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Mr. Potato

Joe Biden & Kamala Harris named TIME's 'Person of the Year' as a predictable finger in Trump's eye

joe biden kamala harris
© Reuters / Kevin Lamarque
Time magazine has named presumed president-elect Joe Biden and his vice president Kamala Harris as "person of the year," an uninspiring choice celebrated more as a dig at President Donald Trump than real appreciation for the pair.

The selection seemed calculated more to twist the knife in President Trump than anything else - avowedly anti-Trump musician Bruce Springsteen was selected to deliver the news, and the addition of the "Guardians of the Year" category allowed Time to essentially hand out prizes to all of the short-listers except the president.

Corona czar Anthony Fauci, the "movement for racial justice," and frontline health workers all got the 'guardian' nod - leaving Trump the odd one out.

Comment: Not that Time's Person of the Year means anything beyond celebrity gossip, but this is an insipid and uninspired choice. Biden essentially hid in his basement for the entire campaign and Kamala has always been deemed completely unlikable. On the other hand, maybe these two do encapsulate the complete sh*t show that was 2020 rather effectively.

See also:


Supreme Court rejects Texas's push to overturn Biden victory

The Supreme Court in DC.AFP via Getty Images
© AFP via Getty ImagesThe Supreme Court in DC.
The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a widely panned bid by Texas to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's election win, delivering a devastating blow to the long-shot legal campaign waged by President Trump and his allies since his electoral defeat.

The ruling was a repudiation to Trump, as well as the 18 GOP state attorneys general and 126 House Republicans who had backed the lawsuit. The challenge sought to nullify Biden's wins in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania — key battleground states that he won while amassing 306 electoral votes.

In a brief, unsigned order Friday rejecting the petition, the court made clear its view that Texas lacked the legal right to litigate over how other states conduct their elections.
"Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections," the ruling states. "All other pending motions are dismissed as moot."

Comment: The Deep State and mainstream "media" is determined to install their puppet Joe Biden as the next US president so they can gain even more power and control over the whole planet. Trump and his legal team have a lot of obstacles on their way to legally prove the election fraud.
In their article RT says:
The US Supreme Court has rejected the request by Texas to sue four battleground states for improperly administered elections, citing "lack of standing" under the Constitution. Justices Alito and Thomas dissented.

The court announced on Friday evening that the motion by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was denied the leave to file "for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution."

President Trump tweeted earlier in the day before the Supreme Court made their decision.

The corruption in all segments of the political and juridical system in the USA is more than obvious. Despite much evidence of election irregularities, the court ruled in Biden's favor. The New York Post brings us this:
Trump tweeted in response just before midnight on Friday:

Earlier this month, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) announced plans to challenge the tally when Congress convenes on Jan. 6 to count the Electoral College votes and certify the winner.

During an appearance on C-SPAN earlier this week, Brooks — who claimed that "millions" of votes were cast illegally — said he had "no clue" if any senator would join him in the effort, which is all but certain to fail but would have the effect of forcing Republicans to side with or against Trump.
"I can either surrender or fight to protect the integrity of our system. I'm choosing to fight," he said.


The truth about Hunter Biden's laptop

John Paul Mac Isaac is not backing down. He came out today with a new video explaining in detail why he is 100% certain that it was Hunter Biden and his laptop that showed up in John's computer repair shop in April of 2019.

Comment: See also:


Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting

tulsi gabbard
© ReutersTulsi Gabbard listens to a supporter during a campaign event in Lebanon, New Hampshire
In an age where lies are worshipped and cowardice celebrated, Tulsi Gabbard is despised for her bravery and commitment to truth, while Kamala Harris is lauded for...what, exactly?

Tulsi Gabbard, the four-term Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii, is currently being attacked by liberals for introducing The Protect Women's Sports Act, which seeks to protect women's athletics by recognizing that different sexes are born with different physical abilities.

Reasonable and rational people realize that men and women are biologically different. Reasonable and rational people also realize that on average, men are bigger, stronger and faster than women, and that just because someone born a male now subjectively "identifies" as a female, that doesn't alter the objective fact that copious amounts of testosterone were pumping through their body as it developed, thus making their competing against biological girls and women in sport not only unfair, but dangerous.

These should not be controversial statements as they are obviously factually and scientifically true. But objective truth is anathema in our age of subjective insanity. Which is why Tulsi Gabbard's introduction of the Protect Women's Sports Act is a brazen act of bravery.

Comment: See also:

Eye 1

The plan is unfolding for how vaccines will be monitored

operation warp speed
Operation Warp Speed (OWS), a joint operation between U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Defense, continues to be shrouded in secrecy, but little by little information is emerging that long-term monitoring of the U.S. public is part of the plan.

At face value, OWS is a public-private partnership tasked with producing therapeutics and a fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine1 — 300 million doses' worth that are intended to be made available starting in January 2021.2

But it appears the involvement doesn't end there. Rather than just ensuring a vaccine is produced and made available for those who want it, Moncef Slaoui, the chief scientific adviser for Operation Warp Speed, dubbed the coronavirus vaccine czar,3 said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that the rollout will include "incredibly precise ... tracking systems."4,5

Their purpose? "To ensure that patients each get two doses of the same vaccine and to monitor them for adverse health effects."6 In an interview with The New York Times, Slaoui described it as a "very active pharmaco vigilance surveillance system."7

Magic Hat

Austrian lawmaker denounces 'medical tyranny' after cola drink returns positive result for coronavirus

© Facebook / schnedlitz
An Austrian lawmaker tested a glass of cola for coronavirus during a fiery speech accusing the government of medical tyranny and denouncing government health 'dictatorship' - and the soda turned out to be Covid-positive.

Michael Schnedlitz, a member of Austria's National Council and the general secretary of the right-wing Freedom Party, railed against the government's screening program and other coronavirus measures while addressing his colleagues in parliament on Thursday. During his speech, Schnedlitz administered a rapid Covid-19 test on a glass of cola, showing his colleagues after a few minutes that the sugary carbonated beverage had tested positive for the virus.

Comment: The coronavirus pandemic is an illusion based on scientifically meaningless PCR tests:

Black Cat

Busted like Al Capone? Email provided to FBI alleges Hunter Biden hadn't paid taxes on some Burisma payments

hunter joe biden emails laptop burisma
© NY Post Photo compositeHunter and Joe caught red-handed?
Rosemont Seneca colleague suggested Hunter Biden file an amended tax return days before Trump took office in 2017, document alleges.

Four days before Donald Trump assumed the presidency, a business colleague warned Hunter Biden he had not paid taxes on approximately $400,000 that he had been paid by a Ukrainian gas firm in 2014 and that he needed to file an amended tax return, according to an email provided to the FBI.

The email was first located on a laptop Hunter Biden purportedly left behind at a Delaware repair shop and that was subsequently surrendered to the FBI under a grand jury subpoena in 2019, according to two sources directly familiar with what was provided to the government.

Senate investigators have also become aware of the email, and have tried to track down its author to discuss its references to Burisma Holdings and other transactions described in the document as "phantom income."

The email purports to recount a conversation between Hunter Biden and an executive at the Biden-connected firm Rosemont Seneca Advisers in January 2017 that outlined income and tax liabilities for the former vice president's son between 2014 and 2016.

It specifically flagged income Hunter Biden was believed to have received from the Ukrainian gas firm Burisma Holdings starting in 2014, when the younger Biden was added to the company's board while it was facing corruption allegations and while his father Joe Biden took over U.S.-Ukraine policy.

"In 2014 you joined the Burisma Board and we still need to amend your 2014 returns to reflect the unreported Burisma income," Rosemont Seneca executive Eric Schwerin is quoted as writing Hunter Biden in the Jan. 16, 2017 email. "That is approximately $400,000 extra so your income in 2014 was close to $1,247,328."

Comment: Hunter's laptop is the gift that keeps on giving.

Arrow Down

Mainstream media, big tech coverup collapses with Hunter Biden investigation

Obama Biden1 Biden2
© Mitchell Layton/Getty ImagesBarack Obama, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden...'Game On'
The revelation Wednesday that Hunter Biden is under investigation for tax violations relating to his foreign business affairs confirms that the media/Big Tech censorship of stories during the election about his laptop and emails was entirely without merit.

When the New York Post reported on October 14 that Hunter Biden had introduced an official from the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma to then-Vice President Joe Biden — contrary to the latter's denials that he had ever spoken to his family about their businesses — Facebook announced that it would be suppressing the story, and Twitter prevented people from sharing it. Those who dared were suspended; the Post itself was locked out of its account for more than two weeks.

When the Post followed up with reporting that Hunter Biden had launched a joint venture in 2017 with the CEFC China Energy Co., and that he had reserved 10% for the "big guy," the media deliberately ignored the story. Never mind that the intended CEO of the new company, Tony Bobulinski, corroborated the story. Never mind that Breitbart News reported independent emails that showed Hunter Biden's associates bringing Chinese bigwigs to the Obama-Biden White House.

In the final presidential debate, Joe Biden called the story a "Russian plant," citing a letter by 50 former intelligence officials, including some who spread the "Russia collusion" hoax. Biden lied to to America, as Big Tech and the media applauded.

Now, after the election, we are learning that the laptop is central to the case against Hunter Biden. CNN — which spiked the story in October — reported Wednesday that the tax inquiry included questions about a gift from Ye Jianming, CEFC's founder. Fox News reported that the laptop, seized by the FBI last year, was central to the investigation against Hunter Biden.

Instead of investigating the story, Silicon Valley and the mainstream media censored it. Here are some major examples:

Comment: 'Media in lock-step' is a warning to all viewers that something is askew and the public is being played.

See also:

Arrow Down

Pentagon weighs cutting most of its support to CIA's counterterrorism missions

Chris Miller
© Defense .gov/APActing Defense Secretary Chris Miller
In a surprising move, the Pentagon has told the Central Intelligence Agency that it is weighing an end to the majority of the military support it provides to the agency's counterterrorism missions, according to a former senior administration intelligence official.

It is unclear how the decision would impact the spy agency's worldwide counterterrorism missions that often rely on the U.S. military for logistical support and personnel.

Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller sent a letter to CIA Director Gina Haspel outlining the decision, according to the former official, who characterized the action as both surprising and unprecedented.

The CIA's Special Activities Center carries out covert operations and has its own paramilitary force that carries out counterterrorism operations. While they act as an independent force, they often rely on the military for transportation and logistical support. Sometimes that means that military personnel end up being detailed to support the CIA's counterterrorism operations.

Defense One was first to report that the Pentagon was reviewing its support to the CIA. The online defense news outlet cited multiple officials as saying the intent behind the move is to see if Defense Department personnel "detailed" to the CIA should be diverted from counterterrorism missions and toward missions related to competition with Russia and China.

A Defense Department spokesman indicated that the possible shift away from supporting the CIA's counterterrorism missions was in line with the National Defense Strategy that pushes the military's focus away from the regional wars in the Middle East towards near-peer competitors like Russia and China.

Comment: In review of the DOD support to the CIA, some see it as necessary, others as cutting vital funding:
In the final six weeks of President Trump's administration, political appointees at the Pentagon are reviewing the Pentagon's support to the CIA. Critics see a potentially dangerous effort to yank critical Defense Department support to agency efforts in terrorism hotspots across the globe.

The review is the pet project of Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Ezra Cohen-Watnick, one of several top-level political appointees assigned to acting roles in the Pentagon in the wake of Trump's Election Day [assumed] loss. Several of those officials, including Cohen-Watnick, are seen as Trump loyalists.

Some former officials fiercely question the utility of what they see as an effort to curtail the Defense Department's counterterrorism support to the agency.
"I think it's fair for the DOD to say, 'I'd like some of our detailees to be involved in these higher-level missions' — and they are — but it's going to be very few, because there's very few involved in those missions anyway. If they go, 'We don't want to help you with the CT missions' — well, somebody has to do it.

"It's basically going to ask the CIA to carry the burden for two-and-a-half months and pull the rug out from under them at the same time," said the former official. "If they start dying in Afghanistan, this is going to be a big deal."
No decisions have yet been made, and some officials say that view is alarmist.

But rumors surrounding the review have burned through the Pentagon in a moment of profound upheaval in the E-Ring. At least some counterterrorism officials feared at one point — incorrectly — that the authorization for the counterterrorism detail program would not be renewed as normal this month, hinting at the degree of anxiety and uncertainty surrounding the murky initiative.

That three-year authorization has since been signed, but the broader review of Defense Department support to the agency is ongoing.


Schiff refuses to disclose why he withheld details of Swalwell's relationship with a Chinese spy from Intel Committee

Swalwell, Fang,Schiff
© Denver Gazette/Fox News/AP/Andrew Harnik/KJNEric Swalwell • Christina Fang • Adam Schiff
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff did not respond to The Federalist's questions about Intelligence Committee member and California Rep. Eric Swalwell's position on the committee in light of recent news revealing Swalwell's connections with a suspected Chinese spy.

When asked whether Swalwell's position on the House Intelligence Committee would be tainted or compromised by his relationship with Christine Fang, a suspected spy for communist China, Swalwell's office did not reply as of press time. According to a new report by Axios, Fang leveraged her position and connections in California's Bay Area for years to gather intelligence on Democrat politicians and government officials.

Schiff's office also did not respond when asked if he previously knew about Swalwell's involvement with Fang or if he was briefed about Swalwell's relationship with Fang.