Society's ChildS


Does Greta deserve her own statue?

Greta Thunberg
A Swedish politician has called for Greta Thunberg to have her own statue.

As statues around the world have been vandalised and torn down, Jan Bjoringe, a former mayor, has called for a statue of one of Sweden's greatest-ever leaders, King Charles XII, to be brought down and replaced with a likeness of the teenage climate activist. Amazingly, he is not joking.

Comment: Given the sheer number and variety of statues being torn down, particularly in the US, it seems the perpetrators don't actually have 'reasons' to be doing so. Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Ghandi - no matter how good the person being depicted, the far-leftists will tear it down. A Greta statue might survive for awhile, but it would probably come down at some point. She is white, after all.

Light Sabers

White BLM activists incur wrath of black protesters for dramatic history-flipping 'whipped slaves' demonstration

white slaves and a black owner protests
© Twitter/ @TomNovellyLocal news reporter Thomas Novelly released video footage of the dramatic confrontation.
There were furious scenes at a Black Lives Matter protest in Charleston, South Carolina, when a group of liberal white activists enraged their black counterparts with a demonstration that featured white slaves and a black owner.

The ill-judged display took place in Charleston's Marion Square where a group of monument defenders gathered to show their support for a statue of John C. Calhoun, a pro-slavery American vice president.

Unsurprisingly, that gathering attracted a counter-protest in which dozens of Black Lives Matter activists chanted slogans including "George Floyd" and "take it down."

Arrow Down

Everywhere statues are torn down by the mob, history promises people are next

The promise of bloodshed coming alongside or following shortly after is an historic certainty. The symbols of a people never satisfy: People themselves must always come next.
Torndown statues
For millennia, King Mob has targeted societies' icons with varied goals and to varied ends, and few things are more foreboding than his desecration of civic art. Just as the targets have ranged from rulers to clergy, from tyrants to helpless, and from the guilty to the innocent, the outcomes have ranged from victory to defeat depending on the society's strength and will. The promise of bloodshed coming alongside or following shortly after, however, is an historic certainty. The symbols of a people never satisfy: People themselves must always come next.

In 1790, mobs looted and pillaged Paris's treasured Notre Dame. To the revolutionaries, the cathedral symbolized everything that was wrong with France's history and society — a history of kings, tradition and religion, and a society beset by royal injustice and systemic inequality.

Over the next three years, the 12th-century church's riches and artifacts were stripped, stolen, and destroyed, their remnants hidden by the faithful and sold off by the faithless. Statues of the Virgin Mary were removed and statues to the Goddess of Liberty took their place on desecrated altars.

Bizarro Earth

Hysterical 'Karen' shamed in viral video, but things are not quite how they seem

© Instagram / @karlosdillardA screenshot from Karlos Dillard's video
It's a sight we're all familiar with. An entitled white woman called out for her alleged racism is shamed in front of the world in a viral video. But in the most recent case, things aren't exactly what they seem.

In video footage shot in Seattle on Monday, black Twitter user Karlos Dillard confronted a middle-aged white woman who, he said, had cut him off in traffic then flipped him off. Following the woman home, Dillard asked her to speak to him outside her house, but the woman refused, covering her face and attempting to hide her license plate from his camera.

As the argument progressed, Dillard claims that the woman called him a racial slur. The sobbing woman denies this, saying that she has a black husband. As the woman cries, Dillard explains her offenses to bystanders, drawing attention to her house. Dillard posted a full-length video of the encounter to his Instagram channel, but there is no proof that the woman had used the language Dillard said she did.

Comment: A stark reminder that, in our dark and bizarre times, one needs to exercise discernment as much as is possible, lest we end up believing, supporting and promoting lies.


Tucker: Why mobs are tearing down America's monuments

These aren't protests. This is a totalitarian political movement and someone needs to save us from it.

(Transcript here.)


NY, NJ and Connecticut governors mandate 2-week Covid-19 QUARANTINE for visitors from high-infection states

social distance
© Reuters / Caitlin Ochs
Three US states' governors have imposed a 14-day mandatory quarantine from nine other states said to have high Covid-19 infection rates, declaring the "smart" precaution is needed to keep the former hotspots from reigniting.

The governors of pandemic epicenter New York, New Jersey and Connecticut announced the quarantine on Wednesday, requiring visitors heralding from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, North and South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Washington to quarantine themselves for two weeks upon arriving in the tri-state area.

"This is a smart thing to do," New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy told reporters, reasoning that after taking "our people...through hell and back," the "last thing we need to do right now is subject our folks to another round" of the coronavirus.

Eye 1

'Flawed and racist facial recognition' tech led to wrong arrest, ACLU says

facial recognition
Civil rights activists have filed an official complaint against the Detroit police, alleging the department arrested the wrong man based on a faulty and incorrect match provided by facial recognition software — the first known complaint of this kind.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed the complaint (PDF) Wednesday on behalf of Robert Williams, a Michigan man who was arrested in January based on a false positive generated by facial recognition software. "At every step, DPD's conduct has been improper," the complaint alleges. "It unthinkingly relied on flawed and racist facial recognition technology without taking reasonable measures to verify the information being provided" as part of a "shoddy and incomplete investigation."

The investigation began when five watches, valued at about $3,800, were stolen from a Shinola luxury retail store in Detroit in October 2018. Investigators reviewed the security footage and identified a suspect: an apparent Black man wearing a baseball cap and a dark jacket. In March 2019, according to the complaint, Detroit police conducted a facial recognition search using an image from the surveillance footage; that search matched the image to Williams' driver's license photo.

Star of David

Iran's head rabbi claims Jews are safer in Islamic Republic than in Europe

Rabbi Garami
© Times of IsraelChief Rabbi of Iran, Yehuda Garami
Notwithstanding the stormy history of relations between Tehran and Tel Aviv since 1979, the Islamic Republic remains home to the largest community of Jews in the Middle East outside Israel itself, with the group enjoying religious protections and even a reserved seat in the country's parliament.

Iran is home to as many as 25,000 Jews, not the 8,000-15,000 that is sometimes estimated, and they feel safer in the Islamic Republic than they do in Europe, Rabbi Yehuda Garami, Iran's chief rabbi, has suggested.

"We have total freedom of religion. All the synagogues are open, and Torah classes take place there. We have all sorts of educational institutions too, including elementary and middle schools," Garami said, speaking to Al-Monitor.

According to the rabbi, Jews in Iran are more protected than they are in some European nations, where Jewish communities have been subjected to knife and gun attacks, bombings, death threats and discrimination.


Anti-racism protesters in Wisconsin tear down statue of... anti-slavery hero

Hans Christian Heg
© WikipediaThe statue of Hans Christian Heg
With vandals targeting 'problematic' statues across the US, a crowd in Madison, Wisconsin vented their fury on an unlikely target: A memorial to Hans Christian Heg, an immigrant who died fighting against the Confederacy.

Born in Norway in 1829, Heg arrived in the US 11 years later. He later joined the Republican Party and became known as an anti-slavery activist, as well as the leader of an anti-slave catcher militia. Fighting for the Union during the civil war, Heg was fatally wounded at the Battle of Chickamauga, and had a statue erected in his honor in 1924.

That same statue was lashed with chains and torn down by rioters on Tuesday night. After it came crashing to the ground, the figure was unceremoniously rolled to a nearby lake and dumped, as the crowd cheered.

Red Flag

Clinton pal, philanthropist and multi-millionaire Steve Bing jumps from high rise to his death

Steve Bing, Bill Clinton
Steve Bing and Bill Clinton
Clinton friend, philanthropist, film financier and multi-millionaire, Steve Bing, 55, jumped from a Century City building on Monday and was found dead at the scene.

Steve Bing was a longtime friend of the Clintons. According to reports, Mr. Bing donated up to $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Both Clinton and Bing were in the past reported to be part of a billionaire clique that included Burkle and Jeffrey Epstein - reported LA Mag.