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On this episode of Objective:Health, we talk more about the latest corona-craziness. President Trump announced a plan to have a Covid-19 vaccine available by the end of 2020. Dubbed 'Operation Warp Speed', the details of the plan seem to come straight out of the film Idiocracy.

Heading the operation, for instance, is GlaxoSmithKline vaccine chairman Moncef Slaoui, a man who oversaw the Pandemrix vaccine for swine flu in 2009 which resulted in over a thousand recipients getting brain damage. And remember that GSK has the distinction of paying the largest fine ever paid by a pharmaceutical company at $3 billion back in 2012 for covering up the deadly side effects of the diabetes drug Avandia.

Combine this with the fact that fastest ever vaccine development currently is four years, and the development of a coronavirus vaccine, while attempted many times, has never been successful (often with disasterous results) and you can see why an estimated one third of Americans are not willng to take the Covid-19 vaccine if and when it becomes available. These people are insane, and anyone willing to put their lives, and those of their families, in their hands are either ignorant or equally insane themselves.

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we look into the crazy details of Operation Warp(ed) Speed.

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Running Time: 00:31:14

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