While we understand that media companies want to defend their business, considering the massive amount of news offered today and the near monopoly-status these companies enjoy in the Finnish information market, their "outrage" on this issue seems somewhat excessive, if not specious. More to the point, while copyright laws play an important role in any supposed democratic society, the interpretation of these laws is far from unambiguous.
The first point everyone needs to understand is that SOTT.net operates within the limits of fair use, based on the non-commercial and research nature of our content (see quotes below). Secondly, the Finnish mainstream media, (like the mainstream media of other EU nations) serves as a mouthpiece for vested political and corporate interests and, in pursuing that aim, often acts hypocritically and accuses others of that which they themselves are guilty of (e.g. the restriction of freedom of speech and "trolling").
This article should not be taken as an act of revenge or a war of words, but rather as an exercise in contextual social research. Such research is very much in keeping with the mission statement of SOTT.net - to explore social phenomena within various contexts. So what is the context in this case? The evidence from our research strongly suggests that the Finnish mainstream media would like Sott.net to quietly fade away from the information scene. It is obvious that the various mainstream media outlets seek to maintain their self-styled role of the official "bugle of truth", enjoying the exclusive confidence of citizens. It is equally obvious that those in the ivory tower are not pleased with the fact that we analyse world events that are either ignored or 'spun' by the mainstream, engage in critical commentary on "official" news, bring alternative perspectives and interpretations to generally "accepted truths" and expose mainstream media propaganda campaigns.
Shining the Light
SOTT.net is often compared to a lighthouse that shines the light of truth into the darkness of media lies and manipulation. The English website has been live since 2002 and our readership is counted in millions (2014 approx. 18 million users). The Finnish site was established recently to reach a wider audience of non-English speakers, so that they too might benefit from our research. We have already received a lot of positive feedback, especially about our contextual commentary that accompanies most articles and our regular original content. Most sincere media experts and writers on social issues have been pleased when their articles appear on our website because it means they reach a wider and more diverse audience.
As a result of the litigious rants from Finnish media companies' lawyers, the future of the Finnish SOTT.net site hangs in the balance - our research project has lost important material due to the removal of a vast number of articles. Working voluntarily and in their spare time, the small number of editors are already overwhelmed in trying to collect evidence in order to "connect the dots". After reading this article we hope readers will offer their opinion on this matter [e-mail sott@sott.net]. Do you feel that there is a demand and need for a multi-lingual angle to Sott.net including the Finnish SOTT site? The English pages will naturally retain their operation, thus answering the needs of millions of readers.
On the non-commercial nature of SOTT.net's research
One of our most important goals is to archive news in our database, so that the articles do not disappear from the Internet. Here are a few excerpts from our about page.
The raison d'être for SOTT's fully reproduced non-original content collection is something that makes us a bit different. We notice that a lot of material disappears from the web, and we database full articles for a particular purpose: analyzing the "energetic flows".By "energetic flows," we mean, for example, geopolitical forces that affect the mutuality of global societies and the direction of their internal change and development. We aim to "connect the dots" between what at first may seem to be separate, unrelated news reports. We do this because the mainstream media news lacks an overall global view and does not take a past, present and future cause-effect approach in its reporting. In short, SOTT.net is something of a scientific experiment.
We have analysis systems that are tied to our database, and that is part of our scientific work - rather like counting photons that hit a detector. We are also working on an interactive history/current events timeline program as well as a mapping system. We would not be able to do any of that without the material we have in our database. Thus, the reason for our inclusion of complete articles from other authors is rather specific, and is essential to make Sott.net what it is!SOTT.net works and is maintained entirely through voluntary journalists who do not receive payment for their work. Through the help of voluntary donations from readers we are able to cover the required costs and expenses. We do this work from the pure desire to understand the world around us as objectively as possible. Therefore, we deal with a wide range of subjects, and we go where the mainstream media is unable or unwilling to. No commercial advertisements can be found on our website, and we do not have any connections with third parties. We are not shackled by economic or political conflicts of interest.
Today, SOTT is comprised of an international body of almost 150 volunteer editors, including many leading-edge professionals in the so-called hard sciences, medicine, history, sociology, psychology, engineering, and information technology. Whatever the topic, SOTT.net has an expert (or two!) who handles content in that particular field. [...] We have considered just databasing complete articles and making SOTT private, but as a non-profit organization, we are required to make the results of our work available to the public for free.The fact that our operations are completely non-commercial has remained unnoticed by many critics. For example, Petri Korhonen, the managing editor of the largest subscription newspaper in Finland, Helsingin Sanomat, has taken to twitter to accuse Sott.net of benefiting commercially at the expense of the website content of others.
Korhonen has missed one small fact in his tweet: Sott.net does not make money from any content. As our fair use notice reads clearly:
Quantum Future Group, Inc. is a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit U.S. corporation, and Sott.net (Signs of the Times) is a research and news project of QFG ...The same exemptions are demonstrated in the terms and conditions towards non-profit organizations by the European Parliament Directive 2001/29//EC:
(a) use for the sole purpose of illustration for teaching or scientific research, as long as the source, including the author's name, is indicated, unless this turns out to be impossible and to the extent justified by the non-commercial purpose to be achieved;Sott.net fulfills these criteria. In a world where news is big, profitable business with a definite political agenda, it can be difficult to understand that the free proliferation of knowledge and understanding should come before the "interests of the shareholders" or in many cases, the interests of directors' fat paychecks. Yet surely public accessibility to the truth about world events is more important? Does the Finnish media wish to close SOTT.net, because truthful news coverage is perceived as a threat to the mainstream media's market position? If an increasing number of people started to lose faith in a mainstream media largely beholden to vested political interests, would that be a bad thing? If so, for whom?
(c) reproduction by the press, communication to the public or making available of published articles on current economic, political or religious topics or of broadcast works or other subject-matter of the same character, in cases where such use is not expressly reserved, and as long as the source, including the author's name, is indicated, or use of works or other subject-matter in connection with the reporting of current events, to the extent justified by the informatory purpose and as long as the source, including the author's name, is indicated, unless this turns out to be impossible;

The hypocrisy of the Finnish media - number one in freedom of the press?
About a month ago, Finland was once again listed as the number one country when it comes to 'freedom of the press'. "Helsingin Sanomat" reports:
Finland has remained a model country in freedom of speech for years in various listings of different freedom of speech organizations. Reporters Without Borders listed Finland as the number one for the sixth time.The methods which Reporters Without Borders uses to measure freedom of speech are based on certain criteria, which are collected from different sources via questionnaires:
It is based partly on a questionnaire, which is sent to partner organizations (18 advocacy groups in all five continents focused on freedom of speech), network of 150 correspondents, journalists, researchers, lawyers and human rights activists.The questionnaire collects information about arrests of journalists, kidnappings, assaults and censorship, among others. Other criteria are the respondents' perception of issues like pluralism, the independence and transparency of the media, rightfulness of the judicial environment, and how well the local infrastructure supports and enables the producing of news.
Reporters Without Borders makes an extremely important observation about the results of the index:
The index should be in no way be taken as an indication of the quality of the media in the countries concerned.What that means is that just because a society is relatively peaceful and balanced and no reporters are killed or assaulted, it does not necessarily mean that the quality of the journalism is of an especially high quality, nor that it is impartial. The Porttikielto Poriin ("Banned from Pori") short documentary reveals how Finnish media and Finnish corporate lobbyists are intricately connected. So in Finland, while we don't 'officially' have corruption, we have an "old boys' club", where inside a small circle, the corporations, politicians and media representatives conspire (shock! horror!) to further their mutual interests:
"If one wishes to enter the inner circle, one must understand how wealth and prosperity are a bubble, inside which the bread, the wine and most of all values, are shared in a brotherly fashion. The Smiths and Johnsons and Joneses hover outside this bubble, like dream figures. They are a band of fuzzy animals, whose specific behaviors are followed from inside the bubble with an indifferent amusement. Break the rules, and the party is over for you."The few Finnish reporters who are capable of independent thinking and oppose the official narratives face pressure and harassment. Michael Parenti, a respected American author and academic, has written and lectured about the relationship between media and politics, the concentration of ownership and the restriction of freedom of speech. He encapsulates the problems of the Western media and so-called freedom of speech:
"You can say what you want, because they like what you say. You don't notice the leash around your neck, if you stand still. You will pay attention to the confines only when you try to move further."In the Western world, media freedom means the freedom to operate and publish news within certain confines, the borders of which are defined by the corporations that own the mass media. It's a rather challenging task for a journalist to produce a truthful article that deals, for example, with corporate corruption, especially if the corporation in question owns the media company that the journalist works for.
For example, Antti Herlin is the chairman of the board and one of the largest shareholders of Sanoma Oyj., the largest media company in Finland and the second largest in the Nordic countries. Herlin is the richest person in Finland and also the chairman of the board of Kone Inc. (Herlin's brother, Niklas, is one of the biggest shareholders in Finland's second largest media concern, Alma Media).
Former Finnish and European MP, Esko Seppänen, has commented on the growth of Antti Herlin's stock wealth through holding-companies:
According to Seppänen, the value of Antti Herlin's stock wealth has risen in ten years from less than 400 million (2004) to over 3 billion (2014) euros.In Finland, you receive notable tax cuts on dividends, when they are invested as capital in a company. How likely do you think it would be, that Helsingin Sanomat - the largest subscription newspaper in Finland and the Nordic countries - would do an in-depth, critical article addressing the moral questions of Herlin's growth of wealth, when that newspaper is owned by Herlin's own company, Sanoma Oyj.?
This doesn't show in his personal taxable income due to the simple reason; that the dividends of Kone are mostly paid to Holding-Manutas Inc. and Security Trading Inc. instead of Antti.
According to Seppänen, Antti Herlin has received dividends from Kone (2009-2013) that amount to over 9 million euros. Instead Holding-Manutas Inc. has received dividends of 490 million and Security Trading Inc. 140 million euros.
Through these companies Antti Herlin is overwhelmingly the largest receiver of dividends in Finland. During the last five years of low growth, his companies have accumulated more dividends than Aatos Erkko during his lifetime, who received and had more shares to his own name than anyone ever in Finland, Seppänen points out.

Tinfoil hatters and trolls
Something else that probably annoyed Petri Korhonen and compelled him and his minions to take a swipe at Sott.net on twitter, is our penchant for questioning official narratives promoted by governments. Korhonen has made it clear that he thinks that doing so is inappropriate, especially when it concerns the West's official line on Russia. According to Korhonen, anyone who thinks NATO is the aggressor must be a "Russian troll" and a "tinfoil hatter". Korhonen seems worried by the increasing number of these mysterious trolls that are invading his sanitized world where the West is the promoter of 'freedom and democracy'. In this editorial, he states the following:
"Instead, the community of Finnish Kremlin-sympathizers immediately started a personal campaign against the editors who have written about trolling-issues. This week, the heads of many media houses have received plenty of emails, about various disclosures of their connections to Freemasons, NATO-soldiers and reptilians."Korhonen likes to bundle all dissidents into this category of "tinfoil hatters". Here's an example of what he thinks of the Finnish alternative news site Vastavalkea:
Kiinnostava uusi indie #media. Mut voisko näitä tehdä ilman #foliohattu mantraa #valtamedia #salaliitto #Bilderberg? http://t.co/B6F2AetmEq— Petri Korhonen (@Petri2020) 9 april 2015
"Interesting new indie #media. But could folks do these without the #tinfoilhat mantra #MSM #conspiracy #Bilderberg? vastavalkea.fiWe don't share Korhonen's opinion. In fact, the site Vastavalkea appears to us to be very professional and factual in every way, i.e. it's very non-tinfoil hatty. Interestingly, a Google search for the word 'conspiracy' on the above mentioned alt. news site returns zero hits.
In the following twitter feed, Korhonen comments on a letter sent out all to Finnish military reservists. This letter from the army high command sets out the reservists' roles in the event of war. This kind of letter has not been sent in decades, and is quite an exceptional procedure. The army of course says it's routine, and it has been planned for years. The Finnish organization of conscientious objectors (Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto) recently published a press release highlighting the recent increase in resignations from the Finnish armed forces. One of the most common reasons given for resigning was Finland's snuggling up to NATO. Those who have resigned were, naturally, bundled into the 'tinfoil hat wearer' category by Korhonen.
@MikaelJungner Hauskaa: PV alkaa väsätä kirjettä jo 2013. Nyt kun vihdoin valmistuu, foliohatut on varmoja et syynä on #Ukraina & natotus. — Petri Korhonen (@Petri2020) 12 april 2015
Mikael Jungner: That letter by the army to the reservists is an excellent operation, at least communicatively.Labeling those who express a different opinion to that sanctioned by the government, calling them "tinfoil hatters" is a rather pathetic and overused ploy to close down debate. It is most often used by authoritarian followers, that particular type of creature who, lacking any inherent authority of their own, are emotionally compelled to elevate every statement by the established authorities to the level of unassailable gospel truth, and the facts be damned (and those that speak them slandered). So much for investigative journalism and freedom of speech! Korhonen then switches into high gear and classifies those with a dissenting worldview as believers in "Freemason conspiracies" and "reptilian humanoids". And all this comes from the managing editor of the largest newspaper in Scandinavia. Sad.
Petri Korhonen: @MikaelJugner Hilarious: Army starts to draft letter in 2013. Now, when it's finally ready, the tinfoil hatters are sure it's because of #Ukraine & NATO-ization
SOTT.net has also had it's share of childish name-calling. Korhonen has, for example, posted other defamatory tweets about Sott that appear to have been provoked by the Sott editorial 'Give us Finland and Poland'. Korhonen obviously didn't like the anti-NATO tone we took in the editorial, or the fact that we used hard facts to back up our argument, so he responded with slurs.
After trying to associate us with "chemtrails" and "NWO", Korhonen eventually decided that we're hooked up with "fascist groups". We're dismayed, not necessarily at the idiocy of Korhonen's comments, but that they are made by the editor-in-chief of a major European newspaper. Then again, it simply proves to us, yet again, that there is a dire need for responsible, informed journalism like our readers get at Sott.net. Thanks for the reminder Petri!
We did find it curious however that Sanoma Oyj - a leading media group in the Nordic countries with operations in over 10 European countries - contacted our lawyers concerning these "copyright issues" just three days after we published the 'Give us Finland and Poland' editorial on March 22nd. In that editorial we highlighted the strange consistency of the propaganda in several Finnish newspapers, including Helsingin Sanomat, Ilta-Sanomat and Iltalehti. Then during late May and early June we received complaints from Yleisradio, Finland's national public-broadcasting company, and STT, another Finnish news agency. It wasn't long before we realised that many of these newspapers and media companies have direct ties to each other. HS and Ilta-Sanomat are published by Media Finland (a subsidiary of Sanoma Oyj). Sanoma Oyj is also the biggest share holder of STT (Finnish News Agency). So maybe the problem is not "copyright" issues but the fact that we hit a little too close to the bone.
It has also been interesting to note how certain geopolitical writers with a "troll-agenda", acting within their inner circles, have become active in writing accusations about our site. For example, Janne Riiheläinen, who writes for Helsingin Sanomat (surprise!) tweeted the following:
Ei enää vain kotoperäisiä Kremlin disinfon levittäjiä, nyt originaali trollimedia suomeksi. #informaatiosota #turpo http://t.co/ynERxAC7XR— Janne Riiheläinen (@veitera) 30. maaliskuuta 2015
Now not only domestic distributors of Kremlin disinfo, now we have an original troll-media in Finnish. #informationwar #security fi.sott.netAlso, in the tragicomic article by Yle's Kioski, where the author hysterically explains that "Russian trolls are manipulating all of Finland", SOTT is listed as one of the 'top Russian-trolls'! The author of that article has even compared our editors to monkeys, Russian, we presume. In the article the author offers this dire warning:
The study conducted by Kioski revealed that the trolls who disseminate the propaganda messages by the Russian leadership, try to silence and deceive the Finnish people, and also manipulate public discussion on the internet. The means used by these trolls include name-calling, distortion of messages and massive propagation of disinformation.Hmmm... "try to silence and deceive", "manipulate the discussion", "name-calling", and "distortion of messages". That's a pretty good summation of what Western media journalists have been producing for the last 100 years! In fact, Petri and his Finnish media friends provide a very good example of precisely this kind of manipulation and name-calling in their tweets! Thanks again, Petri! And talking about silencing freedom of speech, a perfect example of this is to found in the entire Russian-trolling shtick that has been pushed by the Western media for the last 18 months! Of course, the fact that most of the dramatic 'revelations' by the MSM have later been exposed as entirely false is of no real concern to these shills for Western warmongers because, in the end, spreading disinformation is what they're paid to do!
So, who are the real trolls here?

As a non-profit organization we can only truly serve society if we are not bound to the dictates of global enterprises and other malevolent political forces. Only in this way can we be free to uncover and share the truth that is desperately missing from the dominant global discourse. We understand the applicability today of what George Orwell wrote many decades ago: that "during the times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act". Are we revolutionaries? No. Although we may seem to be to those who make a living from propagating lies.
This article was translated from the original at fi.Sott.net
Reader Comments
You look like a troll in the one you have up.
Leading the Way to the End of Humanity
The current trend in social-change got its start in the early 1930’s in Germany with the beginning of Political Correctness that has largely accomplished its self-appointed task for the absolute destruction of integrated societies, wherever people are trying to live in the world today.
Ironically the problems defined by ‘PC” mark the reversal of every human achievement, since we first escaped from the feudal ages. If we deconstruct what we’ve allowed to be done to us by embracing the current-trends that have overridden all human progress, which many thought we had once achieved: Then what becomes clear is that we’re actually going backwards in everything from language and the arts to communications and creativity of all types.
In addition; while the world has succeeded in reversing the natural-goal of freeing ourselves from blatant slavery to re-enslaving ourselves thru stupidity compounded by drugs and addictions that have further destroyed any and all the natural laws of the universe that would have prevented this from taking place: We only succeeded in yet another stalemate on the way to arriving in the totally compromised twenty-first century......continued
Basically what this order amounts to is an organized crime ring of the most wealthy people in the world.
The proof that this is true can be seen inscribed in stone on the FDR memorial.
"They who seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers...call this a new world order. It is not new and it is not order."
U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Here in America nearly all news outlets, and the entertainment industry is owned and operated by a group of people small enough to fit in one small town country jail house. Viacom, Comcast, Time Warner, Newscorp, CBS, and The Walt Disney Company control not just 90% of all "news" and "information" in America, but their tentacles also reach into and exert considerable influence and often outright control over our public school system, super markets, clothing, home appliances, health care, the list goes on and on. It's an interesting maze to try and follow once you get started tracing the branches of their various assets. It's not just the news and information, and their portfolios don't just include American consumer products and distribution either. It's global. This is a severe and dangerous situation, in my opinion. Frankly, my mind's a bit boggled having just scanned the surface of this open truth. It's not a secret at all.
Considering the depth of this very open conspiracy, I am frankly a little impressed with the public's relative resilience to their overall ability to control virtually everything we read, watch, listen, eat, wear, carry, use, etc, and still there is a huge population that just aren't falling for it. I like to complain about the "sheeple" myself from time to time and how stupid they are for following the herd like zombies, but after considering what an enormous apparatus is at hand for controlling public wants, desires and opinion, I'm impressed that there actually are so many who still choose to struggle for free thought, and have cultivated individual opinions and are calling these predatory elite out for what they are, and I also understand better why so many of us have been fooled.
Having said that, I still think it's funny that ABC News is literally brought to us by the Wonderful World of Walt Disney and people still don't see the fairy's tale. I'll say it again, a prophet isn't sent because of the obscurity of the visage, but because of the thick-headedness of the people.
Thank you, SOTT, for unleashing the news. Freedom depends on a free press.
Sott needs to be given our moral AND financial support!
Keep the light of truth burning, ever and ever brighter.
. . .of readers and of course all sorts of deep state interest, a lot of people just want to keep their heads down.
How many SOTT commenters are there in a given month, a hundred maybe ? ?
And dude, your present pic sucks. You might well be pissed off at the world but there's no point in making yourself look as ugly as in many ways it is.
You can do much better :-)
I came down on your side.
You don't seem to be listening or maybe you've spent a lot of time in combative venues and reckon that others, a priori, want to pick a fight.
That is only very seldom the case here and when one such does fall through the door they are generally ignored or, in the forums, shown the door.
"Dude," you told him he was as ugly as possible and then actually accused him of picking a fight because he's maybe crazy? I applaud him for his restraint and sense of humor for bouncing his reply back so gently after such an inappropriate and personal jab.
1 - I didn't take 'a jab.' I don't make 'jabs,' they're juvenile and counter-productive . . .
2 - I didn't say -he- is ugly.
I -said the -pic- he has lately chosen is ugly, and that there is no point -- by way of his chosen pic -- in making himself -appear- as ugly as in many ways the world he so reasonably decries actually is.
3 - I am not picking a fight
4 -Neither did I accuse anyone else of picking a fight.
I said, "You don't seem to be listening or maybe you've spent a lot of time in combative venues and reckon that others, a priori, want to pick a fight.."
Which if you actually -read- what I wrote will be seen a gentle suggestion that maybe he is being a bit defensive . . . which, in the main, isn't needed around here.
So, back to my original comment in respect of 'ondrejdvorak's': "It is surprising the comments here are rather sparse. [ . . . ]"
I wrote:
"Maybe, with millions . . .of readers and of course all sorts of deep state interest, a lot of people just want to keep their heads down. How many SOTT commenters are there in a given month, a hundred maybe ? ?"
So, if you are actually -reading- what I wrote you'll see that I was meaning to strike up a conversation based upon being in agreement with him.
Finally, I hope that you can see that saying to someone, "You can do much better :-) " is, by way of recognizing their capacities, to extend a compliment and that to extend such a compliment is in no way picking fight.
In closing for the moment, some of us have been around here since the late '90s, and you might want to consider that as you acclimate to what might be called, "The SOTT Culture" because there certainly is one and, atypically, an avowed intent is to not impose itself.
And yes, you might well see that last as "pulling rank" . . . it isn't.
It's not just Good Optics ... Atari2 said the same, Griffin says the same and now I am saying it
. . . can you provide a little more info, a link perhaps ? ?
I'll accept being honoured all day long, thank you very much . . . :-)
Here's a [Link] to a pic that portrays the horror or war/STS being better than anything I've seen to date
. . .the blinking page was so plastered with Google ads (even though I'm as opted out as I can figure out how to be) I couldn't exactly sort my way thru.
It looked like a combat video game and if that's correct I have no interest. Too much life to get on with to be spending time 'fighting' with imaginary entities.
Thx anyway . . .
simple principle
Keep up the good work, if there is such an accusative campaign against your work with no objective prooves to back it up and only based on childish like behaviour and indeed troll like accusations then to me you really are doing a good work. Good luck guys.
Just how sad and pathetic can these big companies get? Using copyright laws to quash and discourage public opinion as well as to gain market share?
"Some have even accused us of "outrageous business" because we reproduce and comment on articles from other sources."
They're not doing themselves any favours in the end. Just exposing what they really get up to. Predatory business practices in the guise of the law and 'moral outrage'. Wolves in sheep's clothing, in other words. Shouldn't be listened to.
Being an 'American', I've barely heard of Finland before, but it's nice to know they enjoy kissing our ass. We need everyone to be like them or our debt based empire will implode before we can 'pull the rug out'.
It's not surprising the finish people would be Anti-Russian.
What is surprising is that they think they would be better off
with the Nato Crime Ring.
response from MSM to anything that approaches any serious analysis of how things work. I appreciate sott.net for the breadth of coverage and the ability to see how disparate events connect at deeper levels. This is what I have done my whole life and it is so good to see the work carried out by dedicated truth-seekers for little or no $$.
Good luck on the struggle to maintain integrity and freedom to publish against a juggernaut of psychopathic institutions. We are reading and using the information you share to better our own lives and to inform others of the larger plans afoot.
Thank you.
The world today is ruled by a completely deadly (to variegated, natural, unbounded, more-or-less joyous and free life--the 'spirit of things') organized crime, utilizing technology, ie., technocracy. This has been the trend for centuries and is only getting worse. It is becoming worse and worse, because so many people believe in it and participate in it and think it necessary and good, EVEN when they say they do not and think they do not and even while (apparently to the eye and ear of most listeners and observers) speaking out against it. Dupes and stooges, moles and spies, chronic deceivers, total blithering, blathering idiots are everywhere, it is a mess of massive ignorance and duplicity.....in, about and of...technocracy.
The mind control, the effects of propaganda and the steady historic use of the principle of 'culling the herd' (removal {by slaughter} of actual dissidents and non-participants and opponents of technocracy) and the amount of lying and deceit that now accompanies each new day are simply incredible....
The best thing that I can say about Sott, is that it is less criminal (as an organization--organizations always representing DANGER to the individual and to nature and to freedom) than most and may even be heading in the direction we need to go as a society to defeat this organized crime and recover our stolen freedom.
Obviously, I am still here (as a commenter, ie., have not been kicked out or left in disgust and total disappointment) and that is nearly unprecedented.....at this point in time.
Thank you.
ned, out
. . . not that I could even if I wanted to, but I don't think anyone's going to be turfing you any time soon,
So, I dunno, maybe one less Valium per day will get you thru :-)
When you hit the nail on the head, they have to do something to discredit you. Kudos on a job well done. Day in, day out, I count on SOTT for accurate information and analysis.
Companies who sometimes advertised on our gaming news site immediately contacted us, when we wrote something about their product, that they didn't like.
When Putin visited our country, I needed a handful of facts, data for my article. On one of our mainstream news sites I found a big article that was written by professional(s) accepted in the Ivory Towers of Media and the article mentioned one important and slightly distorted fact ** only in passing (!)**, the rest was such a spittle spewing hateful rant against Russia that I couldn't believe who gave his approval for the writing, because it appeared completely inane. These authors are academics, professional journalists with degrees and it seems they are not allowed to use their brains much.
When I applied for a job at a couple of these mainstream sites, the description of the qualifying test articles they required seemed to be so twisted. I felt I had to disfigure and transform myself into an unrecognizable lying mess in order to be able to work at those online magazines. A response from one place was strange, as if I didn't get the message to write a more sensational article that was sick enough to pass for mainstream, choking the truth in our country nowadays.
"authoritarian followers" could use an appropriate link.
The graphic T on the side of the page says it the best "The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak it." - George Orwell.
It still blows me away how outrageous the lies can get when these people feel threatened.
Who knows, maybe their disinformation will reach a few critical thinkers and increase the readership.
Good work SoTT editors, this was an excellent write up.
Finnish news corp. Yle Kioski has since named Sott.net as 'website distributing Russian propaganda' and 'disinformative website'.
That's rich coming from an outlet that takes its cues from the NYT in the veritable 'belly of the beast'! Here's the article that every authoritarian journalist within the Western hive mind structure is harping on about:
"Russia has not broken international law by annexing Crimea."
Who holds the power decides whether investigation will or will not be launched. US Embassy was accused by the previous Ukraine government of organizing coup and violating the international law.
"USA has not broken international law by organizing coup on Ukraine." Could as well be troll message, in fact. Yet, the background was ever allowed to be investigated.
Hive mind is the best and most accurate description, I do agree absolutely. You either stick with hive and do not argue, or you´re "a troll". One can only wonder how beneath the stars can exist any of opposition in such "Democracy".