Society's ChildS


UK: Police scour lake after man's severed arm is found floating in water

A major police investigation has been launched after the discovery of a man's severed arm in a lake.

Detectives were called to the site in Buckhurst Hill, Essex by a member of the public.

Officers have confirmed that the incident is being treated as suspicious and the lake has been taped off.


Grisly find: A lake in Buckhurst Hill, Essex, has been taped off after a man's arm was discovered by a member of the public
Police have been carrying out detailed searches of the area around the lake while specialist marine divers have been scouring the lakebed for the remainder of the body.

The grisly find was made at 2.50pm yesterday afternoon and the Kent and Essex Serious Crime Directorate are investigating.

Heart - Black

UK: Horror at the School Gates: 14-Year-Old Girl Stabbed "Nine Times in Neck by 18-Year-Old Boyfriend" As She Walked Into School

  • Teachers, pupils and parents sat on the attacker until police arrived
  • Assailant 'did not attend school' where attack occurred
  • Victim's injures are 'serious' but she is stable
© Caters News AgencyStabbed: Chloe West, 14, was attacked outside her school in Stourbridge on Friday morning. She is pictured here taking a riding lesson
A girl of 14 was stabbed nine times in the neck yesterday as she was about to walk through her school gates.

Chloe West was attacked from behind by an 18-year-old man - said to be a former boyfriend - who had driven up a quiet tree-lined street at 60mph to confront her.

A 16-year-old pupil 'rugby tackled' the man to the ground and a teacher and a parent subdued him until police arrived at Ridgewood High School in Stourbridge, West Midlands.

Heart - Black

UK: 'We will never have closure': Family of Crossbow Cannibal victim reveal grief as inquest hears her remains may never be found

The family of Crossbow Cannibal Stephen Griffiths' first victim will never have closure after hearing her body is lost forever.

Prostitute Susan Rushworth, 43, was beaten to death with a hammer in Griffiths' flat before he butchered her body, ate her flesh, and dumped the remains in the River Aire, an inquest heard.

Her tearful family said they will never be at peace because Susans remains cannot be found.

© Reuters (left) PA (right)Never found: Susan Rushworth (left) was beaten and butchered by Crossbow Cannibal Stephen Griffiths


Japan: Tsunami-surviving dog rescued after three weeks at sea

A dog believed to have survived the tsunami and then three weeks at sea was rescued by the Japanese Coast Guard in northern Japan.

Coastguards spotted the dog on the floating roof of a house that had been washed out to sea, about 1.8 kilometers (1.1 miles) from the coast of Kesennuma in northern Japan.

The dog had evaded capture for several hours as it scrambled over the large tract of floating rubble.

Light Sabers

NATO Says Its Forces Repel Attack on Kabul Base

© AP/Mustafa NajafizadaAfghans carrying a man, who got wounded following an attack on UN's office during a demonstration to condemn the burning of a copy of the Muslim holy book
Kabul, Afghanistan - Three insurgents attacked a NATO base on the outskirts of Afghanistan's capital Saturday but were killed by coalition forces before they could enter the compound, NATO and Afghan police said.

The attack came just hours after Afghans angry over the burning of a Quran at a U.S. church stormed a U.N. compound in northern Afghanistan, killing seven foreigners.

NATO told The Associated Press in an email that three of its soldiers were wounded in Saturday's attack against Camp Phoenix, but that their injuries were not serious. The coalition said at least one attacker was possibly wearing a suicide vest. It added that the attack had ended.

Kabul provincial Police chief Gen. Mohammad Ayub Salangi said there were reports of three attackers involved and that two of them died when their vests detonated. He said a third was shot.

The base's gate had scorch marks on it, and an AP reporter at the scene saw some of the remains of at least one body belonging to a man who had blown himself up dangling from the gate.

Police officer Mohammad Shakir told the AP outside the base that two suicide bombers were involved in the attack and were apparently wearing burqas, the all-encompassing turquoise-colored coverings worn by many women in Afghanistan. The body of a third insurgent was just inside the gate, he said. He was shot and killed, Shakir said.

Heart - Black

US: Florida pastor is focus of Muslim outrage - again

Terry Jones
© ReutersDove World Outreach Center church pastor Jones announces the burning of the korans will continue as planned during a news conference in Gainesville

Miami - An American Christian preacher who caused an international uproar last year by threatening to burn the Koran has put himself back in the spotlight after incinerating Islam's holy book -- again with deadly consequences.

Thousands of protesters in northern Afghanistan, enraged over news that the Florida pastor Terry Jones had overseen a torching of the Koran, stormed a United Nations compound on Friday, killing at least seven U.N. staff.


Going Underground? Sales of Spaces in U.S. Doomsday Bunker Soar 1000% After Japan Quake Reawakens Nuclear Fallout Fears

Doomsday Bunker_1
© www.splashnews.comCower in luxury: Vivos's doomsday shelters are to be kitted out with all the modern conveniences American consumers would expect.

Reservations for a doomsday bunker in the U.S. have rocketed since Japan's catastrophic earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown.

The 137,000sq ft bunker - designed to house 950 people for a year and withstand a 50 megaton blast - is currently being built under the grasslands of Nebraska.

Vivos, the California-based company behind it, is taking $5,000 (£3,100) deposits, which will have to be topped up to $25,000 (£15,600) to secure a place.

Doomsday Bunker_2
© www.splashnews.comSocial space: The company is building one bunker under the grasslands of Nebraska with the capacity to house 950 for a year.

2 + 2 = 4

Dr. Michael Robichaux Speaks About Growing Health Concerns In The Wake Of BP Oil Disaster

Last week at the Baton Rouge Press Club Dr. Michael Robicheaux spoke in-depth about the large number of sick people that he has been treating since the BP oil disaster occurred. The sick include workers who worked on the response to the disaster as well as divers, fishermen and coastal residents.

Since the BP disaster began we have been receiving an unsettling number of calls from people dealing with unusual health problems. Dr. Robicheaux is an old friend and ally and we feel extremely grateful that he has enthusiastically stepped forward to help these sick Gulf Coast citizens who have had difficulties finding help elsewhere.

We encourage you to watch the video of Dr. Robicheaux's speech about what seems to be a growing health crisis in our Gulf Coast communities.

Light Saber

UK: It took me 30 years to prove I was raped: How DNA breakthrough caught attacker... but forced victim to relive night that scarred her for ever

Dawn Watson dna rape
© Acquire ImagesJustice: Dawn Watson has been able to rebuild her confidence after her rapist was finally caught - some 30 years after the attack
Dawn Watson was a promising teenage drama student when she was dragged from the street and raped by a stranger on wasteland in Rotherham, South Yorkshire.

The unimaginable terror of the assault was to mark the start of an escalating nightmare.

For almost 30 years, Dawn was forced to live with the knowledge that her attacker had not been caught. She also had to endure the scepticism of police, who were not convinced her story was true.

So, when two officers arrived out of the blue at her door almost three decades later to tell her they knew the identity of her rapist, her surprise and relief very nearly overwhelmed her.

Dawn, who was by then a happily married middle-aged woman, recalls: 'The police said they wanted to talk to me about something that had happened when I was 16. I knew immediately what it was. I said: "Have you got him?"

'They replied: "Not yet. But we know who he is, and with your help we will." I felt as if I had won £10 million on the lottery. Better.

'I burst into tears. For nearly 30 years I'd buried this deep, excruciating pain, and letting out all the grief, the anger and the fear was like an exorcism. The police believed me at last. They had identified the rapist.

Bizarro Earth

Knut the polar bear drowned after suffering brain disorder

© UnknownPlans to exhibit Knut's remains have sparked controversy.
Investigators have determined that Knut the polar bear died of drowning after suffering a brain disorder. Fans are set to protest on Saturday against plans to display his remains in a climate change exhibit.

Two weeks after the death of Knut the polar bear, investigators have determined the cause of the four-year-old's untimely demise.

According to the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW), Knut suffered from a brain inflammation and muscle spasms that caused him to fall from his perch and drown in the enclosure's pool.

Claudia Szentik, pathologist with the IZW, said that the inflammation in Knut's brain was so massive that "he would have died sooner or later."

Although Knut showed no signs of stress, IZW President Heribert Hofer explained that wild animals can bear a large amount of pain without outwardly showing it.