Every time you think it can't get worse, it does.Yes, because they are hopeless, mainlining, power-over addicts who will no more cold-turkey themselves than stick forks in their
You ever feel like many governments are now just poking the bear, hoping it will react so they can "put it down" without guilt?This is EXACTLY what it is. They understand the laws of nature. How do we resist? DON'T OBEY! If we react with violence instead of self defense, karma will be on their side and they would be justified in their return of violence(self defense in their POV). The people will lose. We need an evolution not a revolution. Revolution implies goings in circles. Lets rise above the occasion.
I lost the stomach for killing my fellow man on the behest of government.I detect that prior generations, including mine, were deprived of that. (Not scuffing!) In my time (I like to think) there was simply not enough valid information to be able to make such determinations that my government was clearly in error.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”RC
But, I grew up with an acute feeling (that's never left me) that somehow, this existence was good because 'I've known no war.' [Link] It's long seemed to be ... extracorporeal? outside of this existence but carried here? I still don't know, but if I had a previous life, I know I've known war.)I on the other hand have had flashes and visions of mass destruction since before I even knew what war was and a foreboding sense that something unpleasant and big is coming. My Dad's a Vietnam vet who served stateside as an electrician. My uncles were combat vets. No one ever talked about their experiences as a family (a pity that knowledge and experience died with them in old age). Even now, I have moments of deep depression out of nowhere as I see a dark future unfold before us all, and then a moment later I'm fine.
Tsidkenu An amusing response; do carry on "Knowing It All", you'll find lots of companyMy trust is not in myself. I do not know it all. I trust the all-encompassing revelation provided to me 1) By the Word of God as recorded in Holy Scripture, especially through the prophets, apostles and His Son Jesus Christ; 2) By the Acts of God, as recorded in Holy Scripture, especially through the prophets, apostles and His Son Jesus Christ; 3) By the Presence of God, as testified by my own born-again experience of His Living Spirit bringing new life to my body and soul.
Tsidkenu I can't quickly find what Thomas Paine said about the fact that since Apostle Thomas refused to believe in the resurrection until he saw it for himself, that he, Paine, likewise reserved that right for himself. So do I.Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)
Laura & Ark are 100% correct in that metaphysical sources of revelation exist. The only difference between someone like me and someone like them is they're getting revelation from the wrong place,How do you know ?
and I make that judgment on the authority of the Living God.Made available by what means ?
Those demons will lead Laura and Ark and everyone else who trusts their truly intelligent and sophisticated program of deception to destruction.Maybe things are more interesting than simply that take . . .
Of that, you have the Living God's sworn oath.Made available by what means ?
If you want to throw your trust in lies, by all means do so. The living God will hand you over to chase falsehood, exactly as He has promised to do (2 Thess. 2:9-12; Rom. 1:18-32). I don't need to say anything further; they've condemned themselves.Again, this is an amusing take from one whom I assume hasn't looked carefully and deeply into that which he condemns out of hand.
Right, so you want me to abandon the faithful and trustworthy word of the Creator of the universe, who has never failed to perform on what He has declared, in exchange for the flawed, finite and incomplete thought of a channeller of an ultimately unknown entity. Sounds like a wonderful deal... can I get a side order of snake oil too please?Wrong.
'Church' comes from Old English and Germanic kirk (still used in Scotland, IIRC), which in turn derives from the Greek kyriakon (of the Lord). The phrase kyriakon doma (house of the Lord) dates back to the 4th century as a name of the place for Christian worship.
in Miami in 1980, the acquittal of four policemen in the slaughter of Arthur McDuffie, a Black businessman, set off nights of unrest, with 18 fatalities. Nor is it widely known that in St. Petersburg, Florida, in 1996, the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Tyron Lewis by a policeman—as Lewis begged, “Please don’t shoot, please don’t shoot”—uncorked a day of mayhem. Also more or less forgotten is the rioting in Cincinnati in 2001, after a policeman shot and killed Timothy Thomas, an unarmed Black man. These incident produced headlines but not reform.
I.stand.behind.the.people.of.earthYou's stand behind earth's people? What if they ain't watchin'? (WTF ever. . . . I had a better joke planned, but gotta go..)
But seriously,folks, where are you? When is it there?Right now 10:00PM MDT in Calgary Alberta and I'm watching the latest in the, "Blacklist" series, which by now has somewhat lost its edge, and too bad.
THUS, RC's suggestion: Let us each / all strive to copy and paste the particular what we are replying to.R.C.
Comment: Those who are placidly waiting for everything to 'go back to normal' may be surprised at the length of their prison sentences - the power elites have no plans to cede the control measures they are now enjoying without a MASSIVE pushback: