Society's ChildS


'Unknown' group claims responsibility for blast near Israeli Embassy in India, threatens more attacks to come

india embassy
© Sajjad Hussain / AFPPolice officers close off a street after an explosion near the Israeli embassy in New Delhi, India, January 29, 2021.
A previously unknown terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the explosion near the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi. Police are not jumping to conclusions as an investigation is still being carried out, a report says.

A screenshot circulating on social media purportedly shows a group called 'Jaish ul Hind' claiming responsibility on Telegram for the bombing.

"The soldiers of Jaish ul Hind were able to infiltrate a high security area in New Delhi and carry out an IED attack," the message said, promising more attacks in "major Indian cities." The group also accused the Indian state of unspecified "atrocities."


Riot police crack down on anti-Global Security Bill protesters in Paris

paris protest
French citizens are once again protesting a bill that punishes those who release photos and videos identifying police officers, something critics say is a major challenge to press freedom.

As protesters marched near the Place de la Republique in Paris, police also took to the streets in riot gear, and several clashes between demonstrators and officers took place.

Comment: See also:


More Covid insanity: Cats and dogs may need Covid vaccines to curb spread, scientists say

dog wearing mask
© AlamyAnimals, like this dog wearing a mask, may need to have the COVID-19 vaccine, according to scientists.
Cats and dogs may also need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to help stunt the spread of the infectious disease — amid a threat of the "continued evolution of the virus in animals," scientists have warned.

Researchers at the University of East Anglia and the Earlham Institute, both in the UK, and the University of Minnesota warned about the "significant long-term risk to public health" from such transmission in an editorial for Virulence.

"It is not unthinkable that vaccination of some domesticated animal species might ... be necessary to curb the spread of the infection," the experts wrote in the peer-reviewed medical journal, the UK's Independent reported.

While there are no known cases in which a human contracted COVID-19 from a furry family member, Cock van Oosterhout, a professor of evolutionary genetics at UEA in Norwich, said we should prepare "for any eventuality."

Comment: See also: A pandemic of viral insanity


'Exploring white fragility': Longtime school teacher explains how critical race theory is hurting multicultural classrooms

classroom 1
© Andy Lyons/Getty Images
"It's definitely not sensitivity and it's definitely not diversity. There used to be sensitivity and diversity years ago, and this is not that."

Christopher Paslay has spent 24 years working as a Philadelphia teacher, and has a background in multicultural education. He told the Daily Caller that celebrating diversity in the classroom used to include tolerance and understanding, but schools across the country are taking a different approach to educating about different cultures by hiring "anti-racism" trainers, who accuse others of being complicit in racism.

"I think it's gotten to the point where people fear [being accused of not participating in racial justice efforts]," Paslay said. "People still don't know what anti-racism is. They think it's just social justice, but they don't know the other components to it."

Paslay is the author of "Exploring White Fragility: Debating The Effects Of Whiteness Studies On America's Schools."

The trainings have a variety of names. Conservatives refer to them that as "critical "race theory" sessions. Progressives have called the sessions "sensitivity" and "diversity" training. Paslay's book explores research and presents alternative recommendations on approaching diversity and inclusion in the classroom to bringing in guest speakers to conduct "anti-racism" trainings. While school and workplace administrators may invite such experts with admirable intentions of remedying disparities, Paslay claimed such trainings carry the potential of being counterproductive in achieving social justice.

Comment: See also:


US CDC mandates masks for all planes and other transportation, France shuts borders to all travel to and from non-EU countries

woman wearing four face masks, multiple masks
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a sweeping order late Friday that mandates the use of masks on airplanes and other public transportation as the U.S. seeks to contain the spread of COVID-19.

The order, which goes into effect Monday night just before midnight, mandates the use of face coverings at places such as bus terminals, airports, train stations and subway stops as well as in taxis and while using ride-hailing services.

"People must wear masks that cover both the mouth and nose when awaiting, boarding, traveling on, or disembarking public conveyances. People must also wear masks when entering or on the premises of a transportation hub in the United States," the CDC said in its announcement.

The CDC said that masks can be reusable or disposable and can be homemade, but they must meet certain requirements to deter transmission of the coronavirus. Items such as bandanas and face shields worn without an underlying mask do not meet the requirement.

Comment: First, there's no evidence masks work. Second, there's evidence cloth masks don't work. So the fact that bandanas and face shields don't count makes it all the more clear that this has nothing to do with "deterring transmission" of the virus.

The mandate offers few exceptions, including "while eating, drinking, or taking medication, for brief periods."

Comment: France is also crazy:
Speaking in a televised address after meeting with President Emmanuel Macron and senior ministers, Castex said that officials had decided against introducing a new national lockdown in a drastic bid to curb new Covid infections. Instead, tighter border controls are being introduced alongside tougher action against covid rule-breakers.

"We know the grave impact [lockdown has]. Tonight, looking at the data of the past few days, we consider that we can still give ourselves a chance to avoid one," the PM said, while outlining the new measures.

He said that, starting from midnight on Sunday, a ban will be in place on anyone arriving from outside the EU or leaving France for a non-EU country, apart from essential travel. Travelers coming in from EU states will need to show evidence of a negative PCR test.

Meanwhile, working from home must be supported wherever possible by companies in France, Castex added.

More police will be mobilized to ensure adherence to the existing 12-hour overnight curfew, Castex said, warning that "particular firmness" would be shown to anyone not complying, or who was gathering for illegal parties.

"As of this Sunday, non-food shopping centers with a surface area of more than 20,000 square meters, which most favor the mixing of populations, will be closed," he added.

Bizarro Earth

Bill Gates wants to 'cover the sun' to help counter global warming

Bill Gates
© Image credit: Bill Gates vía TwitterAccording to a Forbes post, the billionaire is funding a project that would help dim sunlight.
"You can't cover the sun with a finger", but maybe with science and technology yes. According to Forbes , Bill Gates is funding a project that would dim sunlight in order to "cool" the Earth.

The research called " Stratospheric Controlled Disturbance Experiment " (SCoPEx for its acronym in English) is carried out by scientists from Harvard University and has the purpose of achieving that the sunlight is reflected outside the atmosphere of our planet.

Comment: Changes are happening on all the planets of our solar system, not just the Earth. The honest data show that our planet is in a process of global cooling. We can already feel and see the huge changes in Earth's weather patterns and climate.

It is a natural cycle, but the psychopathic elites want people to believe it's their fault that the earth changes are happening now, and will intensify even more in the near future unless the elites are allowed to "dim the sun".

The elites are gaslighting people. They don't really have the power to change the global climate on the whole planet. They are the masters of deception and manipulation. When the upcoming Ice Age hits our planet hard, people will see the big "Houdini" behind the curtain.


Is the NHS overwhelmed by incoming COVID-19 patients?

NHS ward
A woman was arrested in her home after she posted a video of herself wandering around an apparently empty Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. The video appears to conflict with the impression left by the mainstream media: that hospitals are full with COVID-19 patients and can't cope.

It appears to conflict with the reports of doctors and nurses who are insisting that they are indeed busy and are working overwhelmingly long shifts to keep up with the added stress caused by COVID-19. So what's going on?

The answer appears to be complicated. Here's a summary of the situation according to the data:

Comment: For insight into the manufactured hysteria surrounding the coronavirus, see: The Inanity of RNA Vaccines For COVID-19

Also check out SOTT radio's: NewsReal #34: Covid By Numbers:


Health care worker dies after second dose of COVID vaccine, investigation underway

Tim/Rochelle Zook
© Mindy Schauer/Orange County Register/SCNGTim Zook worked with COVID patients • Rochelle Zook and family photo
Tim Zook's last post on Facebook brimmed with optimism. "Never been so excited to get a shot before," he wrote on Jan. 5, above a photo of the Band-Aid on his arm and his COVID-19 vaccination card. "I am now fully vaccinated after receiving my 2nd Pfizer dose."

Zook, 60, was an X-ray technologist at South Coast Global Medical Center in Santa Ana, California. A couple of hours later, he had an upset stomach and trouble breathing. By 3:30 p.m. it was so bad his colleagues at work walked him to the emergency room. "Should I be worried?" his wife, Rochelle, texted when she got the news. "No, absolutely not," he texted back. "Do you think this is a direct result of the vaccine?" she typed. "No, no," he said. "I'm not sure what. But don't worry."

There were suspicions of COVID and a diagnosis of congestive heart failure. Zook was put on oxygen, then — just four hours later — a BiPAP machine to help push air into the lungs. Multiple tests came back negative for COVID.

Heart - Black

Cuomo callously addresses COVID nursing home report: 'Who cares!'

© Hans Pennick/NY PostHealth Commissioner Howard Zucker • NY Governor Andrew Cuomo
"Who cares [if they] died in the hospital, died in a nursing home? They died."

That's how Gov. Cuomo callously responded Friday to the damning state attorney general's report that revealed his administration downplayed the total number of nursing home residents killed by COVID-19.

During his first remarks on the spiraling controversy, Cuomo said:
"If you look at New York state, we have a lower percentage of deaths in nursing homes than other states. A third of all deaths in this nation are from nursing homes. New York state, we're only about 28 percent — only — but we're below the national average in number of deaths in nursing homes. But who cares — 33 [percent], 29 [percent] — died in the hospital, died in a nursing home? They died."
Cuomo's stunning remarks sparked a furious backlash, with Timothy Dunn tweeting: "My uncle died in a nursing home from COVID two weeks ago. I care @NYGovCuomo," added Dunn, whose website says he's from upstate Malta and runs a consulting company.

Comment: See also:


Poll: 57 percent of voters say Trump impeachment will further divide Americans

Trump impeachment congress Leahy
© Associated PressSen. Patrick Leahy, the president pro tempore of the Senate, who is presiding over the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump swears in members of the Senate for the impeachment trial at the US Capitol on Jan. 26, 2021.
More than half of likely voters say in a new poll that former President Trump being tried in the Senate over his House impeachment would further divide an already politically-torn nation.

The survey, released Monday by Rasmussen Reports, found that by a 3-to-1 margin, voters expect the upcoming Senate trial of the ex-commander-in-chief to leave the country more divided than unified.

Just 19 percent of those polled said the trial would help unify Americans, while 20 percent said there would be no difference.

Reached by telephone or online, 50 percent of likely voters also said that the Senate should not convict the former president of "high crimes and misdemeanors" when it convenes for the trial the week of Feb. 8.

Forty-five percent of those polled, meanwhile, said that Trump should be convicted in the upper house of Congress.
