In this hystericized atmosphere, supposed 'representatives' of just about every other minority you can think of have jumped on the victimhood bandwagon. If you're a member of a minority and feel that you're being discriminated against, then you're actively encouraged to get out and protest about it. If you're a member of a minority group and don't feel like you're being discriminated against, then you've probably internalized and accepted the discrimination, and need to wake up and start protesting.
What all of this reveals is not so much that discrimination is rife in the USA today, but that victim-hood promises all sorts of unearned privileges and even power, so you'd be a fool not to get some while the getting is good.
But back to Charlottesville. The basic sequence of events is that a group of intellectually challenged, blowhard, would-be 'white supremacists' organized a march in the town to protest the proposed removal of a statue to Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Left wing activists organized a protest march. Pitched battles ensued and the cops mostly took the approach of standing back and letting them beat each other for a while until they inevitably had enough and went home.
But events took a deadly turn when a 'white supremacist' decided to drive his car through a group of antifa people, killing one woman and injuring several others. This was a god-send to those who would like to see social chaos spread as far and as wide as possible in the USA, because it served as 'evidence' that the tiny minority of 'white supremacists' - and the large demographic of Conservatives that supposedly support them along with 'their president - really are a deadly threat to multicultural America. In addition, it offered just cause for the radical left to push ahead with their dangerous agenda of attempting to enforce equality on everyone and wipe out discrimination of any kind.Along with the ludicrous claims of his traitorous alignment with Russia, Trump has been demonized by Clinton and her deep state friends as a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' who enjoyed support only from like-minded 'deplorables' in the population. So events in Charlottesville also served the ongoing deep state agenda to reinforce this image and hamstring Trump's presidency and destroy any hope that he might implement policies, both at home and abroad, that might genuinely improve the lives of the majority of American people.
In short, both 'sides' in this phony debate have been further 'radicalized' by events in Charlottesville, while the crooked psychos in the deep state are only too happy to see the American people divided against each other rather than united against them.
Charlottesville Setup?
There is reason to believe that Charlottesville was a contrived 'flashpoint' to serve the goals of the 'deep state' that I have outlined above. The crassly cliched nature of the 'white supremacist' march was the first indicator of this. The images of a few hundred young white guys carrying tiki torches in a night-time procession on the campus of the University of Virginia immediately called to mind Nazi torch-lit parades of the 1930s, and that was precisely the point. This was pure propaganda, i.e. the use of loaded language and imagery to produce an emotional rather than a rational response from the public in service to a hidden agenda. In the event that some might not be swayed by the mostly comical image of the tiki-torch-bearing would-be Nazi youth, the car attack that killed one woman served to add some gravitas to the picture and drive the message home in an emotional way.
The second indicator that Charlottesville was far from the image the media has portrayed is the contrast between the tough-talking, gun-toting 'speaker' for the 'Unite the Right' march in Charlottesville - Christopher Cantwell - as seen in the Vice News documentary, and the subsequent video of him blubbering to camera and disavowing his principles simply because he thought there was a warrant out for his arrest (there wasn't). If Cantwell as leader of the protest in Charlottesville is indicative of the caliber and conviction of the best that 'white supremacy' in the USA has to offer, there is little to fear from that particular sector of society, and absolutely no reason for the left to continue in its zealotry.
The third piece of evidence that Charlotttesville is another CNN "nothing burger" can be seen in the background of the organizer of the 'Unite the Right' march, Jason Kessler. Until October 2016 when he 'came out' as a white nationalist, Kessler had been an Obama supporter. Further evidence of his liberal pedigree is found in the fact that, at a speech in favor of Charlottesville's status as a sanctuary city in February this year, Kessler live-streamed himself while an attendee questioned him about his past involvement with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
In November 2015, Kessler wrote on his blog:
"I consider myself a free speech, pro-abortion, anti-affirmative action, environmentalist, non-interventionist, anti-Cultural Marxist, vegetarian, pro-equality atheist who has close Muslim friends but also recognizes the existential threat of Radical Islam & who recognizes the value immigrants bring to the United States but also recognizes the importance of entering the country legally."In December 2015, Kessler also wrote on his blog:
"I can't think of any occupation that I admire more than the professional provocateur, who has the courage & self-determination to court controversy despite all slings & arrows of the world."One last suggestive piece of evidence: the possible presence of FBI informants at the Charlottesville rallies. On both sides. FBI infiltration of far-right, white supremacist groups is a well-known and long-standing reality. But, according to True Pundit, they have also infiltrated antifa - a no-brainer for anyone with a passing knowledge of the FBI and "homegrown" extremist groups.
Given the last few years of political turmoil, we can all understand that someone might have a change of political heart. Having spent most of my adult life holding nominally 'leftist' views, today I find myself fitting more of a 'right' profile (although such simplistic monikers are almost meaningless these days). But I find it hard to believe that an Obama supporter and advocate of abortion, equality and immigration, with close Muslim friends, could honestly transform himself into the point-man at a far right-wing, torch-lit, Nazi march in less than a year.
Then again, why should any of us be surprised that this kind of insidious (if asinine) propaganda is being used to manipulate public perception? Why should any of us think that the people who brought us the Saddam WMD hoax which launched a foreign war would not use the same tactics to try to sow social chaos and division at home, if it served their purposes? Whatever your opinion on this issue, there is one rule that applies to all and is good for all: don't enter the mass hysteria bubble, ever.
Reader Comments
What an artificial staged event. A few hundred people on both sides. Over a statue. Not long ago, tens of thousands would turn out in my town, Toronto, to protest against for peace against U.S. bombing and war. The same media that are pumping this confrontation mostly ignored us. Typical of the Hillaryite liberal hypocrits. Obama cozies up to the Saudis? Their oppression of women is whitewashed. Killary bombs the hell out of innocents? Liberals whine about transgender washrooms. Austerity and joblessness hit the working class and the crapola liberals shriek about the Russians.
The liberal Deep State neo-cons are the main enemy. Re-build the Left and turn all fire on these class traitors.
Well I guess if you move from the left side of the car park to the right side of the car park, you get a better view of the left side of the car park. LOL.
“It is always possible to recognise ‘formatory thinking.’ For instance, formatory centre can count only up to two. It always divides everything in two: ‘bolshevism and fascism,’ ‘workers and bourgeois,’ proletarians and capitalists’ and so on. We owe most modern catchwords to formatory thinking , and not only catchwords but in modern popular theories. Perhaps it is possible to say that at all times all popular theories are formatory." - P.D. Ouspensky
I can post that quote here every day of the week, every week of the month and every month of the year. If the person who reads it is stuck in 2D-vision-land, they're going to be one dimension short of understanding it, and unwitting subjects of those who do.
"If a mason you would be, learn ye well the rule of three".
But if in 3D, the centre is the desired result of a fabricated left/right paradigm, where is the real 'eye of cyclone'?
For sure, and it's hard to keep motivated to say anything at all. But try we must.
I'm with you there, brother.
Dire Straits...Unfortunately it always does... Where is Knopfler anyway ???!!! Yeah, I know , it's not funny.
Hey ho, another day, another turn of the washing machine drum.
I've done worse inhere and they still put up with me. If I were in the States I would have been deported by now...
know that : You don't like SOTT NET , don't read it or listen to them.
Until evidence is provided for case study and assessment purposes you are in fact the only person who thinks there is any meaning or weight to what you're saying.
I guess, going from having dead F*CK-YOU!!!-F*CK-YOU!!! icons like Fidel Castro and Che Guevara pushed in SOTT readers faces day-in, day-out...
"Oh yeah, I forgot we did that!"
... to the promotion of live and active dumb-asses like Jordan Peterson, is a mild improvement, but ultimately the movement of a fin that suits well the curvature of the goldfish bowl ain't all that.
Memory, it's a fine thing.
Let's see how good your is then.
"Bob Dylan told us all long ago "The times they are a changin...."
For these times, "This Wheel's on Fire" is probably a bit more like it....[Link]
The Clash - White Riot .. [Link]
Good morning, gentlemen.
Mass hysteria is as much a part of our lives as is the typo, the airplane, the automobile, the computer and the surveillance camera.
We must continue to support and utilize these technologies if we are to continue to grow and develop as a 'people'--ummm--yeah, as a 'people'. There is no way we can maintain all the imbalances (ie., the injustices and the crimes, wherein the rich and the poor, the left and the right, the good and the bad are kept so separate and unequal) of modern life WITHOUT the full utilization of these technologies.
Mass hysteria is ABSOLUTELY VITAL to keep the mass purchases, the massive debt and mass growth capital (whatever that is) and the mass separation anxiety (but we gather in organization--yes, we do!) rolling along, in case you didn't notice.
Please be aware and conscious of what we all must do. Talk a whole bunch, go rattle a tree branch or kick a dog (kiss a baby, get a star named after you, watch a ballgame, etc., etc. etc.) but don't do anything rash or counter to the -uhhh- logic of the day. I'm sure you ALL understand.
And have a great day!
the Monsters of Maple Street
Don't attempt to regain:
Individuality and individuality (freedom) of expression. DO NOT TRY IT AND DO NOT ALLOW IT.
Family and relationship closeness and tradition. NO! NO!
Community and more tradition, reliability, honesty, integrity and simplicity. AGAIN: NO. CHEAT AND LIE INSTEAD.
Any 'quaint ownership' and/or 'other type of connection' (that is not fully institutionalized and organized, regulated and arranged through 'modern finances' and various forms of nationalism and internationalism, globalism), of and to the earth, its resource(s) and life-giving, life-sharing wonder. DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS!
These are absolute no-no's.
Remain faithful and obedient to the New (and totally fabricated and fraudulent) World Order.
Keep the Civil Wars a-goin' strong.
Thank you.
Irrelevant to this thread or DNC manipulating MSM?
As soon as this staged crap hit the "mainstream" I knew it was a setup for a divisive conflict of some sort. I'm sure Soros (George Schwartz) has his tentacles in it somehow as well as Clinton and all the other Moloch-Worshippers. One of my best friends is black and has expressed dismay at the events. I told him not to buy into it but being a black man, it's difficult for him to accept. I've deliberately stayed away from this story as it can become all consuming but I'm glad to see my suspicions being confirmed with your excellent research and writing.
It all sounds crazy and conspiratorial, but no less so than the reported facts I guess.
But who takes a job where part of the job description is driving a car into a mob of people? I got enough trouble just trying to get through work day to day with enough energy to have some semblance of a life on the weekend nevermind contemplating strategies like using a car as a weapon or how I might best represent an injured bystander in some tragic pantomime.
I don't get it.
George Soros is funding Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and also the alt-right. Why?
It is intended to get a lot worse. Wait and watch. What you are seeing is 9-11-2001 Phase Two. The first phase brought us the Patriot Act, the TSA, total surveillance, drone assassinations, arming of police with battlefield weapons, asset forfeiture, the NDAA, and all manner of trashing of the Constitution.
There will shortly be a series of incidents of an outrageous and violent nature, intended to inflame this country into a civil war between the Mental North and the Mental South, and between the White and Black races, and between those who support the failed swamp-draining Trump and those who support the Communist Killary. (She was an ardent admirer and mail correspodent of Saul Alinsky in her youth - go look him up. Their letters are public record.) I have some idea of what these horrifyingly violent events will be, but cannot say, much as I would like to appear as a prophet, as if I am right I might be accused of being an accessory before the fact.
Once these incidents provoke sufficient mayhem, death, and property damage, the non-participating public will clamor for the restoration of Law and Order. This will be achieved by bringing out the National Guard, firing on rioters, roadblocks, random searches of cars and property, and knocks in the middle of the night with the detained never to be seen again, ID cards or chips, a proliferation of surveillance cameras and facial recognition which will track everyone everywhere, restrictions on travel, and much, much more. In short, it will be exactly like the countries of the Warsaw Pact until 1989, but with 21st-century technology to enforce it.
To what end? So that those who are planning this state of affairs and manipulating all these factions to violence against each other, can enslave all of us, of all persuasions and all races, under a militarized police state with a surveillance apparatus which would have made Stalin green with envy. They can then confiscate any of our property they take a liking to, confiscate our money if they feel we have too much, force us to work in slave camps, restrict our movements to authorized travel, parcel out educational privileges, food privileges, work privileges, housing privileges, and health treatment privileges according to our obedient compliance and submission to Authority, and if anyone breathes a word of dissent, they will be disappeared or made a horrible and cruel public example of.
As I posted above, this is the ANTIFA logo: [Link] Think what life was like behind the Iron Curtain, and be sure that that is what is coming here in America, for ALL of us, white and black, alt-left and alt-right, rich and poor, young and old.
And finally, remember that while Hitler or Mussolini killed perhaps 100,000 of their own people, Stalin killed 40 million, (besides and above the casualties of WWII,) Mao Tse-Tung killed about 60 million in the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, and Pol Pot in Cambodia killed 25% of his country's population. Communist dictators have been infinitely more bloody and murderous than Fascist dictators.
And that is what is planned for all the stupid sheep biting each other's behinds and rioting over nonsense about what happened over a century ago.
I'm old, thank God. (71 next month.) I'll be dead soon anyway. I probably won't live long enough to suffer too much under this vile and evil regime which the monumentally cretinous jackasses infesting this country are rushing headlong towards, god bless their stupid little pinheads one and all, but the rest of you will soon have to submit and endure for the rest of your miserable lives.
All they need is for people to have something to hide and pretty soon it be one's own thoughts that need to be kept hidden