Society's ChildS

Eye 2

A psychopath in action: Secret life of the playboy held on murder charge

Thanos Papalexis
The man who would be king: Thanos Papalexis sitting in state in his Palm Beach office before his arrest.
The murder of Charalambos Christodoulides was one of Scotland Yard's most baffling modern cases. The victim was a 57-year-old eccentric whose greatest pleasure was to dress in a Savile Row suit and designer accessories to make forays to the West End from his dingy flat in Kilburn. He would sit alone until the early hours of the morning in fast food restaurants around Piccadilly, talking to no one. He spent his days making minuscule bets at bookmaker shops and he didn't have much money.

When he was found, tortured and strangled, apparently killed by experienced criminals, the police were at a loss. Why would professional villains want to murder this harmless old loner?

Heart - Black

Bridgend, Wales: Woman found dead in 'suicide county'

Another young person has been found dead in a South Wales county blighted by suicide victims, police have said.

The 25-year-old's body was discovered at her house in Bridgend on Monday morning.

A spokesman for South Wales Police said the death was not being treated as suspicious.

The woman is the 24th young person in or from the county believed to have killed themselves in less than two years.

The police spokesman said while there were similarities between recent sudden deaths in the county, there was no criminal link.

"In the event of a sudden death, we will investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident, our primary aim being to determine whether or not the death is suspicious," said the spokesman.

War Whore

Palin didn't know Africa was a continent, refused to prepare for interviews, threw tantrums

Comment: McCain aides begin to reveal depths of Palin's "dumb psychopath" personality. We are lucky she wasn't a smart, well-informed psychopath.

From DailyKos
According to [Carl] Cameron,

Palin did NOT know Africa was a continent.
She did NOT know who the parties to NAFTA were.
She threw dramatic temper tantrums over bad press.
She refused to prepare for the Gibson or Couric interviews.

Bad Guys

SOTT Focus: Connecting the Dots: Towards the New World Order with the Men who Count the Votes

welcome to the new world order
The month of October came and went leaving more panic about the global economic situation - evidence of a Shock Doctrine strategy necessary for the installment of a New World Order. The US election show is following its course, ready for the "grand finale" in just a few days, while behind the curtain US troops are being called back home to take care of any possible civil unrest.

Meanwhile, the sun is still taking some time off, more fireballs are lighting the sky, and we were surprised by an early arrival of extreme cold weather. Flu pandemic scares came with it, but we believe they are not really related to the weather. There is also an increase of reports of UFO sightings and cold-blooded acts by pathological individuals.

But hang on, because there is always hope!

Arrow Up

Cyprus condemns U.S. air raid into Syria

The Cyprus government on Thursday condemned a deadly airstrike on a Syrian village by the U.S. troops based in Iraq, which triggered big anti-American demonstrations in capital Damascus.

"Any acts against the territorial integrity of states in the Middle East are condemnable and hinder the prospects of peace and stability in the wider region," the Cypriot Foreign Ministry said in a statement.


IAEA chief: Iran not close to developing nuclear weapons

The head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog agency said on Monday that Iran remains far from acquiring capabilities to develop nuclear weapons.

Black Cat

California: Ex-paramedic convicted in multiple counts of rape

During the day, Anthony Bryan Douglas was a contributing member of society, helping people in need as a paramedic in the East Bay.

But at night, a prosecutor said, the Oakland man turned into a psychopath, kidnapping and raping women he either picked up as prostitutes or met during nights out.

On Sept. 23, an Alameda County jury found Douglas, 41, guilty of 22 felony crimes including attempted murder, rape and assault with a deadly weapon. He faces 500 years to life in prison when he is sentenced in December.


SOTT Focus: Connecting the Dots: Palin Ascends, Your Savings Plummet, The World Steps Into The Twilight Zone

The art of war
© Dwayne Booth
Sleepwalking into disaster, the human race appears to have crossed the point of no return in more than one area:

- The American people are playing with fire by supporting religious extremist and political dunce Sarah Palin - and they will get burned.

- In the process they may also burn a considerable portion of the rest of the world.

- Synchronously, the financial system gets the last, gentle push over the abyss; hungry and poor people will provide lots of excuses for fascism - some will even ask for it.

- The climate is acting up, as it usually does during this time of the year, but the Sun is not behaving according to expected cycles, and together with a few clues here and there, we wonder if something in the cosmic/geophysical system has not changed for good.

Heart - Black

Florida Teen Psychopath Charged With Gruesome Slaying

A troubled Florida teenager who allegedly bragged to his friends about nearly decapitating a neighbor appeared in court today as police investigated whether he might have killed before.

Comment: Why should he be described as "troubled" when he bragged about the gruesome and cold-blooded murder? Whether intentional or not, such automatic "filling in the blanks" and "explaining away" on the part of normal people are what help psychopaths hide so easily in the society.

Alan Michael Tanguay, whose first arrest came at age 12, has been charged with the murder of 58-year-old Patricia Kaliszeski, a woman known in her neighborhood for taking walks with her beloved birds on her shoulder.

The 5-foot-7-inch, 145-pound 16-year-old was taken into custody before dawn Monday after his friends confided in their parents that Tanguay allegedly recounted the killing in great detail, also gloating that he had stolen $6 from her and bought beer.


Nine people feared dead after student opens fire at school in Finland

A Finnish student has killed several people after opening fire at a vocational school in north-western Finland.

Finnish police told the national broadcaster that nine people had been killed, and confirmed the gunman, understood to be a male student around 20 years old, had been disarmed.

Finnish school
A picture of Kauhajoki Palvelualojen Oppilaitos vocational school from its website

Local authorities said later that he had taken his own life. "He is no longer free. He has killed himself,'' Antti Rantakokko, the Kauhajoki mayor, told Reuters. There were conflicting reports that the gunman was wounded but not dead.