War, rumors of war, corrupt governments run by psychopaths, phony terrorism, burgeoning police states...but is that all we have to worry about? What if there was something to put it all in context? Or rather, what if there is something else we are missing, something that is beyond the control of even the political and corporate elite; something that is driving them to attempt to herd the global population to an ever finer order of control...
What everyone else said! This is a GREAT video, excellently done. Let's all comment on the YouTube site and vote it up there too. Not only are we facing an internal threat from pathological deviants, but a ruthless external one from cyclical catastrophes. It isn't looking bright for the human race.
VERY professionally done! The best video to date and on a very important topic. Can highly recommend reading "The cycle of cosmic catastrophes", which shows the evidence of what happened last time the comets hit in a big way.
This is the link to the sightings of Meteors and Fireballs collected by the SOTT team since 2002, mentioned in the video: [Link]
Very nice.
Well done indeed.
Not sure if there was an easier way to get to the vid on youtube but I ended up just clicking the link that is generally on the right nav-bar for sott's postings on youtube but here is the direct link to the video on youtube :
The music gives a far more emotional punch than if it had a voice that delivered a lecture. Puts daily problems into perspective. We have all these challenges in our lives. But tomorrow or next week will any of it matter?
I'm not sure what more I can say. It puts so much into perspective. If Something Wicked really does This Way Come and the powers-that-be know it, they are herding us together to keep us under control as we die and they save themselves. Or so they think. That's how it seems to me, at least.
It is on Earth as it is in heaven
Great video. Indeed, something in the mass universal unconscious knows of these cyclic cometary catastrophies since it has been experienced before. As it gets closer in time and in space the mass mind can feel it more and more strongly.
Can't you feel it?
Can you see it?
Can you see it at this level in terms of synchronicities and symbolisms in conjunction with very well disciplined historical research?
As it says in the Cassiopaean FAQ page:
"As many physicists will tell you, all that really exists are "waveforms" and we are waveforms of reality, and our consciousness is something that "reads waves." We give form and structure to the waves we "read" according to some agreed upon convention.
[...]However, what does present itself as a result of painstaking research and networking, is the theory that time is cyclical and repeating and that the earth goes through cyclic catastrophies which mirror human experiential cycles".
Reminds of me something,
that is something I once said to a casschat moderator years ago: I said in a private message that perhaps I will finish my readings and whatnot exactly when a comet is literally over my head. Well, "all there is is lessons" and so I better move and push myself to makes sure I read, experience, and Understand what I have to learn in this "short wave cycle" before "time" is up on this current level of awareness.
If Knowledge is power, and exactly how one applies their knowledge in various contexts determines whether they are intrinsically choosing to BE STO or STS oriented (and this is regardless of whether they have good intentions or not since sometimes good intentions unintentionally pave the road to hell due to one's lack of Knowledge), then this is a very powerful and educational STO video. Great Work.
As others said, it puts things in their real perspective... those pathological deviants do whatever they can to keep us diverted from the Real danger and to wipe as many people as possible through wars, epidemies and pollution, all the while building shelters for themselves, before the evil comets return !
I posted this video to my MySpace bulletin last night and it would play without any problems. Today, I attempted to play the video and it said that it was no longer available. It may just be some MySpace glitch but I thought it was strange enough to make note of it.
but even so they must consider the possibilities. very intriguing and should be seen by all and addressed by our national and international news agencies. however as long as there are water skiing squirrels and cat fashion shows there will always be diversions to the truth.
Great job getting the word out. There is so much good information out there and so few who seem to care. It's time for more and more people to wake up.
You can bet your left foot that the 'agencies in the know' are planning world events around suppressing this information from everyone's awareness.
Keep up the great work SOTT. Somehow, the world will awaken to the deceptions they are constantly being bombarded with.
Excellent collection of facts, figures and animations that show something is really going on up there. Can it be that governments of the world are really unaware of this? Or is it simply that they choose not to tell us?
just imagine that this actually happens and swarms of comets strike the earth, devastating cities and creating chaos.
i can't think of a more better pretext than to declare martial law; no more civil liberties, all your rights are null and void, etc etc..a new world order begins!
It's only when you see the evidence lumped together that you realise that it's happening as we speak, and that the 'Cs' are correct. I've nearly finished reading the Wave series again (3rd time) and it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you see how much as actually come to pass since the mid 90's. I need to network more before it's too late!
There isn't a doubt that meteors will continue striking our planet, not that some are large enough to devastate large regions, and that a very few of them are big enough to cause mass extinctions - including US.
Fortunately, the latter kind don't occur often at all. That certainly doesn't mean it couldn't happen in our lifetime, though. Once every 35 million years is the average figure I seem to recall, and that means we're not "due" for another for quite some time. There does, however, appear to be a kind of "pattern" of frequency, a kind of "cycle," for this worst kind of collision.
But such things are by no means married to that cyclic schedule, and scientists know that, too.
There are astronomers who are spending all their time, now, searching for such objects. They would recognize one with potential for danger to us, certainly months, probably YEARS before it could hit us. That would give us time to plan a strategy to divert its course. The sooner such an attempt is made, the less severe the "correction" of its course must be. If it's close, a large correction is needed, and with less chance of success, plus little chance of trying again. So recognizing these objects early, and launching an attempt to change its direction must be done as early as possible. We already have the technology necessary to do the job, too. Something threatening the whole planet and all of humanity would quickly gain the full cooperation of all nations, too.
We are not entirely without options in this scenario, in other words.
That doesn't make the realities any prettier, but it's good to know we might be able to take a hand if such a threat is recognized.
It isn't all lost yet! We are not entirely helpless in the face of this kind of cosmic catastrophe. Only a hundred years ago, we would have been.
And that's kinda good to know, huh?
To call natural processes "wicked," though, is irrational. Nature is nature, and is impersonal. Wickedness requires a very personal trait: a mind. Hurricanes and earthquakes are horrific, but not wicked. Only PEOPLE are wicked.
Maybe in 2012 we will see this famous second black sun the sister star of our sun. Then later the swarm of meteorits will hit earth during years.... Look for anomalies right now in our SOL, more moons around Jupiter.....................All this is far less Static than the average Joe thinks!
already came this way...Homo sapien sp. Getting educated is more than a lifetime endeavour. I never seen so many comments for an item on SOTT before...you sure got the fans clucking out there.
I hope someone will read this Message to We The People...If You want to know the Real Truth about what is to come than I Armagon plead with you to understand that We The People have been Lied to and You can Find the Truth at the Denver International Airport...When you Gaze upon the Horrific Scenes Placed on the Walls You will see what is to be...The Murals are Destruction of us and our way of Life as We knew it...But the One Thing that I Armagon want you to Really look at is the Floor in the Grand Hall...There Is what We call the Smoking Gun...Planet X or Niburu is sitting behind the Sun...The Sumerians were right,Not wrong...The Comets and Asteroids are being displaced by Nemesis and It's Entourage and that' s why we are seeing more and more Meteorites...Look at the Last Page of the Codex Dresdensis other wise Known as yhe Dresden Codex...This is to be on 12-21-2012...Please let Others know what I Armagon have Told and Shown You...Go to these sites :
Thankyou SOTT for a Great Job...I Armagon will never Lie to You...Be Vigilant in Your Research,Be Good to Everything around You...Everything You Do Echos Through Out Eterity....
Living 55 miles south of Tampa Bay for the past 25 years,I soon
realized the importancce of having multiple flashlights,bottled water
and loads of canned foods and reading material for the power out-
-ages which occur with alarming frequency during the numerous
severe thunderstorms. I have incorporated a roof run-off (water)
system that fills two,55 gallon food grade polyethylene barrels
and that water is used for bathing cleaning and when filtered with
a high quality gravity fed filter system,for drinking water also.
This was an exceedingly well done video,and I would love to find
out who did the music for it,I found it very motivating,creating a
definite sense of urgency.
Great video with exceptional and very important information.
Never heard of the oort cloud and of the suns companion star before.
This extraordinary information can not be found anywhere else.
Thank you so much
Due to my sorry internet server, plus no sound card in my computer, I can't watch/listen to this one, yet. I just wanted to say that gov't astronomers began detecting myriad comets and asteroids and in increasing numbers, many of which are going to be very close calls, if not outright impacts. Also, there was increasing evidence of a gargantuan, as yet unseen, body approaching from deep space. They've called it a 'dark star' (A Hopi prophecy says the time of the Great Cleansing will be heralded by the appearance of a 'dark star').Knowing that the Sumerians and other ancient Middle East cultures kept meticulous astronomical records that could tell us the cycle lengths of these comet groupings, as well as the 'legends' of the return of the "gods", our gov't waged war on Iraq on the pretext of fighting terrorism, and the very first thing our fighting forces did was to raid the libraries and museums, not for gold or treasures, but for the astronomical records and information on those gods and their agenda, all written on cuneiform clay tablets. They've been feverishly translating those tablets ever since. For the last several years, there has been a huge government presence in East Tennessee, buying up---or TAKING---land with caves ( Tennessee has far more caves than any other state---well over 4000 known). They're working like crazy, preparing "doomsday bunkers" for the so-called elite and the military to escape the fire and water of the approaching cataclysms, while we, the peons are left outside to fend for ourselves. They can NOT inform the citizens of what's coming, far less the approximate time of arrival, because it would lead to total chaos and anarchy, and for now, they must try desperately to maintain the facade they are in control and all is well. With the current population, evacuation is impossible. We saw a completely chaotic fiasco during the attempted evacuation before Hurricane Katrina. This will be hundreds of times worse. When the military begins streaming cross-country and the president and other government officials suddenly drop out of sight, take all the supplies you can get and find underground shelter---on high ground.
A new study by a Belgian team using data from the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (ESO's VLT) has shown that iron and nickel exist in the atmospheres of comets throughout our...