Society's ChildS

Black Cat

New Book Claims O.J. Simpson Confessed: Is O.J. a Psychopath?

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Subject: Copyright Infringement Notice from
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 00:32:43 -0500
From: Ginn A Veve

Subject: Notice of Copyright Infringement

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This is the second notice I've sent your website which was ignored. Your
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reproducing posts from our website without our permission we'll: 1.
contact your server, and 2, write several long posts about the methods
your website uses to obtain 'free' material without authorization, a
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Elaine Marlowe,

Evil Rays

Best of the Web: Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation Part 2

"He was great, he was unreal - really, really good."

"He had this kind of music that nobody else was doing. I thought he really had something crazy, something great. He was like a living poet."

©Steven Johnson

[Today's first trivia question: both of the above statements were made, on separate occasions, by a famous Laurel Canyon musician of the 1960s era. Both quotes were offered up in praise of another Laurel Canyon musician. Award yourself five points for correctly identifying the person who made the remarks, and five for identifying who the statements refer to. The answers are at the end of this post.]

Comment: Continue to part III


SOTT Focus: US: At least 245 cases of taser deaths between June 2001 and June 2007, but don't talk about it!

Well, it looks like something fishy is going on with a topic that has been in the news for quite awhile now: deaths due to Tasers.

We begin our little story with an article from
Pinellas County Taser Deaths - Excusable Or Not?

June Maxam
North Country Gazette
7 May 2008

Between June 2001 and June 2007, there were at least 245 cases of deaths of subjects soon after having been shocked using Tasers. Of these cases, in seven cases, medical examiners said tasers were a cause or a contributing factor or could not be ruled out as a cause of death.

In 16 cases, coroners and other officials stated that a taser was a secondary or contributory factor of death.

In dozens of cases, coroners cited excited delirium as cause of death. Excited delirium has been questioned as a medical diagnosis.

Several deaths occurred as a result of injuries sustained in struggles. In a few of these cases, head injury due to falling after being shocked contributed to later death.

In 2005, a medical examiner ruled for the first time that a taser was the primary factor in a death. [...]
Fabulous. If you put the headline together with the text, it sounds like Pinellas County, FL is a veritable hotbed for Taser Deaths. So what's the big deal? The day after we posted this article under our Fair Use Policy, we received an e-mail as follows:

Eye 2

Best of the Web: Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation Part 1

Frank Zappa
Frank Zappa: Pro-war, authoritarian, and what else?

"There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear"

Join me now, if you have the time, as we take a stroll down memory lane to a time nearly four-and-a-half decades ago - a time when America last had uniformed ground troops fighting a sustained and bloody battle to impose, uhmm, 'democracy' on a sovereign nation.

It is the first week of August, 1964, and U.S. warships under the command of U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam's Tonkin Gulf. This event, subsequently dubbed the 'Tonkin Gulf Incident,' will result in the immediate passing by the U.S. Congress of the obviously pre-drafted Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which will, in turn, quickly lead to America's deep immersion into the bloody Vietnam quagmire. Before it is over, well over fifty thousand American bodies - along with literally millions of Southeast Asian bodies - will litter the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

Comment: Continue to part II


U.N. Warns Of Riots: Civil War Due To Food Shortage In Various Countries

The United Nations Food Agency chief Jacques Diouf warned that civil war may erupt in some countries because of the global food shortages and soaring prices of fuel and other commodities.

Black Cat

Canada: Female "borderline psychopath" kills 13-year-old

A 20-year-old city woman convicted of manslaughter for her role in the chilling golf course sex slaying of 13-year-old Nina Courtepatte is a borderline psychopath.

The killer, who cannot be identified because she was 17 at the time of the April 3, 2005, slaying, also poses a high risk to re-offend and shows little remorse and little empathy for the victim, says a psychiatrist who assessed her.

Black Cat

Female psychopath: Toes point to new LaBarre victim

Brentwood - The possibility that Sheila LaBarre may have killed at least one more man on her Epping farm has been raised after it was revealed yesterday that toes from an unidentified man were found on her property.

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: Connecting the Dots: Shortage of Food and Signs of War; the Future is Now


It has been a month now since the Signs editors engaged in a little exercise of connecting the dots: we noticed a number of high level meetings of some of the most prominent Axis of Evil personalities, and thinking it likely that there is an important reason for the activity, we published our observations here.

We have decided to make this a periodical effort of 'joining the dots', hoping to make sense of the avalanche of information that comes our way on a daily basis. It may help us to detect trends, and to understand which way the drivers are steering this bus called Planet Earth.

Well, judging by the events of April, it seems that they are taking us towards a cliff, and it is rapidly approaching.


SOTT Focus: The Headlines Say It All


Lake View man hit by Taser dies

A 24-year-old Lake View man died Thursday, five days after suburban Cincinnati police shocked him with a Taser outside a bar there....

Alarm Clock

Best of the Web: When Change Is Not Enough: Seven Steps to Revolution

If history is any indication, we may be on the road to violent revolution. We got here because of the conservatives' war against liberal government.
"Those who make peaceful evolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable." -- John F. Kennedy
There's one thing for sure: 2008 isn't anything like politics as usual.