Secret HistoryS


Advent of agriculture changed oral microbiome in Southern Europe, analysis of ancient plaque reveals

teeth tooth
© C-Dental X-ray, Inc.Wisdom teeth cannot emerge properly when the jaw is too short, as occurs when children are raised on foods that are easier to chew than the ones we evolved to eat.
Subtle differences in the oral microbiomes from ancient plaque samples in southern Europe point to potentially gradual agricultural transitions during the Neolithic age, new research suggests, but more significant microbial shifts happened later on.

"[T]he Neolithic is a gradual and slow process, and in particular in the Danube Gorges region we know that the transition was long and determined a mixing of two cultures and peoples (farmers and foragers)," senior author Emanuela Cristiani and first author Claudio Ottoni, researchers at Sapienza University of Rome's diet and ancient technology laboratory, explained in an email.

Their team from Italy, the US, and Austria conducted metagenomic sequencing on dental calculus samples from 44 representatives of ancient farming or foraging populations found in the Balkans or the Italian Peninsula between the Paleolithic period and the Middle Ages. The analysis, scheduled to appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences this week, revealed microbial representatives that became more common with the introduction of agriculture despite relatively stable overall oral microbial communities.

Comment: See also:

Comet 2

6th century coin hoard found in destruction layer in ancient Phanagoria

coin hoard
© Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Phanagoria was founded by Teian colonists around 543 BC, and developed into a Greek centre of trade between the coast of the Maeotian, and the countries on the southern side of the Caucasus.

The coin hoard was discovered during the third season of excavations, where archaeologists unearthed an amphora containing 80 copper staters (coins), whilst researching evidence of a destruction layer caused by fire from the 6th century AD.

Comment: A period archaeologists have called the 'worst time to be alive': 536 AD: Plague, famine, drought, cold, and a mysterious fog that lasted 18 months

Comment: See also: And check out SOTT radio's:

Red Flag

'Terror on the Tube: Behind the veil of 7/7'

To some it may seem that the author has taken slight leave of his senses; that in obsessive pursuance of now obscure events of mere historical relevance he evidences a strange and incurable critical distemper. Certainly, judging by the mass amnesia - even amongst so-called 'progressives' - for these events, such a diagnosis appears well-nigh unassailable. But for those who (to quote 'V') 'see what I see' then the entire slew of major terrorist attacks starting with 9/11 and continuing on through with those in Bali in 2002, Istanbul in 2003, Madrid in 2004,
Book terror on the tube
© Nick Kollerstrom
London in 2005 and Mumbai in 2006...and beyond, can be, indeed must be, viewed in the light of 'false flag' terrorism. By which we mean, of course, state terrorism in the service of supporting both US / NATO imperialism abroad, and oligarchic social control and para-fascism at home.

The thesis, then, (and to make it explicit) animating these extended forays into the obscure bowels of mere history, is that false-flag terrorism, far from being some fevered figment of the paranoid political imagination (as so tendentiously characterized by the establishment), or even just an isolated, irrelevant tactical ploy that simply distracts from more 'substantive', more strategic, political happenings (as portrayed by many leading progressive pundits), is, in truth, systemic in nature. As such, it is a highly effective pillar of elite policy that is deployed with depressing regularity and with depressingly predictable consequences. It is a time honoured, well-honed tool solidly situated in the political kitbag of every imperial and fascist state. What's more, as Kevin Barrett forthrightly opines in his introduction to Terror On The Tube:
'In the end, the reader of this book will understand that the post-Cold War West is being terrorized not by Muslims, but by the Western state apparatus itself. This is hardly surprising, since we know that it was NATO (under command by the Pentagon) that was carrying out the worst "terrorist attacks" against Europeans during the Cold War, which we now remember as 'Gladio'.'


Clash of the Two Americas vol. 1 (The Unfinished Symphony)

(The Unfinished Symphony)
Clash of the Two Americas vol. 1: The Unfinished Symphony by Matthew Ehret
The Canadian Patriot Review is proud to announce that the first volume of "Clash of the Two Americas" is now available for purchase as a Paperback, Kindle and PDF under the theme "The Unfinished Symphony".

In order to whet your appetite, I include here the introduction of the new book which also features a summary of each of the 15 chapters.

An Introduction to The Unfinished Symphony (Clash of the Two Americas vol. 1)

The United States today sits upon a precipice and the dream of the Founding Fathers of a new age of reason for all humankind may soon be washed away by the sands of time as just another failed effort to bring humanity into alignment with the force of Natural Law.

Time and again, humanity has been brought closer to this dream of an age of moral reason and cooperation that would define the terms of international law, political-economy, the arts and even science policy. The topic was treated at length in Plato's Republic, Laws, and Gorgias, just as it was treated by the great Platonist of the Roman Republic, Cicero in his Commonwealth and Laws. It was treated thoroughly by the Platonic Christian St. Augustine of Hippo in his City of God and Free Choice of the Will and it was treated by Augustine's followers Alcuin (advisor to Charlemagne), Dante Alighieri, Nicholas of Cusa and countless great Renaissance scholars and statesmen.

Comment: More from author Matthew Ehret: Also check out SOTT radio's:


Last meal of man mummified in a bog reconstructed after 2400 years

© A. MikkelsenThe well-preserved head of Tollund Man
An ancient man ate a simple meal of cooked cereals and fish before being hanged and dumped in a bog 2400 years ago.

Tollund Man was roughly 40 years old when he died in what is now Denmark. He was probably offered as a human sacrifice, and the peat bog he was buried in mummified his body in extraordinary detail. Dozens of other Iron Age Europeans were sacrificed in the same way, and they are collectively referred to as "bog bodies".

Danish scientists first analysed Tollund Man's intestinal contents shortly after his body was discovered in 1950. They found 20 plant species and one species of parasite.

Comment: Tollund man's last meal is notable because evidence spanning many thousands of years show that a diet high in animal fat and protein was the preferred fuel by peoples across the planet; one wonders how his diet and last meal were influenced by location, status, the era, as well as the fact he was apparently offered as a human sacrifice:


Ancient Roman road & dock discovered in Venice lagoon, region inhabited earlier than thought, when sea levels were 2 metres lower

© A Calandriello and G D'Acunto/SWNSAngela GiuffridaA digital reconstruction of the Roman road submerged in the Venice lagoon, which seems to have been part of a road system in the Veneto region.
The discovery of the remains of a Roman road and dock submerged in the Venice lagoon could prove there were permanent human settlements in the area centuries before Venice was founded, researchers say.

Scuba divers discovered what appeared to be paving stones beneath the lagoon in the 1980s, but only after more recent research were the relics confirmed to have formed part of a road system.

"After speaking to those who first found these stones in the 1980s, I understood that it was something significant that could be anthropic," said Fantina Madricardo, a researcher at the Venice-based Institute of Marine Science (Ismar) whose study was published this week in the Scientific Reports journal.

Comment: Earlier settlements than previous thought have been recently discovered in Pompeii in Italy, and Britain: See also: And check out SOTT radio's: Behind the Headlines: Who was Jesus? Examining the evidence that Christ may in fact have been Caesar!

Blue Planet

Crannogs: Scotland's mysterious ancient artificial islands

© Max Blinkhorn/AlamyWhile no one is sure exactly why these ingenious islets were constructed, they provide a unique window on human life all the way back to Neolithic times in Britain.
It was simple curiosity that prompted retired Royal Navy diver Chris Murray a decade ago to plunge into the icy waters around a mysterious islet in a small loch on his home island of Lewis in the Scottish Hebrides. But when the extraordinarily well-preserved pottery he found in the islet's silty surround was radiocarbon dated to 3600 BC, it pushed our awareness of civilisation on the British Isles back to a time before both Stonehenge and the first pyramids in Egypt.

The piece of land poking out of the Hebridean loch is an example of a remarkable form of a man-made island known as a crannog, which were created in multitudes via an inspiring blend of ingenuity and effort. Nearly 600 of these artificial islands have so far been recorded across mainland Scotland and its islands, built big enough to support large communal roundhouses or clusters of smaller dwellings, and linked by slender causeways or piers to the shorelines of myriad lochs in often stunning locations of wild beauty.

Comment: For more on Crannogs: Crannogs: Neolithic artificial islands in Scotland stump archeologists

Further clues may be found in the construction at England's Must Farm: "Catastrophic" fire destroyed incredible British Bronze Age settlement a year after it was built

See also: Also check out SOTT radio's:


Cuneiform inscription from last king of Babylon discovered in Saudi Arabia

Ancient inscription
© Saudi Press AgencyThe top of the inscription from the last king of Babylon shows engravings showing Nabonidus and four symbols.
A 2,550-year-old inscription, written in the name of Nabonidus, the last king of Babylon, has been discovered carved on basalt stone in northern Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage recently announced.

An engraving at the top of the inscription shows King Nabonidus holding a scepter alongside four other images that include a snake, a flower and a depiction of the moon, the commission said in a statement, noting that these symbols likely have a religious meaning.

These engravings are followed beneath by about 26 lines of cuneiform text that experts with the commission are currently deciphering. This is the longest cuneiform inscription ever found in Saudi Arabia, the commission said in the statement.

The inscription was found in Al Hait in the Hail region of northern Saudi Arabia. Known as Fadak in ancient times, Al Hait holds numerous ancient sites, including the remains of fortresses, rock art and water installations, the commission said. "[It] has great historical significance from the first millennium [B.C.] until the early Islamic era."


Sarcophagus from Visigoth period discovered in Roman necropolis

© University of Murcia
Archaeologists from the University of Murcia, financed by the Mula municipal council, the Cajamurcia Foundation, and supported by CEPOAT have excavated a sarcophagus at the site of the Roman necropolis at Los Villaricos, located 5km East of the city of Mula, in Murcia, Spain.

The discovery was made during the summer season of excavations among the ruins of a previously excavated Roman villa, which was abandoned around the 5th century AD.

During the Roman period, Los Villaricos was a large-scale agricultural site, focusing on the production and storage of olive oil. In later years, elements of the villa was repurposed for Christian worship, whilst the villa's central patio area was used as a necropolis, referred to as the ' necropolis ad sanctos '.

Comment: See also: Also check out SOTT radio's:

Blue Planet

500-year-old skulls with facial modification unearthed in Gabon

skull modification
© C. Gerin and P. Mora /Antiquity Publications LtdA skull (a) and photogrammetry of a skull (b) showing how the individuals had their upper incisors removed.
Men and women living in West Central Africa 500 years ago dramatically changed their looks by removing their front teeth, ancient skulls reveal. Archaeologists found the centuries-old altered skulls deep underground in a cave that could be reached only by rope, through a hole in the cavern's roof.

The harrowing vertical drop of 82 feet (25 meters) led to thousands of bones from at least 24 adults (men and women age 15 or older) and four children that were deposited there on at least two occasions, researchers reported in a new study. Hundreds of metal artifacts — jewelry, weapons and hoes, made of local iron and imported copper — lay near the remains, hinting at the wealth and status of the people who were buried there.

Comment: Mary Settegast in her book Plato Prehistorian provides some more details on this practice:
The Iberomau­rusians not only lacked the Magdalenian artistic genius, at least in imperishable materials, but the two cultures fundamentally diverged in burial customs and initiation procedures. Hundreds of Iberomaurusian dead have been recovered from large ceme­teries in North African caves, as opposed to the scarce and usually isolated Magdalenian burials, and all Iberomaurusian crania show evidence of tooth avulsion in puberty (in this case the removal of the two upper central incisors and occasionally the two lower ones as well), presumably an adolescent initia­tion practice for which there are no parallels in Europe.

And yet the spatial and temporal boundaries of these North Africans do match up almost as well as the Magdalenians with the stated dimensions of Atlantic control. One wonders, there­fore, if the marked cultural differences on either side of the Straits might indicate the presence of more than one Atlantic hand in Mediterranean affairs. In the Critias, the ten orig­inal kings and their descendants are said to have governed formany generations "their own territories and many other islands in the ocean and, as has already been said, also controlled the populations this side of the straits as far as Egypt and Tyrrhenia." If this passage is taken to mean that more than one of the Atlantic kings controlled populations inside the Straits, we would expect any differences between these rulers to have extended to their colonies.

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