Society's ChildS

Light Saber

Bluff called: UK Halifax Bank suffers exodus of customers after staff pronoun policy implemented

halifax bank pronouns
The critical tweets prompted the bank to defend its new policy by responding to the tweets.
'Just closed my Halifax account. They can stick their pronouns up their/his/her a**e. '

Halifax customers are closing their accounts en masse today after its social media team told them to leave if they don't like their new pronoun badges for staff in what is being branded one of the biggest PR disasters in British business history.

One account holder told MailOnline they have already pulled out investments and savings worth £450,000 while many more said they are closing ISAs, cutting up credit cards or transferring balances to rivals after they accused the bank of 'alienating' them with 'pathetic virtue signalling'.

The row began this week when Halifax, which was propped up by the taxpayer to the tune of £30billion as part of a 2008 bailout, tweeted its 118,000 followers on Tuesday revealing that it would allow staff to display their pronouns on their name badges, in a post that read 'pronouns matter'.

Comment: Not only did Halifax Bank go woke, it obnoxiously did so. Going broke is the inevitable conclusion. The pronoun brigade who applaud this nonsense likely don't constitute a viable customer base.


India's largest agricultural region suffering water crisis, farmers rise up in protest

india protest farmers
© TRIBUNE PHOTOMembers of the Kirti Kisan Union during a protest march in Mohali on Thursday.
Members of the Kirti Kisan Union from different districts of the state today staged a protest demanding a solution to the deepening water crisis in Punjab. The protesters also tried to enter Chandigarh after crossing the barrier at the Mohali-Chandigarh border.

Farmers held a rally in front of Gurdwara Amb Sahib following which they marched towards Chandigarh to hand over a memorandum to the Punjab Chief Minister.

Addressing the protesting farmers, Kirti Kisan Union president Nirbhai Singh Dhudike and vice-president Rajinder Singh Deep Singh Wala said Punjab, despite being the dominant state of agriculture, was facing severe shortage of water for farming. They said the crisis was getting worse day by day due to mismanagement of three sources of water — groundwater, river-canal water and rainwater.

Comment: Future harvests are more important than ever before with world leaders already warning of a looming global famine: Egypt's finance minister echoes warning of looming global famine where 'millions could die', intends to remove country's bread subsidies

Meanwhile, Europe's pathocrats enforcing the green agenda are denying Africans the right to fertilizer and are actively shutting down farms in the Netherlands, at the same time they're accusing Russia, one of the world's largest grain producers, of causing food shortages:


Polish Dissident Anti-War Voices on the Rise

Polish Hamlet
"Polish Hamlet. Portrait of Aleksander Wielopolski." Jacek Malczewski (1903).
There is no doubt that Poland is and has been the leading voice in NATO and in the European Union advocating for a more aggressive approach to Russia in the context of the war in Ukraine. Apart from the daily reproaches of the Polish government and president against Moscow and in its perversely subservient line of support for Kiev, two recent developments are a clear testimony that Warsaw's Eastern policy is becoming more and more of an aberration.

On May 9th, the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Poland, Sergey Andreev, was doused with red paint while on a visit to a Soviet war cemetery in Warsaw by Ukrainian activists. Iryna Zemlana, who was personally responsible for the attack, was not apprehended by the police, and what is more, was able to escape Warsaw.

This egregious act, which should have been prosecuted, was even mildly praised by the Polish Minister of the Interior, Mariusz Kamiński, on Twitter. Worth mentioning here is that active assault or insult of a representative of a foreign state is regulated in Article 136 of the Polish Criminal Code. This provision states in the first paragraph that "whoever, on the territory of the Republic of Poland, commits an active assault on a head of a foreign state or an accredited head of diplomatic representation of such a state or a person enjoying similar protection under laws, agreements or generally recognized international customs, shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for a term of between 3 months and 5 years."

Paragraph two states the following: "Whoever, on the territory of the Republic of Poland, commits an active assault on a person who is a member of the diplomatic staff of a foreign representation or a consular official of a foreign state, in connection with the performance of their official duties, shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for up to 3 years."

In light of this, to say Zemlana abused her status as a guest in Poland is an understatement. The total lack of any interest on the part of the Polish authorities to prosecute is in itself a criminal act.

Cardboard Box

Nearly 9 in 10 recent student loan borrowers bet on Biden bailing them out

Debt graduate
© Ashlee Rezin/Sun Times/AP/Getty Images/KJNUS President Joe Biden • Student Debt
A survey of student loan borrowers since Biden's election found that the possibility of a bailout influenced decision to borrow

A new survey of recent student loan borrowers found that 86 percent took on debt with the assumption that President Joe Biden would bail them out on their loans. surveyed 1,000 borrowers who "had taken out student loans between November 2020 and the present," according to the survey results released on Monday.

The company reported:
86% of recent student loan borrowers, defined here as those who have taken out a loan since Biden was elected in November 2020, say Biden's campaign pledge to address student debt played a role in their decision to take out loans. Additionally, 21% of borrowers say they would have been unlikely (16%) or very unlikely (5%) to take on the same amount of debt had Biden not campaigned on student loan forgiveness.
Some students likely cannot afford to go to college without their loans being bailed out, according to the survey results.

Comment: Dangling a possibility never to be actualized amounts to 'bait and switch', a Biden trademark. Gullibility is on the individual.
President Joe Biden does not have the legal authority to cancel student loans by executive order, according to a report prepared by the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

The conservative think tank released a report recently that details different issues with loan cancelation through executive order.

First, the assumption of the loans by the federal government would represent a spending of money that has not been authorized by Congress, the foundation reported.

Second, the Higher Education Act of 1965 does not give broad authority for the Secretary of Education to modify or waive all student loans.

Student loan amnesty activists often refer to a section in the law that gave the Education Secretary the power to "modify, compromise, waive, or release any right, title, claim, lien, or demand, however acquired, including any equity or any right of redemption."

This section only refers to specific programs, such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness, created through that Act. The foundation wrote:
"No one else in the U.S. government can unilaterally spend $1.6 trillion dollars at their sole discretion [S]o it would be strange if the secretary of education was the sole exception to that rule based on an obscure provision that laid undiscovered for decades."
Debt transfer proponents would still face problems
"[even if] there is a loophole that allows universal forgiveness without congressional approval, [because] it would not apply to the vast majority of current student loans."
That is because "only $230 billion" of the $1.6 trillion in outstanding student loan debt falls under the 1965 education law.


Russia ends all public anti-COVID restrictions

© AP/Pavel GolovkinThe Discarded
Russian officials have announced the end of all anti-COVID restrictions on the public, including mask requirements.

The country's consumer authority, Rospotrebnadzor, said 93 percent of infected patients were mild or asymptomatic. It said it was "suspending previously introduced restrictions, including the mask regime, a ban on public catering at night, and a number of other measures." But the decree issued on July 1 makes no mention of two-year-old restrictions on leaving the country via land routes.

Official infection numbers last spiked in Russia in February, although like many places testing has eased there.

More than 800,000 people in Russia have died from confirmed COVID-19 cases from a total of 18 million infections in the country.

Some Russian physicians and other medical professionals faced punishment for blowing the whistle on seemingly underreported COVID-19 figures early in the 2 1/2-year pandemic.

Researchers quickly developed and launched a vaccine, Sputnik-V, and exported it, but take-up was hampered by distrust among Russians.

Some 52 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated against the virus.


'The absolute dumbest time to be alive': Toronto Police Service announces 'Missing Woman' described as having a 'full goatee'

Isobella Degrace, 27
© Toronto Police Service
The Toronto Police Service raised eyebrows on Thursday by tweeting about a "Missing Woman" while posting the photo of an individual who looks like a bearded man.

"The Toronto Police Service requests the public's assistance locating a missing woman. Isobella Degrace, 27, was last seen on Saturday, June 25, 2022, at 3 a.m., in the Ryerson Avenue and Bathurst Street area. She is described as 5'10", with a thin build, shaggy blonde hair, and a full goatee. She was last seen wearing a black t-shirt and grey pants. Police are concerned for her safety," a news release states.

The Toronto Police Service's seemingly preposterous post caught many people's attention, including Blaze Media CEO Tyler Cardon who remarked, "My goodness. It's real. The absolute dumbest time to be alive."

Comment: The insanity continues. To find out what a woman really is, check out the latest Objective Health show:


Political crisis in America deepens as Texas mulls secession vote in 2023

Texas mulls secession
The United States is in a deep crisis on virtually all levels. Both household political parties have spilled over internal issues to the global arena, intertwining them with global superpowers, making it nearly impossible to establish normal diplomatic ties. While the GOP is Sinophobic, the DNC is clinically Russophobic. This isn't to say the GOP is pro-Russian or the DNC pro-Chinese, although both parties have accused each other of these "crimes". In reality, they simply see the urgency of a supposed long-term threat from China and Russia differently. This inability to separate internal and foreign policies results in a new era of global confrontation, effectively cementing a new Cold War, whether against China or Russia. This further exacerbates internal issues, resulting in a vicious cycle.

Since Obama, some have naively started seeing the GOP as less pro-war, but in reality, this is more of a result of Trump's policies. However, even his policies were hardly anti-war. Trump's presidency was simply based on realpolitik more than ever since the Reagan era. After the (First) Cold War ended, but especially in the post-9/11 era, America spent much of its resources on destroying and pillaging the world. It scooped up and dismantled numerous "noncompliant" regional powers, spending decades on making its massive Military-Industrial Complex more powerful than at any point in US history, including the heyday of the (First) Cold War.


Woke capital: How a liberal financial movement stokes fears of a surveillance state

Utah Treasurer Marlo Oaks
Utah Treasurer Marlo Oaks
'It's like a trojan horse of progressivism that is detrimental to our freedoms," Utah Treasurer Marlo Oaks says.

The rising influence of a woke investing movement that pressures companies to adopt left-wing political causes has policymakers and industry experts warning that the U.S. could be on the path to a Chinese model of monitoring the behavior of businesses -- and even individuals.

Comment: Americans tend to know very little about the 'Chinese social credit system.' See: Mythbusting the social credit system

The movement called environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing, which is based on the concept that investors should use these three broad categories when evaluating where to put their money, prioritizing progressive values and "social responsibility" when making financial decisions.

Comment: ESG and it's future iterations are far more terrifying than anything the Chinese are doing.

See also:

Arrow Down

'Good Morning America' forced to issue correction on Supreme Court tweet after backlash, mockery

ketanji brown jackson
© Julia Nikhinson / Bloomberg via Getty Images
ABC News' "Good Morning America" was forced to issue a correction Thursday afternoon after they falsely claimed that Ketanji Brown Jackson was the first black person to be sworn in as a Supreme Court justice.

"Ketanji Brown Jackson is sworn in as the first black Supreme Court justice in U.S. history," the show tweeted.

The first black Supreme Court justice was Thurgood Marshall, who joined the Court in 1967. The second black Supreme Court justice was Clarence Thomas, who still serves on the Court.

Comment: See also: Clarence Thomas and the racism of the woke elites

Stock Down

Australian bank collapses with thousands of customers told to withdraw funds IMMEDIATELY before it closes all accounts on Tuesday

Neobnak, Volt Bank, Australia
Neobnak, Volt Bank, announced on Wednesday it was closing its deposit taking business and will return its banking licence after it couldn't raise enough funds to stay afloat
  • Volt Bank announced it was closing its deposit taking business on Wednesday
  • The 140 staff will be left without a job once business shuts next Tuesday
  • Customers of the neobank have been urged to transfer their funds by July 5
  • Neobanks operate exclusively online without in-person branches
An Australian digital bank has collapsed, leaving 140 employees without a job and 6,000 customers racing to withdraw their money before next week.

Volt Bank announced on Wednesday it was closing its deposit taking business and will return its banking licence after it couldn't raise enough funds to stay afloat.
'Volt has made the difficult decision to close its deposit taking business and has commenced the process of returning all deposits to its account holders,' the neobank's website said.

'Customers need to transfer the balances held in all Volt accounts to a nominated bank account with another financial institution before the 5th of July 2022.'

Comment: Is this just a harbinger to a massive economic collapse domino effect that will follow on financial markets worldwide?

See also: