Society's ChildS


A film censor's role is to police art, NOT to tell parents and children what they should think on trans issues

A Kid Like Jake
© IMDBClaire Danes, Jim Parsons, and Leo James Davis in A Kid Like Jake (2018)
The British Board of Film Classification has stepped into the trans debate by highlighting five films for families to watch and discuss. But it's not the job of an official censor to promote films that advocate certain ideologies.

Who would have imagined that, one day, that dreaded puritanical institution, the official censor, would assume the role of an educator?

Recently, the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), the body tasked with censoring and classifying the films released in the UK, announced that it has decided to get involved in educating parents on how to deal with one of the most controversial issues they face.

It has compiled a list of five movies that "explore transgender experiences" which it believes are fit for family discussions. It hopes that as a result of this initiative, it can prompt discussion on this sensitive topic between parents and their children. Although on its website the BBFC presents the initiative as an educational one, its real aim, however, is not so much to educate as to advocate.

Stock Up

Defining inequality in the US so it can't be fixed - why more taxes aren't the solution

usa gini
© Phil Gramm and John Early in the Wall Street Journal
In one of their series of excellent WSJ essays, Phil Gramm and John Early notice that conventional income inequality numbers report the distribution of income before taxes and transfers. After taxes and transfers, income inequality is flat or decreasing, depending on your starting point.

If your game is to argue for more taxes and transfers to fix income inequality, that is a dandy subterfuge as no amount of taxing and transferring can ever improve the measured problem!

Now facts are facts, and this one has a good progressive interpretation: But for our sharply progressive tax system and benefits, untrammeled capitalism would have led to sharply increased inequality. The numbers don't argue for more redistribution, but they are consistent with a narrative that only our current large redistribution saved us from the top two lines.

Gramm and Early offer a sentence on this worth pausing to think about:
As government transfer payments to low-income households exploded, their labor-force participation collapsed and the percentage of income in the bottom quintile coming from government payments rose above 90%.
A major force behind the pre-tax and pre-transfer numbers is the fall in labor force participation among people experiencing low income. It is not entirely impossible that some causality runs from larger means-tested benefits -- earn a dollar lose a dollar worth of benefits -- to withdrawing from the workforce, rather than the other way around.

The second clause is enlightening. People experiencing income in the bottom fifth of the US population get 90% of their income from the government.

Brick Wall

The US lacks a principled immigration policy - Dems are exploiting that under the guise of 'humanitarianism'

migranti američka granica
© AP/Julio Cortez
To date, no major political party in the United States has issued a coherent, principled policy on immigration. Without a principled policy, political jockeying has been the rule of the day.

The Libertarian Party advocates a veritable open border policy on the grounds of laissez-faire. The LP likens the movement of people across borders to the movement of capital and goods: "To promote economic freedom, they demand the unrestricted movement of humans as well as financial capital across national borders." While this may strike some libertarians as self-consistent, the platform prong is nevertheless ill conceived. As demonstrated by Lew Rockwell — following the analyses of Hans-Hermann Hoppe and Murray Rothbard — for several reasons, immigration cannot be equated with international trade. In short, despite the murkiness of the concept of "public property," unvetted immigration infringes the property rights of citizens.

President Donald Trump's immigration policy was instituted as part of the "America First" platform. Although it may be understood in terms of the property rights of US citizens, it was never justified on these grounds. The result was that Democrats and the media could claim that the policy was racist rather than principled.

Now that the Left has secured complete control of the federal government, the lack of principle is resulting in a humanitarian crisis under the banner of humanitarianism, mostly for political gain.

Immediately upon taking office, Biden signed a welter of executive orders and presidential proclamations, issued on "humanitarian" grounds. Full of bromides about human dignity and fairness, the humanitarianism of Biden's declarations is belied by the infringement of the prerogatives and property rights of US citizens, as well as the apparent endangerment of their health and general welfare. Although the covid crisis is grossly overstated, the hypocrisy of the Left is on full display as mask-less immigrants pour into the country without covid precautions while many Americans remain masked and partially locked down.

Light Saber

Aimee Challenor fired from Reddit following widespread user protest

Aimee Challenor reddit
Aimee Challenor

Comment: Sigh. The Post Millennial opted to scrupulously retain Challenor's 'preferred pronouns' for this piece.

Reddit admins say they didn't properly vet them before hiring.

A controversial hire that caused a massive site-wide blackout protest has favored the masses.

From u/spez:
"We would like to give you all an update on the recent issues that have transpired concerning a specific Reddit employee, as well as provide you with context into actions that we took to prevent doxxing and harassment.

As of today, the employee in question is no longer employed by Reddit. We built a relationship with her first as a mod and then through her contractor work on RPAN. We did not adequately vet her background before formally hiring her."

Comment: How did it come to be that protecting the tender sensibilities of ones 'chosen identity' trumps properly judging their character and actions. The Challenors, father and "them", are a horror show. Yet usually "they" are allowed to go on. Kudos to the reddit community for standing up to the madness.


Best of the Web: Doctors sound warning that child suicide is becoming an 'international epidemic' amid restricted pandemic life

child  depression lockdown mask
The damage we're inflicting on children is too devastating to be waved away in the name of public health — it's quickly becoming an emergency in its own right.

Billions of people across the globe continue to live under COVID-19 lockdowns or heavily-restricted life. And for almost all of us, life amid the pandemic in 2020 was an isolating and difficult year. Yet doctors are warning that children in particular are experiencing grave mental health consequences as a result of the lockdowns — leading to an "international epidemic" of child suicide.

The Associated Press interviewed Dr. David Greenhorn on the subject, who works in the emergency department at England's Bradford Royal Infirmary. The number of mental health crises he has seen, such as suicide attempts, has gone from a couple per week pre-pandemic to now several per day.

Comment: Even if the majority of youngsters and teens manage to come through the madness, they will be marked for life by an evil inflicted on them in the name of keeping them "safe".


'Almost certainly illegal': Brits protest over Johnson's suggestion that pubs will ban the unvaccinated

© Reuters / Hannah McKayBritain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson holds a news conference at 10 Downing Street, on the day of reflection to mark the anniversary of Britain's first coronavirus disease (COVID-19) lockdown, in London, Britain March 23, 2021.
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was condemned by publicans and drinkers alike after he announced that pubs could ban people from entering if they haven't been vaccinated against Covid-19.

Johnson told MPs on Wednesday that vaccine mandates "may be up to individual publicans" or landlords, and that the "concept of vaccine certification should not be totally alien to us."

The prime minister's comments prompted criticism from members of his own party, including Covid Recovery Group Deputy Chairman Steve Baker MP, who said Johnson has "[begun] to tread a dangerous path" and that politicians "must not fall into this ghastly trap."

Comment: Sadly there doesn't appear to have been the same outcry when AstraZeneca in league with the UK government admitted it would be subjecting Britain's children to its vaccine trials: UK children to be test subjects of latest AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine trials


Suez Canal: Efforts resume to free Ever Given container ship as shipping jams force boats to consider turning around

ever given
© STR/EPA-EFE/ShutterstockThe Ever Given is stuck for a third day.
Marine traffic trapped by the blockage could have to reroute via the southern tip of Africa, adding a week to journey times.

Efforts have resumed to free the container ship blocking the Suez Canal, as fears it could take "weeks" force trapped boats to consider turning around.

Eight tug boats are currently working to drag the 400m (1,312ft) Ever Given to deeper water after it ran aground and blocked one of the world's busiest shipping lanes on Tuesday morning.


FBI and DHS attempt to recruit former Green Beret to infiltrate and spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys - but he recorded the conversation

Jeremy Brown green beret
Jeremy Brown
Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida's 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant.

Jeremy also attended the Stop the Steal protests in Washington DC on January 6. Jeremy joined the Oath Keepers in November and went to Washington DC to provide security at the many protests and rallies that week.

Earlier this month Jeremy Brown started speaking out about how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) contacted him and attempted to recruit him to spy on patriots and everyday Americans.

Comment: See also:

Brick Wall

Myanmar releases hundreds of post-coup prisoners

Myanmar prisoners leave prison
The prisoners demonstrated the three-finger salute adopted by the pro-democracy movement on leaving prison in buses.
Myanmar's military says it has released more than 600 prisoners arrested on various alleged infractions since the February 1 coup.

Witnesses said hundreds imprisoned after last month's coup were freed on Wednesday in what appeared to be the first gesture by Myanmar's military to placate persistent protesters.

Several full buses drove from Yangon's notorious Insein Prison. Myanmar state television said 628 people had been released.

Comment: See also:


'I'm done, Britain': When a copper pens a heartfelt resignation letter like this, it shows we live in a warped and broken society

Not My Prime Minister protest london
© Getty Images / Ollie MillingtonFar Right agitators chant Tommy Robinson songs and declare their love for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson as Stand Up to Racism hold a protest outside Downing Street called Not My Prime Minister on December 13, 2019 in London, England.
An anonymous police officer has quit, publishing a searing indictment of how we treat our men and women in blue. Having worked in policing for nearly 40 years, I recognise the sentiments, and I despair.

I urge you to read the disturbing words below, and if not weep, then think very carefully about them. They are a cry from the heart - and should be a wake-up call for all of us who want to live in a decent, harmonious society in which the law is upheld and we are safe to go about our business in peace.

As a former senior officer in the Metropolitan force and a former elected police and crime commissioner, I have heard similar words to this articulated a thousand times. It is still depressing for me to read them, and they may well shock you. It's the story of why a very experienced, articulate, caring and sensitive officer is leaving the job after 20 years, when they're in their prime as a public servant, with perhaps another 15 or more to give.