Society's ChildS


Louisville Police Department fires officer involved in Breonna Taylor's death

Breonna Taylor
Breonna Taylor
The Louisville Metro Police Department announced Tuesday that it has fired Brett Hankison, one of the officers involved in the March shooting death of 26-year-old emergency medical worker Breonna Taylor. In a letter to Hankison tweeted by the department, the Louisville police chief called his conduct "a shock to the conscience."

Taylor was killed on March 13, when officers entered her home looking for illegal drugs. Officials claimed the officers knocked on the door and announced themselves, and only started shooting after they were "immediately met by gunfire" from Taylor's boyfriend, Kenneth Walker. But Taylor's family said in a lawsuit that the officers did not identify themselves, and that Walker — a licensed gun owner — thought someone was trying to break in.

The letter states that Hankison was found to have violated two standard operating procedures: obedience to rules and regulations and use of deadly force.

Comment: See also:


The Marxists of BLM are gonna succeed in securing the biggest thing they despise - a second term for Trump

blm protesters
© REUTERS/Tom Brenner
All the riots, toppled statues and attacks on American history will not end in the Year Zero the protesters want. It's going to achieve precisely the opposite, as the silent majority of Americans will show in November.

The silent majority is one of the biggest X factors in American politics. Possibly even the biggest. Not all Americans are the type to shout everything from the high heavens, even though we have a reputation for being brash and loud. Many of us would rather let our actions do the talking than our words.

With the presidential election less than 150 days away, the left needs to reconsider where it's going and what it's enabling. And whether it wants the nation to dump Trump, as its supporters say they're passionate about achieving.

The poll numbers are hardly surprising. Biden tends to range anywhere from 42 to 56, whereas Trump is anywhere from 37 to 48 percent, according to Five Thirty Eight.This is no different to how it was in 2016, when the polls showed Hillary Clinton routinely holding double-digit leads over Trump.


Censors come for 'NAZI' bronies: 'Hate speech' thought police won't rest until even My Little Pony has bent the knee

my little pony
© REUTERS/Hannah McKay
Online forums for "bronies," adult male fans of My Little Pony cartoons, are infested with Nazis! Quick, censor them before it spreads! So says the media establishment, threatened by the continued existence of free speech online.

One could be forgiven for questioning why the Atlantic would devote a lengthy feature to the internal squabbles of a My Little Pony fansite called Derpibooru, which hosts "millions" of fan-drawn artworks celebrating, exploring, and interpreting the wholesome, brightly-colored world of the cartoon ponies. But the piece has vanishingly little to do with an escapist paradise in which "Friendship is Magic" - the official name of the series, and the defining ethos of the pony universe - and where we all can, in fact, just get along.

Instead, it's all about censorship - the need for even these supposedly warm and fuzzy "bronies" to constantly police themselves, lest "white supremacy" take root among them.


This is so weird that I can't fathom it: Why did deaths in those aged 15 - 44 spike during lockdown, but only in England?

wearing masks
© Getty Images / David Cliff / NurPhoto
As a doctor, I occasionally get confronted with difficult, inexplicable things, but this is a mystery I simply can't solve. What lies behind this unusual rise in deaths in an age group that isn't vulnerable to Covid-19?

It has been almost impossible to make any sense of the figures of Covid-19 deaths from around the world. They say that the first casualty of war is truth. However, the enemy, in this case, doesn't much care what anyone says, so there's no point in lying to it.

All it wants to do is move from one host to another and propagate itself. Why does it wish to do this? We don't really know - it just does. Covid-19 doesn't do interviews, but we can guess that its mission is to completely dominate the world.

Faced with the same implacable enemy, you would expect that every country would see similar patterns of infection and death. Or you might expect to see the same figures from countries that carried out the same actions - essentially, whether or not they imposed a nationwide lockdown.

Light Saber

Trump not bluffing: DC police unleash on 'Black House autonomous zone' protesters

black house autonomous zone washington dc
© AFP/Roberto SchmidtProtesters jeer a line of policemen at the 'Black House Autonomous Zone' near the White House.
Police bombarded protesters with pepper bullets, tear gas and flashbangs during yet another night of violent clashes in downtown Washington DC, fulfilling President Trump's vow to use 'serious force.'

Multiple eyewitness videos from the scene show the ensuing chaos as Black Lives Matter protesters were cleared from the streets by police using multiple forms of non-lethal munitions, indiscriminately hosing the crowds with pepper spray and bullets, before launching barrages of flashbangs.

One group of protesters was filmed setting an American flag on fire.

Comment: Trump, who knows the value of symbols, had already made his intentions clear:
US President Donald Trump has called on lawmakers to "do something" about protesters who burn American flags, apparently inspired by demonstrators who set Old Glory ablaze just blocks away from the White House.

"It is a shame that Congress doesn't do something about the lowlifes that burn the American Flag. It should be stopped, and now!" Trump boomed from his perch on Twitter on Tuesday night.


Capitol Hill residents and businesses sue city of Seattle for failing to disband CHOP

chop zone seattle
© Greg Gilbert / The Seattle Times
A group of Capitol Hill residents and businesses filed a class-action lawsuit Wednesday against the city of Seattle for the "extensive harm" they've faced as a result of CHOP, or the Capitol Hill Organized Protest.

Demonstrators have occupied several blocks around the Seattle Police Department's East Precinct and Cal Anderson Park for about two weeks, since the police left the precinct following standoffs and clashes with protesters calling for racial justice and an end to police brutality.

Calfo Eakes LLP, the law firm representing the group, said in a statement the lawsuit is "not a step (their) clients have taken lightly," adding that they stand with the Black Lives Matter movement and support demonstrators' right to free speech and assembly. The plaintiffs include owners of apartment buildings in the area and local businesses such as Car Tender, Northwest Liquor and Wine, Sage Physical Therapy and Tattoos and Fortune. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages.


No justice, no peace: The crisis of authority

police officers washington DC
© Getty ImagesPolice officers line up by the AFL-CIO building in Washington, DC
Who would want to be a policeman in America in 2020? It's badly paid and dangerous. You might get to be a hero. You are more likely to be despised as a racist. Every day, in crime-ridden urban areas, officers of different ethnicities must make intensely stressful life-and-death decisions as they engage with other people of different ethnicities. That's the job. It should go without saying that the vast majority of law enforcement officers carry out their duties with admirable professionalism and skill. Watching the news, however, or listening to certain Democratic politicians, we might easily reach a very different conclusion: that cops are vile bigots who target and kill black people for sport. Even Donald Trump, who became President in no small part because he promised to uphold law and order, seems to have surrendered to the idea that American policing needs urgent reform; either that or he is trying to tell African American voters that he takes race seriously ahead of the election in November.


Australia's Public Broadcast asks: "Is chess racist?"

© Dimitri Otis/Getty Images
Australia's taxpayer funded public broadcaster ABC is facing ridicule after announcing it would host a debate asking if chess is racist because the white team traditionally gets to go first under the rules of the game.

A former member of the Australian Chess Federation discovered that the debate was set to take place when he was asked by a radio producer to take part.

"The ABC have taken the view that chess is RACIST given that white always goes first!" tweeted John Adams, adding, "Trust the taxpayer funded national broadcaster to apply ideological Marxist frameworks to anything and everything in Australia!"

Comment: See also:

Red Flag

Canada's largest mental health hospital urges alternative to police for mental health checks

camh mental health hospital toronto
© Michael Wilson/CBCThe Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto said Tuesday police officers should not be first responders for people in mental health crises.
Canada's largest centre specializing in mental health has joined a growing chorus calling for an alternative to police in response to a series of disturbing deaths and arrests that occurred during mental wellness checks.

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) posted a statement on Twitter on Tuesday, calling for "a new way forward."

"Recent events have exposed the tragic outcomes that can occur when people with mental illness experience a crisis in the community and are not able to get the care that they need," the statement reads. "Racism and anti-Black racism compound these crisis interactions.

Comment: See also:


Burnley FC says 'White Lives Matter' banner is offensive. Many are questioning why exactly

white lives matter banner burnley
There have hardly been stronger racial divisions in the West this century than those triggered by the death of George Floyd. The Black Lives Matter movement has seen a revival, as well as a pushback over what critics view as overly callous efforts to instill social justice. The United Kingdom has become one of the hotspots in the new culture war.

A 'White Lives Matter' banner flown during a Monday game of football in England has left fans divided.

The Premier League match between Manchester City and Burnley FC was (literally) overshadowed by the slogan, which was pulled by a small single-engine plane above the Etihad Stadium seconds after the players kneeled in support of Black Lives Matter.

Comment: See also: