Health & WellnessS

Heart - Black

American Heart Association was paid off by Proctor & Gamble to say heart disease was caused by saturated fat, not seed oils

© Pexels/Felicity Tai
We've been told for decades that heart disease is caused by saturated fat found in butter, meat, and eggs, but recent research reveals that the studies promoting these messages were heavily compromised.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists out the official recommendations for eating a healthy diet that will stave off disease and obesity. The information comes from a document called Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025, and it lists out the following for a healthy eating plan:
An emphasis on grains, produce, and fat-free and low-fat milk products, foods that are low in saturated fats, and a variety of protein such as beans, poultry, and lean meat.
Saturated fat is discouraged by public health organizations and just about every mainstream expert you'll encounter. But we're quickly learning how useless this information may be.

It's been hammered into us for years that saturated fat is a scary type of food that we should avoid for the most part. Things like butter, eggs, and red meat need to be eaten in moderation — or better yet, not at all — according to public health organizations. But science journalist and author Nina Teicholz is one of many writers and health enthusiasts who is helping to pull back the veil on this belief and make everyday people understand that saturated fat isn't the devil.

"Do saturated fats cause heart disease? The science was always weak," Teicholz tweets. "Fear of these fats was started by American Heart Assoc. in 1961 based on a flawed study."


Best of the Web: Russian cancer vaccine ready to launch next year, set to be provided free of charge

research vaccine syringe lab
Russia has developed its own mRNA vaccine against cancer, it will be distributed to patients free of charge, General Director of the Radiology Medical Research Center of the Russian Ministry of Health Andrey Kaprin has told Radio Rossiya.

The vaccine was developed in collaboration with several research centers. It is planned to launch it in general circulation in early 2025.

Earlier, Director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Alexander Gintsburg told TASS that the vaccine's pre-clinical trials had shown that it suppresses tumor development and potential metastases.

Comment: This development has received little media attention in the West, naturally, because it happened in Russia, so we looked into the basis of the claim.

The Russian developers are turning cancerous mutations into antigens so that the immune system can attack them better. This technique has apparently worked in animal studies. They're starting trials on humans with super-aggressive melanomas and small cell lung cancer, where the prognosis is already very bad. Each vaccine is individualized to the patient. They do use mRNA technology, but this might prove to be the best use for such. In the animal studies, the vaccine regressed or cured animals from metastasis and terminal cancer.

So the principle behind it is to reinforce the immune system by 'teaching' it to attack the cancer rather than 'feed' it or accept it as 'normal'.

More in this India Times report about how AI-based 'neural network computing' will be used to 'create a personalized cancer vaccine in 30 minutes'. See also the press release.


On delicious yet toxic Thai street food and ginger's myriad benefits

Ginger gengibre
© CC BY 2.0 / Timothy Valentine / Ginger root
For a few reasons, I store in my fridge, when I have a fridge, nearly always a chunk of raw ginger root to gnaw on, then swallow the juice and spit the fibrous husk out — an invigorating, only slightly torturous experience that really opens up the sinus cavities and makes one feel alive.

I usually don't devote any thought to chewing ginger, as it's well-developed habit at this point.

But I considered exploring the topic after I arrived in Bangkok after some time away and began to include heavily in my diet street food that is absolutely littered with monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Despite the reams of scientific literature pointing to MSG being a neurotoxin, Thai vendors buy the stuff by the kilo and dump it into basically everything because they believe it tastes aroi (good).


Donald Trump: RFK Jr. will study link between childhood vaccines and autism as HHS secretary

Donald Trump Robert F. Kennedy Jr. RFK
© Saul Loebolivier Touron/AFP via Getty Images(Left) President-elect Donald Trump. (Right) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Trump on Nov. 14 nominated Kennedy to be his health and human services secretary.
'I think somebody has to find out. If you go back 25 years ago, you had very little autism. Now you have it,' Trump said.
President-elect Donald Trump said on Dec. 8 that he will give Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the freedom to investigate the potential link between vaccines and autism if the latter gains Senate confirmation to become secretary of health and human services (HHS).

Kennedy has said for years that autism is likely tied to childhood vaccines.

He was nominated to serve as HHS secretary by Trump last month and has promised sweeping changes to agencies under the HHS department, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Covid seroprevalence study: For official Department of Defense use only... until now

military vaccination program covid
© Tech. Sgt. Teri Eicher2nd Lt. David Wenger, a clinical nurse with the 134th Medical Group in Knoxville, administers a COVID-19 vaccine shot May 2, 2021
According to a series of eight interim reports obtained by the author in November 2024, the Department of Defense (DOD) engaged in a longitudinal SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) seroprevalence study of 29,000 members of the U.S. military between May 2020 and June 2021. Active, Guard, and Reserve components were included in the study.

Each document is marked "For Official Use Only" or "Controlled Unclassified Information" in a preventative measure to avoid being released outside of DOD.

Despite the risk, the revealing documents were provided to Children's Health Defense by an unnamed military whistleblower.

Seroprevalence can be defined as the percentage of a population who have the presence of neutralizing antibodies in their blood, showing they have been exposed to a virus or other infectious agent.

Microscope 2

Study finds fat cells have a 'memory' of obesity

A microscope image of fat cells.
© Ed Reschke via Getty ImagesA microscope image of fat cells.
Most people who lose weight through dieting will see it creep back up, leading to a cycle of "yo-yo dieting" that's hard on the body. A new study suggests fat cells keep a memory of previous weight gain, which may help to explain why this happens.

Losing weight can be a lot of work, which makes it all the more frustrating when, little by little, the weight creeps back. Now, a study suggests that fat cells retain a memory or past obesity, which may prime the cells to grow when exposed to high-fat foods.

The research "might add to the growing body of evidence that disproves lack of willpower as the underlying force behind 'weight cycling,'" said Dr. Katherine H. Saunders, an obesity physician at Weill Cornell Medicine and co-founder of FlyteHealth, a software and clinical services company for medical obesity treatment, who was not involved in the study.

Comment: If the researchers really want to progress, they should focus on sugar and the chemically altered analogs created from fructose not to mention the poisons pervading our environment. Healthy animal fats are the proper fuel for humans.


Did the C19 vaccine kill 17 million? Yes, but how? Not what you think!

Clinical data proves lethality but not of this magnitude

Genetic Injections
© Denis Rancourt
17 million?

My co-authors and I first calculated the now iconic 17 million vaccine-deaths number (with uncertainties) in two large papers:
  1. using Southern Hemisphere countries (2023)
  2. using 125 countries worldwide (2024)
The accepted test for a causal relation in epidemiology was satisfied.

We had previously found the temporal associations to be quite striking in: India (2022), Australia (2022), and Israel (2023). The vaccine dose fatality rate was exponential with age.

Vaccine-associated features had also been seen in the mortality data of the USA (2022).

Excess mortality prior to all C19 vaccine rollouts

In 2020, I showed that large excess mortality occurring prior to all vaccine rollouts had to be due to the aggressive extraordinary measures, not a spreading pathogen, in my 2 June 2020 paper: "All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response".

We continued this work ever since: CORRELATION.

Essentially no excess mortality occurred anywhere in the world prior to the World Heath Organization's 11 March 2020 arbitrary declaration of a pandemic. All excess mortality, vaccine induced or not, has been politically driven.

Arguably the best calculation of total global Covid-period (2020-2022, prior to 2023) excess all-cause mortality (pre- and post-vaccine rollouts) is from our 521-page 2024 paper:
  • Excess mortality rate 0.392 ± 0.002 %, corresponding to 30.9 ± 0.2 million excess deaths = 31 million all excess deaths up to the end of 2022

Comment: As a physicist, Denis often brings an interesting perspective to these subjects. The talk above is one such.

This talk has its genesis on societal hierarchical controls - from a lesser to greater degree of authoritarianism and violence (for instance, the covid vaccine, in this case, can be classified as doing violence), that when greater, would only beget increased totalitarianism, as was very much the case country by country.

Here, Rancourt is talking about an enforced "mega experiment" of poison, which seems naturally to have been accelerated per dose, becoming deadlier as tied exponentially to age. This was half what the universal doubling time for all cause mortality is based on age.

Thus, for people suffering with all kinds of other psychological factors/stressors piled on, this so-called pandemic became a case of human toxicology, a "mass poisonings exercise" of the mind and body provided by the powers that be.


Bovaer Trial...are we being played?

Milk Down the Sink
© Off-Guardian
We published an article last week on "Bovaer", the chemical compound, currently being trialled in the UK, which is added to cow feed to reduce methane emissions (allegedly).

Since then the story has grown, and I just wanted to do a quick update and ask a question that's nagging at me, but we'll get to that.

Firstly the good news - the widespread disgust. People all over the country have objected to the "low emission" drug, leading to boycotts of the dairy giant Arla and their associated brands.

Social media users are posting pictures of stacked shelves of unsold Lurpak butter and Cravendale milk.

Smaller farms and organic dairy producers have jumped on the chance for good publicity and released statements declaring themselves "Bovaer free" (Some people have made lists)

Some are even taking potshots and Bill Gates, which is always fun.

The BBC has turned Marianna Spring loose to do a fact-check, and "experts" have reassured her that Bovaer is safe...which was pretty much always going to happen.

A stranger development can be found in The Daily Mail, which has run a few stories on this issue, including publishing a full list of all the products Arla is involved with to enable boycotts.

Why would they do that? Appeasing their audience? Hopping on the bandwagon?


But there's more. The story isn't actually new, Bovaer was approved by the UK government back in December of 2023 and was already being trialled by Marks & Spencer in April of this year.

So why the big fuss now, a year later?


Public outcry after EU dairy cows given synthetic additive in feed to hit net zero

dairy cows bovaer net zero methane feed additive
© Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images EuropeAdditive Bovaer has been found to reduce cattle methane emissions by around 27pc
Europe's biggest dairy company is facing a backlash after giving cows a synthetic additive to their feed in an attempt to cut their methane emissions.

Arla, which makes brands including Lurpak butter and Cravendale milk, said it was working with Morrisons, Tesco and Aldi to trial giving cows the additive Bovaer.

Thirty of Arla's 9,000 farmers will test how the additives can be introduced into normal feeding routines, with the aim of then rolling Bovaer out more broadly.

Arla said Bovaer had been found to reduce methane emissions from cows by around 27pc.

Comment: More climate scam nonsense with an added dose of hubris. There is more methane coming up in the ocean, or out of arctic permafrost each year, not to mention different creatures, than the entirety of the world cattle population could produce. It's lunacy.


Florida's surgeon general advises against adding fluoride to drinking water

water glass
© unknown"What's in your spout?
On Friday, Florida's Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo announced that communities in the state shouldn't add fluoride to drinking water because of what he called the "neuropsychiatric risk associated with fluoride exposure."

Fluoride has long been proven to drive down tooth decay by strengthening teeth, which Ladapo acknowledged in the guidance. But he added that there are also possible "safety concerns related to systemic fluoride exposure," including reductions in IQ. While some studies have suggested potential links, the research is considered preliminary and far from definitive.

The American Dental Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention support the use of fluoridated water, calling it one of the top 10 public health achievements of the past century. All cite studies that show it reduces tooth decay by 25%.

Once its benefits were proven, fluoride was also added to toothpaste and some mouthwashes. Dentists began giving kids fluoride treatments. Some communities are restoring fluoride to their water systems after seeing a rise in children's cavities.

The anti-fluoride drumbeat has become louder in recent years. Communities have increasingly opted out of adding it to water, citing possible health risks. There are ongoing, active investigations about safe levels of fluoride exposure.

Comment: How can I check the fluoride levels in my water?
To determine the levels of fluoride in your water, visit the DEP's DataMiner report, which lists public community water systems that may contain fluoride.
Go to: and select your municipality from the menu.

From there, select your water system to see the most recent data on fluoride levels in your water.