Society's ChildS

Eye 2

Reading stabbings: Three stabbed to death in park - Authorities say it was lone individual acting out - UPDATES

Forbury Gardens
© Global Look Press / Keystone Press Agency / Peter ManningPolice on site at Forbury Gardens in Reading responding to reports of a stabbing
Counter-terrorism police officers are assisting in an ongoing investigation into multiple fatal stabbings in a park in Reading.

Three people are confirmed to have died and another three are seriously injured following the attack in Forbury Gardens in the town centre on Saturday at around 7pm.

A 25-year-old man, from Reading, was arrested near the scene on suspicion of murder after running away, and is currently in custody.

Thames Valley Police said it has launched a murder investigation and is keeping an open mind as to the motive, and although it is not currently treated as a terrorist-related incident it is being supported by colleagues from Counter-Terrorism Command.

Comment: Authorities have since declared that they are treating the incident as a terrorist attack.

Graphic video has appeared on social media of at least two bloodied people being given CPR. Authorities have urged people not to share such content.

Comment: The suspected attacker, Khairi Saadallah, is a Libyan asylum seeker who was known to security services prior to the attack and deemed to be "low risk."

Update (6/24): The UK's security minister has gone on the defensive after the reports of MI5 being aware of the killer, claiming that 25 terrorist plots have been foiled in the last three years by UK security services. That's after Home Secretary Priti Patel said that the attack was the actions of a "lone individual." Patel went on to warn Parliament of the continued threat of more "lone wolf" attacks in the UK.

Neighbors of the killer have described the killer's behavior as erratic and sometimes violent, with potential mental health issues as well. One neighbor described an incident a year ago where Saadallah smashed and threw his TV off his balcony.


Toronto doctor gets no professional penalty for sex assault on 16-year-old after panel finds he was 'struggling to express' gay identity

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
A Toronto doctor who pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 16-year-old boy was "struggling to express his identity" as a gay man, said a discipline panel in deciding to impose no punishment.

A discipline panel at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario ruled in a rare split decision last month that Dr. Farooq Khan should receive no penalty and not have to pay any costs for his discipline proceedings.

In doing so, the majority of the panel rejected a joint submission from both the college's and Khan's lawyers that said the doctor should receive a 12-month suspension and pay $20,550 in costs.

Comment: See also:


There has been a slew of violent attacks against white people. None have been prosecuted as hate crimes. Why not?

macy's department store
© Noam Galai/Getty Images
A white Macy's employee was brutally assaulted by a black man in the middle of the store a few days ago. Video shows the assailant, Damire Palmer, punching the man in the head as he crawls on the ground begging Palmer to stop. The assailant's brother, who filmed the crime and posted it proudly to social media, claims that the victim used the N-word. Even if true, that wouldn't remotely justify felony assault. But it isn't true. Macy's investigated and confirmed that the attack was "unprovoked." Also, the N-word claim is absurd on its face. A Macy's employee is not going to casually refer to his black customers as racial slurs. If he had that habit, he would have been fired a long time ago.

What actually happened, from the looks of it, is that the Palmer brothers selected a victim based on his race, beat him mercilessly, and then slandered him. They damaged him physically and then tried to ruin his life. If the "hate crime" designation has any meaning, this should fit the bill. Yet, to this point, no hate crime charges have been filed, nor has there been any public discussion about filing them.

Comment: See also:


Protesters are attempting to build a 'Black House Autonomous Zone' near the White House

black house autonomous zone
© Twitter screenshot composite
This is not going to end well for them

Black Lives Matter protesters attempted to erect an autonomous zone near the White House on Monday, according to various witnesses on social media.

One photograph on Twitter showed a sign reading, "Black House Autonomous Zone," with several protesters trying to affix it to chainlink fencing.

Comment: See also:


The rise of online child racism vigilantes is a disturbing, scary and dystopian view of how we now live

george floyd mural selfie
© AFP / Pau BarrenaA woman takes a selfie picture posing next to a street poster depicting George Floyd.
Numerous groups are hunting down, humiliating and ruining the lives of pupils who say a 'wrong' thing, express support for the police, or simply stay silent. And morally illiterate teachers and schools are encouraging it.

I don't like vigilantes at the best of times. But when a 16-year-old organiser of @Smithtown_Racist_Callouts brags about outing peers for making racist comments online, in order to prevent them from going to college, you know that something really scary is going on.

There are now numerous groups of teenagers in the United States who are devoted to the project of exposing and humiliating other children whose remarks they perceive as racist or problematic. Anonymous Instagram accounts devoted to calling out racist comments made by fellow students have appeared in the United States. Within a few hours, one such account launched at San Marcos High School in San Marcos, California, attracted around 900 new followers.

Comment: The penalty for non-conformity among teenagers is getting more severe. These kids likely have no real understanding of the damage they're doing, nor any true understanding of what they're trying to get their peers to conform to. But consequences for those they've deemed 'racist' are very real. The whole thing is chilling to the extreme.

See also:

Eye 1

Oregon county issues face mask order that exempts non-white people

face mask
Lincoln County, Oregon, has exempted non-white people from a new order requiring that face coverings be worn in public — to prevent racial profiling.

Health officials announced last week residents must wear face coverings in public settings where they may come within six feet of another individual who is not from the same household.

But people of color do not have to follow the new rule if they have "heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment" over wearing the masks, officials said.

"No person shall intimidate or harass people who do not comply," health officials said.

Comment: People don't seem too happy about it. Via RT:

The order has prompted an outpouring of criticism and confusion, with netizens baffled that such a blatantly discriminatory policy could pass muster in 2020, some even labeling it outright racist.

The legality of the new order also became a hot topic, as many argued the rule would never stand up in a courtroom.

"Get arrested, someone!!! This is a lay-up civil rights case," one netizen urged, while another asked"How the hell is this legal?"

Some critics saw more sinister forces at work, musing that orders mandating face masks - whose effectiveness are still a matter of dispute among experts - are a "power grab," having more to do with politics than public health. Similar concerns over politicized health advice were raised amid widespread protests inspired by the police killing of George Floyd in late May, in which many public health experts outwardly encouraged demonstrations, despite previously warning that all mass gatherings - including protests over Covid-19 lockdown measures - posed significant risk.

Many of the same experts have also cautioned that black and Latino communities are especially vulnerable to the coronavirus, making Lincoln County's new face mask exemption all the more confounding.



Coronavirus mass surveillance could be here to stay, experts say

scanning drivers
© Lai Li/APA police officer operates a drone carrying a QR code for drivers to register their vehicles online when entering Shenzhen, China.
Extensive surveillance measures introduced around the world during the coronavirus outbreak have widened and become entrenched, digital rights experts have said, three months after the World Health Organization declared a pandemic.

The measures have often been billed as temporary necessities rushed into place to help track infections, but governments have been accused of denting civil rights with the widespread use of techniques such as phone monitoring, contact tracing apps, and physical surveillance such as CCTV with facial recognition.

Top10VPN, a pro-digital privacy website that reviews secure internet connection software, has maintained a database since March of digital and physical surveillance measures implemented to fight the virus.

As of Wednesday, it showed digital tracking was in use in 35 countries, with contact tracing apps in at least 28 countries, half of which use GPS location data. Meanwhile, more than half of the apps do not disclose how long users' data is stored.

Comment: See also:

Eye 1

Epstein case: Documentaries won't touch tales of intel ties

jeffrey esptein

nvestigation Discovery premiered a three-hour special, "Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein?" on May 31, the first segment in a three-part series, that focused on Epstein's August 2019 death in federal custody. The series addresses Epstein's alleged co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell, his links with billionaire Leslie Wexner, founder of the Victoria's Secret clothing line, and others, as well as the non-prosecution deal he was given.

The special followed on the heels of Netflix's release of "Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich," a mini-series that draws on a book of the same name by James Patterson.

Promotional material for "Who Killed Jeffery Epstein?" promises that: "... exclusive interviews and in-depth investigations reveal new clues about his seedy underworld, privileged life and controversial death. The three-hour special looks to answer the questions surrounding the death of this enigmatic figure." Netflix billed its series this way: "Stories from survivors fuel this docuseries examining how convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein used his wealth and power to carry out his abuses."

Neither documentary however deals at all with Epstein's suspected ties to the world of intelligence.

Comment: See also: Long Before Epstein: The Unsavory History of Intelligence Agencies Providing Protection to Child Sex-Trafficking Rings


Experts call for regulation after latest botched art restoration in Spain

© Cedida por Coleccionista/Europa Press 2020Bartolomé Esteban Murillo's original work (left) and two attempts at restoring it.
Conservation experts in Spain have called for a tightening of the laws covering restoration work after a copy of a famous painting by the baroque artist Bartolomé Esteban Murillo became the latest in a long line of artworks to suffer a damaging and disfiguring repair.

A private art collector in Valencia was reportedly charged €1,200 by a furniture restorer to have the picture of the Immaculate Conception cleaned. However, the job did not go as planned and the face of the Virgin Mary was left unrecognisable despite two attempts to restore it to its original state.

The case has inevitably resulted in comparisons with the infamous "Monkey Christ" incident eight years ago, when a devout parishioner's attempt to restore a painting of the scourged Christ on the wall of a church on the outskirts of the north-eastern Spanish town of Borja made headlines around the world.

Red Flag

US soldier charged with 'providing military intel to White Supremacist Jihadi Satanic Cult' for purpose of ambushing his own unit overseas

Comment: Yeah, that's what we thought too...

Occult plot US soldier
Stabbing knife, check. Scary mask, check. Nazi-like insignia, check. Occult manual, check... An actual photo the DoJ says U.S. Army Pvt. Ethan Melzer uploaded somewhere in the expectation his superiors and military intelligence would never notice...
A U.S. soldier assigned to an installation in Europe has been charged with trying to plan a deadly ambush on members of his own unit during an upcoming deployment with the help of an "occult-based neo-Nazi" group known as the "Order of the Nine Angles," according to an indictment unsealed Monday.

Pvt. Ethan P. Melzer, 22, confessed to plotting what he intended to be a mass casualty attack during an interview with U.S. agents on May 30, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.

Melzer was arrested on June 10 by the FBI. During the interview, Melzer called himself a traitor against the United States and admitted that he intended to cause as many deaths among his fellow service members as possible, according to the indictment.

Melzer enlisted as an infantryman through the Army's delayed entry program in December 2018 and started his active duty service in June 2019, said Army spokesman Lt. Col. Emanuel Ortizcruz.

Melzer was stationed in Vicenza, Italy, and was slotted to deploy to Turkey. The staff judge advocate from the 173rd Airborne Brigade, also based in Vicenza, helped investigate Melzer, and a picture included in his now unsealed criminal complaint indicates he was a paratrooper in the same brigade.

Comment: A White Supremacist plot... using jihadi Muzzies?

That makes no sense, on the face of it.

There is indeed (or there was at least) a movement/group called 'Order of Nine Angles', but it's a British group from the 1960s, probably an offshoot of Aleister Crowley's Order of the Golden Dawn, and appears to be defunct today. There's even a rather large Wikipedia entry on it.

The army undoubtedly attracts low-intelligence people, but you're borderline retarded if, in this day and age, you're speaking 'anonymously' to what you've been duped into believing are mysterious 'wizards' and 'world-changers', divulging sensitive military intel to them in the apparent expectation that your communications won't be noticed.

This sounds like a sting operation. Which would mean the Private was set up to believe he was talking to 'Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Islamic Jihadis' plotting the 'overthrow of the system', and 'race war'.

Speaking of which, the media angle on this is, of course, emphasizing 'white supremacist terrorists in our midst'...