Meanwhile, for the first time since the so-called pandemic began in early 2020, there has been a rise in all-cause excess deaths in under-50s in both the US and Europe. Joe and Niall investigate this mystery in their latest NewsReal...
Running Time: 01:33:03
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If The Google censors it at YT, watch this podcast on Rumble or Odysee. Show Notes
- Australian govt ad for COVID vaccine
- EUROMOMO All-cause Mortality Figures
- 'Fit and healthy engineer, 27, dies three weeks after having AstraZeneca Covid vaccine as NHS investigates his death', The Sun
- 'Healthy boy, 13, dies suddenly in his sleep three days after getting second dose of Pfizer vaccine', The Sun
- 'Model dies after receiving COVID vaccine',
- 'Mother Says Athlete Son Developed Blood Clots After COVID Vaccine: "We Felt Enormous Pressure"',
- Teen boy dies a few days after receiving second COVID vaccine shot , The Mercury News
- 'NCAA Athlete Hit with Severe Heart Complication After COVID Vaccine, Warns Against Vax Mandates', The Western Journal
- 'A student athlete's TikTok went viral after he developed myocarditis from the vaccine', Yahoo!
- 'Francis Perron: 25-year-old University of Ottawa football player dies shortly after football game, mandatory vaccines required at the school', The Covid Blog
- 'Teen who had heart attack after vaccine dose to receive $225,000', Yahoo!
- 'College athlete delivers warning from hospital bed after developing myocarditis following vaccine'
- 'UB40 former member Astro dies after short illness', BBC
- UK PM Johnson at COP26: 'Doomsday clock is ticking'
- 'Pope Francis and 40 faith leaders call for urgent action to combat climate change: Future generations will never forgive us', The Jesuit Review
- ''That's what getting everybody vaccinated is all about': Buttigieg admits US supply chain issues won't end until pandemic does', RT
- 'Employee vaccine mandate is key to GDP: Biden economic adviser Jared Bernstein', NBC
- 'NJ truck driver Ed Durr vows to be Republican voice in state senate after unseating longtime Dem', Fox News
- 'Republican Marine Vet Winsome Sears Elected Virginia Lieutenant Governor', National Review
- 'Seattle elects Republican as city attorney over police abolitionist', Washington Examiner
- 'Texas Democrats went all in to protect a San Antonio-area House seat from flipping. The GOP still took it', Texas Tribune
- 'Covid in Germany: Angela Merkel argues for ban on unvaccinated in public spaces', The Times
- 'No booster... no hassle-free foreign travel: Ministers are drawing up plans to bring back tests and quarantine for those who refuse third Covid jab', Daily Mail
- 'Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer's vaccine trial', British Medical Journal
- 'US appeals court blocks Biden's federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate', New York Post
Reader Comments
And my first response to the title of this article?
Thank you so much, Master of the Bleeding Obvious.
US 7,491,489 B2 (2004) [Link]
Still looking for more.
WO 2,018,081,318 A1 (2016) [Link]
Some of the reporting is a real word salad: And from the family statement we have such gems as Evil laugh - is that a complement?
At least they will coming out with an "invisible" tribute
This is so evil. Imagine you're 26, you haven't really even had time to learn of this malevollence wer're all up against.
I've got the rope, et al., folks. RIP lady.
The only thing that might (maybe) shock me at that site would be if they still had up a sultry picture of their founder in a bikini (and I'm not talking about the guy. - that would be so Twenty Oughts. )
Laura in a bikini, with a cigarette
(Don't know who you are referring to, it was via LKJ books that I found this site)
Found this ... SOTT article from 2004 - Seems like an old version of this site, but it is still - [Link]
The dead on demand switch works on the vaxxxed.
Vaxxxed military is good only to surrender ( or molest peasants ).
Dr Ruby quotes Dr. David Martin...
use -laugh at, although she's been more dangerous than anything for a long time, whether she knows it or not, and in her sould-out soul, she knows it. R.C.VP Ho' didn't get the memo, she's still worried about racist trees - [Link]
The problem of racist trees is "profound and shocking"
Alas, this tale does not have a happy ending—No prisoners in prison for the habitual offenders here. No executives being led to court in hand-cuffs. No orange jump-suits, no brawls in the cafeteria. In fact, there is no justice to be found at all, except for some small fines for their myriad of crimes amounting to little more than a mild cost of doing business. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show:
Queen - Another One Bites the Dust - [Link]
My God, how stupid can the proles be? Answer: Way more than we expected.
and here; [Link]
it is evident that (us) americans are dying off at a far more rapid pace than others - at the same time as having a low wax-rate.
what is going on?
are (us) americans just puny / fragile?
How can almost 20% of all cases still be active ... I thought the European figures of around 10% were bad
The cases per million is 144,298 - just a bit over the UK and other European figures - the death rate of 2,356 per million is high, but not as high as the South American countries. I'm guessing it doesn't help that the US has so many obese people
The odd one is that global death rate has been 2% but the current (serious or critical) rate is 0.4% ... and I assume deaths must be even lower - The decrease must be down to a deadlier strain and overloaded hospitals
"Lies, damned lies, and statistics." and,
"Figures don't lie but liars figure."
Nothing has changed since then except idiots volunteering for lockdowns and death jabs. Sad.
(decreasing. contrary to the rest of the world).
i am trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. visiting/moving to canada would not be the worst idea.
after all, lm is living there <3
i love it 🥰
Bk I missed seeing you!!!!
Missing the good ones😔
well. it is their right to do so.
Ain't that kinda funny and good news? It's been right in our faces for a month? He might not like me but he's still a SOTTite. I know a lot of folks like his music and videos in the snow and what not. Won't see any of those from down here.
"Joey Morgan passed away early Sunday morning. It was a shock"
As re your video, man, that's cold.
Who's John Fleck?
I'd have to play that track twice every hour for the whole year to keep up with the "vaccine" deaths The odds of that being non-"vaccine" related is about as statistically significant as all the levers of power being occupied by people of one specific foreign religion
I was listening to TalkSport radio this morning when this incident was discussed, but the presenters were blocked the moment there was any mention of vaccine status or the rash of athletes that this happening to
Instead they had to toe the line that players have collapsed in the past ... so "often" that they had to mention Marc-Vivien Foé (2003) and Marc-Vivien Foé (2012) ... and then they run out of any pre-2021 names
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
We will know when it happens
Re Barbados, about time, it's ridiculous that some countries have foreign monarchs as their own
And Queen of Germany exited....
e.g. (Today's example) - Lacey Chabert reveals her sister's (age 46) shocking and unexpected death
For sounds music, how about Peter Gabriel, Us, with it's 'Come Talk To Me." ? and Digging in the Dirt? His sounds really matched his feelings. (I saw him in Orlando on that tour and lost a pair of binoculars I'd had since the age of 11 or so. It was worth it. I believe there's a video of that particular concert online - literally, recorded in Orlando etc. He did a Hamlet's job of struggling with that phone..)
As my brain recalls both it and the video I once say, I don't think that he had that babe's harmonies. GREAT SHOW! Up there with The Who in Jax in 77. et al.
Charlie Wyke (24/11) - [Link]
John Fleck (23/11) - [Link]
Adama Traore (24/11) - [Link]
2nd November 2021 - Scottish Woman's Rugby Coach 30th November 2021 - Scottish Rugby Announcement [Link]
It's' gotten beyond amazing about the sheepproles' inability to analyze facts, link cause and effect, etc. I honestly wonder if they'll ever get it. I believe that Brandon guy today had an article about such intellectual disconnects of those idiots (many of whom I dearly care for)
"died suddenly at the age of 26 - with her death thought to be non-suspicious"
Since when did the sudden, non-accidental death of fit athletes with no known health problems or illnesses become non-suspicious? (Unless the cause is known and acknowledged as legalised murder)
They're doing protests where they're holding photos of the dead which is a good idea.
More folks need to do actual videotaped analyses of whatever's in these jabs.
Makes one glad to be one's self.
you are the nogood spammer bot
To help you lose some of your frankly inexplicable spite, I likewise give you
#3: "God damn it Larry, I've got children (you cheap bastard implied) " [Link]
#7 You're a
cheapsick bastard Larry." [Link]KLR Site: [Link]
If you have something to bitch at me about other than the fact that I apparently won the brakar = rakarb sweepstakes (first to identiify B/R's secret identify wins a free donut or something); well, we're past that. Time for bitching finis. I am not unlimited niceness. More like disciplined evenness. If I've sniped/slandered you anyway, I wanna hear about it. Give us a link so that we can all go through it. (I've even been known to apologize and will if such is reasonable but there's not a damn thing like that I can think of.
Can you defend your indefensible claim that 'I'm a 'bot'? Of course not.
I only write this because you strike me as a mostly decent person/SOTTite. Your attempted scuffs are weak and I don't understand what points you hope to be making. (BTW, I don't believe that you are some paid troll - and I bet we can all name fair guesses 'our' professional trolls.
In Cocoa terms, 'Cool it.' (that's more like CB terms) Over here in C such terms and the tenor of this would be far more in your face and while I write comments here because of the fascinating and educational comments and articles, your attempts come across like bad graffiti carved into a 7th grader's desk.
if you feel likewise against me, i can not see why we should ever cross each other
Helpful hint: Your emoji usage is not good. This would be an overstatement.
Hope you've got nice snow. I wish I did.
As for the actual 2 reasons
a) There could be side effects .... They're taking the piss, try avoiding a mandated experimental gene therapy with that excuse
b) Ordering ivermectin would violate its policies ... What does that really mean? There is a specific policy not to provide safe, life-saving treatment in a hospital???
The hardest part about the practice is trying to explicate how in the system I worked in (it's WAY worse now) it's just - I want to help you, but I first must pay the payroll and the light bill, and . . . .
It's enough to make a hardened libertarian wish for socialized medicine.*
*Gotta add, that directly correlates with other truly tricky social issues such as 'environmental' issues (neighbor dumping used oil that pollutes your drinking well) et al. The coolest part of it is learning how very well so many of these sociolegal problems were resolved well.
Expect this is another one
Your first link doesn't work.
I'll add it to the suspects list ... Did the mother get jabbed when she was pregnant?
I was just thinking that we're living through a big thalidomide event except we can't see very far into the future. What about DES that caused cancer in daughters and granddaughters (and possibly testicular cancer also)?
It's overwhelmingly evil. And if I walked to my family and provided the evidence (the latest FOIA Pfizer documents in particular) I'm confident none of it would get read. Sad. Everyone in my family used to call me for medical advice because I've learned so much from deposing doctors etc. Nowadays, I wonder if I'll even hear about anything that might be vax related.
Switching from sad to mad.
I used to never read comments as they were uniformly witless, trolls, etc. But nowadays, they're really showing folks waking up.
Ukrainian President Zelensky gives speech praising Nazi collaborators
Ukrainian president Volodymyr has honored the role of Nazi collaborators during WWII, but failed to mention the soldiers who died serving in the Red Army, while celebrating the anniversary of the...Since I've learned about Allende, the respect I have for that man has only grown with whatever I've learned. Surely the CIA and T.F. should have been able to come up with something by now. A man without a price I guess.
I don't see Death listed among the known effects
If y'all try to find him out (it's not hard) you'll agree, a truly bad MF. (Lots of movies. I remember when his dad killed himself. (Three of my friends had that ) and he properly directed his anger. Despite the fact I should be angry with him, he knew I long ago forgave him.
RIP my Friend.
See Don Wilson
It literally means unexplained as in just suddenly dropped dead for no apparent reason
Why is everyone allowed to inspect my medical papers and yet we are not allowed to know whether these sudden death victims are "vaccinated"
(Clue, they report every Covid death of anti-"vaxxers" or Coof-Deniers in the same way they report the skin colour of every white person accused of any crime ... When they don't report the subject as being unvaccinated or white then we can safely assume the opposite)
Truth is our only ally.
A question: (feel free to ignore, of course) but I'm sitting here with multiple defensive weapons (like rolling pins et al.) around me - for more than four decades - and is it me feeling silly in that making me feel more secure?
As you know, I've sadly had occasions when they were needed. (And yet I remain STOKED to say that I've never yet shot anyone!!! )
Although a LOT of idiots behave as if having a pistol somehow makes them bulletproof - there's a million videos online showing it. I do hate evil scumbags.
Two pupils from same school die after being infected with Covid - [Link] So there's one "natural" death. (judging by the photo the kid was seriously obese) - the unvaccinated kid
Then there the kid whose "vaccination" status in "unknown" - he dies of a stroke followed by bleeding on the brain, caused by Covid
Honestly, my fellow SOTTite, you should let it slide.
Best wishes.
Dec 11, 2021 - Venus and Pluto unite today, which can bring power struggles and triangular relationships. Note that love triangles don’t necessarily mean that a third party is involved in a personal relationship. They can also mean that a desire for professional acclaim and fame stands between you and a partner, or that religious differences play a part in issues pertaining to a union.
Power struggles are common with Pluto, and a need to always be right and in control can start arguments. It can add heaviness and obsession to relationships and projects, especially with Venus and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn.
Mercury in Sagittarius links with Jupiter in Aquarius, creating dynamic insights that can shape the direction of your life and the actions that you take to reach your goals.
Tonight, the Sagittarius sun squares off with Neptune in Pisces, creating a vibe that juxtaposes with the intense Pluto energy. This could make us dreamy and unable to function in reality, which is completely opposite the vibe of the earlier Venus-Pluto connection. It can also heighten emotion, intuition, and sensitivity regarding how we handle matters. Be forewarned that this can also bring exhaustion, which means that you should allow yourself to rest.
This transit challenges us to consider our needs for inspiration and imagination, which might conflict with our plans and goals, or we may need to confront the areas of our lives where reality isn’t measuring up to our ideals. Until we find ways to incorporate more spirit into our lives, there can be problems feeling motivated. It can be a time of increased spiritual awareness and vision, even if we initially struggle with this. There may be detours or distractions to deal with now. This influence amps up uncertainty, and we can either go with that flow or resist it and feel a little lost and without direction temporarily.
BGT Sexy Swing
... glad we aint the 12th... yet
binra + lsjarvi +jolie, come to the party 🥳
Truly was the best of times. Lucky cubed.
i am really really not interested in having any dialogue with you.
Margaret Mugema, fit and healthy mum of five, 38, collapsed and died on school run
Margaret's sister, Winnie Kitaka said:
so, most of us (kindly) reclined 😆
COVID vaccines are “irreversible and potentially permanently damaging,” says Dr. Robert Malone, who explains why 16,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly declaring healthy children should not be vaccinated for COVID-19.
let's hope it stays that way