Firstly, the mass quarantining of millions of healthy people for (almost) the first time in history, for a virus that is not remotely deadly to them (and yes this was known in March), could not possibly be a medical necessity and must instead be for some other reason. I say "almost", because there was one other short-lived attempt at the mass quarantining of healthy people in Mexico back in 2009, but that experiment ended after less than three weeks, when the Mexican Government came to its senses, realising the immense social and economic harm it would do to their country. We are not nearly so fortunate, and have now been subject to our Psychological, Economic and Social Trial (PEST) for 8 months, including two pointless national Lockdowns; Maskup, which is designed to perpetuate fear, test our compliance, and have us walking around like humiliated prisoners; along with utterly absurd diktats, such as the Rule of Fiddlesticks or whatever it is called. If anyone still seriously thinks this was done for health reasons, there are — I understand — a number of bridges going cheap on Ebay.
Secondly, the suppressions placed upon the people, under the absurd claim that we can control viruses, was bound to be far longer lasting than we were being told, since coronaviruses don't just disappear. And because they don't disappear, the changes to the social, economic and psychological state of people, families, communities and whole nations were bound to be seismic and even epochal in nature. And so it is turning out to be. 2020 is not just another year; it is the start of a new era, and a sinister start no less.
Thirdly, it became quite clear to me a long while ago that Western societies have moved from a state where people could be reasonably confident that what they were being told by Governments and the media had at least some basis in reality, to one where reality itself was being shape-shifted and manipulated to such an extent that it is now largely impossible to be sure of what is and isn't real in the civic sphere any longer. We now live in the World of Unreality, where truth is buried and obscured by a quite obscene mountain of lies and deception.
I am quite sure that with a few exceptions, most people who read what I wrote in March thought I had lost what remaining marbles I may once have possessed. But I am equally sure that many more people now start to see what I was getting at, and are also wondering what happened to their country and whether they'll ever get it back.
A key part of doing so, along with the obvious need for national repentance, is that third point. I often come back to a comment attributed to Karl Rove, George W. Bush's Chief of Staff, since it is perhaps the best explanation of what has been done to us over the last couple of decades, and in 2020 is being dished out in the concentrated version and causing the world to go off in the great nutsy, loony spasm that it has:
"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."Few would associate Rove with revolutionary fervour, but there is in this statement something remarkably revolutionary.
Firstly, it assumes that human actions are solely in the hands of man, without reference to a Creator who is ultimately sovereign.
Secondly, it assumes the rights of a small clique of people to shape the lives and destinies of those they purport to govern, and so thus they view themselves as sovereign (Psalm 2 says they're deluded fools, which they are).
Thirdly, it assumes that this clique are not themselves subject to real reality, like the rest of us, but that they themselves have the tools, the opportunities and the right to "make reality".
Fourthly, it assumes that they are prepared to lie brazenly to bring this reality about.
Fifthly, it assumes that there will be seekers of the truth amidst these lies, but that these poor saps will be left floundering as they continually attempt to subject yesterday's narrative to scrutiny, while the reality shape-shifters have pulled the rug from under their feet by moving the narrative onto tomorrow's barefaced lies.
And this is exactly what we find. A recent example of this can be found in the fact that the figures used to plunge millions of British people into a second disastrous and needless national Lockdown, were shown to be demonstrably false. That is not even a matter of dispute. Did it lead to the Lockdown being cancelled and the media demanding an inquiry? No, because the narrative has moved on, and what's apparently more important than demanding this nonsense stop, is whether Comrade de Pfeffel's girlfriend told Comrade de Pfeffel to sack that Cummings bloke etc. If you like, you can spend hours pointing out that the Lockdown is based on a lie, using meticulous, painstaking work, presented as compellingly as its possible to make it, but apart from a few weirdos like me, who cares? The Government and Global Pravda (aka the mainstream media) have moved the narrative on and are creating their new "realities", which now includes all sorts of bombardments about "the vaccine". And although the average person knows at some level that they're being constantly lied to, the lies and deceptions are so great that most people actually find it more comfortable to go along with them than to consider the deeply uncomfortable truth about the nature of the society they now live in. Comfortable lies are easier to cope with than uncomfortable truths — if you have no principles and no backbone, that is.
And therein lies the problem. The reality shape-shifters shape-shift reality, people like me judiciously study and question it, but as we do they've already moved on, created their new realities, which entrench previous lies by building on them as if they were truth, such that the many are happy to believe them and point the "conspiracy loon" finger at those who are doing the judicious studying.
If I had to sum up 2020, I'd say it feels like living inside the dystopic world imagined by an overweight, basement-dwelling "conspiracy theorist" in his 17th unpublished novel, but with the majority of people cackling "conspiracy theorist" derisively at anyone who points out that we appear to be living in his book. The laugh is on them, of course. We're just pointing out how ludicrous and naff the fat guy's plotline is, whilst they are actually living it, believing it, and apparently enjoying it.
But the success of these "history's actors", these "reality creators" these "shape-shifters" is entirely reliant on one thing: that the number of people judiciously studying their actions remains small. If it does, they can continue playing their sick game of treating people like human cattle with impunity, labelling those who are studying and questioning their actions as cranks and conspiracy loons. Only if a critical mass of people start questioning it is their despotic and demonic project undermined as they are now find themselves subject to critical scrutiny by people with their eyes wide open, their grey cells engaged, and sufficient numbers to make it tell.
Ultimately, it comes down to a simple question: Are enough people actually going to get their heads out the sand, switch off the Brainwasher in the corner of their living rooms, and actually start to think critically about what is happening, such that the "reality creators" are held to account and stopped in their tracks? Or are they simply happy to go on accepting those comfortable lies, rejecting the uncomfortable truths, and so find ourselves slipping further into the Land of Unreality, where the Shadows Reign, and where a powerful clique of despicable technocrats run almost every aspect of our lives from the time we wake to the time we go to sleep?
Real Reality or Gross Unreality?
Uncomfortable Truth or Comforting Lies?
Human Cattle or Free Beings?
These are the choices facing us. Will we reject the project that is turning us into Another Place, Another People altogether; or will we meekly accept our lot as Willing Slaves of the Covidian State?
I would like to commend this superb interview with Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi to you. Dr Bhakdi is one of the most qualified men on the planet to talk some rationality and sanity into the Covid-nonsense, and he does so in his articulate, winsome and deeply compassionate way, debunking Lockdown, social distancing, and masking nonsense as he goes.
Reader Comments
or, is that NOT what you are laughing about dear?
we have been known to throw frozen maple syrup icicles clean through pancakes.
we take beaver, hockey, timbits, snow tires and duct tape VERY seriously.
… and just so you know, september 16th to 22nd is our unofficial st. Timmies smiling cookie day celebration, seriously, eh.
Are you intentionally contentious or just clueless?
@ HV Cheri, all i wrote was i prefer the 10th EMOJI
@life i appreciate your making me giggle, elsewhere too, however this Canuck never did all you enumerated but the real sled, real beavers, and jaja snowtires
Two, i think you have, however, used the word 'hoser' in a fitting manner with PDX from the perspective that we are all friends here, and if anyone isn't, then they can feel free to fk off. Beauty, eh !
ooooooh, ooh ooh ooh, ooh oooooooh ooh ohh !
U single n maleman 🤔🔥😅
SURE IS and I DID and shared and keeping. No shit scrutinizer - and dont i know the meaning of it personally (and just by Thoreau!).
I ve been so off grid for a decade now - more than any i know. All i have left is my Driver's Licence and this phone. Lolll... cant wait to chuck them.out too
Slow n Steady wins the 🐢🐢🐢🐢
But one extract: RC
That reads like something I wish I had written. Excellent!
A main general said the vaccine is coming to every below.
I'm a micro/mol biologist and my wife has worked on mRNA vaccines.. even developed one.....nothing more dangerous and here's the thing.. they have deniability, the death will be slow and often cancer... Often a VERY painful death with Interleukin cascades, etc.
Like the guy says at the end... time to lock and load... and if they come to my house somebody is going to DIE. I mean that matter of factly.
Americans: You Have Been Warned - Trumpy's Warp Speed General (Gus Perna) Speaks! (bitchute)
Lets instruct your own cells to generate novel pathenogenic proteins that your immune system will then attack.... Sounds like a recipe for disaster 5-10 years down the road.
I grew up in Detroit Mi and was addicted to hockey while growing up. I never got to go ice fishing but I do remember seeing cars and trucks damaged by the unmarked ones. (I will leave it to your imagination what we were doing when I saw that)
as a kid, (17;18) I remember crossing the Ambassador bridge just to get beer, Labatts blue. back then it was no big deal. I hear it is not that way anymore. sad.
... however according to Joyly i might be a HTDI... !!!
... [Link] High Three Digits ....
... LM & Joyly
Anyone who throws their garbage on the ground instead of the appropriate receptacle is showing disrespect for others, nature, and just how low brow they really are, be they Canadian or anyone else.
Dunno where you live bub, but up here where i roam people take pride in keeping the countryside clean ... can't speak for the cities though.
A strong moral compass does not require a HTDI - I know which I need to work on.
i use a silva compass, it's never let me down (oh that was a groaner lol) yes, i agree strong moral direction no need for HTDI. was toying with interpretation ie high (in tree) three digit (toes) intelligent (sloth).
i forget that not everyone will interpret intp warped sense of humour, sigh but no worries cuz everyone here rocks
When the birds sing in the trees in the morning, what are they saying?
So it is here (at Sott) sometimes, too.
It is okay.
Really it is.
Thanks for the Communist Manifesto,I hope all have read it.
BIENVENU chez SottDotNet life
Great answer, qué heartbreak my smile is still happy, my dreaming still alive. Pour toi life
je ne brise pas les cœurs intentionnellement, mais j'ai de la colle au cas où.
tu es gentil et j'aime ton humour !
Actually In a coma since 9-11
And I been there done seems lots of people just now amazed at how naive and intellectually lazy the US populace is.
Gimme a break people, airplane fuel does not create perfect lines of breakage in huge steel beams, it doesn't vaporize cement buildings, it doesn't leave traces of thermite. And some point thereafter I said "I'm done" with people who don't care about truth.
Now folks characters (and intelligence or lack thereof) is fully displayed. FULL BLUNTAL NUGITY.
Livestock all, they'll soon go the livestock way.
"Weak as I am, I carry on the war to the last moment, I get a hundred pike-thrusts, I return two hundred, and I laugh. I see near my door Geneva on fire with quarrels over nothing, and I laugh again; and, thank God, I can look upon the world as a farce even when it becomes as tragic as it sometimes does. All comes out even at the end of the day, and all comes out still more even when all the days are over..." & Thank you for the link you provided !
And the Klaus robe? Jeeze, sleeze. add a black ball (shades of pulp fiction).
Re James, I remembered him from undergrad. Then, much later, I recalled how in Brave New World, Mustapha Mond reads a poignant quote and I meant to download a copy.
Well, I have. SOTTites: Free copy of The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature William James 1902 , at
Here's BNW by Huxley at archive: [Link]
Thanks again!
does it feel alright to be redundant? does it feel alright to have kids that are not at all critical towards government, but supporting it by protesting against their fathers and grandfathers instead? this is so satanically well planned by powerful, yet pathetically weak people, who have to publish all their projects in unlimited vanity. we know exactly, what is going to happen, still we are defenseless. Americans might have fire-arms, they thus have to be treated differently, receiving injections within 24 hours.
What are your plans, smarties? leaving the country will save your lives, but not your children. what can we do? I am totally lost.
Here's a guy in Australia who has a good reality-honest analysis combined with a spiritual one, which is of course the SOTT approach, which is why we are here. [Link]
Hang tough, all!
*I like that. You can quote me. (As we know, was TP)
Maybe we should push their own agenda back on them - Mandatory euthenasia for those over 70, especially the likes of Schwab (82) and Soros (90)
Accept their premise that we are redundant - so we do not need to be "protected" from ourselves - no lockdowns for a bit of flu, no vaccines, no prohibition, zero taxes on tobacco etc.
All we can do is resists in the knowledge that a simple butterfly can cause a hurricane
Thanks for the links
Given all the options, our lives would be probably be better lived short and sweet - No more nanny state, no more scrounging for a pension and best of all no more of the likes such as Soros and Schwab
Also God gave me the free will to determine for myself how I choose to live. I do not condone suicide, euthanasia or eugenics - all are murder.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Live not by lies
Solzhenitsyn penned this essay in 1974 and it circulated among Moscow's intellectuals at the time. It is dated Feb. 12, the same day that secret police broke into his apartment and arrested him....If you're reading this, you are the resistance.
Where can one find the rest of Solzhenitsyn's essay?
The text of Solzhenitsyn's full essay, I have discovered, is in the link to the SOTT article at the top of Nada's comment. What he quotes, below that, is from John Trudell. Both are powerful. I recommend you to read the full essay of Solzhenitsyn at that link. It's not long.
Ideas are more powerful than bombs. Chris Hedges has a lecture (several versions) on YouTube based on his book: " Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle ." In it he laments the popularity of social media, iPhones and other modern toys, which have destroyed the written word and plunged us into a universe of electronic illusion, whichever illusion the Rulers want us to live in at the moment. In his videos he reveals that, like myself, he does not own a TV and does not subscribe to any social media.
With the rollout of 5G, poisoning of our food, and extinction of insects and other animals, IMHO human beings will soon start to die in numbers which will result, within a decade or two, in the Rulers having nobody to control. A nightmare for them. Back about 25 years ago I watched the events unfolding in Somalia - all these rival warlords and their armies massacring people by the thousands, and thought to myself, if one of them manages to kill all the other warlords and becomes king of all he surveys, what sort of a kingdom will he rule over? Flies, sewage, ruins, garbage and corpses. So what if he is king of all of it? Who would want a kingdom like that?
But I suppose psychopaths don't think that far ahead. The instant gratification of controlling other people is all that matters to them.
Did you watch Klaus Schwab's talk? Everything is about profit, "creating value," development, prosperity, and material excess. Not one word about happiness, joy, beauty, families, and human relationships. To me, it is a Satanic vision, all about material prosperity and nothing about spiritual vitality.
Luke Chapter 4 Verse 5: "And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it." --- A great wisdom in those words.
Not that this is any consolation.
mostly when I get paid, it is in ' currency'. but not to worry Love, if you need me I will show up. and we can discuss these concepts over some Ale. (after I get the heat going again of course)
when will that time arrive for YOU sir?
so, not to worry. eh?
is it really possible to call yourself a Man?
I've never had to pull the trigger, thank God, but, for example, one armed person who was at fault was so scared, they pissed all over the place, and that wasn't because of any threatening words or such moviesque BS, but simply the hairy scariness of the moment's events (I'd long since learned to keep my ... in place - stress be damned) but I found out that I would and could deal with such and pray that if I have to in the future , that I'll deal with it as I then did.
KR, to deal with the situation as he did??? My God! No Delta Force soldier could hope to have done better!
Focus on who owns the mob, and who would have snipers shooting BOTH sides in a riot once it goes hot.
Patience. Now if the mob kicks down your door.....
Actually, The Man controls more firepower than the citizens can hope to overcome. However, when the troops refuse to fire on their fellow-citizens at the orders of their officers, that is the end for the rulers. It has happened many times before in many revolutions in history. I believe it might come to pass here too.
One of my friends (now an American citizen) grew up in Beirut during the civil war. What happens is eventually, a critical mass of the people cannot take any more pain, grief, and destruction, (As Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind,") and decide that revenge is a bitter fruit that must no longer be indulged in. It happened the same in Northern Ireland also. It eventually happens anywhere humanity indulges in its worst passions and becomes depraved in its lust for blood and revenge.
I pray, since I have to live here, that this does not happen in this country, but if it does, so be it. It has been many years, (about 5 to 8 generations) since there was war on this soil, and we have forgotten what it means. Europe and most of the rest of the world knows it all too well. We do not. Let us hope we do not have to find out, before wisdom returns to us.
People are numerous but no matter how many people voted on your site, unless you have the Judiciary and Military behind you to enforce the vote, the votes would remain nothing but digital words.
Forseeing this possibility, our controllers are introducing foreign police as was noticed in England recently. These police are not ordinary citizens but militarized thugs.
I typed in GEMMA O'DOHERTY in the search and that worked
Great link! Thanks! And thanks be to Gemma O'Doherty!
AKA, the whole scam has nonstop ignored and/or denied the proper role of our immune systems.
as long as you's amused sweet💟
What I think happened was there were many/several viruses at play back in Wuhan and Italy that caused the severe pneumonia with a few novel symptoms.
sarscov2 is likely an innocent or mostly innocent bystander. Think about PCR being misused, the total microbial soup composed of hundreds if not thousands of viral particles in a very sick person's lungs... How would you possibly know which of the foreign bugs is causing the main issue without culturing it in isolation and extensive animal studies? You wouldn't.
They guessed due to pressure and it would seem guessed wrong.
So now we track the wrong common bug particles, and do a poor job of it too.
Even better than some security sticker.
We are either compassionate (have faith) or senti-mental (opposite)
Romance marries the two 😍wonderfully; wunderbar🥰
Jolie you've got it Sister. 🎁🎈
wasnt that just funs guys n gals!!
I loved how mom bit its ass.... the most amazing thing i ve ever seen, it's just got to be!!
Reminds me of PaPa 🥰🤩🥰
Max Igan. I had the pleasure of meeting him. When it comes to truth and love for humanity, He's "really bout that life".
Made these some years back.
Here is a link from above, scrutinizer earlier today.
I am an "asymptomatic" spreader . and Penance is due. herewith, I have refused to wear a mask. (unless bitched at)
and deserve my own fate.
Creed - My Own Prison (Official Video) - YouTube
Wouldn't that be a great band name?
Better Than Ezra | Juicy {lyrics} - YouTube
Back at the Farm. ..
Cage The Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked - YouTube
Lindamay has me blocked..
I think I'll dye my hair blue...
Thought it was some sort of browser update (using Edge) to limit links being posted in general - an useful was of limiting information being disseminated
I was sprinting
Voilà chéri + une Labatt Bleue pour toi
I see two choices: don’t go or go and don’t wear a mask. I read that in Oz it is ok to be exempt from mask wearing and you don’t have to have a Doctors’ Certificate. Then I saw a Dr (he is ab elderly Taiwanese man) and his advice was: he does not wear a mask because he tends to have HBP and wearing a mask tends to aggravate it and making breathing difficult which can send BP up. Well I had HBP in 2019.
They want to force Trump to take military action which will be used as evidence that he is a ‘Dictator’ and that he stole the election, and request the UN to intervene and restore the Dims to power. Coming to a theatre near you.
(Wiseassedness follows.)
2) Hey, skua gulls gotta eat something to regurgitate to their uglier little chicks. Then, leopard seals gotta eat something . . . and eventually, fungi and bacteria gotta eat something*....and then krill gotta eat something.
*From a prior life, I well remember this romantic song: RC
LM, imho, shared a subtle extraordinary message: in the days ahead we may experience loss, we may experience grief, yet there are people here to help one another through these challenges with empathy, compassion and without fear. live life everyday, show it, jump out of the ocean and kiss the dog in the boat, be creative, share your positivity without expectation of receiving it in return, and swim on ! have faith in our selves, have faith in the sun coming up tomorrow and yup there will be challenges giving us the opportunity to be bendable, as aaron says to go with the flow of change - that doesn’t mean giving into fear, or submitting to tyranny, it means having the ability to recognize the challenges and have faith that our internal compass ( lol Joyly ) knows whats it’s doing with respect to the non-physical aspects of our life, i.e. the “lessons”.
those weren’t just four random vids, i suspect others also picked up the obvious and not so obvious, lol !
1st link: heart-wrenching, their physically consoling and comforting each other was moving, sharing grief in their loss - and then moving on with life above a deep ocean.
2nd link: wow so cool, physically communicating affection in a boat in the air, sharing joy and freedom - and then moving on, travelling through a deep ocean.
3rd link: wow this guy aaron, engaging, happy, communicative body language, upbeat personality, fresh ideas, sharing his enthusiasm with a positive vibe inviting us to expand our heart and concsious mind…”which is but a bobber in the ocean of the subconscious…”
4th link: shannon’s voice, the valley / mountain symbolism, emotionally moving, stirring, powerful, again about depth, i.e. faith, in all that is, faith in our ‘self’ and other ‘selfs ‘
let me recapitulate: when aaron said “ its an ocean, a lens, a magnifying glass…”, (metaphorically) he’s talking about what shannon sings about: our big blue marble, earth, it has valleys mountains and oceans - i.e. depth, as do people i.e. the bobbers (depth is relative: varies from shallow to deep), and that depth is something we acquire, if we choose to, which helps us ride out the wave.
of course, i could be full of timbits and coffee and have interpreted as much from watching the snow melting in potholes out yonder.
Nid de poules/ettes
YOU sure you're not single?!!
not to worry friend, I know how to deal with this grievous act..
Genesis - I Can't Dance (Official Music Video) - YouTube
and Parvizlial ,s lollll what a tough name to remember, but QUÉ GEM, anyways, his fav.
and mine
My first pick actually was
Solamenté por tigo bambilitta💃
Honouring the road-scratches
Je ne lâches pas haha
vous êtes velcro?
GR fourmis
ZZ Top - Velcro Fly (Official Music Video) - YouTube
The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian (Video Version) - YouTube
The played a legal convention ~ 2003? Total blast.
F--k are we stupid!!
.... what's the fastest route to another blue planet (marble)?!!!!
un jour, nous nous souviendrons pourquoi nous sommes venus ici; alors tout sera compris. l'amour, la perte et la douleur font partie d'une image plus large.
this little blue marble needs our sotties positive vibes, have faith
🌎🏄♂️ 🌊 🎟️
Mais toujours pas GR 🐜
Enjoy your 🎿🎿 life 8 inches is NICE. I havent started shoveling yet it melted lolll... but flakes are drifting
Stray Cats - Be Bop A Lula - YouTube
if you try butting in,..
she will give you what for. sir.
Don Felder - Heavy Metal (Takin' a Ride) - YouTube
were heavily criticised at the start of the pandemic, hot days have been linked with spikes in coronavirus diagnoses.
Australian Medical Association state president Chris Moy said South Australians should show common sense and not crowd the beaches too much this week.
"Hopefully we've knocked it out but our recent events show we should not become complacent, especially this week when we're still in the midst of an outbreak," Dr Moy said.
While authorities often recommend elderly people go to places such as shopping centres and libraries to keep cool in heatwaves, Dr Moy said they should stay at home at this time.
"Use air conditioning or at least a fan to keep air circulating," he said.
we are between 30 to 50 degrees this week, a lot of people can't afford aircon, hence the shopping centres are a good option on hot days, Flue and the like normally don't show up much with weather like that, why all the youha. I am ok where I am use the closing off doors and windows at a certain temp and wait for it to cool off and open things up, if it takes to long I might put a cold compress on the ankles, that is just about it.
Matchbox Twenty - Back 2 Good (Official Video) - YouTube
And now they know not to stuff intubation tubes down people's throats. Almost all the severe cases end up on high-flow O2, like insane flows but it works. They can remain seated and awake and generally not in ICU. High doses of vitamin D and zinc. Most are recovering well.
The ones who are dying now are only very old train wrecks. And even the tiny morgues in rural hospitals are not 'overflowing'.
The blather on teevee is total fear porn. It's a hoax folks.
She's not going to die, this scheme is deceiving the population with a virus no worse than the flu.
Heya Christian
This is Dystopia born, and certified by our fall here in America (a failed state, IMO). No longer will there be any resistance to tyranny. All the world leaders are in agreement, and soon they will begin to roll out their reign of perversion and horror. Life in the "free world" is already no different than life in North Korea, and it promises with a smile and much applause to get even worse.
How could things possibly get better? What would be the motivation that hasn't already presented itself with full colors and a parade? Maybe when they start executing us in the streets like they have in the past? Typically (ideally) in the past it has been western troops that put this beast down, but with the entire western world under the desk like a Washington intern in a blue dress serving this master throat deep, who is going to stop it?
It's going to roll over the whole lot of us, I think. I don't think this will ever stop until there is nothing left for it to devour. Why would it? Because, it "Saw the light" and just felt like it needed to repent? Because why? In what hypothetical situation does this turn out well? There are no historic examples are there?
I guess if you're a Roman, you see Caesar differently, and he sees you differently. I'm obviously not a Roman. They've made it abundantly clear that I have no rights in their courts, nor do I receive the privileges their laws endow proper citizens. I think the rest of the world is going to experience the life of subjugation, persecution, and violence I and many others have already lived. Too many people looked the other way (they laughed and mocked when it happened to me), and now it will visit their houses too. All of them. Painting the doorway red used to help. I doubt it will this time.
All power, including that which will roll over you and your family comes from a rifle. They like to wrap distracting things around that like laws, executive orders, propaganda, etc...
But at the end of the day we all draw our own
line and will either die fighting or whimpering.
And yep, we're all likely to die, especially the first who resist. So be it.
Truth is, I just couldn't come up with anything different than what had already been said. You people didn't leave much out. You tore this topic to crumbs, and that's very refreshing to see in a room full of avatars in this day and age.
I can go back to lurking. You people rarely leave stones un-turned, and certainly don't appear to need me to point out scorpions for you.
Trolling Baitbart isn't fun anymore. Things are too serious at this point...and maybe it's pointless. Their cop worship has certainly tanked (to sad to be a victory), so maybe my job is done there anyway.
"Law and Order" was the mantra I kept hearing. Like communists don't believe in "Law and Order" too. We're about to have a whole lot of "Law and Order" here real soon, I suspect.
Futile perhaps for us, but all resistance is futile in the beginning.
Big Data - "Dangerous (feat. Joywave)" - YouTube
It would almost feel like old times, but I'm nowhere near that fit anymore. I can't really run this race. If I was, I'd be out there gaming theirazz right now. No question about it. Especially with a cause like this here today.
I can't imagine them telling 16 year old me that there was a corona-virus restriction and I had to do anything at all to accommodate their fairy tale...ahh, hahahah. OMG, the mayhem that would have unfolded on any entity that would have even proposed such a ridiculous assertion. I can hardly stop giggling about what that would have been like.
I have no idea why kids these days give this crap so much credibility. I'm guessing it's the Paxil.
"There something in the drugs." We were stupid but not this brand.
It's dark here. It's lonely here. It's not freedom, but nobody has that anymore, so I'm just going to survive until I don't. I don't really know what else to do. I was obviously walking into a trap. Nobody had any intention of looking for the truth, doing the right thing, not even interested. They just wanted to see me destroyed, literally because of the tone of my voice. Literally. Nothing else. Simply how the words came out of my mouth. Not even the content of them (which they completely ignore). I didn't even cuss in the case that is in question...if that's even what this was about, because I really don't know. I didn't do what they said I did, so I'm just guessing at what it might be. It's complete BS, that's for certain, but they don't care. Some of them even said as much. People like my wife who is supposed to be...well, my wife...hasn't been since she got pregnant. Ironic. Whatever.
Lawyers gave me the same routine. One hung up on me because I "sounded agitated" when recalling the events in question. The others all turned yellow when they looked at the seriousness of the charges. None of them I could afford anyway, and everybody was playing cooties which really undermines their credibility, IMO. How in the world am I supposed to expect honesty and justice from these idiots pretending to be afraid of the common cold like it's some devastating disease? I should expect social retards to behave like social retards, I think. And so, that's what I did. I expected consistency and said phook that. If rules ain't rules then to hell with it all the way up to their judges and their king, god, whatever. FTW (true story).
What a world full of c*nts. It's no wonder people are being ranched like cows. I'm sorry to be alive in this era. This has to be the worst generation in a thousand years. If we were always this stupid, then shame on God for not stepping in sooner. He certainly has no room to judge anybody if he doesn't judge this crap. He'll crown Himself hypocrite king if He sits on His hands much longer, IMO...or he can get off me and let me go take care of what needs to be done. Sooner the better. I'm not getting any younger, and my kids have no future to loose at this point. I sure as hell don't. Retire? How? Here? Where?
Pick your prison; that was the choice.
There's a good reason the few % of us weren't affected by this brain lirus mass psychosis. I for one am glad you're alive as we need all the help we can get.
If we frame this in a historical perspective, this utter madness is only new to us due to the short timeframe of our lives. WWI was just as, if not more, insane, with millions supporting it. WW2 ended in utter defeat for Japan and we chose to incinerate two civilian population centers with nuclear fire just to see how our new toys worked on human flesh... Madness, sheer evil. But millions supported that too.
This too shall pass and we must not let the planners and offenders live.
Keep you marbles Christian... some day we p-shoot. Teach your kiddies how to play.
I just wish I had a more remote island to flee to (or permission to fight back). Somewhere were people didn't want this awful future to happen, or even better yet, somewhere where it didn't matter what other people's opinions were (like America was when I was a kid), outside of healthy, and even furious debate. I love to argue, but God forbid my opinions became law. People should be allowed to find their own path. Even the Legendary Jehovah believed in free will enough to die for it (that is how the story goes). This prison planet thing is overwhelming. There are no "allies." Just an "axis of evil," as they say.
It is true, one could suppose easily that it is obvious the universe cannot tolerate this sentient toxicity. Otherwise, my math says it wouldn't exist at all (won't = doesn't = didn't = same thing quantitatively. Zero=1-1). The fact that it does currently exist, mathematically testifies (perhaps) to this issue at some point being corrected. It's just such a stretch to find comfort in hard numbers like that, in time where reality seems so irrelevant.
It's almost like time and space continuity feels screwed up. Like reality is actually warped by this somehow. An enormous farce has descended on the world (literally an "angel of light" fallen from the heavens-Message on the TV broadcast world wide from satellites) Things feel so unreal that, frankly, outlandish suggestions might seem more easily digested by me at this point. I feel very suggestible to radicalism (I doubt it's just me too). If you told me you had proof Nancy Pelosi was actually a 200 year-old vampire that fed off fetal tissue supplied by Planned Parenthood I would go, "Hmmm, that makes sense," instead of praying for you...and giving you a roll of tin-foil for your sad afflicted mind (because deeds mean more. I'm a doer, and love is a verb).
As everyone says: we need you on this side of the good fight! Hang tough!
God cannot fix this (and won’t fix this) until mankind dies because men created this. We need every one of us to stand strong for what is right. I imagine after what you have been through it is easy to focus on what is wrong - and there is plenty.
Find the strength to focus only on what is truth and what is right; and keep hanging in their. You do not know how important each person is and how that influences the whole.
Our only satisfaction comes from knowing and doing what is right. There is nothing else. My live and prayers are with you. My love 😍 and prayers 🙏 are with you.
Thank you.
This kind of BS is becoming pretty routine nation-wide. It's a country ripe for devastation, IMO. There's no way I would expect fairness or justice from anybody anywhere anymore. I feel like I'd have to be crazy to put my fate in their obviously incompetent hands and trust the "legal system." They won't even tell me exactly what I'm accused of. It appears irrelevant to them (they're more interested in cooties). In fact they don't even want to hear me talk about it. It makes them mad if I do. Livid, red faced and full of serious physical threats, too. All of exception (a Desert Storm veteran).
Other than him, only you aliens here tolerate me.
There was a day when I was a criminal, in court, and even guilty I had less fear of prosecution than I do of this, completely innocent, because the people making this garbage up are the establishment, and since the little they've told me about the accusation is complete BS, I have no idea how much more BS they are willing to make up. I'm not even sure what it is they think I did. They don't seem to know either, because nobody will say. I've asked. I'm left to guess. It doesn't matter to any of them, but they all like to tell me how much trouble I'm in. I say "for what?"
They say "IDK. These are the charges"...from a remote location too, I might add.
I've seen nobody in person, but two judges and a lot of cops. They're all afraid of cooties, so there is no actual person anywhere to talk too, and I'm fed up with that BS. I can't talk to a puppet like he's the real speaker. I can't. I just cannot repeat their BS narrative and they are bent on beating my ass for it. It offends them all so deeply, but I just can't do it. They are just so full of 5H17, and I just can't keep that to myself efficiently, for very long before I let them know I'm a conservative(ish?).
I'm not really very conservative, but I look like it compared to the freaks these days, I guess.
Frank Chapeau Bezel Bub Parzival i m missing 1... hmmmm (in States)
Im in northern quebec with diamond claws in 12 farmlands... spearheading a network of farms. I ve got caribou up here
I'd love to
eatmeatmeet the locals, but I probably won't leave this spot (literally) for the next three years at least. For now, I'm glad to have a safe wall to stare at.I'm tired of getting beat on. It took me over a year to recover physically (teeth don't grow back ever anymore) from when they did what I suspect they did to my father, to me, some five or six years ago. He can't remember anything (my memory is messed up from it too), and they aren't talking, which is what the whole thing is about; me demanding answers they don't want to talk about. I was hostile towards their BS covidian police state before their even was one. I think that is also why everybody appears content to not talk about it now, and pretend like nothing happened. As long as I say nothing and lay low, they let me live. That's how it is. Those are the rules of this game (and I'm breaking them, eh?)
The whole ordeal they did to me felt like an alien abduction. The psychotropics they game me made it much worse, and that alone messed me up, but that was before the invasion of the body snatchers. Now everybody is Dr. Copnazi. It's everywhere. If I wasn't a paranoid schizophrenic then, I am now. I've had my fill of creepy (but esteemed) monsters in masks pouring their Orwellian violence on my face, telling me I can't leave, or I have to leave, or I have to hold still, or shut up, or talk, or stand here behind this line...I don't know how much people realize what they are experiencing right now, across the globe, is exactly how a prisoner is treated. That makes my decision feel poetic. If I should to go to prison, then everybody should. It looks like to me that's exactly what happened, because it was true and that's what did happen.
Hi, I'm your new cell mate. Cheers. I'm hoping they don't move me to a tighter wing, so I'll try to play nice. I should go back to lurking now.
I'm not sure how you make me smile when I'm this shade, but you do, despite what that might read like.
But you're not alone, we've all questioned our sanity every day since the body snatchers landed. The destruction of my own extended family was the most shocking to me. Payback is assured. Something happened in March on some much more metaphysical layer than I can describe as their lies aren't even that good. Something wicked this way comes. Alright... it's already here.
You know Christian, the earth walk teaches (what we call in french, la quète de la dépouille .... one MUST let yesterday's weight stay in the past whilst honouring the sacred experience in our memory. The ONLY way to play with marbles, or loose them.
The natives are messed up by us whites here too, nonetheless the kindest clearest most decent peoples i have ever met. Each exudes such pure goodness that instantly eclipses all the shit of our life stories and brings us Home to rest a short while. Truly fascinating!!
I m so blessed to have moose deer bear beaver hare....(been freezing since March lolll *ma Jolie) but the Caribou, here, are being left free to roam and procreate without human interferance ... they should be about ready for a lucky hunter or a few in about 3 yrs. Lollll... one never knows, we all are weaving a fine web, a part of us knows and is designer-in-charge the other part of us shall find out in due time.
HV-chérie caribou is more like reindeer, elk like moose
and the sooner we kill ourselves, the better. eh?
no. we bought it from the people who stole it from them. the French.
I am OK with that. and recommend that you make it so.
Don't take Remeron! Palm that shit! Don't take Thorazine-like stuff, NOR SNRI's like Effexor (venlafaxine); Pristiq (desvenlafaxine); Cymbalta (duloxetine).
Don't take any such psych meds if you can avoid it. If you have to, the ONLY psych med to take are SSRI's - preferably Zoloft. (I don't take any of them, but did and quickly learned which were the hairiest.)
Other psychotropic meds Dr. RC will allow are: Valium, Librium; any true opiate pain killers; plus caffeine, nicotine, all PRN.
Good point. Also, there are sundry (infinite?) other psychotropics out there which I commend to CW as per his personal sovereignty.
(inquiring minds want to know)
I also get the impression a lot of public figures, officials, world leaders, actors and stars, appear to be trying to show off their level of obedience and commitment to "The Cause," (by being mini-tyrants sometimes. Baby Satan?) like they're competing for a Golden Brown Nose Award before some deified presence somewhere they haven't told us about...yet.
Some of these people sound like they're reading a script (it's very repetitious and familiar at this point), like a fraternal initiation, or a deed showing devotion. It's the ultimate kiss, bold, and in public, I think. They do a lot of things that look Satanic to me, though. Not just evil, but classic Satanism, like public humiliation, moral sacrifice (that can include rape and murder, both as victim and perpetrator), and not just telling lies, but inverting the truth, putting white in place of black, turning vices into virtue, making boys girls etc.
In a poetic sense they are speaking backwards to their father the Devil. That would be the short version, I think. I do however very much believe they are playing to someone or something in particular and specific. It's not just an ideologue they share. I think they are vying for the affection of someone or something they believe is going to be the new "god."
For sure, I know they are creepy as hell. Almost a caricature of evil it's so bad sometimes.
I believe if we ever survive this, once we have healed, it will be the source of some of the greatest comedy the world has ever seen. It is that stupid, amen.
But I could try to figure out that, and never get deeper than 'I worry / wonder enough to inquire whether all of this (not just SOTT but everything) is real - AND the fact that I wonder about it tends to prove that SOTT and You are real; aka, cogito, ergo sum.
That damn entire trope has been oversold to the masses, and in particular, and sadly, to the less open minded friends and family of SOTTies.
This Covid cult actually freaks me out for real. I'll rarely entertain anything stronger than hemp. I think I had a whiskey last year. It might be longer. I don't remember. I would drink one if I had one right now...maybe...nope. I promised myself not to, because I need to care about what happens to me more than usual for the next several years. Booze can make me not care a little bit, and we're not that close of friends anyway. I could and would enjoy a whiskey occasionally, though.
That stuff the nice men in the clean white coats were giving me did that exceptionally well too. I honestly think I could kill somebody on that stuff out of simple rage, because it completely turned off what I call my "chicken switch." They wanted to make it so I didn't care so much about stuff, I think . They reasoned I cared too much.
There's a point, just past the summit of my anger, that I might give myself permission to do something really terrible. It's as if a question is asked and I pause to consider it. Normally, while I might be outrageous, loud, or bombastic, or even reckless when I was manic from whatever (drunk, excited, mad, whatever) I would always draw a line at things I couldn't un-do. It was like my naturally occurring limit of evil allowable for me, just like a reflex. As a criminal, I might steal your stereo, but I'd never kill your cat. I can pay restitution, but I can't raise the dead or forgive curses, like the hideous meanness I would have to either carry after that, or dismiss the taboo and become wicked indeed (free from conscience) as a consequence...that's how I think. I still believe forgiveness is want.
So, I noticed I had this cut off switch; a point where I would stop and go "Wait, you can't come back from that, so don't do that. Don't go there. Just walk away. Break that ashtray instead...(ya, ya, F'n ashtray! OK. Smash....ahh). I called it my "Chicken Switch." It was like a fuse that would pop and disengage me from whatever I was feeling. It was OK to pop the clutch and leave a little color on the street, but do not go over the cliff. Just get out of the car if you have to. I can be serious, but I never wanted to be.
This stuff my officially sanctioned helpers gave me (thanks Obama Care), who care about us all in the community so deeply, shut that down almost completely. I started just palming that crap, like RC said, after I felt real murder in my heart over some super simple inconvenience that might of made me mad normally, but it would not have inspired the whole "OK, lets do this, all in, never come back," dialog that was running through my head. I'm certain I could have killed like a shark, without contemplation of consequence on that junk, especially after they geared me up another notch like they were probably going to, because it was starting to wear thin and not really ...actually I don't know what the heck it was supposed to do to my head. It sucked. I hated it. It was not what they said I was going to be. I was always worried I forgot something and couldn't pay attention to the road while I was driving. I was spaced out for... I really don't know how long. Everything feels like a year now. Everything. One long bad year that keeps collecting crummy events and getting worse. Anything that's happened in the last 5 years feels like it happened yesterday, but I know it didn't, so I sort of file it in the "something that happened earlier this year file." I have to use tricks to sort out when things happened, like I have to cross reference it with something I know has a date I'm familiar with. I have to do the math, or I have no idea....
Sorry. I'm rambling. Nobody talks to me anymore and it has to go somewhere.
Here! Enjoy! You deserve it! [Link]
*Which NEVER took away each competent individual's RIGHT to determine exactly ANY substance that they prefer!
But, there are other people, and that's a good sign, isn't it. I'm certainly glad for it, RC.
It'd probably suck to be found on the wide path, smiling away behind a black mask, as we lit ourselves on fire, self immolating the entire accumulated struggle of all humanity in exchange for cheap tricks on Fantasy Island.
What a legacy, Bill. History won't be able to tell you and the antichrist apart. If that isn't success, boy, I don't know what is. They'll remember your name for a long time...maybe.
That's kinda what I see happening in pop culture these days. Clearly a lot of people think this is going to work out somehow, and I just can't find a positive reference for that anywhere. Star Wars didn't even go there, but I guess it'd be cool to be Han Solo. That'd be a much nicer dystopia than the one I see coming. I expect controlled and rolling dysfunction and strife designed to deepen dependence on the state, which will then permit deeper control and exploitation, wash rinse repeat until there is nothing left. I think that's actually the plan, but I don't think it will stay as sanitary as they are telling each other it will right now. Yes, I suppose they do remind me of junkies.
If it gets long enough, submit it to SOTT as an article, or simply as a series of comments, as I would love to hear what the hell has happened to you.* (I have yet to hear from anyone who suffered anything as insane and evil as what I've been through,.) And while I doubt that your story is worse (i.e., I sure hope it's not as bad / evil) you have gotten me, and many other SOTTites I'm sure, curious about WTF happened.
*I do recommend that you anonymize it, either by talking about someone who I met 'SWIM', or using fake names and dates, etc. Your call.
Accepting one's journey must happen for healing to occur. All steps are sacred TOWARDS PEACE OF MIND BODY n SPIRIT and as the Talking not Walking Pastor in the link below, self-harm always looks bad, abuse of any substance (incl. words personal stories not put to rest sentiments sentiments sentiments 'putting importance on the other whatever the other can be OVER one's own SELF, i.e. health.... ' well, it brings us down makes us unbalanced n makes us sweat like a dog n called out in public... Thank You Simon!
Everyone has the daily choice ... to either be a host to Spirit or a hostage to ego .
When you know better You do better. Aho
We are each in charge of removing our masks. To be responsible or we will be HELD responsible. Yes, we all wear a bleeding ❤
Ancient blanket made from turkey feathers
Pullman, Washington — The ancient inhabitants of the American Southwest used around 11,500 feathers to make a turkey feather blanket, according to a new paper in the Journal of Archaeological...[Link]
The Moon spends another full day in the sign of gentle, stable Taurus. Neptune turns direct today after a retrograde phase since June 23rd. Now and in the coming few weeks, confusing situations become more transparent. Our creativity soars, or at least, we are more confident about applying our creativity in the real world. Instead of thinking of this period as a time of disillusionment, we can see it as a time of illumination–when we increasingly see the light. We have more faith in our dreams and visions, in others, and our belief systems. We begin to seek inspiration from external sources. With Neptune at a station today, we may have difficulty focusing long enough to tackle a task adequately. While today’s station can point to some disorientation, Mercury forms a sextile to Jupiter, and we’re ready for positive thinking, new insights, and cooperation, especially as the day advances. We may be taking a philosophical approach to thinking, and we’re open to learn and improve. The Mercury-Jupiter influence helps us put things into perspective, although it does also encourage reaching beyond our usual boundaries. Our minds open to possibilities. A Sun-Jupiter parallel is also generous and open-hearted. We’re cheerful and hopeful.
The poet Kabir says:
Friend, hope for the Guest while you are alive.
Jump into experience while you are alive!
Think . . . and think . . . while you are alive.
What you call "salvation" belongs to the time
before death.
If you don't break your ropes while you're alive,
do you think ghosts will do it after?
The idea that the soul will join with the ecstatic
just because the body is rotten --
that is all fantasy.
What is found now is found then.
If you find nothing now,
you will simply end up with an apartment
in the City of Death.
If you make love with the divine now,
in the next life
you will have the face of satisfied desire.
So plunge into the truth,
find out who the Teacher is,
believe in the Great Sound!
Kabir says this:
When the Guest is being searched for,
it is the intensity of the longing for the Guest
that does all the work.
Look at me,
and you will see a slave of that intensity.
—Kabir, translated and rendered by Robert Bly
... de sire (of the Father) .. i never saw that, that is stunningggg🥰🎁
11:04 PaPa
HashAttack2, thank you for your help in responding to my question.
But where I live the borders have just been opened and I will drive the 1800 Kim’s to visit her plus lots of family and friends - all held captive in Melbourne Victoria Australia.
Like P I would love to know what the song was. 🎶
Grateful Thanks on Thanksgiving [Link]
Just saw! Hadnt seen lollll Didnt look. *already O.D.'d on wierdos
Voilà... des nouvelle nouvelles
Love Can Change the Stars (Athena 1954)
Wonder Why and I Can See You (Rich, Young and Pretty 1953)
Wonderful, Wonderful Day and When You're in Love (Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 1954)
Joyly, Saddened your mother can't go to the field, beautiful country Australia.
A big Oklahoma Hello to all.
When I visit mum we watch lots of Andrew Rieu and Phantom of the Opera. She loves it.
[HQ] Wonder Why (Duet) (Rich, Young & Pretty-1953) [Link]
Jane Powell - Wonderful, Wonderful Day (1954) [Link]
Vince Vance & The Valiants - All I Want for Christmas Is You - YouTube
Essentially a placebo. The inventor of the test said it was not intended to detect viruses.
"It can be observed that at Ct = 25, up to 70% of patients remain positive in culture and that at Ct = 30 this value drops to 20%. At Ct = 35, the value we used to report a positive result for PCR, <3% of cultures are positive."
That is, where the 97% false results come from.
The judges did criticize, that there is no official adecuate determination/limitation of the number of cycles (ct-value) for the use of the PCR-test. as a matter of fact it is even worse, in the instructions of WHO on how to use the test, it says: adjust the ct-value to 45.
"Program setting 1)Choose “Method” in the menu. (...) . f. Set cycle number 45".
[Link] page 10
In Germany we evaluate every finding with ct=<40 as a "Corona infection".