Society's ChildS


Huge queues, packed stores & empty shelves after Australian city announces 5-day Covid lockdown over single confirmed case

Shoppers line
© Twitch @Travisty_James via REUTERSShoppers line up outside Coles Supermarket during the COVID-19 pandemic in North Perth, Australia January 31, 2021, in this image obtained from social media.
Australians posted photos and videos of long queues and overflowing stores after the city of Perth announced a five-day coronavirus lockdown on Sunday.

Videos showed mega-lines forming outside several Woolworths supermarkets in a final rush to panic buy supplies after a single confirmed case of Covid-19 from a quarantine hotel security guard prompted the city to announce a new lockdown.

Comment: See also:

Brick Wall

COVID lockdown policies will disproportionately hit black Americans for decades, new study finds

"Follow the science" exclaimed every virtue-signaling talking head as left-leaning authorities/officials clamped down on Americans' rights nationwide... "wear a mask", "shelter at home", "no comingling", "slow the spread", "think of the children", "save grandma" were the cries as the virus refused to pay attention to state and local authories' orders to behave as the "scientist" textbooks claimed.

And, as cases rose, and hospitalizations rose, and deaths rose, so did the tyrannical trouncing of the economy sending unemployment rates to record highs and crushing GDP growth to record lows.

Now, here we sit, hunkered down in many blue states still, unable to discern exactly what 'science' it is that is driving officials' decision.

Comment: See also:


Man sets himself on fire on busy Moscow street in shocking video shared by Russian social media users (GRAPHIC)

man set on fire moscow
Screenshot from 112 Telegram channel video
A man is reportedly in serious condition after dousing himself in petrol and setting himself alight on one of the Russian capital's main shopping streets on Sunday.

A shocked passerby filmed the incident, as police and other pedestrians ran to help extinguish the blaze. A worker who had been clearing the pathway can be seen attempting to shovel snow onto the man in an attempt to put out the flames.

Comment: See also:


Media outlets falsely claim that Jordan Peterson has schizophrenia

peterson sunday times
Mikhaila Peterson told The Post Millennial that "we were misrepresented in a very disturbing way and that's causing serious stress to our family."

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has been recently making his return to the spotlight, following a tragic year of fighting multiple health issues. As a result of his upcoming book, he has been the subject of a number of interviews and some are seemingly more fair than others. TheTimes has released one such interview with Dr. Peterson in which the interviewer falsely claimed he has Schizophrenia. He does not.

Titled "Jordan Peterson on his depression, drug dependency and Russian rehab hell," the Times has gone out of its way to paint an inaccurate picture of Dr. Peterson and his family. Mikhaila Peterson was also interviewed by the Times. She told The Post Millennial that "we were misrepresented in a very disturbing way and that's causing serious stress to our family."

Comment: See also:

Magic Wand

'You really believed this?' Anderson Cooper asks after former QAnon follower apologizes for thinking CNN host 'ate babies'

anderson cooper
© REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton
An alleged former believer in the QAnon conspiracy theory apologized on CNN to host Anderson Cooper for believing that he "ate babies" as part of a Satanic ritual.

In a preview of the interview, Jitarth Jadeja claimed to believe many of the conspiracy theories pushed in the QAnon movement until June 2019, including that Anderson "ate babies."

Asked by Cooper whether he previously thought that "high-level Democrats and celebrities were worshipping Satan" and "drinking the blood of children," Jadeja responded, "Anderson, I thought you did that, and I would like to apologize for that right now."

Comment: It seems likely that, now that the entire QAnon business has been exposed by the simple fact that Donald Trump is no longer in office, a number of their former diehard followers will be disillusioned and looking for answers. One would hope that they don't simply adopt the mainstream narrative as a replacement for their out-there conspiracy theories, but instead learn to be more discerning in searching for the truth.

See also:


Would YOU be considered a domestic terrorist under this new bill?

domestic terrorism
After 9/11, the entire country collectively lost its mind in the throes of fear. During that time, all civil and Constitutional rights were shredded and replaced with the pages of The USA PATRIOT Act.

Almost 20 years later, the U.S. has again lost its collective mind, this time in fear of a "virus" and it's "super mutations" and a "riot" at the capitol. A lot of people called this and to the surprise of very few, much like after 9/11, Americans are watching what remains of their civil liberties be replaced with a new bill.

The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021

The DTPA is essentially the criminalization of speech, expression, and thought. It takes cancel culture a step further and all but outlaws unpopular opinions. This act will empower intelligence, law enforcement, and even military wings of the American ruling class to crack down on individuals adhering to certain belief systems and ideologies.

According to MI Congressman Fred Upton:
"The attack on the U.S. Capitol earlier this month was the latest example of domestic terrorism, but the threat of domestic terrorism remains very real. We cannot turn a blind eye to it," Upton said. "The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act will equip our law enforcement leaders with the tools needed to help keep our homes, families, and communities across the country safe.

Comment: See also:


The largest experiment on humans ever seen

Guinea Pigs
Which is the more reasonable approach a society might take in the outbreak of epidemic:
To quarantine the sick, and take reasonable precautions to stop those who are identified as vulnerable from contracting the illness.

To attempt to "control the virus" by preventing millions of healthy people from having contact with other healthy people.
To any society prior to 2020, it would have been obvious that the first approach is not only logical and proportionate, but the one least likely to have other unintended and highly destructive consequences. However, to my continued astonishment, many in our society not only believe that the answer is the second, but they somehow believe it to be based on established science.

Now I understand that many who support Lockdown will object to my characterisation of their position. They will say that it is deliberately misleading, since it talks about healthy people, and does not mention the sick. Such objections founder, however, on this undeniable fact: Lockdowns are, by their nature, an entirely untargeted and indiscriminate approach to a health issue, and the prohibiting by law of millions of healthy people from having contact with other healthy people is a feature, not a bug of a policy that was untried and untested before it was first implemented by the Chinese Communist Party in January last year, then copied by many Governments around the world thereafter.

Comment: See also:

Stock Down

WSJ: Melvin Capital hedge fund's value HALVED by GameStop investors' rebellion

Gabe Plotkin
© Alex Flynn/Bloomberg NewsMelvin Capital was founded by Gabe Plotkin, a former star portfolio manager for hedge-fund titan Steven A. Cohen.
Melvin Capital Management, the hedge fund that has borne the brunt of losses from the soaring stock prices of heavily shorted stocks recently, lost 53% in January, according to people familiar with the firm.

Melvin was founded by Gabe Plotkin, a former star portfolio manager for hedge-fund titan Steven A. Cohen. It started the year with about $12.5 billion and now runs more than $8 billion. The current figure includes $2.75 billion in emergency funds Citadel LLC, its partners and Mr. Cohen's Point72 Asset Management injected into the hedge fund last Monday.

Comment: Notice that its 'rivals' immediately came to its rescue by bailing it out some; hedge funds apparently operate as a pack when circling target companies.

As part of the deal, they got noncontrolling revenue shares in Melvin for three years. So far, Citadel, its partners and Point72 have lost money on the deal, though the precise scope of the loss was unclear Sunday.

Melvin has massively de-risked its portfolio, a client said. People familiar with the hedge fund said its leverage ratio — the value of its assets compared with its capital from investors — was the lowest it has been since Melvin's 2014 start. They also said the company's position-level liquidity, or its ability to exit securities in its portfolio easily, had increased significantly.

Comment: So their plan is apparently to use the space opened by forcing a 'ceasefire' on Redditt traders to 'go dark' by becoming stealthier short-sellers.


Covid-19: People caught trying to holiday abroad will face €500 fines from Monday

Dublin Airport
© Dara Mac DónaillDepartures area at Dublin Airport during Covid-19 lockdown.
People caught trying to leave the State to go on holiday will face €500 fines from Monday under regulations signed last night.

Work continues on drawing up the legal basis for a raft of other Covid-19 measures announced by the Government earlier this week, such as mandatory quarantining for certain air passengers.

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly last night signed the first of the regulations to implement measures relating to travel decided on by Government on Tuesday.

An increased fine of €500 will apply to people caught travelling to a port or airport to leave the State without a reasonable excuse from Monday, February 1st.

The penalty is increased from the €100 fine that can be imposed for breaches of the 5km travel limit on non-essential domestic travel.

Eye 1

UK police stake out hairdresser for defying lockdown, follows £17,000 fine for staying open

Mother-of-two Sinead Quinn, the owner of Quinn Blakey Hairdressing, Oakenshaw, near Bradford, speaks through the window to a police officer and police community support officer
A rebel hairdresser has been stopped from opening up her salon today as shopkeepers across the country say they will break Covid rules to start trading again.

Mother-of-two Sinead Quinn, the owner of Quinn Blakey Hairdressing, Oakenshaw, near Bradford, returned to her salon shortly before 12pm today and entered the building.

Ms Quinn revealed that she had an injunction made against her that forbid her from opening the salon with a power of arrest attached to it.

Writing on Telegram, she said: 'Hey guys, I've had an injunction against me. I won't be cutting hair today but I'm gonna go open soon and clean and grab a few things. Police and council all over this morning. I'm just having a coffee then going back up!'

Comment: Similar actions are being taken by businesses owners throughout locked down Europe: Over 50,000 Restaurants in Italy Declare "I Am Open" Defying Lockdown Measures