Early Universe
© ESA and the Planck CollaborationFig. 1 CMB ‘temperature anisotropies’ structures just above and below the ecliptic.
Big Bang advocates act as if their pet theory of the creation of the universe is proven. Do not be deceived by the genius bravado in popular, scientific publications or even the Nobel prize. Cyclic Catastrophism provides an easily understandable explanation of the cosmic microwave background or cmb (small letters are appropriate), which explains the creation of our solar system, not of the universe.

Cmb in a nutshell

The CMB data, collected by two precise satellites, of the microwave radiation imagined to be from 380,000-years after the big bang, over the entire sky, is shown in Figure 1. The tiny splotches across the entire sky were then measured and their diameters and amplitudes were plotted as a 'power spectrum' show n in Figure 2. Assuming a knowledge of physics at that time, the resulting hills and valleys in Fig. 2 (see image below) were then magically interpreted as physical properties of the entire universe - its age, 'shape', composition - even the amounts of (undefined) dark matter at its inception.

The big bang hypothesis predicts that all hydrogen, deuterium and helium in the universe was created within a few minutes after the big bang, but after searching for the last twenty years, astronomers have failed to observe these quantities. It also claims that no hydrogen, deuterium or helium has been created or destroyed since that time (premises refuted in the latest CC papers on Jupiter where 3He is being created and on Venus where deuterium was created 6,000 years BP). In order to explain the cmb microwave radiation being received on Earth from all directions, an impossible sudden inflation of the universe supposedly occurred between 10−36 and 10−33 seconds after the big bang, but this is pure speculation with no physical basis. Another serious problem with the cmb, which hypothetically originated 14 billion years ago, are the three ways it is aligned with our solar system, dubbed "the axis of evil" by non-believers.

As discussed previously, the probabilities that all of the alignments with the solar system could occur is estimated at 0.008% ! Perhaps the most damming attribute of the measured cmb has resulted from the European Planck satellite survey, intended to provide more accurate data than the decade old WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Survey). The Planck survey confirmed all the questionable alignments with the solar system, BUT the power of all the Plank measurements was 2% less than those of WMAP, a fact confirmed only after exhaustive analysis. As a result of this finding, an even more exhaustive study, the final analysis stated on page 11 of which was "This indicates that the two experiments [WMAP and Planck] infer significantly different sets of lcdm parameters." where lcdm is Lambda Cold Dark Matter, is the name for the hypothesis on which the parameters of the early universe are interpreted from the power spectrum. This conclusion is based on the fact that most anisotropies have actually changed angular size, which is impossible since a one-degree anisotropy in the true cmg would be hundreds of light-years in diameter.

Power Spectrum
© AcksblogFig. 2 Angular power spectrum of Plank CMB map.
Cyclic Catastrophism

Based on the myths of a number of cultures, the CC scenario posits that Jupiter and Saturn are solid, highly deuterated methane gas hydrate bodies, with the full abundances of the known solar system elements, formed in cold Large Dark Nebulae (e.g. LDN1689). The power of impacts on Jupiter are exponentially increased by the uniform concentration of deuterium and as a result, produce the terrestrial planets. As explained in a previous post and a detailed paper, proto-Venus was created by such an impact only 6,000 years ago.

This explosion is being reflected back toward the Earth and is the source of the 'cosmic microwave background', simply explaining the isotropy of the radiation. The creation of proto-Venus was the mechanism by which the planets Mars, Mercury and Venus were used to destroy the dinosaurs and resurface the Earth for mankind.

The CC data is in a form easily accessible in your local library, in the Mythology section. It has remained in every public library in the world for centuries because of a deep subconscious belief that it contains the truth about our ancient past. Contrary to popular belief, the CC scenario, gleaned from the myths of a number of cultures, complement the Judeo-Christian Bible, explaining the cosmic events through which the Lord intervened to reform the Earth as a unique place for Adam (mankind). This all took place during Biblical times, since 4000 BC. In biblical times, the planets were worshiped as the deities Baal and Asteroth by the neighboring cultures, but the Lord Jehovah forbid their worship by the Jews because he wanted Israel, his adopted people, to acknowledge his control of the cosmic events. Jehovah used the kinetic energy of proto-Venus and the far deeper knowledge of His physical laws to place the planets so that the Earth and the life-forms on it would be completely changed. All other religions in the world originated in the worship of the planets.

Evolutionist academia has resisted and condemned this belief in every discipline, substituting instead the ideas of Charles Lyell, Charles Darwin and Carl Sagan, which claim the Earth is an insignificant 'blue dot' and Homo Sapiens Sapiens descended from primates 100,000 years BP. Academicians claim knowledge of of millions, even billions of years. Because of its blatant claims, the highly publicized big bang hypothesis is the perfect example for proving the true world view.