Puppet MastersS


'Reboot relations': Putin invites US to exchange pledges on non-interference in elections, other internal affairs

© Sputnik / Mikhail Klimentyev
Earlier this year, despite failing to find any substantive evidence of Russian meddling in the US elections process in 2016, some American officials began alleging that Moscow is once again using a "range of measures" to interfere in the 2020 race, ostensibly to "denigrate" Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited the United States to exchange pledges of non-interference in internal politics as part of a large-scale programme aimed at resetting Russian-US cooperation in the field of international information security.

"One of today's major strategic challenges is the risk of a large-scale confrontation in the digital field. A special responsibility for its prevention lies with the key players in the field, for ensuring international information security. In this regard, we would like to once again address the US with a suggestion to agree on a comprehensive programme of practical measures to reboot our relations in the field of security in the use of information and communication technologies," a statement by the president released by the Kremlin on Friday said.

Apple Red

Ice Age Farmer Report: US rep - "Food shortages are coming" - Crops destroyed - UK limits purchases

food shortages
Rep. Scott from Georgia warns that "food shortages are coming." Farms are destroying crops, plowing under fields without the labor to harvest them!

As new laws accelerate the demise of California's agriculture, Washington's governor commits an act of agricultural terrorism, emblematic of the wholesale attack on food production across the world.

UK's Morrisons resumes rationing of pasta and canned goods, and "Safety Marshalls" and police are being deployed to ensure social distancing -- as Boris Johnson deploys the Army to assist. The scene is set for food shortages. Start growing your own today.


Light Sabers

Madrid's local authorities resist Spanish government's pressure to impose regional lockdown

madrid protest lockdown
The Spanish government has recommended reimposing a partial lockdown on all of Madrid city to curb the spread of coronavirus after local authorities imposed restrictions on just some areas of the wider region, the health minister said on Friday.
The Spanish government has recommended reimposing a partial lockdown on all of Madrid city to curb the spread of coronavirus after local authorities imposed restrictions on just some areas of the wider region, the health minister said on Friday.

"These are the minimum measures we have to take to control the spread of the virus in the city," Salvador Illa told reporters.

Spain, one of the countries in Europe worst-affected by the pandemic, was under a draconian lockdown from March until May in which people could not leave their homes. But after restrictions were totally lifted on June 21, the pandemic has surged again.

Comment: As noted by officials seeing a similar situation in Russia, this surge in cases - not deaths, nor hospitalizations - seen throughout the world, was both predictable and is not a cause for concern.

Comment: Encouragingly, defiance of these regional lockdowns has support from local authorities throughout Europe; in Leicester, England, the Mayor decried that there was "no evidence" to justify the draconian measures, and more recently Marseille's Mayor called out the governments tyrranical demands as 'unjustified and irrational'.

It's notable that while those in central government are enthusiastically calling for citizen spying and harsh measures that will surely wreck the economy, those working on the ground, amongst those effected are much more reluctant to do so. And this is probably because local officials can see that the pandemic propaganda does not match reality, and they are on the frontline as citizen come to realise that this mayhem has been, for them, all for nothing.

Footage of the recent protests in Madrid, that have been ongoing for nearly a week, has been posted on Twitter:

See also: Also check out SOTT radio's:


'Why bother?': Pelosi repeats that Biden should skip debates

nancy pelosi
Less than a week before the first presidential debate, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she still doesn't think Joe Biden should face off against President Trump.

The California Democrat said on Friday her concerns have nothing to do with the Democratic nominee, noting she has no doubt Biden would be "excellent," but rather, they are about Trump's relationship with the truth.

"I just think that the president has no fidelity to fact or truth and, actually in his comments the last few days, no fidelity to the Constitution of the United States," Pelosi said on Morning on CBS. "He and his henchmen are a danger, with their comments, are a danger to our democracy."

Comment: Pelosi, of course, fails to mention the elephant in the room - that it seems unlikely Biden is mentally capable of a live debate with Trump given his seeming (but unconfirmed) continued battle with dementia. It's all well and good to blame Trump's 'relationship with the truth', but what is likely a more pressing concern is Biden's state of health.

See also:


Israeli PM Netanyahu said to literally bring dirty laundry to White House on state trips

netanyahu trump
The office of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu denied that he has been bringing laundry for dry-cleaning on state trips, calling the allegations "groundless" and aimed to "belittle" the peace agreement brokered by the White House for Israel, the UAE and Bahrain.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife have allegedly been bringing "suitcases" of dirty laundry to the White House when arriving for state trips, the Washington Post reported.

According to the report, the Netanyahus have been misusing the hospitality of the presidential guest house, where all visitors have their clothes dry-cleaned as a perk, by bringing a lot more dirty laundry with them than they plan to use in the state trip.

Comment: See also:


Ron Paul hospitalized after suffering apparent medical incident during live stream

ron paul
Ron Paul hospitalized after suffering apparent medical incident during live stream.
Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) was hospitalized on Friday after apparently suffering a medical incident during a livestream event.

Paul, 85, was hospitalized in Texas for "precautionary" reasons, Fox News reported.

The former congressman later tweeted from his hospital bed that he's "doing fine."

Comment: Our hearts and prayers go out to Dr. Paul and his family. He's one of the few putting up the good fight!

See also:


The false flag poisoning of Alexei Navalny

© Navalny instagram via APTuesday, Sept. 22, 2020: Navalny poses for a photo in a hospital in Berlin.
On August 20th, Russian opposition figure and self-styled "anti-corruption" activist Alexei Navalny fell seriously ill while in mid-flight from Tomsk, Siberia to the Russian capital. The Moscow-bound plane was abruptly re-routed to make an emergency landing in the Siberian city of Omsk where the anti-Kremlin politician was subsequently hospitalized for suspected poisoning and placed in a medically-induced coma.

Two days later, Navalny was airlifted to Germany in an evacuation arranged by a Berlin-based "human rights" NGO at the request of Pussy Riot spokesman Pyotr Verzilov. His transport on a medically-equipped plane with German specialists was permitted by the Russian authorities who now stand accused of culpability in the alleged attack, all in the midst of the ongoing pandemic.

While the Russian doctors in Omsk (who saved Navalny's life) maintain they did not find any evidence of chemical weapons substances in his system, upon examination the German government quickly announced that its military lab had discovered "unequivocal evidence" Navalny was poisoned by a Soviet-era Novichok nerve agent and demanded an explanation from the Kremlin — without providing any of said evidence to Moscow or the public, of course.

Despite being the supposed victim of an extremely deadly military-grade nerve agent, three weeks later Navalny came out his comatose state and off ventilation, defiantly vowing a return to Russia. Was he ever tested for COVID-19? At this point it seems more likely than this propaganda stunt we are expected to believe.

Comment: See also:

Control Panel

Washington puts further pressure on Trump to blame and sanction Russia for Navalny poisoning

Putin and Trump
© TwitterUS-Russia relations could be headed for another deep freeze if US lawmakers have their way in punishing Moscow for the alleged poisoning of Russian opposition leader.
Trump is under heavy pressure to take a punitive stance on Moscow's alleged poisoning of opposition figure Alexei Navalny

On September 24, a bipartisan group of US senators proposed sanctions against Russian officials over the alleged poisoning of the opposition politician Alexei Navalny in Siberia recently.

A targeted bill titled Holding Russia Accountable for Malign Activities Act of 2020 has been introduced by five prominent senators - Chris Coons, Marco Rubio, Ben Cardin, Mitt Romney and Chris Van Hollen.

The bill directs the administration to determine if the Kremlin has violated US laws prohibiting the use of chemical and biological weapons.

Significantly, it also requires a report on the personal wealth amassed by the corrupt practices of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his inner circle.

Comment: Boy oh boy do these rabid Russia-haters want to get some dirt on Putin. Till then though, they'll just have to keep making stuff up.

Senator Coons, who is leading the initiative, represents Delaware, the senate seat held by Joe Biden for 36 years from January 1973 till he took over as vice-president.

The senators have demonized Putin. Senator Coons said, "this bipartisan bill seeks to hold Putin and his inner circle accountable."

Comment: See also:

Arrow Down

Battlefield cyberspace? Iranian military proposes video game in which it saves George Floyd's life

George Floyd
© AFP / StringerL) Memorial and mural that honors George Floyd at the Scott Food Mart corner store in Houston's Third Ward Getty Images/Joe Raedle; (R) Iranian President Hassan Rouhani attends a military parade during a ceremony marking the country's annual army day in Tehran, on April 18, 2019.
A commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has suggested creating a video game in which the country's militia forces would rescue George Floyd from his fatal encounter with US police.

The concept was proposed by Mohammad Reza Naqdi, a senior officer of the armed forces branch, during a Wednesday conference on the Iranian military's digital efforts. Naqdi's idea is to "take back cyberspace" from the US by producing local content.

Naqdi underscored the artistic potential for a political statement in such a game, by saying that Floyd's death has become a "global issue."

The 'Save George Floyd' game is expected to be a mobile and computer game, with saving the "black citizen from the American police" being the core design element, according to Naqdi.

Comment: The Iranian military officials need to educate themselves, because aligning with an infiltrated color revolution movement is not worthy of support and won't help anybody, and, meanwhile, there are actual criticisms of the US that need addressing and are worthy of hijacking for their propaganda, unless they want to become like the monsters they claim to despise?

Bad Guys

'Unjustified and irrational': Marseille's Mayor 'astonished' by new French lockdown rules

Marseille lockdown
© ReutersMarseille has been put on maximum alert amid a rise in coronavirus cases nationwide
France is set to close all restaurants and bars in its second city Marseille, prompting anger from local officials.

The move, which will come into effect from Saturday, follows a recent upsurge in coronavirus cases nationwide.

France recorded more than 13,000 coronavirus cases on Wednesday, a record since restrictions were eased.

But Marseille Mayor Michèle Rubirola said she was not consulted about the decision and had been left feeling "astonished and angry".

Comment: This tells us that these measures aren't because of the facts of the ground but because of a political command passed on down from upon high.

"The Marseille town hall was not consulted. Nothing in the health situation justifies these announcements," she wrote on Twitter.

"I won't allow the people of Marseille to become the victims of political decisions that no-one understands," she added.

Comment: See also: Also check out SOTT radio's: