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Yemen, Houthi rebels agree to exchange 1,000 prisoners

© Mohammed Hamoud - Anadolu AgencyPeople greet their newly released relatives outside the Central Prison in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, on September 30, 2019.
The Yemeni government and Iran-backed Houthi rebels agreed to exchange more than 1,000 prisoners and detainees Saturday, according to government sources, Anadolu Agency reports.

Representatives from both sides met in Geneva to discuss the exchange of 1,008 prisoners and detainees.

Saudi Arabian soldiers will reportedly be included in the exchange but no information was shared about the number.

Yemen has been devastated by a conflict that escalated in March 2015 after Houthi rebels seized Sanaa and forced President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi to flee the country.

Comment: See also:


Federal judge blocks Trump's effort to ban TikTok from US app stores

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© REUTERS/Mike Blake
A US District judge has made an 11th hour intervention to block a federal government order prohibiting downloads of TikTok from app stores by American users.

US District Judge Carl Nichols issued a preliminary injunction, which would allow the popular app to still be on offer in Apple and Google stores, shortly before the ban was supposed to come into force on Sunday midnight. Earlier in the day, Nichols allowed a 90-minute hearing, where a lawyer representing TikTok made the case for it remaining available to users in the US.

Comment: See also:


Laurence Fox launches a new political party to fight the culture wars

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© Heathcliff O'Malley for The Telegraph'Over many years it has become clear that our politicians have lost touch with the people they represent and govern'.
Actor Laurence Fox is launching a political party to fight the culture wars after raising over £1 million, including substantial sums from former Tory donors, The Telegraph can disclose.

Fox hopes to stand dozens of candidates for his new party at the next general election to provide a political movement for people who are "tired of being told that we represent the very thing we have, in history, stood together against".

His aims include reforming publicly funded institutions, likely to include the BBC, and celebrating Britain's history and global contribution.

Comment: How long before this party is deemed 'racist' by the lefties?

See also:

Eye 2

6 months MORE of lockdown, a possible 'third wave' of coronavirus, by then a vaccine may be ready, government advisor warns

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© PAThe UK went into lockdown for the first time in March.
One of the government's scientific advisors has warned that a third wave of coronavirus in the UK is "entirely possible" if no vaccine is found.

Professor Mark Woolhouse, from the University of Edinburgh, said the current strategy of stopping flare-ups with lockdowns was failing to solve the problem "in the long-term".

Woolhouse, who sits on the government's advisory body that models pandemics, said a vaccine needed to be found to provide a lasting solution to the pandemic.

"The government's strategy is to sit this out for the next six months, that's what we're told," he told the BBC's The Andrew Marr Show on Sunday.

Comment: What easier way to get the public to beg to be vaccinated than to torture them for a year with lockdowns and then dangle the promise of 'freedom' and 'safety', but only if they take a vaccine - a vaccine that is still considered experimental and has yet to pass safety trials due to 'serious concerns'. However, this 'advisor' does leave the door open to alternatives, but god forbid what the Pathocrats might conjure up: Also check out SOTT radio's:


Sen. Johnson urges Barr to release Durham findings, not to delay until after election

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Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., scolded U.S. Attorney John Durham Sunday over his reported decision to hold off on revealing his findings of the investigation into the origins of the Russia probe until after the 2020 election, calling the move "political" in nature.

Johnson made the comments on "Sunday Morning Futures" after host Maria Bartiromo cited unnamed sources who confirmed it "unlikely" that Durham would release the full report or initiate prosecutions until after the November election.

"Maria, if what you're reporting is correct, it is incredibly disappointing that John Durham is not going to be reporting," Johnson said. "What's political is if he doesn't report."

Bad Guys

Stunning revelations expose FBI's Trump probe as dirtiest political trick in US history

FBI Trump
© Associated Press
It was always a witch hunt designed to "get Trump." Collusion was an illusion invented by a suspected Russian spy but zealously embraced by malevolent actors at the FBI and later by scheming prosecutors on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team of partisans.

These are the stunning revelations contained in two sets of newly declassified documents that pull back the curtain on the Russia Hoax, the dirtiest political trick in American history.

In testimony that is corroborated by records, FBI Special Agent William J. Barnett has exposed how the bureau's collusion investigation of Donald Trump was based on nothing more than "supposition on supposition" and devoid of any credible evidence.

Assigned to lead the bureau's original investigation into former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, Barnett came to realize that the case against Flynn was being engineered or manipulated as way to damage President Trump. Flynn, whose life and livelihood were ruined, became collateral damage.


Engineering Contagion: UPMC, Corona-Thrax and "The Darkest Winter", Pt. 4

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© University of Pittsburgh Medical CenterUMPC patch
Researchers at a BSL-3 lab tied to the organizers of the 2001 Dark Winter simulation, DARPA, and the post-9/11 biodefense industrial complex are genetically modifying anthrax to express Covid-19 components, according to FOIA documents.

Soon after having been fired from his post as secretary of the treasury in December 2002, after a policy clash with the president, Paul O'Neill became a trustee of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Despite having just worked under and clashed with George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, it wasn't until O'Neill began answering to UPMC CEO Jeffrey Romoff as a member of the Center's board that he chose to publicly denounce a superior as "evil."

"He wants to destroy competition. He wants to be the only game in town," O'Neill would later state of Romoff, adding that "after 18 months I quit [the UPMC board] in disgust" due to Romoff's "absolute control" over the board's actions. O'Neill subsequently noted that UPMC "board members who have wealth of hundreds of millions of dollars are not willing to take this guy on." When pressed by a local reporter, O'Neill further elaborated that he had been told by other board members that they were "afraid" of Romoff because Romoff might "harm them in some way."

Comment: See also:


Trump renews call for Biden to be drug tested for presidential debate

© Getty ImagesUS President Donald Trump • Former VP Joe Biden
President Trump on Sunday once again called on former Vice President Joe Biden to take a drug test as the two presidential candidates prepare for their first one-on-one face-off in Cleveland.

"I will be strongly demanding a Drug Test of Sleepy Joe Biden prior to, or after, the Debate on Tuesday night. Naturally, I will agree to take one also," the president said in a Twitter post. "His Debate performances have been record setting UNEVEN, to put it mildly. Only drugs could have caused this discrepancy???," he said.

The president has been pressing the Democratic presidential nominee for months about taking a drug test, questioning his uneven debate performances during the Democratic primary with Sen. Bernie Sanders. Trump said earlier this month in an interview on Fox & Friends:
"Well I don't know which Biden is going to show up because I watched him during the debates where they had 20 people on the stage ... and he was a disaster, you don't get worse. He was grossly incompetent. Then I watched him against Bernie and he was okay."
The president said he wondered if Biden's performances were enhanced in some way.


DOJ proposes Section 230 changes to Congress to limit social media protections

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© America's Future/Clipart.email/KJN
The Trump administration took a step forward in its fight against tech censorship.

Proposed draft legislation sent to Congress by the Justice Department on Wednesday takes aim at social media platforms by modifying Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, seeking to narrow the scope of the liability protections granted by the act and eliminate the protection altogether for platforms that facilitate illegal activities.

Attorney General William Barr said in a statement:
"For too long Section 230 has provided a shield for online platforms to operate with impunity. Ensuring that the internet is a safe, but also vibrant, open and competitive environment is vitally important to America. We therefore urge Congress to make these necessary reforms to Section 230 and begin to hold online platforms accountable both when they unlawfully censor speech and when they knowingly facilitate criminal activity online."
The Justice Department argued that online platforms have used the immunity from liability to censor certain types of lawful speech, and its proposal would revise and clarify the existing language while also providing greater guidance to platforms, users, and courts. In particular, the Trump administration seeks to add the statutory definition of "good faith" with regard to the way platforms will censor their users. The Justice Department also proposed changing language from "otherwise objectionable" content to "unlawful" and "promotes terrorism," which the agency argued would prevent platforms from removing content that they simply dislike.


'Unhinged': Biden compares Trump to Fidel Castro & Nazi Joseph Goebbels, vows to debate him cuz he's 'not very smart'

© Reuters/Kevin LamarqueFormer VP and Presidential Candidate Joe Biden
Joe Biden was slammed as "unhinged" by critics following an interview in which he compared US President Donald Trump to both Fidel Castro and infamous Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels in the space of less than a minute.

Asked by MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle about voters believing Trump's frequent accusations that Biden will push a socialist agenda as president, the former vice-president said he wasn't sure if there was anyone voting for Trump who hadn't already made up their mind.

"But who knows. He's sort of like Goebbels. You say the lie long enough, keep repeating it, repeating it, repeating it, it becomes common knowledge," he said, arguing that Trump was using the "socialist" attacks to "scare and distract" voters. He also accused him of "embracing dictators around the world" and then compared him to the late Fidel Castro.

"He's more Castro than Churchill," Biden declared.