Society's ChildS


NATO chief Stoltenberg calls climate change a 'crisis multiplier' in issuing net-zero pledge on greenhouse gases

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg
© javier soriano/Agence France-Presse/Getty ImagesNATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg delivers his opening speech on Day 1 of the NATO summit at the Ifema center in Madrid.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg says the military alliance will commit to reaching net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050.

"NATO is determined to set the gold standard on discussing the security challenges of climate change," Stoltenberg said Tuesday in Spain's capital as world leaders arrived for two days of talks.

Comment: More from La Prensa Latina:
Stoltenberg's announcement came at a high-level dialogue on climate change and security ahead of the Nato summit in Madrid.

The alliance has "a responsibility to reduce emissions," he said.

"To this end, we have developed the first methodology for measuring Nato's greenhouse gas emissions, civilian and military.

"It sets out what to count and how to count it, and it will be made available to all Allies to help them reduce their own military emissions."

Stoltenberg pointed out the task would not be easy but could be done, adding the transition away from fossil fuels would be decisive.

"There is a technological revolution happening right now. A green energy revolution. One that can be of huge benefit for our militaries," the Nato chief said.

Stoltenberg added Russia's invasion of Ukraine showed "​​the danger of being too dependent on commodities from authoritarian regimes."

"The way Russia is using energy as a weapon of coercion highlights the need to quickly wean ourselves off Russian oil and gas," he said.

Stoltenberg said climate change was a "crisis multiplier. More extreme weather devastates communities, and fuels tensions and conflicts."

"Climate change matters for our security, so it matters for Nato," he concluded.
See also:


Footage reveals ballot traffickers forging signatures and trafficking ballots but RINO AG Brnovich dropped forgery charges

gary garcia snyder
New footage released by Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake and mule-buster Gary Snyder reveals ballot Mules in San Luis, Arizona forging signatures on ballot envelopes and preparing to cast illegal votes in the 2020 stolen election.

This same footage was provided to the Arizona Attorney General BEFORE the 2020 General Election and he did nothing about it.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that San Luis residents Gary Snyder and David Lara busted a local ballot trafficking operation using undercover cameras, after observing these criminals operate in their community for 27 years. It was revealed to The Gateway Pundit that this evidence was delivered to Brnovich, who waited until December to file the first indictment against Alma Yadira Juarez, who later plead guilty and told police that Guillermina Fuentes handed her the prefilled ballots.

Comment: See also:


Missouri farmer warned railway about crossing before Amtrak derailment

Amtrak train near Mendon, Missouri
© APThe eight-car Amtrak train carrying 275 passengers went off the track near Mendon, Missouri, Monday after hitting a dump truck at a crossing.
A Missouri farmer said he warned the railway that owns the crossing where an Amtrak train derailed Monday that the area was dangerous — and urged others to proceed over it with caution just weeks before the crash that killed three people and injured dozens more.

Local farmer Mike Spencer said he was not surprised by the derailment near Mendon and argued that it could have been prevented because he claimed the railroad was aware that the "uncontrolled" crossing was unsafe.
"That was pretty much a no-brainer," he told the Kansas City Star. "I predicted this was going to happen. I was certain that this was going to happen. It was just a matter of time."
In his June 11 Facebook post about the railroad crossing, Spencer included a video showing a train approaching Porche Prairie Avenue at a high rate of speed.

Comment: See also:


California DA, sheriff slam decision to free alleged fentanyl traffickers

fentanyl, drug bust, Tulare County
© Tulare County Sheriff's OfficeThe pair were taken into custody after authorities allegedly discovered 150,000 pills — worth an estimated $750,000 — stashed inside their vehicle.
A California district attorney and sheriff have slammed the decision to set free two alleged drug traffickers — less than 24 hours after they were nabbed with 150,000 fentanyl pills.

Jose Zendejas, 25, and Benito Madrigal, 19, were freed on their own recognizance in Tulare County on Saturday after being booked on charges of possession, transportation and sales of illegal drugs.

Tulare County District Attorney Tim Ward and Sheriff Mike Boudreaux told Fox 26 News they weren't even informed of the duo's release until Monday.

"How does this happen without the top two law enforcement officers of the county not even know it?" Ward said.

The sheriff added, "That's incredibly frustrating for someone who's responsible for public safety."

The men were released without bail after a public safety assessment was carried out, which uses an algorithm to examine criminal history and other factors to make a "risk prediction" on whether they'll reoffend or miss court dates.

Comment: Algorithms have their uses. Risk assessment for criminal behavior doesn't seem to be one of them.


DoorDash asks job applicant to state sexual orientation

DoorDash, food delivery
© Anadolu Agency via Getty ImagesA man who applied for a job with the food delivery service DoorDash was asked about his sexual orientation.
DoorDash is attracting attention over a policy to ask prospective employees to state their sexual orientation on job applications to the food-delivery giant, according to social media posts.

A screenshot of one such job application was posted to the online site Reddit, where it went viral. As of Tuesday afternoon, more than 5,700 Reddit users commented on the post.

A Reddit user who goes by the handle u/TheMonsher authored a post titled "DoorDash is asking for my sexual orientation for a job application."

The attached screenshot shows a drop-down menu with options for pronouns and sexual orientation.

A DoorDash spokesperson told The Post that the company is seeking to "create a culture of belonging" by "working to ensure that diverse identities and perspectives are being valued and represented here."

DoorDash began asking applicants to state their sexual orientation and gender pronoun preference in 2020, the spokesperson said.

Comment: By seeking to "create a culture of belonging" DoorDash has created just the opposite. An unintentional side-effect of adhering to a paramoralistic belief system.

Eye 1

German journalist in Donbass could face prison at home for 'endorsement' of Russia's military response in Ukraine

Alina Lipp
© YoutubeFILE PHOTO: Alina Lipp has dismissed the probe as "insane," insisting she is merely interviewing locals and filming the destruction in Donetsk
Alina Lipp, an independent German journalist and blogger is facing a criminal probe at home over her "endorsement" of Russia's "illegal aggressive war" against Ukraine. Lipp has told Russian media she only does what any journalist would do - document what is happening around her.

If found guilty, she could face a fine or up to three years behind bars.

On Saturday, RT DE interviewed Lipp about her professional work and the ongoing investigation.


Ukraine announces prisoner swap of 144 soldiers, some captured at Azovstal

Ukrainian soldier
An injured Ukrainian soldier sits in a field hospital inside a bunker at the Azovstal Iron and Steel Works in Mariupol on May 10.
Ukraine's Defense Ministry has announced a prisoner exchange involving 144 Ukrainian soldiers, including scores of defenders of the Azovstal steelworks in the southern port city of Mariupol.

"This is the largest exchange since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion. Of the 144 freed, 95 are Azovstal defenders. Among them, 43 servicemen of the Azov Regiment," the main intelligence directorate of the Defense Ministry said on June 29 on Telegram.

It did not specify when and where the swap took place or how many Russian prisoners were part of the exchange.

The head of a Russia-backed separatist group in Ukraine's Donetsk region also reported a prisoner exchange with Kyiv, saying the number of fighters exchanged was 144 on each side.


Court revives block of COVID vaccine mandate for federal workers

covid vaccine
© AP Photo/Matt Rourke, FileA health worker administers a dose of a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine during a vaccination clinic in Norristown, Pa. on Dec. 7, 2021.
In a reversal for President Joe Biden, a federal appeals court in New Orleans on Monday agreed to reconsider its own April ruling that allowed the administration to require federal employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

The new order from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans vacates an earlier ruling by a three-judge panel that upheld the mandate. The new order means a block on the mandate imposed in January by a Texas-based federal judge remains in effect, while the full court's 17 judges take up the appeal.

Biden had issued an order Sept. 9 requiring that more than 3.5 million federal executive branch workers undergo vaccination, with no option to get regularly tested instead, unless they secured approved medical or religious exemptions.


Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years in prison

© UnknownGhislaine Maxwell
Judge Nathan has sentenced Ghislaine Maxwell to 20 years in prison. "A sentence of 240 months is sufficient and no graver than necessary." The sentence is less than the 30-50 years prosecutors asked for, but more than the 6 year sentence the defense thought was appropriate.

While preparing to deliver the sentence, Judge Alison J Nathan said that "Ms Maxwell directly and repeatedly and over the course of many years participated in a horrific scheme" to traffic and abuse girls, and that "Ms Maxwell worked with Epstein to select young victims who were vulnerable." As such, a "substantial sentence" is warranted, which - if not released early, means Maxwell will be 80-years-old when she gets out. And somehow not a single Epstein client was named...

Nathan said on Tuesday that Ghislaine Maxwell's criminal activity was "extensive," and that she's enhancing her sentence due to the fact that she was at least 10 years older than her victims, and exercised "undue influence" on them. The calculation for sentencing will hinge on whether evidence showed criminal conduct after Nov. 1, 2004 - and that there isn't evidence to support the higher-recommended guidelines of 30 - 50 years. This means Maxwell will likely receive the more lenient guidelines calculation, which would result in less than 20 years in prison.

Brick Wall

Mexico claims US can't control its border

Scene of tragedy
© AP/Eric GayDozens of migrant were found dead in a tractor-trailer near San Antonio, Texas
The president pointed to the lawlessness at the US border after dozens of migrants were found dead in Texas.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has warned that the US government is struggling to manage its southern border, blaming a "lack of control" after more than 50 immigrants died while being smuggled into the country, the deadliest human trafficking case in modern US history.

Speaking during a Tuesday press briefing - one day after dozens of migrants were found dead inside a tractor trailer near San Antonio, Texas - Obrador said the deaths were a "tremendous tragedy," adding that such incidents occur due to poverty and desperation, as well as the chaotic environment along the border.

"It happens because there is trafficking of people and a lack of control, in this case at the Mexican-US border, but also in the US interior," the president said.

Comment: See also: At least 46 people found dead in abandoned 18-wheeler in San Antonio