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Sweden's COVID statistics update

COVID 19 deaths in Sweden continue their downwards trend towards zero, and are about 95% lower than model forecasts.

Covid Deaths Sweden
The same people who over predicted deaths in Sweden by 2000% now claim they have "the highest death rate in the world." But death rates in Sweden are lower than San Marino, Belgium, Andorra, UK, Spain, Italy, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Washington DC, Louisiana, Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Maryland.

Bizarro Earth

'Distinguished' Oxford professor and former pastor sentenced to parole in France over child abuse images

© Tracy Packer/Moment Editorial/Getty ImagesArchie Bland and Jon HenleyChrist Church college in Oxford.
An Oxford University theology professor and former pastor who downloaded 28,000 child abuse images and videos has been sentenced to a year in prison and placed on the sex offender register in France.

Jan Joosten, 61, who holds the prestigious regius professorship of Hebrew at Oxford, was suspended by the university's Faculty of Oriental Studies and Christ Church college on Monday night. He is considered one of the most distinguished biblical scholars of his generation.

The academic, who lives in the Bas-Rhin region of France, was sentenced by a court in the city of Saverne last week over possession of about 27,000 images and 1,000 videos after he admitted the facts of the case, Agence France-Presse reported.

Comment: See also: 'Truth, Lies and Sex Offenders': Anna Salter's documentary on sexual predators

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America: Your black future

Starhat guy with book
© UnknownMao's shock troops, Philadelphia 2011
A guy with who once pointed a gun at the belly of a woman during an armed robbery was actually "a gentle giant," according to ABC News. It quotes one of his buddies, "Anybody who knows him will tell you he's not confrontational." At George Floyd's funeral, the mayor of Minneapolis, Richard Frey, knelt by the coffin and sobbed for a full minute, his body shaking.

For over two weeks, riots have erupted across America, and it doesn't look like they will stop soon. Protesters and cops have been killed. A black man has just been shot by police in Atlanta, triggering another riot.

Reading about all this turmoil, I think back to my one visit to the Twin Cities, in 2014. Arriving in Saint Paul on a train from Williston, North Dakota, I checked into a motel, and was on the streets by dawn. It was July 4th!

Wandering around haphazardly, I ended up at Langford Park, where there was a large picnic. Old people relaxed on lawn chairs, kids ran around and the Pig's Eye JassBand was swinging to Gershwin's "Strike Up the Band." Having been to many cities in at least 35 states, I had never encountered such a wholesome and tranquilly joyous gathering. It was as if I had stumbled into a vast Norman Rockwell painting, or time traveled to an America of half a century ago.

Star of David

Israeli news anchor suspended: Claimed Netanyahu would get Likud votes even if he were a rapist

© Wikidata/Unknown/KJNNews anchor Rina Matsliah • Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has a history of clashing with Channel 12 news coverage, with his supporters often accusing it of being biased against the prime minister and his Likud party. This time, they say, the channel's anchor went too far in her criticism.

Israeli Channel 12 has suspended its Meet the Press anchor Rina Matsliah for a week, following her comments on Saturday about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Likud voters, the Times of Israel reports.

Marsliah came under fire after attributing a claim to one of Netanyahu's supporters in which he or she allegedly said: "even if he raped my daughter I would still vote for him".

The comment caused a stir among Likud politicians, with the prime minister arguing on Twitter that the journalist's "hatred of Likud voters" and him in particular "has reached new lows", while calling Matsliah a "disgrace".


Ex-cop charged in George Floyd's death accosted while in city supermarket

J. Alexander Keung george floyd
© TwitterJ. Alexander Keung
One of the four former Minneapolis cops charged in the murder of George Floyd was accosted by a fellow shopper during a recent supermarket trip, viral video of the run-in shows.

J. Alexander Keung, freed Friday evening on $750,000 bail, was stocking up at a Cub Foods in the Minneapolis suburb of Plymouth when another shopper started recording on her phone and moved in.

"What's your name?" asked the woman as she approached Keung, 26, in the tense video posted by a user who identified the shopper as their sister.

"Oh, yeah, that's me," replied the bearded Keung, appearing bewildered by the encounter, but calm.

Comment: Thus does the media continues to stoke the emotions around George Floyd's unfortunate death. Keung seems to have done his best to remain calm while being harassed by a random person who probably has no connection to the case. What does she hope to gain, except to make a bad situation worse? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Unfortunately, often this is how the justice system works in the US with regard to police, and if she has a problem with that, her beef isn't really with Keung. It's basically the twitter-mob mentality bleeding into the real world. As far as she's concerned, he's already been tried and convicted.

Twitterati have come down on both sides of the issue.


Second German region REIMPOSES Covid-19 lockdown after slaughterhouse outbreak

germany lockdown
A second German district is reimposing lockdown measures following an outbreak of Covid-19 at the Toennies meat factory in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, which saw 1,500 employees testing positive for the virus.

Officials said on Tuesday that the Warendorf district in the northern and most populous state would be placed under lockdown again, just hours after the neighboring district of Guetersloh made the same decision.

The Toennies slaughterhouse was forced to cease operations and around 7,000 workers placed into quarantine to avoid further spread of the infection. The two regions in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia will have to close its daycare centers, schools, museums, bars and other public places.


Wokescolds looking to cancel comedian Jimmy Kimmel after blackface & 'n-word' tapes shatter 'woke' reinvention

jimmy kimmel
© Reuters / Mario Anzuoni
Calls to "cancel" late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel over blackface routines and past racial slurs have reached fever pitch, as his efforts to reinvent himself as "America's conscience" are dashed on the rocks of his own hypocrisy.

Kimmel's critics have pounced on newly-unearthed tapes of a 1996 Snoop Dogg parody in which he repeatedly drops the "n-word" and a 2013 podcast featuring him impersonating black comic George Wallace. In the second clip, podcast host Adam Carolla additionally refers to Kimmel deploying his "crazy black voice" to portray Wallace - indicating it was a routine the comedian performed regularly. Both were posted by Fox News on Monday.

Already struggling with the reemergence of multiple blackface skits from his five-year stint as host of the Man Show, Kimmel announced last week that he was "taking this summer off to spend even more time with [his] family" - declining to mention the burgeoning blackface controversy even as his fellow late-night comedian Jimmy Fallon was forced to apologize for a blackface scandal of his own.


Vandals deface Andrew Jackson statue outside White House, Trump promises 'long-term sentences'

Andrew Jackson vandalism Washington DC
© Drew Angerer / Getty ImagesProtesters try to pull down a statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square near the White House on Monday, June 22, 2020.
Protesters defaced a statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square outside the White House on Monday night as they tried to topple it, according to the Interior Department and media reports.

The Jackson statue remained on its pedestal, according to The Associated Press. Videos posted on social media showed that the protesters had climbed on the statue and tied ropes around it, then tried to pull it off its pedestal, the AP said.

When asked about reports of pepper spray being used in Lafayette Park, a National Park Service spokesperson told NBC News: "I am still gathering information, but it is accurate that pepper spray was used to disengage the protesters from the statue and clear the area."

Comment: It sounds like these vandals were attempting to set up a charming new 'autonomous zone' in Washington DC. RT reports more:
Activists were seen erecting makeshift barricades in the streets of Washington, DC on Monday evening, less than two miles away from the White House, with footage showing one protester hauling a piece of plywood labeled with the words "people's fence" in spray paint.

Taking after Seattle's Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) - formerly the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) - the demonstrators have apparently christened the area the 'Black House Autonomous Zone' (BHAZ).

Bizarro Earth

Lockdown returns to German district with Europe's largest meat processing plant closed following coronavirus testing

germany coronavirus
© Alexander KoernerMembers of the technical emergency service secure an area within an apartment complex used by the Toennies meat company to house labourers from eastern Europe during the coronavirus pandemic on June 20, 2020 in Verl near Guetersloh, Germany.
A district in Germany where there has been an acute outbreak of coronavirus cases at a meat-processing plant is being put back into lockdown, the premier of North Rhine-Westfalia said Tuesday.

State premier Armin Laschet said he was putting the district of Guetersloh, home to around 360,000 people, back under lockdown until June 30. The move comes after at least 1,000 workers at a meat processing plant in the area contracted Covid-19.

Bars, museums, galleries, cinemas, sports halls, gyms and swimming pools in Guetersloh will now be closed, and picnics and barbecues prohibited, according to Reuters.

Comment: The US shut down its largest meat packing plants and food shortages followed. It also threw farmers out of business, thus threatening the food supply for the years ahead.

One should question why countries insist on these lockdowns when the data is quite clear, and numerous official health representatives have repeatedly stated, that the coronavirus is harmless for the vast majority, and worse, the lockdowns actually lead to increased death? Everything You Think You Know About Coronavirus...

Red Flag

UK police sergeant under criminal investigation merely for sharing George Floyd meme in private message

george floyd
© Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
A British sergeant for the Devon and Cornwall Police force is under criminal investigation for sharing an 'offensive' meme of George Floyd in a private group message with other officers.

The image of Mr Floyd was reportedly shared by the sergeant on May 30th, five days after Floyd died in an altercation with police in the United States. The meme was flagged by a fellow officer — like the Sergeant facing the allegations, also reported by a local news source to be of white ethnicity — and is now being investigated by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) to determine whether it was motivated by racism.

The content of the meme was or why it was deemed as offensive has not been revealed. The force is responsible for policing in the Devon and Cornwall area, one of England's most rural regions, least densely populated, and least racially diverse. It is a popular holiday destination for wealthy Londoners and residents from the densely-packed south-east region. According to the 2011 census, 95 per cent of full-time residents of Devon and Cornwall are white British, compared to less than 80 per cent in the whole of England.