Society's ChildS


Virtue signal diva: MSNBC's Joy Reid says she will double mask, shun indoor activities even after getting her second vaccine shot

joy reid
© Twitter / JoyAnnReid
MSNBC host Joy Reid ignited criticism after saying she would not fly and would still wear two masks even after receiving her second Covid-19 shot. Critics say her stance might discourage people who are hesitant to be vaccinated.

"I too am one vax down, but even when I get the second shot, I am too 'scurred' to be out there wildin. No flying and no indoor activities for me. Nope!" Reid tweeted on Sunday.

In a follow-up tweet, the anchor said that her whole family is 'double-masking', and that they are not planning to stop "in the foreseeable future," presumably even after the second shot, which is required to be considered fully immunized.

Reid's take on the topic ruffled some feathers online. Comedian Bridget Phetasy took issue with Reid's message.

"This kind of rhetoric doesn't do much to encourage the people who are vaccine hesitant," Phetasy, a centrist who has previously said she's a life-long Democrat voter, tweeted.


White supremacists plan nationwide rallies today, April 11 - UPDATE: Dud!

© Reuters
White supremacists are planning rallies in cities nationwide this weekend under the banner of "White Lives Matter."

The rallies by the groups, organized on Facebook and the encrypted messenger app Telegram, are scheduled for Sunday at 1 p.m.

Comment: 26 people responded to the above facebook event.

New York City, Fort Worth, Texas and Chicago are just a few of the cities that will see rallies.

Details on the gatherings are slim, though they take place as the nation still grapples with the aftermath of the deadly Jan. 6 riot on Capitol Hill when a group of pro-Trump rioters, including some white supremacists, stormed the complex and sent lawmakers fleeing for safety.

The rallies have already drawn planned counterprotests, including in Albuquerque, N.M.

"Join us at 10am at the Albuquerque Civic Plaza as we rally against white supremacy in all its forms. Please wear your masks, bring creative signs, water, plan on being loud, and bring your friends - we have safety in numbers," reads one page for counterprotesters.

Comment: More free advertising from the Jerusalem Post:
Two white supremacist events will take place in North Carolina, one in Raleigh at Nash Square, and another at the The Zebulon Baird Vance Monument in Asheville. The Police of both cities noted that they are aware of the white supremacist marches.

In Newport Beach, California, KKK flyers promoting the April 11 march have appeared throughout the region, prompting the Huntington Beach Police Department to confirm that they are taking measures to avoid violence. "We hope events such as this will serve as an opportunity for unity rather than a platform to spread hate, bigotry and division," a statement from the police department given to Newsweek said.

"The City of Huntington Beach proudly stands by the values of diversity, equity and inclusion," the statement said. "Toward this end, the men and women of the Huntington Beach Police Department will professionally and impartially perform their duties. I can assure you, we will not tolerate any acts of violence or criminal behavior meant to intimidate others."

Another white supremacist event planned in Ohio has also caught the eye of police. "Troopers will be present to keep people safe and protect property during any protest. And we always have troopers from around the state that are prepared to respond to an incident in the interest of public safety if they should be needed," Ohio Highway Patrol Staff Leut. Craig Cvetan told The Ohio Statehouse News Bureau.
Stay tuned for further updates. Will these be a dud? Will antifa and BLM make an appearance?

UPDATE: No surprise: it was a dud!

Black Magic

Woke UK universities: It's now 'white, male and elite' to spell or use punctuation properly

lecture hall oxford university
© Hufton+Crow / View Pictures / Universal Images Group via Getty ImagesThe Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Barmy British universities insist English spelling, punctuation, and grammar are not important, it's the 'ideas' that matter, as they lower the bar for everyone to avoid discrimination. This strategy is bad news for ALL students.

Can't read? Can't write? Can't spell? Don't worry, that doesn't mean the university degree you imagine you deserve is out of your grasp, thanks to a bunch of woke academic lunkheads determined to drive achievement down to the lowest-of-lowest common denominators to give even the most illiterate mouth-breather a shot at success.

Because, in the name of 'decolonising the curricula' we are being asked to swallow the idea that expecting university students to use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation is demanding too much from the poor little darlings, and it risks discriminating against ethnic minorities and those who went to 'underperforming' schools, according to the geniuses at the University of Hull.



Fears 'real damage' will be caused as data of 1.3 million Clubhouse users leaked online

Clubhouse phone app
A major data breach from a recently popular social media platform, Clubhouse, has been reported. The latest suggested leak may have compromised the personal information of 1.3 million users.

The apparent disclosure was reported by Cyber News this weekend. A Structured Query Language database containing user records such as names in connection with profile names, photo URLs, and numbers of followers, as well as related usernames on other social media accounts, including Instagram and Twitter, was "leaked for free on a popular hacker forum," it said. Clubhouse - a social media app to tune into conversations - has not confirmed the leak so far.

Comment: Clubhouse's reputation for tolerating or even welcoming open conversation on controversial subjects would make it a prime target for a cyber attack. CyberNews offered a checking service to Clubhouse users
To see if any of your online accounts were exposed in previous security breaches, use our personal data leak checker with a library of 15+ billion breached records.


Global tyranny: Police raid and put up fences around Alberta church that defied lockdown orders (Update) Church is now meeting 'underground'

GraceLife Church alberta
© Kim Smith, Twitter
GraceLife Church, the Alberta church which made headlines for defying provincial pandemic-related lockdown orders, is being blocked off by police using roadblocks and fencing to prevent worshippers from reaching the building.

The church first made headlines last month after their pastor, James Coates, was jailed for violating lockdown orders on Mar 5. He was held for weeks before his release on Mar 22, but still faces an upcoming trial.

Sources familiar with the situation say that the premises was raided in the early morning.

Comment: See also: Update 4/12/21:

From Not The Bee:
Well known pastor and author John MacArthur shared this update about the church, confirming that they will continue to exercise religious liberty and stand against the abuses of power in Canada by worshipping together at an undisclosed location:
This morning, GraceLife Church up in Alberta, Canada is meeting somewhere — we don't know where.

James Coates said at this point it's not for the public to know.

It is amazing to think of an underground church in Canada.

This is because the government of Alberta triple-fenced the church in and locked it so people couldn't go there.

I think the latest statistics I've seen are that two-thousand people have died through the months of Covid, eighty percent of them in senior homes. The remaining ones had some kind of co-morbidity out of the millions of people who live in Alberta. So there's no legitimate reason to do what they did to this church, especially at this point.

But they did, and this is a first for the Western world, to have the government lock out believers from church — and that after imprisoning James Coates, who's a graduate of the Master's Seminary, in maximum security prison. They led him away in chains and he was there for about thirty-five days.

Many of you have been praying for GraceLife Church, and the scene is changing. There is massive outcry against the government for doing this.

I'm praying along with you that this will draw attention to that church, to him, and to the Gospel. And it's already beginning to do that.


'Serial predator': 24 women accuse Texans quarterback of sexual assault, misconduct

Deshaun Watson
© Carmen Mandato/Getty Images
In the week since the first woman filed a sexual lawsuit against Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson, 23 additional women have now come forward with accusations and 14 lawsuits have been filed, including an alleged incident that occurred as recently as March 2021.

Watson is accused of harassment, inappropriate touching, and assault including forced oral sex during massages. Many of the accusers that have come forward are massage therapists who have worked with Watson.

Houston lawyer Tony Buzbee, who is representing the alleged victims in the lawsuits, said he planned to submit affidavits and evidence supporting his client's claims to the Houston Police Department on Monday morning.


'Drinktator' Andrew Cuomo extends no-alcohol-without-food rule

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo
© Brendan McDermid/Pool Photo via APNew York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is extending his no-alcohol-without-food rule through May 6.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo isn't letting a nursing-home scandal and multiple allegations of sexual misconduct stop him from showing New Yorkers what arbitrary, power-hungry "leadership" looks like: He's extending his no-alcohol-without-food rule through May 6.

His aides suggest it's a bone to the restaurant industry that his lockdown orders have devastated. But it looks a lot more like pure puritanical abuse of power.

It's only been a month, for instance, that city restaurants have been allowed indoor dining at 50 percent, even as the rest of the state had that for months. He's also dictated early closings for eateries and bars, clearly for fear people might have too much fun.

Comment: Cuomo seems determined to ensure he is the most hated New York Governor in history. Even though he's got it in the bag, everyday he introduces a mandate (or a scandal is uncovered) to ensure people hate him even more. It's really a sight to behold.

See also:


Telling: Half of vaccine rejectors believe it is safe to travel now, compared to 29% of vaccinated adults

masked airport phone waiting
© Getty Images
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now say it is safe for fully vaccinated Americans to travel. But those most willing to travel right now may reject much else that the CDC suggests.

In the latest Economist/YouGov poll, three in 10 Americans who have received at least one vaccinate shot (29%) believe it is safe for them to travel within the United States today. By contrast, half of the one in four Americans who reject the vaccine believe it is safe for them to venture out now.

vaccine rejectors safe travel
© The Economist / YouGov | April 3 - 6, 2021

Comment: While there is little doubt the intention of publishing this poll is to show how many bad citizens there are out there disobeying the rules, it's actually a pretty good measure of how many people in the US are still able to think. When looked at this way, it's actually surprising the results are so high.

See also:


Far left Antifa extremists set fire to Portland ICE building

portland protest ICE building fire
Protest that ends with setting fire to ICE building in Portland
In Portland, Oregon, rioters set fire to a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement building late Saturday night.

"The Portland ICE facility is currently on fire," journalist Grace Morgan tweeted, accompanied by a video showing the front entrance of the building in flames.

Comment: See also:

Shopping Bag

Pints, shopping and haircuts: English shops and pub gardens reopen as lockdown eases

Primark in Birmingham
© REUTERS/Carl RecineCustomers queue to enter as retail store Primark in Birmingham, Britain reopens its doors after a third lockdown imposed in early January due to the ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, April 12, 2021.
People queued up outside retailers across England on Monday to release their pent-up shopping fever and some grabbed a midnight pint or even an early haircut as England's shops, pubs, gyms and hairdressers reopened after three months of lockdown.

After imposing the most onerous restrictions in Britain's peacetime history, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the reopening was a "major step" towards freedom but urged people to behave responsibly as the coronavirus was still a threat.

As the sun rose, people queued up outside Primark in Birmingham, England's second city, and outside JD Sports on Oxford Street in London.

Comment: One has to wonder if this lifting of the lockdown has anything to do with the fact that up to 35% of Brits will go abroad even if it breaches lockdown & despite threats of £5,000 fines. We can't have one third of the populace flagrantly disobeying the rules if we want to continue to be taken seriously, now can we?

See also: