RTFri, 14 Jun 2024 20:54 UTC

© Sputnik / Alexey MaishevDeputy head of the Russia's Security Council and chairman of the United Russia political party Dmitry Medvedev.
A growing number of countries want to discard the vestiges of imperialism, the former Russian president has arguedA growing number of countries want to break free from colonial legacies, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said.
Numerous former imperial powers in the West have imposed unprecedented sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine conflict, triggering accusations from Moscow of neocolonialist policies.
Medvedev, who currently serves as deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, made the comments in an opinion piece titled 'The time of colonial powers is over' for the
Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper. The article was published ahead of a series of international events in the city of Vladivostok, dedicated to Russia's chairmanship of the BRICS group.
"More and more countries [...] are aspiring to live in a world [...] that is free from the legacy of colonialism and is based on [...] inclusive multilateralism, sovereign equality, peaceful coexistence and mutual respect between countries that have different political and social systems," Medvedev wrote.
The former president criticized the West's "unceremonious interference in the affairs of independent states," referring to the policy of "illegal" sanctions adopted by the US and its allies, and accusing Washington of undertaking numerous coup attempts abroad.
Medvedev argued that Western countries are transitioning to what he described as "global neocolonialism," an attempt to impose a system of unequal economic and political relations on the rest of the world. He also proposed creating a UN database of crimes committed by colonial powers.
Medvedev was Russian president from 2008 to 2012, after which he served as prime minister until 2020. He is known for maintaining a hard line on the Ukraine conflict in his social media posts, which the Kremlin has never outright disavowed.
In February, Russian President Vladimir Putin described as "neocolonialism" the West's attempts to "maintain its dominance" by economically subjugating other states, allegedly depriving them of their sovereignty while imposing alien traditions and values.
Comment: More Medvedev unplugged, comment on the clown-show "peace talks" in Switzerland,
to which Russia is not invited:
Full text:
Dmitry Medvedev: The President spoke at the Foreign Ministry collegium. What, in my opinion, should be paid special attention to, taking into account what the head of state said or what he carefully hinted at in his speech:
Russia has repeatedly offered Washington, Europe and NATO to resolve the Ukrainian crisis in its infancy, avoiding a large-scale tragedy. The answer was only cynical manipulation and outright deception.
It is obvious that events are developing according to a catastrophic scenario for the Bandera regime. It will only get worse, our President directly said this when defining the basis for possible negotiations.
The space for compromise is shrinking, like shagreen leather, along with the shrinking territory of a dying country. And the day is not far when only a narrow strip of it may remain. Russia must protect itself for many years to come. Hence, by the way, the idea of a sanitary zone, which was put forward by V.V. Putin.
All b.c. can fall into this zone. Ukraine right up to the borders with Poland, because it is from there that the constant threat comes. And what's next? The President did not directly say this, but it is obvious that such territories, if the people living there wish, could become part of Russia.
The "summit of the doomed" starting tomorrow will end in complete fiasco. After all, meaningless "negotiations" in the absence of Russia on the stillborn formula of the Kyiv clown are just the recruitment of new extras to participate in a stupid play to legalize the Kiev clown as a full-fledged head of state.
But everyone, even our opponents, understands that he is just a pathetic usurper, shaking with fear and drug withdrawal. The systematic interpretation of the Constitution of Ukraine, which was given by V.V. Putin, leads to a very simple conclusion: it is impossible to extend the powers of the president under it; they pass to the head of parliament.
Now Zelensky - no one can even call him. There is no power behind him, and his orders should not be carried out by anyone. And all the persons appointed by him after the expiration of their powers have no right to make decisions at all. These persons are illegitimate, and their decisions are illegal. Therefore, any Ukrainian military personnel commits a criminal offense when they carry out unlawful instructions from officials appointed by illegal authorities. So the usurper, who seized power in the country, turned all the inhabitants of Ukraine into hostages. And every day he sends soldiers to their deaths, without having any rights to do so. He will face trial or reprisal from the crowd, and b. Ukraine - capitulation.
Just another puppet in the Matrix system.
UN is the problem & guilty force behind the lies & scenes. NGO’s - Central Bank - City of London, Basel, Switzerland et alia.
Not even necessary to name the Jesuit’s, 10-13 families - White/Black/Grey pope trimurti headed beast they represent. The Lupa of Babylon lives along with the 7 hills of Rome (D.C.) & 10 Kings/Kingdoms etc.