, clothing, etc have in common?
Oh that's right, they're all super common, even glamourized, super marketed (or imposed), they're all toxic and have very majorly enormous amounts of endocrine disruption and dysfunction effects! Physical, immune, developmental, mental, hormonal, behavioural, reproductive, etc damage! Things like faggotry, diabetes, RTIs, "viruses", cancers, retardation, etc. You know, the good stuff. Because they want a nice mentally retarded, sickened sort of "metrosexual" slave class, the zombiedronerobosheepclones. Zombiedronerobosheepclones can't recognize or consider things though, so they'll forever be clueless."
I'm relatively familiar with that. There are actual pieces of shit that walk, that ought to crawl. But I'm not one of them. I just say things.
re: [Link]
Oh and remember, you don't get meat without plants.
SOTT Focus:Behind the Headlines: The 'Wetiko Virus' and Collective Psychosis: Interview With Paul Levy
Born in 1956, Paul Levy graduated with degrees in art and economics and has had a lifelong intense interest in the work of C. G. Jung. As a result of an intense personal trauma in 1981, he began a...Until the boosters.. Dr. Jane on Stew Peters show - states that while the first two dose of the Killjabs had 30-100 Mcg of the satanic poison, the boosters have 200 Mcg of it. So..
Suzanne Humphries, MD, speaking on Polio at the Association of Natural Health Conference
More on Dr. Humphries here: [Link]
I highly recommend her book Dissolving Illusions--she demonstrates that everything we've been told about vaccines is nothing but big-pharma propaganda.
Polio and DDT: [Link]
I've yet to find someone who's been able to show and convince me of ANY vaccines being beneficial, justifiable.
One of the big reasons, of course, being that viruses especially don't function or exist as claimed. But any "contagion" and "preemption" with damage is bullshit.
Shit, maybe I should use that approach with the zombiedronerobosheepclones in general.
The beauty is, after some time passes prognostications and things seemed to be opinions can be compared to what transpired. That is called learning in action in my imagination, and makes it easy to separate fact from fiction. I’m still studying, but conviction has gone up in probability. Good. Have conviction and be unbreakable.
It would be good stuff if we could force our loved ones to watch it. A Clockwork Orange anyone?
1 the death graphs - very useful
2 good to see Vernon still has his sense of humour
3 Israel after the vaccine - hard to watch
Lord, please help us now.
(Did you see Gladys resigning? Her words were pure disingenuousness but I'll take that result 24/7/366. Whoever shows up next (unlike with Cuomo in NY) will have to be treading more carefully.)
I think we have to help ourselves - then the Lord will help us.
I did not see Gladys resigning. (Been reading international news for 7 hours).
This is a must watch. First 8 mins just domestic stuff then he gets into China’s preparedness for war.
One of the first things I realised when the covid propaganda started was how 99.9% of elected officials were dumbed down unthinking brainless heartless power-hungry narcissists - Apart from being bribed and conflicted.
Thinking about that, it has been a globalist plan to dumb down drug up the entire human population and these public figures are testimony to the success of that agenda.
But this is final.
You're on your way to see the ending, to get erased. The need for control, is always from insecurity.
You went too far "playing God". No return.
And the sad thing is, I'm the nicest guy you'll never know.
You realize elsewhere what you said regarding your affiliations?
Do you not?
Please explain the contradiction, or maybe instead, please do not.
I've had places I've departed and I reckon they were glad when I was gone.
I still read what is posted at some of them, for some others of them, it was mutual - my departure.
Good for them maybe, but good for me for sure!
Ha, ha.
You can’t say you don’t want it anywhere in public. The news sources don’t have a comments sections. Reddit doesn’t allow any comment they deem anti vax. Personally I have anaphylaxis to a number of meds and so refused on that basis, but the doctor still said I should take it. His theory was that most people are ok after it and so probably will I be. He doesn’t know and hey it’s not his life being threatened,
Yes, all my friends have had it and are ok. We are being pushed into a very tight corner and refusal is becoming harder. I read the Spartacus link and that made my mind up even more. As an older person they can also mandate if unvaccinated you can’t leave the house. They have done this to the over 65s in Auckland during lockdown. It’s all crazy.
Then, surreptitiously record the whole damn thing - you've got a blackmailable sucker for life (though I'd recommend paying his the standard visit price. )
To be honest, don't do that. Be the good honorable person.
It's cruel that people can’t return to their own country and many are stuck in another country with lapsed visas, but can’t return. A lot of it is political...if they open borders and people die, they lose votes and elections are coming up next year.
Breaking news South Africa legal action against all covid mandates and crimes against humanity.
120 page writ. Reiner Fuellmich front and centre.
Affidavit re stealth of gold
Good luck South Africa, leading the way for all humanity.
This video will give you guidance for using ivermectin pills for human use (from FLCCC): [Link]
This video will give you guidance for using "horse dewormer" or another vet-sourced variant of Ivermectin: [Link]
You're welcome.
I also found this here now, seems trustworthy to me (I do not want to die of a printing error.)
Early treatment of CoViD-19
Days 1-5 — IVM 3mg tabs take 12-18 mg (5-6 tabs) by mouth daily for 2 days minimum and continue the same dose (12-18 mg) daily until recovered for up to maximum 5 days (take no more than 5 total doses of IVM). This is for grownpersons over 80 kilograms like me.
I wouldn't worry too much about high-dosage ivermectin at all.
Just don't eat the entire tube of horse paste in one sitting and you'll be ok....
Also don't forget the zinc (50mg/day) at the same time since it's apparently a potent ionophore as well...
The Tussin song by mc chris set to an amusing fan-made video: [Link]
Any personal evidence on the use of Hydroxychloroquine plus Azithromycin plus zinc?
There are so many studies confirming the efficiency in Covid-patients, but also some that don´t.
interestingly it was the CDC in 2005 (against SARS CoV-1), that proposed the use of HCQ+Az. so they should know.
The forbidden word in this study is probably: "cheap" ("Chloroquine, a relatively safe, effective and cheap drug....")
more studies
[Link] [Link]
Yeah it's disgusting what's not being discussed and widely disseminated. Lose weight, get your D levels checked/boosted over 60, zinc, C. Basic shit that's essentially free and would keep so many out of hospitals
Listen to this Doctor up in Canada. Sent chills down my spine.
Blood analysis after 2 jabs shows the attack on the immune system and no one knows how to fix it.
their prevention and treatment protocols, along with lists of doctors who will see you on zoom,
and some mail order pharmacies that will fill the prescriptions. America's Frontline Doctors
also have this service. They are swamped.
Catch these waves.
Meanwhile, KLR has a new one of a capuchin getting a present. [Link] And a hilarious one: Dog walks into a catnip rave. [Link]
Funny monkey 🐒
Daschunds are my very favourite dog. This one thinks he is super man.
Peter on fire: [Link]
Gavin Newsom is your vampire, California.
His new mandate for injecting devastating COVID vaccines into all schoolchildren in 7th grade and above---which will eventually be expanded to ALL schoolchildren---is a gold rush quite different from the 19th century voyage.
This one is pharmaceutical-profit gold.
Maybe the following self-congratulatory and forward-looking business statement from the state government, on its website, has something to do with Newsom bringing down his doomsday machine on millions of innocent children:
“California has a history of leading innovations in life-saving biomedical technologies. We are the long-time home to the nation’s number 2 biomedical sciences research institution and at nearly $4 billion annually, California’s universities lead the US in earned National Institutes of Health grants.”
“California’s life sciences industry generates nearly 1 million direct and indirect jobs and over $178 billion in annual revenue. More bioscience and biotechnology patents are issued to California companies and researchers than any other state. California leads the pack across the board for patent generation from microbiology and genetics to bioinformatics and health IT – creating more than 2.5 times as many patents as the next ranking state.
California life science companies saw over $18B in venture capital investment from 2016 – 2018, more than any other state, and our businesses have 1,300+ therapies in the development pipeline. These investments keep California at the forefront of biotech innovation.”
Newsom is one of those creatures who mistakenly believes he is physically attractive. And this, he reasons, is an asset he should deploy whenever possible.
In point of fact, he resembles a synthetic hothouse low-hanging fruit that is turning bad under the skin.
He also thinks his earnest front is believable. Please. Only the deaf, dumb, and blind assume his mission in life is “helping.” But apparently, many such disabled souls live in California.
And they are ready to sacrifice their children to him.
Newsom is a leftover Yuppie from the 1980s. Genial, relaxed, cold, mad for more power. I assure you, if the day comes when he senses a real threat to his position, he’ll turn out the lights in California. He’ll bring on an Australian-style lockdown.
The VAERS count of COVID vaccine injuries in American has risen past 700,000. As acknowledged by the well-known Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study, reported vaxx injuries should be multiplied by a hundred to arrive at an accurate figure.
Newsom takes no notice of this. He’s living in his own bubble, and seeks glory from colleagues and friends who occupy the same bubble and shower him with praise. For the record, if there is a record anymore, this makes him quite dangerous.
But look who I’m talking to. Californians.
Don’t worry, be happy. It’s all good.
The state of California lives under a lucky star. Big tech, big movies, big defense industry, big pharma.
Maybe your children, commanded to take the shot, will somehow scrape by. No mind-boggling “unexplainable” heart problems. Perhaps only micro-clots, whose effects won’t show up until later…and then, who would be able to point to you, the parents, as collaborators?
All the nurses who are refusing the injection, even though that means they’re being fired from their jobs and losing their careers…what do they know? They’re obviously just a bunch of ingrates.
And with a man like Gavin Newsom at the helm
Why o why would you be lying in bed at night sweating
Waiting for the sun to come up The sun that cures all problems in California
Why would you sense you’re sinking into deeper darkness
And you have to make a move to save your soul
And rescue your children
Why would you wonder how you arrived at the crossroads
When the people you know aren’t concerned at all
There must be some mistake
You need a small dose of reprogramming and then
The world will resume its former shape
As it always does
Especially in California
The guns in your mind will go silent
The governor is equipped to do the right thing
He must be
Otherwise the whole STRUCTURE was built
To capture you and your children
Look at the dawn
Look at the sun
The Pacific rolling in
The white houses sitting on the cliffs
The time is exactly right for another day
Like other days
And that is your strongest clue
Pointing to the need for censoring from your mind
Possibilities over which you have no control
As you well know
Everything beyond your control in California
Is good
That’s what living in California has always meant
And this is what the smile on Gavin Newsom’s face tells you
So send your child into the line
Of fire
Also, commenters over there noted that 20 worthless GOP senators voted to confirm Merrick (IMO- both parties are just puppet whores), and apparently Merrick's wife has something to do with "election integrity," which of course is really election theft and fraud. I'm sure that his wife's involvement in that will not affect his stance on any election fraud cases.
Florida Gov. DeSantis Promises to Defend Parents at School Board Meetings Against DOJ [Link]
Then maybe about 4 months or so from now this article can get published once again.
Just for kicks.
So, I'm proposing that, and of course it is still published now, and was published earlier. All of that is good! It is good journalism. I'm just proposing another future publication, that being #3, in a few months hence....
So, take it or leave it - ha, ha - it is a harmless proposal.
OK, time to go work on a puzzle.
Peace out.
10621 1212 est us a time stamp
From a computing / data point of view I always prefer CCYY/MM/DD (HH:MM:SS) as that allows dates to be sorted in order
remember, convention is convention, and if we can translate makes no difference if the day is first or the month as long as the convention is understood.
OK. End time stamp follows...
10621 1255 est of us a time
Here's the wee wee low down:
As re Zulu time (military, I see - no surprise) RC
ps - appears as if the time is docked down to the second - I like that.
I imagine it would be an easy fix for SOTT's Scottie to switch it to the old UT down to the second as I guess it's probably a changeable but defaulted setting. I asked a couple of times but no luck. (I seem to recall that when they made some minor shift to this latest iteration of comments is when they stopped using the UTC stamp. I too wish they'd use it still.)
Eveyone above: thanks!
Now that I understand the system in place, I think it makes good sense and no need for any change to the time stamp. Consistency is important.
The time stamps we see when we hover over the posted age, is the UTC time - it has a Z at then end of the time, maybe that is to indicate Zulu time
But I have a beautiful song: Billy Falcon ‘Never Surrender’
Did you ever see Raising Arizona? Same guys - one of their first films.
Have you left yet?
*In the sense of self sufficient, Daniel Boone, etc. All that's being destroyed here and everywhere.
My father was, in my eyes, a complete hero and like him loading bombers in Korea, (it was never called 'SK' or 'NK' - just Korea) I would have napalmed the Vietnamese from my F4 Phantom with aplomb! (Growing up surfing at Patrick AFB those things would blow one's ears out on landing!) I now thank God I never was given that chance. Sadly, however, what we're facing right now though is the real thing. Scary. But gotta be tough. Which is part and part . Time will tell.
(I do want a pet lynx.)
Gotta get another one; maybe a dog also.
I don't remember the other sources I heard of it from. I'm not sure what to believe. Someone said he was aboard the ship and travelled forward then back in time. Apparently when the ship came back in phase some people were horrifically mangled/dismembered/mashed up and fused partially in the metal floor and walls.
& Joyly Right back at ya.. A true pleasure. You be good too!
A new sport: humpcatting and bear blasting! (From one of these Powerthirst videos, spoof energy drink advertisements created by College Humour) Original [Link]
Sequel Re-Domination: [Link]
Idiot sees a 'huge' warthog waddling towards him and he says 'I wonder if I can pet it." "Here little piggy." Scary hilarity ensues. [Link]
Wild boars are scary as hell. The comments are also hilarious and true because of all the folks who grew up thinking of animals as 'Bambi' etc. (The comments state some Puumba? or such? I dunno but they talk about that.)
Also, here's some bad ass kitty cats on YT. [Link]
From KLR. They've got a lot. [Link]
Now time to eat more hickory smoked ham, try out donated toaster oven (finally not reliant on a microwave) and check out the other two links. I'm familiar with KLR. I get their new video updates on my YT feed as I've 'smashed the like button' on a bunch of their videos since back when you shared the monkeys vs hedgehog one.
How Did Mr. Rothschild Apply for a COVID-19 Test Method Patent in 2015 When "COVID-19" Didn't exist?
Here's a link to the Patent Application - [Link]
This info fits with the info here: [Link] (scroll down to #3)
Patents can be confusing but if you click on important dates for that one the actual filing date is after 2020.
Today is June 29, 2022.
The time presently where I reside, on a 24-hour scale, is exactly to the second per my PC - 1317 and less than 60 seconds..
Plus, tell me if I'm wrong, but I think you meant to type: 2022-06-2 9 T17:23:26Z - because it is June 29 today.
So I can predict this time stamp will be 2022-06-29T17:27:15Z ... assuming not typos or read errors!
why quibble over a second! ... or three days!!!
14 BS answers which really don't say anything sensical
I can't believe that a solar wind of 1 million mph has no effect on our orbit around the Sun
If I was a preacher, I would say next:
" May we all strive to emulate his wisdom ".
I'm not a preacher, but I'll still type it.
Who bets for a better future?
I do.
You want to bet against that?
If so, why?
Please don't tell me to be realistic -
tis a bet for goodness sake.
Place your own odds
and place your bets I reckon
I bet for a better future.
Let the best ideas prevail.
BK, 11924 1331 - in honor of my Mom and Dad