Society's ChildS


7 California Boys Arrested in Attack on Teen

© Google Street ViewBrutal: The attack happened near Cactus Middle School, but Ford didn't know if any of the teens involved were students there
US: Palmdale, California - Seven black teens have been arrested on suspicion that they committed a hate crime when they attacked a 15-year-old Hispanic boy while he was walking home from school in Southern California, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office.

The March 14 beating in Palmdale was captured on video and posted on YouTube, but has since been removed from the site. The seven boys, ages 13 to 16, were arrested Wednesday for investigation of assault and committing a hate crime, Lt. Don Ford said.

The attack happened near Cactus Middle School, but Ford didn't know if any of the teens involved were students there.

The video shows as many as 10 boys surrounding the victim and challenging him to a fight. The suspects then began hitting the teen while others watched.


Australia calls WikiLeaks 'irresponsible,' delays Assange-related cables publication

Julian Assange
© Reuters/Finbarr O'ReillyWikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaks at a news conference in London, February 27, 2012
The Australian government has blamed WikiLeaks for a "reckless, irresponsible and potentially dangerous" disclosures of secret information. It is also delaying the release of diplomatic cables on the matter after the US expressed concern.

Last week Anna Harmer, an official of Australia's Attorney General wrote to a legislator that "debate about the WikiLeaks matter is not about censoring free speech or preventing the media from reporting news," The Sydney Morning Herald reports. She also confirmed the government's focus on WikiLeaks' "reckless" and "unauthorized" disclosure of classified material.

In the meantime, Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has delayed the release of sensitive diplomatic cables related to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks until Assange's extradition from the UK to Sweden has been finalized.

The move came after US authorities expressed concerns over the disclosure of US-Australian cables regarding WikiLeaks. They asked Australia that Washington be consulted on future Freedom of Information releases.


The Zionist Cuckoos in Christianity's Nest

cross/menorah shadow graphic
© n/a
Stuart Littlewood views the ideology of Christian Zionism, which is rampant in the United States and has made some inroads in other "Christian" societies, and argues that, in essence, Christian Zionism is "a gross corruption of the biblical message".
"The question is, are we seriously to believe that an all-powerful supernatural being has chosen and elevated one group of humans to a position of supremacy above all others, and has approved the use of any mean, including murder, brutal eviction and even war, to achieve their selfish goal, and now mobilizes millions of lesser mortals from around the globe, like those who regard themselves as upstanding Christians, to serve as tools and sing the praises of this "Grand Design"?" (Stuart Littlewood)
If you are as puzzled as I am as to how a true Christian could possibly be taken in by Zionism, a short paper on the phenomenon is available from the Irish-Palestinian alliance, Sadaka.

Sadaka sums up the Christian Zionist position quite neatly. It says that, according to Christian Zionists,
The destiny of the Jewish people is to return to the land of Israel and reclaim their inheritance promised to Abraham and his descendants forever. This inheritance extends from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates. Within their land, Jerusalem is recognized to be their exclusive, undivided and eternal capital, and therefore it cannot be shared or divided.

At the heart of Jerusalem will be the rebuilt Jewish temple, to which all the nations will come to worship God. Just prior to the return of Jesus, there will be seven years of calamities and war known as the tribulation, which will culminate in a great battle called Armageddon, during which the godless forces opposed to both God and Israel will be defeated.

Jesus will then return as the Jewish Messiah and king to reign in Jerusalem for a thousand years, and the Jewish people will enjoy a privileged status and role in the world.

Black Cat

Excavation of 'Speed Freak Killers Bone Yard' Reveals More Victims

French Camp, California - Authorities today said they have tentatively identified remains of two long-missing Stockton teens, weeks after excavating a bone-filled well left by a murderous duo dubbed the "The Speed Freak Killers."

San Joaquin County Sheriff Steve Moore said preliminary evidence confirms the victims include 16-year-old JoAnn Hobson, who disappeared in 1985, and 19-year-old Kimberly Billy, who went missing a year earlier. Both girls were from east Stockton.

Their deaths add to the gruesome legacy in a expanding murder saga of two drug-abusing companions, Wesley Shermantine and Loren Herzog.

Led by Shermatine's claims to a Sacramento bounty hunter and a Stockton newspaper reporter of a "bone yard" teeming with victims, authorities began excavating the abandoned well near Linden in San Joaquin County.

Using a backhoe to carve open a 45-foot pit, they recovered more than 1,000 bones and fragments, plus jewelry, shoes, coats and a purse.

Moore said today that those remains are likely from just three people. The third victim is yet to be identified, he said.

Shermantine, sentenced to San Quentin's Death Row in 2001, claimed there were as many as 30 victims of the Speed Freak Killers - though he blamed all of the crimes on Herzog.


US Cuts Food Aid to North Korea Over Rocket Launch

The US has suspended food aid to North Korea after the country refused to cancel a scheduled rocket launch.

Washington says this breaks the deal in which North Korea agreed to suspend its uranium enrichment program and nuclear missile tests in exchange for humanitarian support.

Pyongyang says the launch is merely intended to send a satellite into space.

Rumors were confirmed recently of cannibalism in North Korea because of the serious nature of the starvation going on there, James Corbett, editor of The Corbett Report told RT.

The people there are very much dependent on food aid provided by US, he believes.

Heart - Black

Trayvon Martin, Jackie Robinson and the Sad History of Sanford, Florida

© WikipediaSanford, Florida
Sanford, Florida is a city that will now be known for all times as the place where Trayvon Martin was killed for the crime of Living While Black. It's in addition the place whose institutions - the police department, the local press, and even the city morgue - treated Trayvon and his body in ways that should disturb anyone with a shred of conscience.

The city of Sanford also has a past that speaks to the racism many believe to be at the heart of why Trayvon was killed and why the man who pulled the trigger was not arrested. I'm not arguing that Sanford, Florida, is somehow more or less twisted than anywhere else. Last month, unarmed, 18-year-old Ramarley Graham was killed in his bathroom by police in New York City. Last week Dane Scott Jr. in Del City, Oklahoma, was killed by police after a "scuffle." The state medical examiner's office, however, declared Scott's death a homicide. The murder of Trayvon Martin is a "local issue" only if we understand "local" to mean local communities across the country.


Shelter Eliminates Gas Chamber For Dogs and Cats

© Unknown
Animal euthanasia by carbon monoxide creates a lot of controversy, but recent changes at a local animal shelter hope to calm the debate there.

As of Feb. 1, the Craven Pamlico Animal Services Center in New Bern eliminated euthanasia by carbon monoxide for dogs and cats. Over the past several years, dogs and cats without proof of ownership stayed at Animal Services for a period of time until they are adopted or put to sleep in a gas chamber at the facility.

Now, euthanasia by injection will be used there, a process the Animal Shelter has been moving toward for quite some time, not only to save money but also change to a procedure that many people see as more humane.


Child abuse images hidden in web stores, says IWF report

© Unknown
Paedophiles are hiding images of child sex abuse on websites that look like ordinary web shops, reveals a report.

The tactic is being used more and more often, said the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) in its annual report.

Outwardly the sites look legitimate, but abusers can reach the images via a route that takes them to a specific section of the site, said the IWF.

Overall in 2011, the IWF said, the number of sites selling child abuse images seemed to have declined.

Hidden source

IWF chief executive Susie Hargreaves said the tactic of concealing images on otherwise legitimate looking sites posed "challenges" for those who police such material.


Mystery Surrounds Bizarre Death of Popular Vermont Teacher

Melissa Jenkins
© unknownMelissa Jenkins
US: St. Johnsbury, Vermont - A man charged with the bizarre killing of a popular prep school teacher lived a hardscrabble though seemingly harmless life with his family, but little was known about the woman he married last year, shocked residents of northeastern Vermont said Thursday.

The body of Melissa Jenkins, a 33-year-old science teacher at St. Johnsbury Academy, was found Monday in the Connecticut River. Authorities say Allen and Patricia Prue lured her from her home with a ruse about a broken-down car and killed her. Jenkins' 2-year-old son had been found Sunday in her idling SUV.

The couple had been riding around Sunday when Allen Prue got the idea "to get a girl," a police affidavit said. They have not elaborated, and the trickle of information has the close-knit residents of northeastern Vermont talking and wondering about the motive.

Neighbor Jessica Fontecha said Allen Prue, 30, used to shovel snow and mow the lawn for her elderly parents without being asked. She called him when her lawn mower broke and he fixed it. Last winter, he drove her to her home in a snowstorm when she couldn't get up the slippery road.

"It's easy to say 'these horrible people,' but they weren't horrible people," Fontecha said.

But once Allen married Patricia last year, Fontecha said, "we didn't see much of him."

Patricia Prue's ex-husband said that Prue, whom he met online, had requested a restraining order on him but that they hadn't talked in a couple of years.


Nicolas Sarkozy Voters Have Less Sex Than Rivals

© Michael Kappeler , AFP/Getty ImagesFrench President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni- Sarkozy wait at Baden-Baden City hall on April 3, 2009 for heads of delegations to arrive during a NATO summit. French voters choosing Sarkozy in the current election have less sex than their left-wing rivals, says a poll published on March 30, 2012.
Paris - French voters planning to back centre-right incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy in next month's election have sex less often than their left-wing rivals, according to a poll published Friday.

The survey, conducted by the respected polling institute Ifop on behalf of the pornographic magazine Hot Video, measured the intensity and variety of the sex lives of various voting blocs using several criteria.

According to the results, voters for Sarkozy's UMP make love on average 6.7 times a month, slightly less often than supporters of his main challenger, the Socialist Party's Francois Hollande, on 7.6.

Followers of Marine Le Pen's far-right anti-immigrant National Front top the frequency league, having sex eight times a month, while those of centrist Francois Bayrou manage only 5.9 trysts in the same period.