It is up to the West to decide if it wants to engage in dialogue with Russia or pursue endless aggression in an attempt to hamper the country's development, President Vladimir Putin said during his inauguration speech on Tuesday.
Putin's address came after he was officially sworn in for a fifth term as Russian leader. The ceremony took place at the Kremlin Grand Palace and was attended by dozens of dignitaries, including senior officials from parliament and the constitutional court.
Commenting on the future of Russia and its relations with other nations, Putin stressed that "we do not refuse dialogue with Western states. The choice is theirs: do they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of Russia, continue the policy of aggression and relentless pressure that they have pursued for years, or look for a path to cooperation and peace."
This cooperation must include discussions on issues of security and strategic stability, according to the Russian president. However, any talks must be carried out with mutual respect on equal terms, and without "arrogance, conceit, and personal exclusivity," Putin insisted.
"Together with our partners in Eurasian integration and other sovereign development centers, we will continue to work to form a multipolar world order and an equal and indivisible security system," Putin said. At the same time, Russia will strive to remain self-sufficient and competitive, he added.
Putin also stressed the importance of remembering "the tragic price of internal turmoil and upheaval." In order to ensure its unity and independence, Russia's statehood and socio-political system must be flexible and resistant to any challenges and threats, the president insisted.
The president also said society has changed in recent years, and has begun to value "reliability, mutual responsibility, sincerity, decency, nobility and courage."
Putin went on to promise to use his powers as head of state to ensure that all Russian citizens who have proven their loyalty and have shown "their best human and professional qualities" are given leading positions in public administration, the economy, and other spheres.
Idiodemocracy awaits, if it's not already here.
President Putin is a different person these days to the person he was when he took office in 1999. The western leaders had a golden opportunity to work in unison with Russia towards creating a better environment for everyone on this planet. Not just 1% of people on this planet. This is what the west promised Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Instead the western leaders led President Putin down blind alleys and political cul-de-sacs. These western leaders, who come and go on a regular basis, have been systematic liars holding President Putin at bay for over 20 years whilst they formalised their attack on Russia via Ukraine, or frankly any country stupid enough to take up the US/nato offer.
There had to come a day when the US and nato bluff was called. Not since the 1860's has the US experienced destruction on home soil due to war. Present US citizens could get to see what their cities look like after being destroyed by modern weapons. We in europe already know that the result isn't pretty.