Born in Toronto, Canada, I am a Dual US and Canadian citizen. My Grandfather was from Lisnaskea Ireland
I protested the Vietnam War in High School and then in peace time - other than it still being during the cold war - I joined the US Navy at 32 years old.
I have a BS in Psychology from the University of Idaho 1995.
I was raised an Episcopalian and bailed that when I was in High School In 1971, I joined a new age religion called Eckankar, founded by Paul Twitchell. I followed "ECK" for twenty years. I learned a lot about myself, people and how egos and organizations can morph. I read about, mainly, Eastern religious precepts concerning consciousness.
I eventually grew out of Eckankar and came to realize that it was based on a lie; mainly, Paul Twitchell's lie of Eckankar's origins. I came to accept the fact that Paul Twitchell was a pathological liar and plagiarizer. Over all, I think I was able to benefit from my years spent as an initiate in Eckankar; since after all, Paul Twitchell had borrowed from a lot of other authentic spiritual teachings. I left Eckankar in 1993 as a 6th initiate.
Was I hurt by this path, or helped? Perhaps I will find out in my life review, but I do think that I grew spiritually from it and made spiritual dollars.
I currently live In Missoula, MT
I am Spiritual but I am not religious.
I believe the source of why we are here - and exist - is to learn and express unconditional Love in greater and greater degrees, as we grow and are able to handle the greater Love current.
Thanks for all of your work, this site and for your crew on SOTT talk radio!
When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight it concentrates his mind wonderfully.
I keep wondering about all the bluster and whether or not we are being played for fools. I see a lot of back and forth rhetoric and the nasty...
Landru Jackson: This is the word of Landru! "You will be absorbed...your individuality will merge into the unity of good."
"We're hearing better today, thanks to the government" - LOL, I love his straight face approach to his 'explanation'.
Health care, is everyone's number 1 thing to be aware of. Never trust a used car sales man to sell you their version of health care. Make every...
Trust the science, when applicable.
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