Society's ChildS

Cowboy Hat

9 out of 10 workers want option to work from home if lockdowns ever end

home office
A man works in his kitchen amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Sassenheim
Nearly nine out of 10 workers want to be able to choose whether to work from home or the office once COVID-19 workplace restrictions ease, and have greater autonomy over their hours, according to research from Cisco Systems <CSCO.O>.

The pandemic has rapidly shifted attitudes towards home working, the research showed, with two thirds of workers developing a greater appreciation of the benefits and challenges of doing their jobs remotely.

Even though only 5% of those surveyed worked from home most of the time before the lockdown, now 87% of workers wanted the ability to choose where, how and when they worked - blending between being office-based and working remotely, Cisco said in a report issued on Wednesday.

Comment: It's highly likely that the number of people wanting the option to work from home was high even before the spectre of the 'new normal' was being enforced on our lives. But, notably, the vast majority of companies denied the average worker the ability to work from home, even when they were perfectly capable of doing so before the lockdowns, and for reasons they don't state explicitly but that are becoming clear: they don't trust employees to do their job when they're not under the watchful eye of a middle manager.

This has been partly been revealed in a number of stories that have come out recently including the rise of 'productivity' tracking software installed into home workers computers as well as employees being told that they can't do particular things in their own home - from what they must wear to whether they can smoke - even when it has no obvious impact on their work.

See also:

Black Magic

Two charged in latest statue-toppling riot in Portland

Brandon Bartells and Malik Muhamad portland riots antifa
Brandon Bartells and Malik Muhamad are facing local charges after a night of violent rioting where Black Lives Matter-Antifa activists toppled the statues of former presidents and vandalized numerous buildings.
Two out-of-state suspects are facing local charges after a night of violent rioting where Black Lives Matter-Antifa activists toppled the statues of former presidents and vandalized numerous buildings.

The Multnomah County District Attorney's Office charged 38-year-old Brandon Bartells, who is accused of being the driver who used a van to pull down the Theodore Roosevelt statue during the antifa-organized "Indigenous Day of Rage" on Sunday.

Comment: The quick release of violent rioters has been seen across the country. But Antifa is an 'idea', not an organization


Boomerang: Antifa rioters who targeted Portland cafe 'solidified' his Trump vote - military veteran

cafe shot up portland riots
© John JacksonTwo windows at Heroes American Cafe in Portland were boarded up Monday after rioters targeted the business over the weekend.
'When I first came here [Portland] about 10 years ago, it was one of the most accepting cities that I knew of,' the cafe owner said

A cafe owned by a military veteran was shot at during a chaotic demonstration in Portland over the weekend after being deemed by rioters as unfriendly to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Heroes American Cafe was targeted for being an "unfriendly business" by so-called Antifa-linked Twitter accounts, owner John Jackson told Fox News.

Two windows in the cafe's downtown location were shot at and another was struck with a blunt object -- possibly a baseball bat -- said Jackson, a Black man who served in the Army and Marine Corps.

Comment: But Antifa is just an 'idea'. Creepy Joe told us so.


Andy Yen, ProtonMail CEO: Apple runs its app store like 'mafia extortion' racket

ProtonMail logo
© ProtonMail
Tech giant Apple reportedly forced the privacy-focused email app ProtonMail to add in-app purchases to its iPhone app despite the service being free for years. Apple's treatment of the popular privacy-centric email service is another example of Tim Cook's company flexing its monopoly power. ProtonMail CEO Andy Yen likened Apple's app store policies to "mafia extortion."

The Verge reports that following a recent antitrust report from Congress which showed that major tech firms have taken part in anti-competitive practices, one developer revealed that it had been forced to monetize its largely free app.

ProtonMail, a privacy-focused email app, testified that Apple demanded in-app purchases be added to its iOS email client even though Apple had approved its app without any in-app purchases two years earlier. The developer claimed that when sending an email to customers notifying them of the change, Apple threatened to remove the app and block all updates.

Comment: More from The Verge:
On Tuesday, Congress revealed whether it thinks Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google are sitting on monopolies. In some cases, the answer was yes.

But also, one app developer revealed to Congress that it — just like WordPress — had been forced to monetize a largely free app. That developer testified that Apple had demanded in-app purchases (IAP), even though Apple had approved its app without them two years earlier — and that when the dev dared send an email to customers notifying them of the change, Apple threatened to remove the app and blocked all updates.

That developer was ProtonMail, makers of an encrypted email app, and CEO Andy Yen had some fiery words for Apple in an interview with The Verge this week.

We've known for months that WordPress and Hey weren't alone in being strong-armed by the most valuable company in the world, ever since Stratechery's Ben Thompson reported that 21 different app developers quietly told him they'd been pushed to retroactively add IAP in the wake of those two controversies. But until now, we hadn't heard of many devs willing to publicly admit it. They were scared.

And they're still scared, says Yen. Even though Apple changed its rules on September 11th to exempt "free apps acting as a stand-alone companion to a paid web based tool" from the IAP requirement — Apple explicitly said email apps are exempt — ProtonMail still hasn't removed its own in-app purchases because it fears retaliation from Apple, he says.

He claims other developers feel the same way: "There's a lot of fear in the space right now; people are completely petrified to say anything."


How to kill a thriving metropolis in 7 months: NYC's Covid-19 failure is a vicious spiral directed by a sadistic political regime

Phantom of the Opera
© Reuters / Mike SegarA phantom of "Phantom of the Opera": deserted productions line Broadway's theatre row
Seven months into the pandemic, as many US states inch back toward 'normal', New York is in the grips of a crime wave, reinvigorated lockdowns, and widespread fear of pretty much everything. Thank local government.

New York City has lost billions of dollars in tax revenues on tourism, music, art, theatre, restaurant dining, and everything else that once fueled its mammoth economy over the seven-month Covid-19 pandemic shutdown. It's in worse shape than most US states, and unlike many others, its continued misfortunes are largely of its own making.

The shuttering of the city's iconic Broadway theaters alone has sent hundreds of thousands out of work and signaled to both wealthy city inhabitants and out-of-town visitors that their cash is better spent elsewhere. Theaters announced just weeks ago that performances would be cancelled through March 2021, and the Metropolitan Opera House canceled its entire season through 2021.

New York's famed restaurant scene isn't faring any better. The 'lucky' establishments are finally - as of two weeks ago - allowed to operate at 1/4 capacity indoors, which given the amount of money they've lost over the last 6 months is a band-aid on a cannonball wound. The unlucky ones in New York Governor Cuomo's newly-invoked 'red zones' must continue to seat patrons outdoors in the freezing cold as summer gives way to a damp, chilly autumn. To make matters worse, there's no Thanksgiving parade, no Black Friday shopping, no fun allowed.

Comment: Cuomo and de Blasio's malfeasance and incompetence are now legion. How much longer will it take before enough New Yorkers see these crazed political animals for what they are - and throw these two malevolent hacks out of office??

See also:

Bad Guys

New Facebook policy to reject ads warning of vaccine dangers

facebook censorship
Facebook announced a new global ban of advertisements Tuesday that discourage users from getting vaccines, CNBC reported.

The social media platform said in a blog post the ban will exclude "ads that advocate for or against legislation or government policies around vaccines," CNBC reported. But the organizations running the ads still need approval and an appropriate "paid for by" label accompanying the ad.

"Our goal is to help messages about the safety and efficacy of vaccines reach a broad group of people, while prohibiting ads with misinformation that could harm public health efforts," Facebook's head of health, Kang-Xing Jin, and its director of product management, Rob Leathern, wrote in a blog post Tuesday.

Comment: Facebook had already banned content about vaccine awareness some time ago, and now they're banning ads. Of course this isn't limited to Facebook. Amazon, Google, and Youtube have also attempted to control the dissemination of information about the harms of vaccines. This control is effective for certain types of people who have little to no interest in truth or discovery. But there are those who do want the truth, and such control can do nothing against that.

Black Magic

Best of the Web: Project Veritas: "Guillotines, motherf***er": Colorado Democratic Committee member caught on hidden camera talking violent revolution

Khristopher Jacks
Prominent Colorado Democrat Khristopher Jacks, who sits on the executive committee for the state's Democratic party and chairman of leftist organization "Our Revolution" was caught on undercover footage by Project Veritas promoting a violent agenda for far-left Democrats if President Trump wins in November..

"I am going to do everything morally acceptable to win. I will lie. I will cheat. I will steal. Because that's morally acceptable in this political environment. Absolutely. We are pirates on a pirate ship," said Jacks, who functions as trainer, mentor and on-the-ground quarterback at Our Revolution protests.

"I want to make this point very loudly and very clearly. I said it nicely before, but I'll say it more curtly now. 2020 is a political revolution," he added.

Comment: The above gives some good indication of the sickness and behavior that the far left has devolved to in the US. It also gives some good indication of what people can likely expect to happen if and when Trump wins the election - and as a result, the steps he will be forced to take in order to maintain some semblance of 'law and order'. Then corporate media blabber heads and the those who are already predisposed to hating on Trump can say "See! Told you he was a dictator!!".

So prepare for more chaos and destruction in the US. Coming soon.


Man who fired first shots behind Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha has been charged

kenosha shooting layout rittenhouse
The man who fired the first shots from behind Kyle Rittenhouse during the fatal incident in Kenosha has been charged.

Joshua Ziminski, 35, has been charged with disorderly conduct and use of a dangerous weapon for firing his weapon during the incident on August 25.

According to the charging document, obtained by The Gateway Pundit, while investigating the shooting by Rittenhouse, Kenosha detectives obtained videos in which Ziminski "was holding a black handgun, which he was holding in his left hand, pointing downward. Detective Howard reports that in reviewing multiple other videos, he was able to see the defendant and Kelly Ziminski, in and around multiple other people on the streets, and the defendant was seen holding the handgun down at his side in said videos."

Comment: See also:

Take 2

Netflix CEO says 'Cuties' is misunderstood, but 'speaks for itself'

ted sarandos netflix ceo cuties
© Frazer Harrison/Getty Images/Screenshot, YouTube
Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos said in a Monday interview that the hotly-debated new movie "Cuties" is misunderstood.

"It's a little surprising in 2020 America that we're having a discussion about censoring storytelling," Sarandos said Monday, according to Deadline.

"It's a film that is very misunderstood with some audiences, uniquely within the United States," he continued. "The film speaks for itself. It's a very personal coming of age film, it's the director's story and the film has obviously played very well at Sundance without any of this controversy and played in theaters throughout Europe without any of this controversy."

Comment: See also:

Bizarro Earth

Row breaks out over draft German law that uses only feminine titles

home office
© DPAThe draft law exclusively uses terms such as "Arbeitnehmerinnen" (female employees) instead of the masculine "Arbeitnehmer".
Germany's Justice Ministry has sparked a spat over gender and language by drafting a bill that uses only feminine endings, giving some the impression that it applies only to women.

Legal texts in Germany usually use the masculine version of words such as "employee" or "landlord" to cover both men and women.

But campaigners have been arguing for years that using this language excludes women or gives the impression they are less important.

The draft law on insolvency and restructuring exclusively uses terms such as "Arbeitnehmerinnen" (female employees) instead of the masculine "Arbeitnehmer".

"I think it is good that we are now discussing gender-equal language in legal texts and that a ball has been set rolling," Katja Mast of the Social Democrats (SPD), the party of Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht, told the ARD public broadcaster.

Comment: See also: And check out SOTT radio's: MindMatters: Words As Weapons: The Postmodern Political Strategy