© Patrick Pleul/picture alliance/Getty Images25 October 2021, Brandenburg, Jänschwalde: Steam rises from the cooling towers of the Jänschwalde lignite-fired power plant operated by Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG (LEAG). The Jänschwalde lignite-fired power plant is to be taken off the grid and shut down by 2028 on the way to the coal phase-out.
Dramatic new findings from two climate science professors suggest that an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
follows a rise in temperature rather than coming before it and causing it, throwing into doubt the whole of the current theory of human-driven global warming.
The scientists propose that
higher temperatures increase the natural processes of soil respiration and ocean outgassing, and hence boost natural CO2 emissions. If confirmed, the information destroys the so-called 'settled' science basis upon which the command-and-control Net Zero political agenda depends.
Demetris Koutsoyiannis and Zbigniew Kundzewicz
sequenced the changes in temperatures and CO2 growth rates from 1980 to 2019 from widely available sources, and discovered that
CO2 values lagged temperature by about six months. The obvious point is made that
in attempting to prove causality - as climate alarmists do by arguing that increases in temperature are the result of increases in human-caused CO
2 -
cause cannot lag effect.
The period under review is shown by the graph below, which tracks the steady rise in CO
2 and not-so-steady increase in global temperature from 1980.
At first glance, both lines are rising and appear to be correlated. But as we have seen in previous
Daily Sceptic articles, the
UAH satellite record displays the two long pauses that have characterised the recent temperature record. The two professors note that
the erratic behaviour of the temperature line contrasts with the smooth trend of CO2. From this graph, the authors suggest it "looks impossible to infer causality".The scientists are not the only researchers struggling to find evidence to support the notion that carbon dioxide - human-caused or otherwise - is the global climate thermostat knob. In 2015,
a group of scientists led by Professor Ole Humlum of the University of Oslo
found a similar monthly lag between CO
2 and temperature. Again, using a selection of widely available datasets for the period 1980 to 2011, the researchers found that changes in CO
2 always lagged changes in temperature.
The lag was around 9-10 months for global surface air temperatures, and about nine months for lower troposphere temperatures.Discussion of the climate role of CO
2 in the atmosphere has largely disappeared in mainstream media, on the spurious grounds that the science is settled. At the BBC, for instance, debate on the subject is more or less banned.
Humans only produce 4% of the annual CO2 that enters the atmosphere, and if this is seen to have little effect in changing the climate, the reason for pressing ahead with a ruinous Net Zero policy evaporates. Trillions of dollars for green subsidies, development work and academic grants, along with huge numbers of jobs and countless virtuous opinions and reputations, suggest a full understanding may take a little time.
As we have seen, in many scientific circles the climate role of CO
2 is still the subject of active debate. No one doubts that the gas has warming properties, but Professor William Happer of Princeton suggests that
CO2 becomes "saturated" once it reaches a certain level. Noting the role of the infrared spectrum, he argues that
most, if not all, the heat that is going to be trapped will have already been radiated back by the CO2 molecules evenly distributed in the current atmosphere. Of course, Happer's research is the subject of argument with other eminent scientists, but it would help explain why so little automatic connection can be detected between CO
2 and temperature in the current, historical and palaeoclimate records.
Let us go back in time to the palaeo record and see what evidence there is for connections between CO
2 and temperature. In an
essay published in 2014 on the climate science site
Watts Up With That, reference was made to the seminal paper on the
Vostok Ice Core,
Petit et al (1999). This examined the chemical signals in an Antarctica ice core representing 422,766 years of snow accumulation, and from this it was concluded that CO2 lags temperature during the onset of glaciations by several thousand years. Of course, this suggests that CO
2 has little influence on temperature change at these times. The thermostat knob is switched off.
Reading right to left, the above graph shows clearly that the temperature plunge to glacial conditions around 120,000 years ago was not matched by an immediate CO
2 fall.
There are similar time lags of around 8,000 years in other glacial cycles going back 450,000 years. The essay concluded that
geochemical cycles made it inevitable that CO2 and methane will correlate with temperature, but it was "totally invalid" to use this relationship as evidence that CO2 was responsible for forcing the climate.And finally, let's look at the record going back to the start of life on Earth.
In this timeframe, the monthly lags in the current record obviously disappear, as do the thousands of years disconnect in the historical ice core evidence. But again, where is the link? Huge variations over millions of years are seen.
At the moment, Earth is in a colder period with long-term CO2 denudation. A little more of both might even be helpful.
Thus producing even more oxygen keeping us all alive.