Society's ChildS

People 2

Toronto police cause confusion with post about missing 'woman' with a goatee

toronto missing 'woman'
© Toronto Police Service
Clown world Canada.

Toronto Police caused confusion on Twitter after posting about a missing 'woman' despite the accompanying picture showing a biological male with a goatee.

"News Release - Missing Woman, Ryerson Avenue and Bathurst Street area, Isobella Degrace, 27," stated the Twitter post.


Best of the Web: Jordan Peterson: I'd rather die than delete truthful tweet for cancel creeps

jordan peterson daily wire
© DailyWire+
A few days ago, I penned an irritated tweet in response to one of the latest happenings on the increasingly heated culture war front in response to the decision of an actress (actor) named Ellen (Elliot) Page. I am employing this awkward and impossible multiple-naming style because it is now apparently mandatory — and probably doing it wrong, nonetheless, as "you're doing it wrong" is the whole point of what has been made mandatory — but also to make a point.

I have essentially been banned from Twitter as a consequence. I say banned, although technically I have been suspended. But the suspension will not be lifted unless I delete the "hateful" tweet in question, and I would rather die than do that. And hopefully it will not come to that, although who the hell knows in these increasingly strange days?

Comment: See also:


New York City Mayor says he will mandate COVID vaccines for children this fall

nyc mayor eric adams
New York City has famously handled COVID as poorly as any city on earth.

From the initial surge and horrific death rates due in part to sending COVID positive patients back into nursing homes to infect other elderly residents, to masking toddlers, to private business vaccine mandates and discriminatory vaccine passports, New York has been a leading example of what not to do.

While former mayor Bill de Blasio was responsible for many of the city's terrible policies, current mayor Eric Adams has made a concerted effort to double down and make them even worse.

Comment: See also:


Alabama cites Supreme Court abortion decision in transgender youth case

Jodi Womack trans
© Julie Bennett | Getty ImagesJodi Womack holds a sign that reads “We Love Our Trans Youth” during a rally at the Alabama State House to draw attention to anti-transgender legislation introduced in Alabama on March 30, 2021 in Montgomery, Alabama.
Just days after the U.S. Supreme Court abolished women's constitutional right to abortion, Alabama has cited that ruling in a bid to outlaw parents from obtaining puberty blockers and certain other medical treatment for their transgender children.

The citation came in an appeal by Alabama's attorney general seeking to lift a federal court injunction that partially blocked enforcement of a newly enacted state ban on medical interventions for youth whose gender identity is at odds with their birth sex.

The appeal is believed to mark the first time a state has expressly invoked the recent Supreme Court opinion overturning its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion and applied the same reasoning to a separate issue bearing on other rights.

Comment: See also:


High court rejects COVID-19 shot mandate case from New York

supreme court US
© Getty ImagesThe U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, DC
The Supreme Court declined on Thursday to take up a case involving a COVID-19 vaccine requirement for health care workers in New York that does not offer an exemption for religious reasons.

The court's action follows a decision in December in which the justices declined an emergency request to halt the requirement. At the time, doctors, nurses and other medical workers who said they were being forced to choose between their jobs and religious beliefs.

Three conservative justices — Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito — dissented earlier and did so again Thursday.

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Microscope 2

Virologist who tried to discredit the lab leak theory was once a 'partner' to EcoHealth Alliance

virologist Ian Lipkin
© kris krügColumbia University virologist Ian Lipkin has coauthored several articles with EcoHealth Alliance since 2011.
A virologist who coauthored a paper marginalizing the lab leak theory did not disclose his ties to the research group at the center of it.

Director of Columbia University's Center for Infection and Immunity Ian Lipkin has often worked with EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based collaborator of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the group confirmed in an email.

EcoHealth Alliance listed Lipkin as a "partner" from 2012 to 2014, an archived version of the group's website shows. Lipkin has coauthored at least ten scientific papers with EcoHealth researchers from 2011 to 2021, EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak said in an email. These publications include a paper about novel coronaviruses EcoHealth and its partners sampled around the world.

EcoHealth Alliance hunts for novel viruses in wildlife and funds research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Lipkin did not disclose his partnership with EcoHealth in "The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2," a highly influential paper that states that COVID-19 arose from nature.


Poland ditches benefits for Ukrainian refugees

Ukrainian refugees on the Polish border.
© AFP / Wojtek RadwanskiUkrainian refugees on the Polish border.
Four months is enough to adapt and start earning on you own, the country's commissioner for refugees says.

Poland will stop providing financial aid to Ukrainian refugees in the country on Friday, the country's deputy interior minister and commissioner for refugees has said.

From July 1, the government will cease providing 40 Polish zloty (around $9) per day for food and accommodation to refugees, Pawel Szefernaker told Rzeczpospolita newspaper.
"We are convinced that many people in Poland are capable of becoming independent and adapting," he said.
The move is aimed at encouraging more Ukrainians "to be active" and start looking for jobs, the official explained.
"Four months of full protection is, in our opinion, enough time to adapt in the country," he insisted.

Comment: See Also:


As West blames Moscow for 'food crisis', ships sail from Mariupol with Moscow's help while Ukraine holds vessels in its ports

Azov Concord cargo ship
© Sputnik / Pavel LisitsynThe Azov Concord cargo ship under the flag of Malta leaves the seaport of Mariupol, using the humanitarian corridor organized by the Russian military, in the Donetsk People's Republic.
Without much notice in the West, on June 21, the first foreign ship departed from the Port of Mariupol since Ukrainian and foreign mercenary forces were fully forced out of the Donbass city a month prior. Escorted by Russian naval boats, the vessel's departure set the precedent for a resumption of normal port activity to and from Mariupol.

Russia's Defense Ministry on May 20 announced the liberation of the Azovstal plant from Ukraine's Nazi Azov Battalion, and some days later stated that sappers had demined an area of one and a half million square meters around the city's port.

In early June, the ministry declared the facility ready for use anew. "The de-mining of Mariupol's port has been completed. It is functioning normally, and has received its first cargo ships," Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said at the time.


Eulogy for Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko, a selfless Truth Warrior

Dr. Vladimir
Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko, 1973 – June 30, 2022
Dr. Zelenko last wrote to me on June 10 asking help in promoting his memoir, which should come out in about two months.

It is entitled Zelenko. How to Decapitate the Serpent. Please watch for the opportunity to pre-order.
It is with immense sorrow that we announce the passing of our founder Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko. Dr. Zelenko was a physician, scientist, and activist for medical rights who touched the lives of millions of people. Some were saved as his role as a doctor, and even more were inspired by his words. His "Zelenko Protocol" saved millions and earned him a Nobel Prize nomination and the admiration of a U.S. President among other prominent world leaders.


Gay conservatives exist and are having a moment in the US

gay conservatives lgbt trump
© George Frey/Getty Images
Ever more homosexuals are moving away from the oppressive rainbow-flag-waving LGBTQ alphabet - and we're just getting started

For far too long, being gay or lesbian has been tied to liberalism. Finally, that paradigm is shifting as more of the gay community refuses to be lectured by Democrats that we MUST vote the way they do if we "care about our own interests." Those interests, it turns out, are as diverse as the gay population itself. Homosexuals aren't a monolith, and despite the Democratic Party's presumption to speak for all of us, they most certainly do not.

The gay conservative movement has grown exponentially over the last several decades, with a major uptick since Donald Trump entered the political scene in 2015. By 2020, one survey found 45% of gay men planned to cast their vote for the "mean Tweeter" that election year. Perhaps it wasn't lost on them that Trump appointed the nation's first gay cabinet member, Richard Grenell, as Director of National Intelligence that same year. But it's more likely that they had simply turned off CNN.