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Ice Age Farmer Report: "CLIMATE LOCKDOWN" - The end game becomes clear: Post-human future

A "Climate Lockdown," to extend into perpetuity, reveals the true nature of #COVID1984: normalization of the police state, "climate tracing" and now "climate lockdown" as technocrats shove society towards their post-human future. Their hand is forced as the Global Warming narrative breaks down and the Modern Grand Solar Minimum goes mainstream. In their panic, they are seizing for total control -- we are at a demarcation point: we either fight now, or forever lose the opportunity. Christian breaks it down on this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.



Biden reality vs. Trump rumor: 2016 video shows Biden calling US troops 'stupid bastards'

biden troops
New video has surfaced showing Joe Biden addressing troops at a military base instructing them to "clap for that, you stupid bastards."
New video has surfaced showing Joe Biden addressing troops at a Al-Dharfra Air Base instructing them to "clap for that, you stupid bastards."

The clip, which is only 15 seconds and hasn't any other context than the former Vice President's words, shows Biden and wife Dr. Jill Biden standing before a room of troops.

"Notwithstanding what you might have heard about me," Biden said, "one, I have very good judgement, I married Jill, and two, I appointed Johnson to the Academy, I just want you to know that. Clap for that, you stupid bastards."

Was Biden trying to imitate John Wayne or some sort of "tough guy" character? Whatever it was, it did not land with the troops.

If it's a joke, it should be noted that the establishment press has been reporting every single joke Trump has uttered since 2016 as if he was serious.


Trump's $500B Black America plan designates KKK, Antifa as 'terrorist organizations'

Trump podium
© Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty ImagesUS President Donald Trump
President Trump's plan for Black America designates the KKK and Antifa as terrorist organizations and calls for making lynching a national hate crime, while pledging to increase access to capital in Black communities by nearly $500 billion, Fox News has learned.

The president on Friday is expected to roll out details of what the campaign is calling the "Platinum Plan," which details "opportunity," "security," "prosperity," and "fairness" for the Black Community. The president is expected to say Friday, according to remarks exclusively obtained by Fox News:
"For decades, Democrat politicians like Joe Biden have taken Black voters for granted. They made you big promises before every election — and then the moment they got to Washington, they abandoned you and sold you out. The Democrats will always take Black voters for granted until large numbers of Black Americans vote Republican."
The president is expected to tout the plan as "a bold vision that we can and will achieve over the next four years."

Comment: View President Trump's plan on Scribd.


Russia to launch new probe into possible poisoning of Magnitsky

Sergej Magnitsky
Sergej Magnitsky
Russian investigators have launched a new probe into the case of Hermitage Capital auditor Sergei Magnitsky to check the version claiming that a poisoning agent might have caused his death, Nikolai Gorokhov, attorney representing Magnitsky's mother, informed TASS.

"Currently, the investigation is conducting a new probe into the Magnitsky case. We have not been acquainted with the materials of the probe, however, I think that it is related to the version of the lawyer's poisoning by a military-grade poisoning agent. This version was first voiced during a press conference at the Russian Prosecutor General's Office in 2018," the attorney said.



Oh, look, he's not dead again! But Kim Jong-un's apology for the death of a South Korean is the real surprise of 2020

soldiers/Kim Jong-Un
© Getty Images/Park Tae-hyun-Korea/Pyeongyang Press CorpsN. Korean soldiers look to Panmunjom, South Korea • N. Korean leader Kim Jong Un
I've visited North Korea six times, and studied it closely for years. This is a country that never admits its mistakes, so for the North Korean leader to say sorry for his soldiers shooting a government official is a big deal.

North Korea, an already secretive and isolated country, has responded to the Covid-19 pandemic by sealing itself off from the world even further, instituting tight border controls. It's therefore difficult to know how they are coping with things.

Yet in the midst of the silence, some equally unpleasant news emerged this week. It was reported that a South Korean fisheries official had crossed into the North's territory by boat. Soldiers responded by capturing him, shooting him and burning his body with oil. Understandably, the abrupt news of the ugly killing provoked disgust and outrage in Seoul, and was a massive slap in the face to a pro-peace administration which has been tolerant towards Pyongyang. Only days before the incident, South Korean leader Moon Jae-in had called for a formal end to the Korean War. Who wouldn't be mad at this turn of events?

Yet the unfortunate news was met with an equally unusual response on North Korea's part. Its supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, swiftly issued an official apology to the South, saying the killing was a "disgraceful affair" and that he was "very sorry" for the incident and for "disappointing" his neighbour.

Eye 1

DOJ: FBI used Steele Dossier to spy on Trump, knowing its primary sub-source was a suspected 'Russian agent'

© Reuters/Tom BrennerU.S. Attorney General William Barr
The FBI was aware of a counterintelligence investigation into the man Christopher Steele relied on for his Trump-Russia dossier, but kept renewing the FISA warrant to spy on the president anyway, according to a damning new letter.

The dossier compiled by British spy Christopher Steele, paid through the firm Fusion GPS by Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, was used by the FBI to obtain a warrant to spy on Trump campaign aide Carter Page in October 2016, prior to the presidential election. The warrant was renewed after Donald Trump was elected president and finally expired sometime in late 2017.

In a redacted two-page memo made public on Thursday by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), the US Department of Justice reveals that Steele's "primary sub-source" (PSS) had been under FBI investigation in 2009 as a possible Russian agent. The FBI team going after Trump (Crossfire Hurricane) became aware of this in December 2016 and interviewed the PSS in January 2017 - then renewed the Page FISA warrant three more times anyway.


The Left wants regime change and 'Court packing'

Supreme Court/flag
© Carlos Barria/ReutersSupreme Court: US flag at half mast following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Progressives no longer think our institutions and constitutional structures are legitimate. Constitutional revolution is going mainstream.

After delivering lectures about political norms for the entirety of the Trump era — often with good cause — much of the Left is now threatening to kneecap an important institution of American government on a partisan vote in an act of ideological vengeance.

If the Republican Senate confirms a Trump appointee to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Supreme Court seat right before or after the election, progressives say Democrats, if they sweep in November, should retaliate by packing the Supreme Court.

This would do vastly more damage to the governing structure of the country than anything Donald Trump has said or done, but respectable center-left outlets like The New Yorker and Vox have run pieces advocating it and Democratic leaders are making fraught "all options on the table" statements.

Comment: A 'Trump win'...raises the possibility of "mass unrest and political violence across American cities." How is that different from now?


Rand Paul on issues from no-knock raids to arguing COVID with Dr. Fauci

Rand Paul/Fauci
© GOPUSA/Joshua Roberts/Getty Images/KJNSenator Rand Paul • Dr. Anthony Fauci
Rand Paul is often the most reasonable voice in American representative politics. A libertarian, and one with views that could be classified as "anti-conservative" (though not liberal), Rand, like his father Ron, arrive at their viewpoints though remarkable efforts at critical thinking. This makes it very difficult to pin Senator Paul down as any kind of ideologue. This is a good thing.

Then the video deals with Dr Fauci. This segment starts at [02:49] and is important.

The Senator believes that herd immunity has taken hold in New York to explain why there are no new virus cases or deaths now in New York, after the state suffered the worst damage from COVID-19 of any single jurisdiction in the world (over 33,000 deaths).

This second video is much more in-depth and with much more searching and serious questions. This is good to watch for perspective and information.


Is Australia's Kim Jong Dan finally on the ropes? An inquiry into his abysmal handling of Covid-19 could signal his demise

dan andrews
© Getty Images / Darrian TraynorVictoria Premier Daniel Andrews looks on during the daily coronavirus (COVID-19) briefing on August 05, 2020 in Melbourne, Australia.
The premier of the state of Victoria, who's instituted some of the most draconian lockdown rules in the world, is under mounting pressure and calls for his resignation are mounting by the day.

There is an old political adage that politicians should never establish an inquiry unless they know the likely outcome.

Evidence presented this week at an inquiry into Victoria's Covid-19 second wave, established by Premier Dan Andrews, suggests that he may have failed to heed this advice. That evidence was so damning of Andrews that calls for him to resign have reached fever pitch and the Victorian opposition has foreshadowed a motion of no confidence in him.

Andrews is due to give evidence to the inquiry on Friday, and only an extraordinary performance can end the crisis that has engulfed him.

Andrews established the inquiry in July in a cynical attempt to shut down criticism of his government's decision to employ inexperienced security guards to supervise Victoria's Covid-19 hotel quarantine regime. It was the catastrophic failure of this regime that led to Victoria's second wave, despite Andrews instituting some of the most draconian lockdown restrictions in the world.

These include police being able to enter properties without a warrant, and arrest people for not wearing their face masks properly or for posting things on social media that contradict the dear leader, as a pregnant woman found out.

Comment: Health Minister Mikakos has resigned. Dan Andrews threw her under the bus and claimed she was the one 'accountable' for the hotel quarantine scheme. He should follow her, but that is unlikely.

At least the opposition is still calling for his resignation:
Meanwhile, Victoria's opposition is calling for Mr Andrews to follow Ms Mikakos and resign. "It's about time this Premier took responsibility for what he's done to this state. It's about time he followed Jenny Mikakos out the door and give Victoria a fresh start," opposition leader Michael O'Brien said on Saturday.

Mr Andrews, however, dismissed the calls, stating: "I don't run from problems and challenges".
More like, "I don't take responsibility for being a spineless tyrant."

Sure, this inquiry uncovered stunning incompetence at all levels, but still, it is operating on the assumption that someone needs to be held accountable for causing this "second wave" (which amounts to more of a pond ripple caused by a small pebble than a wave), not the stunning malevolence of a government adopting totalitarian policies and treating its own citizens like chattel in some communist hellhole.


Governor Ron DeSantis lifts all COVID-19 restrictions on Florida restaurants

Ron DeSantis
© AP/Tampa Bay Times/John Pendygraft
Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Friday morning that Florida is moving into full Phase 3 of its reopening.

The order specifically lifts COVID-19 restrictions on restaurants.

Restaurants can now operate at a minimum of 50% capacity -- meaning they are fully open. Gov. DeSantis says if local governments try to restrict the reopening of any restaurant, they need state's approval.

Phase 3 also states that bars, pubs and nightclubs that derive more than 50 percent of sales from alcohol should operate at full capacity with limited social distancing protocols.

Since the state's number of cases peaked in July, the number of new infections have steadily declined.