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What the VAERS data tell us about COVID jab safety: Interview with Jessica Rose, Phd

vaers database
Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a research fellow at the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge in Israel, has taken a deep-dive into the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), and in this interview she shares the details of what she's finding.

VAERS, despite flaws and drawbacks, is one of the greatest tools we have to evaluate vaccine safety. It was implemented as a consequence of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. While vaccine companies were given blanket immunity against liability for adverse reactions under this law, VAERS was created to collect injury reports in a centralized database so that the post-marketing safety of childhood vaccines could be monitored.

The system was actually launched in 1990, so we have three decades' worth of data to compare trends against. Granted, vaccine injuries are notoriously underreported. Investigations have found only 10%1 to as little as 1%2,3 of injuries are reported.

Comment: See also:


Vaccine effectiveness drops below zero in 18-29 year-olds for first time - but boosters appear to be helping - for now

booster effectiveness covid vaccine
The latest UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance report, containing data for the month ending December 12th, brings mixed news on the vaccines. First the bad news. Unadjusted vaccine effectiveness based on the raw reported infection rates is still negative for all aged between 18 and 70 (see above). In fact, it's gone negative for the first time in 18-29 year-olds, down to minus-10.1%, after a sharp drop in the last week. A negative vaccine effectiveness means the infection rate per 100,000 people is higher in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. This means that vaccine passports and vaccine mandates will be ineffective at preventing transmission, and indeed it implies that the vaccinated are actually a higher transmission risk than the unvaccinated. Far from protecting the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, then, as much current policy seems intended to do, perhaps the unvaccinated should be wary of the company of the vaccinated. For those in their 40s in particular, unadjusted vaccine effectiveness is minus-119%, meaning the vaccinated are more than twice as likely to be carrying the virus as the unvaccinated.


Vaccines are very good... for the drug companies

This one graphic shows everything you need to know. This is one of the reasons why nobody wants to talk to me.
Graph of Vaxxed and Unvaxxed
© SteveKirsch/Substack
The graphic is from a paper which was published in April 24, 2017: Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children

The point of this article is that the COVID vaccines are not the first unsafe vaccine. We've been doing this for years. The COVID vaccines are simply the latest manifestation of a problem which has been going on for over 20 years.


Best of the Web: Alarming safety, ethical, and efficacy concerns surround WHO authorization of first malaria vaccine RTS,S

© Karl Tapales Getty Images
Plasmodium parasites are as stealthy as pathogens come. The malaria-causing single-celled organisms have been adapting to the human lineage for longer than our species has existed, giving them millions of years of training in evading our immune systems and — until recently — an unshakable advantage over vaccine developers.

While SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, only has 29 proteins, Plasmodium species have thousands. SARS-CoV-2's spike protein, which it uses to invade human cells, is an obvious bullseye for vaccines, but Plasmodium is a moving target.

Comment: Is the spike protein an 'obvious bullseye', considering how ineffective and fraught with severe side effects the experimental Covid jabs are?

After mosquitoes inject Plasmodium sporozoites into the bloodstream, the parasites hide away and multiply in liver cells, from which they emerge as bloodborne merozoites, which commence fever-inducing invasions of red blood cells. Some of the parasites shapeshift yet again and are picked up through mosquito bites. For each life stage, Plasmodium transforms its cloak of proteins — a challenge to vaccinologists. Many vaccine efforts have failed in the past.

Comment: What is detailed in this article is as abhorrent and distressing as another insidious experiment the Gates Foundation is involved in: New oral polio vaccine to BYPASS key clinical trials as vaccine caused outbreaks overtake wild polio

See also: And check out SOTT radio's:


Leading cause of death among 18-45yo Americans revealed, and it is not Covid-19. SPOILER ALERT: It's fentanyl

street fentanyl
© Reuters / Shannon StapletonA man living on the streets displays what he says is the synthetic drug fentanyl, San Francisco, California, US, February 27, 2020.
Fentanyl overdoses have become the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18 to 45, according to a new report which shows deaths related to the drug overtaking Covid-19 and suicide.

Between 2020 and 2021, 78,795 adults in the age bracket died from the drug, with 2021 deaths rising by nearly 4,500 over the year before, according to a report released by the organization Families Against Fentanyl this week.

Fentanyl now kills more 18- to 45-year-olds than suicide, Covid-19, and car accidents, with the number of deaths experiencing a particularly sharp rise since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. Fentanyl is tied to 64% of all US drug fatalities.

Comment: See also:


Best of the Web: UK professor: 'A climate of dread around Covid is deliberately being manufactured by scientists and my fellow medics'

Professor Angus Dalgleish
Professor Chris Whitty is often praised for his measured tones and his lack of melodrama.

But those qualities were absent when he spoke at the Downing Street Press conference on Wednesday evening.

Updating the nation on the Omicron variant, Whitty's words were the equivalent of pressing a giant panic button.

Comment: Bravo. Professor Dalgleish is one of the virologists who showed Covid-19 showed the genetic "fingerprints" of being man-made. It's important to have voices like this being amplified by the corporate media. We can only hope for more.

See also:


Pfizer's child-sized vaccine fails to produce expected immunity in younger kids; company adds third dose to trials

pfizer sign
Vaccine maker Pfizer said Friday that trials of its vaccine in children ages 2 to 5 show that it did not provide the expected immunity in kids this age, and it is adding a third dose to the regimen.

The company decided to add the third dose for all children and babies ages 6 months to 5 years after its independent outside advisers took a look at the data so far.

It showed that two child-sized doses of the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine were not producing the expected immunity in the 2- to 5-year-olds, although they were doing so for the babies up to age 2.

Comment: These people should be tried for crimes against humanity.

See also:


Pfizer to test Covid booster dose on INFANTS, young kids

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
© Reuters / Clodagh KilcoyneNurse prepares the vials of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for use at a pop-up vaccination clinic in Belfast, Northern Ireland, December 4, 2021
Pfizer will start testing Covid-19 vaccine booster doses in children aged six months to five years old after finding that its lower-dose shot may not provide enough protection in one age group.

The pharmaceutical giant announced on Thursday that it would start testing a third dose on young children "at least two months after the second dose" in an effort "to provide high levels of protection in this young age group."

Explaining its decision, the company cited clinical data showing that the smallest 'baby' dose administered to children under five does not appear to be effective in protecting those in the 2-to-5 age bracket.

Vaccine doses vary across different age groups involved in the study. Children aged 5-12 received two 10-microgram doses - one-third of the adult 30-microgram dose. Children younger than five, including infants, were vaccinated with three-microgram shots.


Artificial Intelligence tool developed that predicts dementia onset with 92% accuracy

Artificial intelligence can now predict whether someone will develop dementia within two years, a new study claims. Researchers hope the technology will cut down on false diagnoses and help doctors catch the condition earlier.

Researchers from the University of Exeter in the UK took data from more than 15,000 memory clinic patients in the US and used this information to train machine learning algorithms to spot patterns among them. After analyzing this data, the AI was able to detect who would develop dementia within the next two years with 92% accuracy, according to a study published by the scientists on Thursday.


US CDC advisers to weigh limits on J&J vaccine due to blood clot issues

Johnson & Johnson vaccine
Vial and sryinge are seen in front of displayed Johnson & Johnson logo in this illustration.
A U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory panel will meet on Thursday to consider possible limits on the use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine because of continued blood clot issues, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices will be presented new data that appears to show the rate of clots in people who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has increased since April, the Post reported, citing clinicians familiar with the agenda.

Use of the vaccine in the United States was paused for 10 days in April to investigate extremely rare but potentially deadly clots, mostly in young and middle-aged women.

Comment: The CDC's bias is on full display here. Non-mRNA vaccines have their dangerous side effects widely reported by corporate news outlets, while the mRNA jabs seem to be enjoying some sort of press blackout.

More from RT:
CDC urges Americans to embrace mRNA vaccines

The US health agency has recommended that people seeking vaccination for Covid-19 receive Pfizer or Moderna mRNA-based shots rather than the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, due to the risk of blood clots.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) backed the recommendation of its advisory panel to designate the mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech the "preferred" vaccination option, citing newly-released data on the incidence of a severe but rare blood clot disorder in the adenovirus-based shot from Johnson & Johnson.

The drug behemoth has insisted that the benefits of its shot outweigh the risk of blood clots, and a company representative argued that while the maximum protection delivered by the vaccine comes later than that delivered by the mRNA shots, it also lasts longer.
See also: