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Trump says US election winner might not be known for months

© Getty ImagesUS President Donald Trump
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that Americans might not know the winner of the November presidential election for months due to disputes over mail ballots, building on his criticism of a method that could be used by half of U.S. voters this year.

Election experts have said it might take several days after the Nov. 3 election until a winner is known as officials will need time to count mail ballots that arrive after election day.

Speaking at a rally in Newport News, Virginia, Trump said he would prefer to find out quickly whether he won or lost, rather than wait for the mail ballots to come in.
"I like watching television and have, 'The winner is', right? You might not hear it for months, because this is a mess. It's very unlikely that you're going to hear a winner that night. I could be leading and then they'll just keep getting ballots, and ballots, and ballots and ballots. Because now they're saying the ballots can come in late."

Comment: See also:


Hostilities break out in Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenia and Azerbaijan on brink of war

nkr military
© Images by the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan (l) and Defense Ministry of Armenia (r)
Early in the morning of September 27, Azerbaijan began an intensive shelling of settlements in Nagorno-Karabakh, including the capital of the republic of Stepanakert, going on the offensive along the entire line of contact.

To date, it is known that the Azerbaijani side has lost four helicopters, ten tanks and fourteen unmanned aerial vehicles.

Comment: That number is up to 30 armored vehicles and 20 UAVs. Baku was still denying losses after these videos were shared, calling them 'lies and disinformation'.

Baku reported the destruction of 12 Armenian Osa anti-aircraft missile systems. There are casualties on both sides.

Comment: Drone footage of Azeri strikes on Armenian air defense:

The Armenian military continues to shoot down Azerbaijani military equipment, the Armenian Defense Ministry reports. Another video with the destruction of enemy equipment is being published by the press secretary of the department Shushan Stepanyan.

Comment: So far at least 16 are dead and over a hundred injured, according to Armenia's defense ministry. Azeri prosecutors say five members of the same family were killed in Armenian shelling on the village Gashalti.

NKR President Harutyunyan has declared martial law and announced a military conscription call for all males over 18. Azerbaijan followed suit shortly after in announcing martial law. Turkey has expressed their support for Azerbaijan and blamed Armenia, citing Azerbaijan's right to self-defense (taking a playbook from the IDF, are we?). Erdogan called on Armenians to stand against their government - the 'biggest threat to peace' in the region - and for the whole world to stand with Azerbaijan. To which Armenian PM Pashinyan responded by urging Turkey not to meddle. Russia vowed to continue mediation efforts and urged a halt to the fighting - Lavrov also spoke to his Turkish colleague about the need for a ceasefire. Putin has told Pashinyan that all military action needs to stop.

Armenia says it is considering recognizing Nagorno-Karabakh independence. It has also turned to the European human rights court to stop the Azeri attack.

Now, remember this from previous weeks:


Sketchy MSM poll shows Biden with 10-point lead over Trump

Trump Biden
© REUTERS / Tom Brenner; Jonathan Ernst
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leads President Trump by 10 points in an ABC News-Washington Post poll released Sunday.

Biden leads Trump 54 percent to 44 percent in a head-to-head match-up, but his lead drops to 49 percent to 43 percent when the Libertarian and Green Party candidates are included.

The survey found the president's overall approval at a relatively steady 44 percent. A majority of voters, 52 percent, continue to approve of Trump's handling of the economy. Forty percent approve of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic versus 58 percent who disapprove. Biden leads on who voters trust to handle the pandemic. However, his wider lead over the summer has contracted, from 54 percent to 34 percent in mid-July to 51 percent to 40 percent in September.

Comment: The Hill, in tandem with the rest of the MSM is punting this farce right down to the wire. Let's check in with reality as of September 23rd, via the much more reliable Rassmussen Reports :
Democratic nominee Joe Biden is back in the lead, just barely, in the latest Rasmussen Reports' weekly White House Watch survey.

The new national telephone and online survey finds Biden leading President Trump 48% to 47% among Likely U.S. Voters. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate. Just two percent (2%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The race has narrowed over the past three weeks and is now reminiscent of the closing weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign when Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton seesawed up and down within one or two points of each other in Rasmussen Reports polling.

Trump took his first lead last week, 47% to 46%, after Biden was ahead by two the week before. Three weeks ago marked the first time Trump had cleared the 45% mark since the weekly White House Watch began at the beginning of July.

The new survey finds Trump with 83% support among Republicans and a six-point lead among voters not affiliated with either major party. Biden has 83% of the Democrat vote.
Hardly a ten-point lead, and liable to vanish in a heartbeat. The upcoming debates ought to settle the matter, should they actually come off.


False Flags!

False Flags
© Corbett Report
If you're reading this column, it's highly likely you're familiar with "false flag" terrorism. You've at least heard the term before, right?

As I've had cause to note in my work in the past, the 2013 Atlantic Wire article, republished by Yahoo! News under the headline "What is a 'False Flag' Attack — and Was Boston One?" was, for me, a clear sign that the 9/11 Truth movement had accomplished at least one extremely important thing. Namely, it inserted the term "false flag" into the public conversation about terrorism so effectively that the mainstream was forced to address it.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, The Atlantic Wire's answer to that headline question was a resounding "No." But that's not important. What matters is that they had to address the topic at all. No longer could the establishment press feign ignorance of the very concept ("buT wHy wOuLd thE goVernMEnt AttAcK iTseLf?"), nor could they pretend that the idea of false flag terrorism was so outlandish and so confined to the fringes of mainstream discourse that it could be safely ignored. No, by 2013 any spectacular terrorist incident was quickly followed by an establishment denial that the event had been staged.

That is a major step. An important tool of control, used to pull the wool over the eyes of the public for centuries, had gone from a laughable fringe "conspiracy theory" to an openly acknowledged (and vigorously denied) conspiracy reality within the space of a decade.

But have we really learnt the lessons of history about false flag terrorism? Do we even really know what that term means? And would we recognize it if that trick was employed again in a different context?

Let's explore these questions with a quick overview of the history of false flag terrorism, its use in the present day, and what we can expect to see as we move into the age of biosecurity.

Red Flag

Best of the Web: Latest Media Corona Conspiracy Theory: 'Chinese Propaganda Tricked Western Nations into Lockdowns'

Comment: For months now, we're supposedly the conspiracy theorists, while they're all 'the sane ones'. And yet, throughout, Western media has promoted literal conspiracy theories in an attempt to inflate hysteria and panic, thereby justifying the WHO's phony BS about a 'killer virus' and Western governments' tyrannical power grabs.

Let's see what the kooks are saying now...

As the world continues to grapple with coronavirus and the economic catastrophe of lockdown, a disturbing new theory has emerged.
CCP virus china
The above graphic was made earlier this year to go with content accusing China of DOWNPLAYING the extent and fatality of Covid-19. But, claims an MSM conspiracy theorist, that turns out to have been diabolically clever double reverse psychology by the Chinese govt...
Did China trick the world into committing economic suicide?

As the global community continues to grapple with the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic - and the economic catastrophe caused by the associated "lockdowns" imposed by governments around the world - a chilling new theory has emerged.

It goes like this - China, in an enormous disinformation campaign spread via social media and through compromised voices in Western politics, science and medicine, aggressively pushed for other nations to follow its lead, with the goal of intentionally destroying their economies.

Comment: By intentionally risking its own first?

That's according to Michael Senger, a lawyer and researcher based in Atlanta, Georgia. In an article for Tablet Magazine, Senger has laid out a disturbing timeline of evidence that, if true, hints at what could be the most effective and devastating psy-op ever carried out by a world government.

Comment: The "most effective and devastating psy-op ever carried out by a world government" is certainly underway, but it's being carried out by the largely WESTERN-controlled World Government.

"By promoting fraudulent data, aggressively deploying disinformation, and flexing its institutional clout, Beijing transformed the snake oil of lockdowns into 'science', crippling rival economies, expanding its influence and sowing authoritarian values," Senger writes on Twitter.

Comment: So China made us do it, huh. Wow. The Russians may have 'made us vote for their agent Trump', but the Chinese 'made us destroy Western civilization'. Without firing a single shot! They are then, presumably, vastly more intelligent than 'us'...

Comment: What a crooked theory. It's also funny though, if you follow through its implications: forget Russians being so cunning and deviant as to be able to rig US elections through handfuls of Facebook posts. Now China controls ALL Western leaders through handfuls of tweets!

As batsh*t crazy as this conspiracy theory is, with just a few tweaks here and there, you can see how it's a good fit for a homegrown "most effective and devastating psy-op ever carried out by a world government..."

Bad Guys

Lebanon's prime minister-designate steps down in blow to French initiative

Baabda Adib
© APIn this photo released by Lebanon's official government photographer Dalati Nohra, Lebanese President Michel Aoun, left, meets with Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Mustapha Adib, at the Presidential Palace in Baabda, east of Beirut, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020.
Lebanon's prime minister-designate quit on Saturday after trying for almost a month to line up a non-partisan cabinet, failing despite French pressure on sectarian leaders to rally together to deal with the worst crisis since a 1975-1990 civil war.

Mustapha Adib, former ambassador to Berlin, was picked on Aug. 31 to form a cabinet.

He had tried to form a government of specialists in a nation where power is shared between Muslims and Christians and political loyalties tend to follow sectarian lines.

Comment: See also:


Those who destroyed Yemen must be prosecuted for war crimes

Yemen Sanaa
© MOHAMMED HUWAIS/AFP via Getty ImagesWorkers search through debris at a warehouse, after it was reportedly hit in an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition, in the Yemeni capital Sanaa on July, 2, 2020.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recently announced that it was providing $204 million in aid for the impoverished and war-ravaged country of Yemen. That sounds generous, but it's the Saudi royals themselves who are responsible for most of the death, destruction, starvation, and disease in Yemen, in which 80 percent of the population, some 24 million, need outside assistance.

Riyadh has spent more than five years conducting a brutal air campaign intended to restore a pliant regime to power. The claim that the Kingdom is generously helping the needy is a bit like a man murdering his parents only to throw himself on the court's mercy since he is an orphan. If Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman wanted to help the Yemeni people, he would simply end the war.

But he won't, at least in part because the Trump administration is underwriting the Saudi government's murderous campaign. Why is the president forcing Americans to assist the Saudi royals, who respect no political or religious liberty and kidnap, imprison, and murder their critics? President Donald Trump appears to be almost bewitched by the licentious and corrupt Saudis.

Washington sold Saudi Arabia planes and munitions used to kill thousands of Yemeni civilians. American personnel serviced and refueled the same planes, as well as providing intelligence to assist in targeting Saudi strikes. That makes U.S. officials complicit in war crimes committed day in and day out for more than five years.

Comment: See also:


America would seem to be finished

About twenty years ago The Atlantic published a piece by Jeffrey Tayler named "Russia is finished" subtitled "The unstoppable descent of a once great power into social catastrophe and strategic irrelevance." Not a very successful prediction was it? But what he did was fashionable at the time - he described what was happening in Russia in the nineties and made a straight-line projection from there. His error was assuming the continuation of the straight line - and he made the error because he thought Russia was only "Zaire With Permafrost".

My purpose in this essay is to apply the points that the author made about Russia twenty years ago to the United States of America today and adopt a simple straight-line projection based on a corresponding view of American history. This is not so much because I think that America really is finished - after all, as Adam Smith observed, there is a great deal of ruin in a nation, and America has seen hard times before - but in order to illustrate the perilous position America is in today. As the author of the Atlantic piece must now understand, straight-line predictions are always risky because - as happened in Russia - other forces can appear to change the "unstoppable descent". But a straight-line prediction from the American situation as of the autumn of 2020 does point to an "unstoppable descent" into "social catastrophe and strategic irrelevance".


General Gerasimov says Russia trains troops to AVOID conflict amid ongoing US/NATO sorties: 'They're OK with this, we aren't'

russia jet escort US bomber black sea NATO
© RIA Novosti / Russian Ministry of DefenceA Russian fighter jet escorts a USAF B-52 bomber over Black Sea
Although Moscow's calls to discuss close encounters with the US and its NATO bloc have fallen on deaf ears, it will train troops to make sure these frequent mid-air incidents don't get out of hand, a top Russian general has said.

Russian armed forces have registered "almost 30 NATO strategic aircraft quite close to our borders" over the last month, Valery Gerasimov, chief of the Russian military's General Staff, said during a sit-down interview with RT. Those sorties, involving reconnaissance airplanes, have happened over the Black and Baltic seas, the Arctic Ocean and to the east of Russia, General Gerasimov revealed, adding, "We are wary of these frequent US/NATO air missions close to our borders."

Bad Guys

Americans call for removing FBI Director Christopher Wray after he downplays violent threat of Antifa

christopher wray hearing antifa
© CBSNChristopher Wray testifies at a congressional hearing.
This led many on social media to call for the termination of Wray from his FBI post.

FBI director Christopher Wray, who downplayed Antifa violence and their organizational ability, is nowhere to be seen in the wake of massive civil unrest that saw two officers shot in Louisville last night. This led many on social media to call for the termination of Wray from his FBI post.

Wray said earlier this month that the recent violence during protests and riots "does not appear to be organized or attributed to one particular group or even movement."