Society's ChildS


New doubts about U.S. intel on North Korea and Iran nukes

VIENNA, Austria - New doubts are arising about the accuracy of U.S. intelligence on the nuclear programs in North Korea and Iran, only a few years after faulty warnings about weapons of mass destruction helped President Bush justify the invasion of Iraq.

North Korea agreed earlier this month to dismantle its plutonium-producing nuclear facilities in exchange for economic aid and security assurances from the United States and four other world or regional powers. The pact successfully put aside for now the possibility of military action.

But the Western standoff with Iran remains tense. The Bush administration says it won't rule out an attack if Tehran refuses to end its nuclear enrichment program.

However, in both cases, once-strident U.S. pronouncements about the programs - which raised the tension level with Pyongyang and Tehran along with Saddam Hussein's Iraq - are apparently being replaced by less alarming assessments.


UK MP: Kelly must have been murdered

The Hutton Inquiry's finding that David Kelly committed suicide does not "hold water", and the truth is that the Government scientist must have been murdered, a senior backbench MP said today.

Following a personal investigation lasting eight months, Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker said he did not believe that Prime Minister Tony Blair or the Government were "actually responsible for his death".

But he declined to say who he did believe was to blame, telling GMTV's The Sunday Programme that he had narrowed down his investigation to three or four possible explanations, which he was subjecting to further analysis before announcing his conclusions.


SOTT Focus: A Legal Question

Guards escort a prisoner in the ubiquitous orange suit at Guantanamo Bay.

After six years in power, the Bush gang have been able to put their pathocratic cronies into positions on the Supreme Court, as well into many seats in the Appeals Court system. In so doing, they have been able to subvert even the weak protection of rights for the poor and dispossessed in the United States, as well as being able to successfully create a parallel 'legal' system for individuals the US wishes to make disappear from the world.


SOTT Focus: American Red Cross - Humanitarianly Cheerleading Bush's Next "Terror" Attack


Greater Buffalo (NY) residents are currently being treated to billboard ads like the one above, thanks to the fact that Bush's Department of Homeland Security seems to have decided to outsource its "war on terror" programming to humorously-named 'humanitarian' organisations like the American Red Cross.


SOTT Focus: The Future

The incessant, inane babbling never stops. Today I see a link, but I don't care to read it. It's the same story as yesterday. Everyone is talking about the 'troop increase'. It's all over the news as if it's being honestly debated, but most don't realize the fact of the matter: the number of troops was already increased a month ago. On 'Crapital Hill' they talk as if it is still being debated and nothing has yet happened, but the reality is that the troops are already there, on the ground.

You've been duped again. Shame on you.


SOTT Focus: I Hope: A Dixie Chicks and SOTT Special Presentation

Better Earth

SOTT Focus: The New Pro-Semitism

There is something called "the new anti-Semitism."

Now the old anti-Semite is a frightening, despicable creature, responsible for all manner of hate crimes up to and including the Holocaust. The old anti-Semite is a creature alien to the human race.

I have nothing to do with such creatures.

But recently I heard President Jimmy Carter called an anti-Semite.


SOTT Focus: A New Definition Of Terror

Three news stories, three examples of the mania that has gripped the American mind, three reasons to believe that, at this point, the American people are completely at the mercy of their political leaders' hidden agenda.


SOTT Focus: Of The Chameleon's (or Caterpillar's) Dish


King: 'How fares our cousin Hamlet?'

Hamlet: 'Excellent, i' faith; Of the chameleon's dish: I eat the air, promise-crammed;'
I awoke from a nap with that passage tripping through my mind. What on earth does that mean? I wondered, as I pulled down the Bard from my bookshelf, and thanked the God of Helpful Editors, for sending me one who had noted in the margins:
"chameleon's dish", i.e., the air (which was believed to be the chameleon's food); Hamlet willfully takes "fares" in the sense of "feeds".
Air, huh? So I took a sniff, then a huff, and then a great, big, deep gulp of air. Unlike Hamlet, however, I cannot say that I "fared" very well with my serving of "the chameleon's dish". No, not at all.

Bizarro Earth

SOTT Focus: Pathocracy Begets Idiocracy


I recently rented the movie Idiocracy, having heard from several people that it was hilariously funny and, from a few others, that it would make me weep. As usual, the few were closer to the mark.