Harrison Koehli, Corey Schink, Adam Daniels
Sott.netSat, 26 Jan 2019 17:00 UTC
It shouldn't have been newsworthy. Just a few years ago, it wouldn't have provoked much of a reaction. But a smiling teenager and a drumming Native American have caused a firestorm of commentary, invective, heated emotions, and calls for violence. What is it that causes otherwise intelligent people to seemingly turn into halfwits when confronted by such non-events? What provides the template for the stereotyped and 'proper' response to the encounter we've all seen repeatedly and which has been analyzed to death by mainstream media and the Twitter commentariat?
Today on the Truth Perspective we once again mine Andrew Lobaczewski's
Political Ponerology for clues to help us understand the puzzling new reality we find ourselves in: how ideologies degenerate, how and why polarization grips nations, what we had to ignore in order to get to this point, and what we have to learn in order to stop it from progressing or from happening again.
Running Time: 01:28:11
Download: MP3
Previous instalments in our series on ponerology:
Corey Schink was born and raised in the Midwestern United States, where he worked on farms and as a welder, musician, and social worker. His interests in government, philosophy and history led to his writing for SOTT in 2012 and to becoming a SOTT editor and SOTT Radio co-host in 2014. He now resides in North Carolina, where he enjoys the magnificent views of the Appalachian Mountains.
Adam joined the editorial team in 2014 and is a co-host of
MindMatters. His particular interests include philosophy, history, exercise science, and technology. He particularly dislikes Critical Race Theory and people who're so afraid of death that they prevent others from living. He also knows kung fu.
Harrison Koehli co-hosts SOTT Radio Network's
MindMatters, and is an editor for
Red Pill Press. He has been interviewed on several North American radio shows about his writings on the study of ponerology. In addition to music and books, Harrison enjoys tobacco and bacon (often at the same time) and dislikes cell phones, vegetables, and fascists (commies too).
I've just had my internet fixed from a meager 0.4 mb/sec to 6.0 mb/sec (it had been like back when I was on dial-up) and can now dowload them properly again and catch reruns will driving.