Society's ChildS

Black Magic

Pandemic linked to rising rates of depressive and anxiety disorders

© Unsplash
Cases of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders have increased by more than 25 per cent worldwide, according to a world-first study of the impact of COVID-19 on mental health.

The research, led by researchers from The University of Queensland's School of Public Health, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research and Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (University of Washington) estimated people living in countries severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic have been most affected, especially women and younger people.

The study is the first to assess global impacts of the pandemic on major depressive and anxiety disorders, quantifying the prevalence and burden of the disorders by age, sex, and location in 204 countries and territories in 2020.

Comment: See also:


Your money AND your life

paper money

This week's news, or "news," about the US Treasury's ability, or willingness, or just trial-balloon troll-suggestion to mint a one trillion dollar ($1,000,000,000,000) platinum coin in order to extend the country's debt-limit reminded me of some other monetary reading I encountered, during the sweltering summer, when it first became clear to many that the greatest impediment to any new American infrastructure bill wasn't going to be the debt-ceiling but the Congressional floor.

That reading, which I accomplished while preparing lunch with the help of my favorite infrastructure, namely electricity, was of a transcript of a speech given by one Christopher J. Waller, a freshly-minted governor of the United States' 51st and most powerful state, the Federal Reserve.

The subject of this speech? CBDCs — which aren't, unfortunately, some new form of cannabinoid that you might've missed, but instead the acronym for Central Bank Digital Currencies — the newest danger cresting the public horizon.

Now, before we go any further, let me say that it's been difficult for me to decide what exactly this speech is — whether it's a minority report or just an attempt to pander to his hosts, the American Enterprise Institute.

Comment: See also:


'THIS is the government's priority?' California mandates gender-neutral aisles in toy stores

Gavin Newsom
© Reuters / Brittany Hosea-SmallCalifornia Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a campaign rally in San Francisco, California, September 14, 2021
California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a law requiring large toy retailers to provide gender-neutral toy sections in their stores. Critics say it's government overreach, and that Newsom has bigger issues to fix.

The bill, signed into law by Newsom on Saturday, will require toy retailers and chains with more than 500 employees to display toys traditionally marketed at girls or boys together in a special area of floor space. This area can be "labeled at the discretion of the retailer," according to the bill's text.

The bill describes the traditional labeling of toys, for example dolls for girls, trucks and guns for boys, as making "it more difficult for the consumer to compare the products and incorrectly impl[ying] that their use by one gender is inappropriate."

Stores will still be allowed to maintain separate boys and girls sections, but failing to provide a gender-neutral aisle will be punishable by fines of up to $500. Though toy manufacturers have slowly been moving to de-gender their products, California's law is the first of its kind in any US state.

Comment: See also:

Mr. Potato

Entire school in Wyoming put on lockdown after one student refuses to wear face mask - and she gets arrested & fined over it

teens masks
© Reuters / Nick OxfordStudents wear masks while walking to class at Santa Fe South High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, September 1, 2021
A 16-year-old high school girl was arrested and her entire school locked down, all over her refusal to wear a face mask. Her arrest caused outrage on the right, and conservatives have started chipping in to her legal defense.

Video footage captured on Thursday showed 16-year-old Grace Smith met with school officials and a police officer when she turned up at the doors of Laramie High School in Wyoming. Smith had already served two consecutive suspensions for refusing to wear a face mask in class - per school board requirements - and again attempted to enter the building unmasked.

She was given a $500 citation by a police officer, then was handcuffed and arrested when she refused to voluntarily leave the school. As Smith refused to leave, a loudspeaker announcement informed students that "we are in a lockdown, please stay in your rooms."

The arresting officer could be heard telling the teenager that the lockdown is her fault, but the teen refused to leave the building until she was led away in cuffs.


California's Newsom faces criticism after admitting 12yo daughter not jabbed amid own push for vaccine mandate for kids

Gavin Newsom
© AP / Jeff ChiuGov. Gavin Newsom listens to speakers during a news conference at James Denman Middle School in San Francisco, Friday, Oct. 1, 2021.
California Governor Gavin Newsom has come under fire for delaying his own teenage daugher's Covid-19 vaccination while fuming at the lagging vaccination rate in those aged 12-17, and pushing for the broad vaccine mandate.

Conservatives have been up in arms over the recent report that Newsom's 12-year-old daughter has yet to get her Covid-19 jab despite her father publicly encouraging parents to vaccinate their children even though the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to fully greenlight the immunization.

Newsom told the Los Angeles Times on Thursday that his daughter, who turned 12 last month, has not yet received the vaccine because she was scheduled for "a series of other shots." However, on Saturday, the Washington Examiner reported that the governor's office told the publication that the 12-year-old would receive her Covid-19 vaccine shot "in a few days."

The revelation has prompted Newsom's detractors to accuse him of double standards. "So typical of Gavin Newsom. "Rules for thee but not for me!"" one critic tweeted.


Lebanon restores power after shortages at country's two biggest power stations cause widespread blackouts

Electricity cables
© ReutersElectricity cables are seen in Tyre, Lebanon July 18, 2020.
Lebanon's power supplies were back to normal on Sunday after a blackout the previous day when the country's two biggest power stations shut down because of a fuel shortage, the Energy Ministry said.

The closure piled further hardship on Lebanese struggling with job losses, soaring prices and hunger wrought by the country's worsening financial meltdown.

The ministry said it had received central bank approval for $100 million in credit to issue fuel import tenders for electricity generation, adding the country's grid had resumed supplying the same amount of electricity as before the complete outage.

Comment: On September 17th it was reported that Iran began oil shipments to Lebanon: Lebanon is under maximum pressure, and the target is Hezbollah: Iran sends its support

But it's not just hard hit Lebanon struggling through this energy supply crisis:


DeSantis offers the solution to supply-chain issues Newsom has exacerbated

© Wilfredo Lee/APFlorida Governor Ron DeSantis
We have a supply chain problem in this country, as illustrated by empty shelves and delayed products in every retail chain and small enterprise. Everything from electronic equipment, to appliances, to fresh dog food, is in limited or non-supply because of this.

While Governor Gavin Newsom preens, postures, and belches out brags on how the State is doing better than Texas and Florida, he is doing nothing to resolve the issue of ships at the Port of Los Angeles being unable to dock and unload billions of dollars in goods.

Tallahassee, FL's WTVY reports:
The coronavirus pandemic has triggered a global supply chain problem. As of Sunday, an estimated 500,000 shipping containers were sitting on cargo ships off the Southern California coast. Ports in Los Angeles and Long Beach, California, recently broke records for the number of cargo ships waiting to dock. Those ships are carrying a variety of products for the American market, everything from sneakers to toys, to toilet paper.
This massive logjam of ships sitting idle at the port may have factored into the cause of the oil spill in Huntington Beach, CA (Orange County).


Best of the Web: Hundreds of Los Angeles firefighters file notice of intent to sue over COVID vaccine mandate

Fighting fire
© AP/Ringo H.W. ChiuFirefighter battles blaze
Los Angeles faces a broadening lawsuit as 871 city firefighters have filed a notice of intent to sue over the public employee vaccine mandate passed by City Council, seeking $2 million per plaintiff.

Sandra Mitchell reports for the KTLA 5 News at 6 on Oct. 8, 2021.

Comment: LA firefighters are turning up the heat on this smoldering issue:
The notice (pdf), filed Oct. 7, said the 871 firefighters are seeking $ 2.5 million each in damages. Kevin McBride, attorney for the firefighters, wrote:
"The claims will be filed in Superior Court as an unlimited civil case in accordance with the California Code of Civil Procedure."
Los Angeles City Council in August issued an ordinance (pdf) requiring all city employees to have received a second dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine, or a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by the 5th October, unless there is a medical or religious exemption. According to the ordinance:
"The goal of the city is to have a vaccinated workforce. As such, employees will not have the option to 'opt out' and be subject to weekly testing."
The mayor's office announced that exempt and unvaccinated employees would still need to be tested regularly for COVID-19.

McBride said in the notice of intent, citing orders given to Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) firefighters, that those who are not exempt or fully vaccinated by the "strict deadline" of October 20 will be sent home. for five days without pay, and if they still decide not to get vaccinated after another five days, their employment will be terminated.

The attorney wrote that the vaccination order is "manifestly unlawful conduct," citing several reasons, including: interference with labor rights; inflict emotional distress; violation of constitutional privacy rights; and violation of the protection of human subjects in the act of medical experimentation.

The plaintiffs are members of the United Firefighters of Los Angeles (UFLAC). The union stated its position in an October 4 newsletter,
"[T]The city cannot impose any consequences relevant to the October 5 deadline 'to be vaccinated against COVID-19, adding that the city ordinance' does not provide for any consequences, and any planned discipline must first be negotiated with UFLAC.

"Additionally, the city has not provided any notice to UFLAC that it intends to discipline employees for failing to meet the October 5 deadline."
The city has 45 days to evaluate the document, after which the lawsuit will be filed immediately.

Los Angeles city attorney Mike Feuer said in a statement to KTLA:
"The US Supreme Court and courts across the country have upheld the vaccine mandates ... I am confident we will prevail."
Those who intend to sue the city comprise about one in four of the city's firefighters. According to the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) website, it has 3,435 firefighters.
See also:


The American mom sued for asking a school why it teaches CRT: 'Teaching kids about race & gender? You're stealing their innocence'

Nicole Solas mom sued crt school curriculum
© RTNicole Solas is being sued by her school district for attempting to find out the curriculum being taught in her child's kindergarten class
The teaching of critical race theory's a controversial topic for many US schools, and one parent's seemingly innocuous enquiry about it has really lifted the lid on the whole can of worms.

Four months ago, Rhode Island mom Nicole Solas, 38, asked the principal of her child's kindergarten whether the kids would be learning about critical race theory (CRT). Not all parents in the US are happy about its being taught, with some being concerned it focuses on skin colour rather than individual merit, and thereby creates the very institutional racism its teaching is supposed to eradicate.

Solas' concerns, however, went deeper. She also asked the principal whether the children were going to learn about gender theory.

"And it turns out they would be," she told RT. "They said they don't call kids 'boys' and 'girls', and they don't use gendered terminology. [As for] the First Thanksgiving, they ask kids what could have been done differently."

Comment: Ms. Solas in not alone in her concerns: Guilty conscience: School district tells principals to create fake curriculum to send parents after complaints of indoctrination

Eye 1

Police arrest far-right leaders after 10,000+ attend vaccine mandate protest in Italy

italy vaccine pass
Thousands of people marched against a mandatory COVID certification on Saturday in Rome
Protesters had violently clashed with police during the rallies against a government rule requiring COVID-19 vaccines or negative tests to access workplaces.

Comment: The original title of this article was: Italy: Police arrest far-right leaders after anti-vaccine riots', but, as evidenced by just the first line, this wasn't about being 'anti-vaccine', this was against the rule mandating coronavirus vaccines in the workplace. And, as has been the case in protests elsewhere across Europe, it's highly likely that some in attendance will have already been vaccinated. What they are protesting is the enforcement of 'certificates' that threaten to split society, that will cause those who do not have them to be barred from employment that could, ultimately, leave them destitute.

Thousands of people marched against a mandatory COVID certification on Saturday in Rome

Rome police on Sunday said they arrested 12 people after protests against Italy's COVID "green pass" turned into serious riots.

Two leaders of the extreme far-right party Forza Nuova, Giuliano Castellino and Roberto Fiore, were present during Saturday's violent protests. They were among the 12 arrested, police said.

Comment: Protests against the mandates have been continuing elsewhere throughout Europe:





See also: And check out SOTT radio's: