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It's time for another "In the News" show here at Objective:Health, where we scan the headlines for the latest in health news.

On a previous show we detailed how the FDA had weaseled a judge into releasing the Pfizer vaccine trial data that lead them to approve the vaccine in a slow drip over the course of 55 years - 500 pages per month of 329,000+ pages available. Well, that data release has begun, and boy does it not look good. There were a shocking number of adverse events in the trials, including many deaths. But the FDA approved it anyway.

Similarly, a big study on the effectiveness of masks, which was touted in the media as being the largest study to date showing masks are effective at stopping viral spread, have finally released their data. Overall, despite the fact that the study included large populations, the difference between the experimental and control groups came down to 20 people. That's hardly an effective intervention!

And finally, we cover the latest in the media campaign to blame coronary events on everything but Covid vaccines - Post Pandemic Stress Disorder. That's right, people are collapsing from heart attacks because they're stressed out by the pandemic, not because they were injected with an experimental gene therapy.

Join us on this edition of Objective:Health where we discuss all of the above and more!

Join us for a rousing discussion on all of this and more!

Article by Mike Whitney: https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/research-game-changer-spike-protein-increases-heart-attacks-and-destroys/

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Running Time: 00:34:59

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